The mission of Lorenzo Walker Technical College is to provide rigorous and relevant educational experiences that prepare all students with the academic, technical and employability skills necessary to succeed in their chosen careers and in further postsecondary education as desired.
Beacon Patient Advocates LLC helps clients and their family members / caregivers tackle the challenges of navigating todays complex healthcare system by empowering our clients to become educated and confident health care consumers. We offer professional compassionate guidance to navigate complex systems.Our assistance helps you acquire the resources and facts to make informed decisions for themselves that reflect your personal values.
Finding assisted living or other types of senior care can be overwhelming and a time-consuming task. Elderwerks~ free assisted living consultant services can help you find any type of senior housing or care solutions for your loved one.For your complimentary, individual consultation, or for help touring an assisted living community, call an Elderwerks Consultant today at 203-202-2052.
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