Regal Belltower

13499 Bell Tower Drive, Fort Myers, Florida, 33907

Dining & Entertainment
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About Regal Belltower

Theater complex with multiple screens featuring new release films, plush seating & concession stand.

Additional Services Offered

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Disability HUB Minnesota

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Highmark Blue Neighbors Program

Telephone Reassurance

Blue Neighbors is a volunteer program offered by Highmark that focuses on creating memorable experiences and improving community health. The program provides several key services:Social connections through in-person, telephone, and virtual opportunities.Engagement activities to build sustainable friendships.Education and resources to empower people.Individuals can request a volunteer through the program to be connected with trained neighborhood volunteers. However, it~s important to note that Blue Neighbors does not offer transportation to doctor visits due to limited volunteer availability.In addition to these services, Blue Neighbors hosts monthly virtual events open to anyone eligible for Medicare. These events include interactive games like Family Feud with prizes, which are held on specific dates and times.For those interested in participating or learning more about the program, Blue Neighbors provides customer support Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and offers an email option for inquiries outside of these hours.

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