Seni brand is a premium line of incontinence products that falls under the TZMO group umbrella. Since 1951, TZMO has been a leading European manufacturer and supplier of sanitary articles, cosmetics and medical devices to the world market. With our experience and modern production technologies we deliver the products of the highest quality. Seni is new to the Florida market and our briefs and underwear are 100% breathable so skin breakdowns are minimized
In 1925, Easton, Connecticut resident Helen Keller challenged the members of Lions International by asking, Will you not constitute yourselves Knights of the Blind in this crusade against darkness?...Let no little deaf-blind child go untaught, no blind man or woman go unaided.The Lions Clubs of Connecticut are meeting that challenge in many ways including the operation of Low Vision Centers in Bridgeport, Danbury, Derby, Greenwich, Naugatuck, New Haven, North Haven and Waterbury. Clients seen at the Lions Low Vision Center must be under the care of an eye professional and must have been seen by them within the last month
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