God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December.This quote by JM Barrie provides a vivid example of the power of memory. Memory helps us recall wonderful events like hitting that home run in the 9th grade and the birth of a daughter. In addition to memories for major life events, much of our day relies on memory for less momentous information: remembering to pick up a prescription, remembering to pay the phone bill, telling that funny story about your trip to Florida. Through most of our lives, we can recall, with ease, information that helps us to be nostalgic with friends and complete our daily activities. As we age though, it seems remembering information can be challenging and often we are not confident in the information we recall. Everyday slip-ups, like occasionally forgetting to pick up a prescription, every once in a while forgetting the phone bill are common and, on their own, likely not indicative of a memory disorder. Other difficulties may be suggestive of something more serious. For example, becoming lost in familiar places or difficulty recognizing people you know well. Sometimes these kinds of memory problems are related to a medical condition or a progressive illness such as Alzheimer's disease. If you have concerns about your memory, it is important to tell your doctor. If someone you know is having memory problems, encourage them to talk with their doctor. Your healthcare provider may do a brief screening or may refer you to someone who has specialized training in memory testing. For those with significant memory problems, early detection can help to ensure an accurate diagnosis, provide a link to useful resources and information, and help to plan for the future. It is most important to remember to take care of yourself.This article was written by Laura Grande Ph.D., ABPP-CN. Dr. Grande is theDirector, Clinical Neuropsychology at the VA Boston Healthcare SystemIf you have served in the military, enroll in VA HEALTHCARE. You can stillhave a medical team in the community and come to the VA to see a primary care team once a year.There are many benefits you are eligible for that you arent taking advantage of.For more information call David HenckeDirectors Office, VA Boston Healthcare SystemVeterans Outreach CoordinatorO: 857-364-5934; C: 617-275-6101