NFCC Certified Housing Specialists provide seniors with information on Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (HECM) otherwise known as reverse mortgages. Information is presented in one-on-one reverse mortgage counseling sessions so that clients receive the information they need to make an informed decision while also avoiding predatory lending practices.
About Optum Kansas CityOptum Kansas City offers comprehensive health care options for adults through an expansive network of more than 109 providers, hospitals, urgent care centers, and specialists, trained in both treatment and prevention. Optum serves more than 43,000 members in the Kansas City area, and is dedicated to promoting healthy living strategies for the entire community. Additionally, Optum Community Centers are a great resource for people ages 55+ to stay connected, informed, and fit, and in-home visits are making preventive care and wellness services more convenient for members than ever before. For more information, visit:
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