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The Board of Community Guardians was created to fulfill duties of a guardian for Canyon County adult residents that are unable to care for themselves and cannot provide for their basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing, health care and safety. The role of the Board of Community Guardians is to ensure these vulnerable adults are cared for and are protected from exploitation, abuse and neglect.The Board of Community Guardians is established by the Canyon County Commissioners and serves as an extension of county government. The Board consists of not fewer than seven, or more than eleven, members plus a Legal Liaison and County Coordinator. The members of the Board are volunteer positions and represent a variety of community interests and professions. A guardian visits a designated Ward on a regular basis, ensuring each Ward is receiving the care and benefits to meet their needs.The Canyon County Board of Community Guardians is currentlylooking for compassionate and reliable individuals to serve as volunteerguardians for adults who are no longer able to care for themselves. A guardian helps to make decisions on behalfof and visits their clients that are in nursing homes or assisted carefacilities in Canyon County. Guardians also ensure these vulnerable adults arecared for and protected from exploitation, abuse, and neglect. For more information about becoming a volunteerguardian or Board member, please call (208) 455-5969.
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