Lupus Foundation of America

, 00000

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Bonita Springs Tropical Fruit Club

Gardens 27701 Bonita Grande Drive, Lee, Bonita Springs, Florida, 34135

The Bonita Springs Tropical Fruit Club, Inc., is an educational not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to inform, educate and advise members and the public in the selection of tropical and subtropical fruiting plants and trees, to encourage their cultivation, and to provide a social forum where members can freely exchange plant material and information.The club cooperates with many organizations, and provides a basis for producing new cultivars. We function in any legal manner to further the above stated aims.Regular membership meetings are usually held on the 2nd and the 4th Saturday of the month at 4:30 PMMeetings are held at theBonita Springs Fire Rescue,27701 Bonita Grande DrBonita Springs, FLThe Fire Rescue is just off Bonita Beach Rd. a very short drive off I75 exit, go east make a left on Bonita Grande Dr, we are on the right 600 ft up the street.Meeting Information : Please check the club calendar for events for all meetings.

Tourette Syndrome Association Of NJ

Senior Organizations & Services , New Jersey, 00000

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