Mount Olive Public Library

, New Jersey, 00000


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United Way Of Carlisle

Energy Resources & Weatherization , Cumberland, Pennsylvania, 00000

National Association For Continence

Senior Organizations & Services , Illinois, 00000

In This Together Homes, LLC

Housing Resources 1201 Business Way, #126, Lee, Lehigh Acres, Florida, 33936

Welcome to In This Together Homes!~ A safe and supportive home for all ~Our Mission & VisionWelcome to In This Together Homes, where we believe that everyone deserves a place to call home. Founded on the principles of compassion, dignity, and social responsibility, we are dedicated to providing housing solutions for people in need in our local community. We envision a community where every person, regardless of their background or circumstances, has access to safe, affordable, and stable housing. Our mission is to contribute to the well-being and empowerment of people who need a helping hand by offering them a foundation upon which they can rebuild their lives.Our Care & CommitmentAt In This Together Homes, we offer a range of services to meet the unique needs of each of our residents. From providing a safe, affordable, and stable home to partnering with local for-profit and non-profit organizations to offer auxiliary services, we strive to provide a comprehensive and holistic approach to care and community.Affordability: We strive to offer affordable housing options to ensure that individuals and families have a secure and stable place to live without compromising on quality.Dignity and Respect: Every person we serve is treated with dignity and respect. We recognize the inherent worth of each individual and aim to create an inclusive and welcoming environment.Community Collaboration: We actively engage with the local community, partnering with organizations, businesses, and volunteers to create a network of support for those in need.Our TeamOur team of compassionate and skilled professionals is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care to our residents. We are more than just a housing provider; we are a team of passionate individuals committed to making a positive impact on our residents and our community.

National Eye Care Project

Support Groups & Services , Colorado, 00000

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