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The Garden Club of Cape Coral was established in 1997 and currently has more than 100 members. We are proud members of the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. and National Garden Clubs, Inc. We meet the second Tuesday of the month, September through May, at the Epiphany Episcopal Church located at 2507 Del Prado Boulevard S., Cape Coral. Our meetings start at 5:45 PM. Several times in our meeting season we undertake trips to places of interest in the area.We organize our own biennial flower show and in off years, take part in the Fort Myers-Lee County Garden Council Flower Show. We are active in the community, caring for the Butterfly Garden at the SW Cape Coral Library, the Rose Garden at the Cape Coral Museum of History, and the Butterfly Garden at Sands Park.We contribute to the community through our Marty Ward Merit Awards program, giving scholarship money to local high school students who are considering careers in the horticultural or environmental fields. We also donate to the several schools in the town who have school gardens. Some of our members also mentor the students who work those gardens. We also make an annual donation in memory of our members who have passed on to the Tom Allen Butterfly House at Rotary Park. We make dontions to the FFGC Cape Wekiva and to S.E.E.K.
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