Volunteer Thornton Snowbusters Program

, Colorado, 00000

Snow Removal

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Madison/Florham Park Meals On Wheels

Food Resources , Morris, New Jersey, 00000

Center For Disease Control

Consumer Affairs

LifeCycle Transitions

Downsizing and Relocation , Connecticut, 00000

It takes care, dedication, and passion for helping someone through a transition. It can be a very tough time for individuals and families alike. Thats why LifeCycle Transitions stands out: our goal is to provide compassionate, thorough service to make your life easier. We hire people who align with our vision and are eager to help others.Our staff is committed to bringing people full, comprehensive transition planning services so they can move on to the next stage of their lives with ease. As anyone who has gone through change can attest, the process involves many individuals and services. From cleaning to repair work, LifeCycle Transitions team has the skill and experience to make it happen.

Elder Options

Senior Organizations & Services , Florida, 00000

The Mid-Florida Area Agency on Aging, Inc. (d/b/a Elder Options) was established in 1977 as a private, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. Elder Options is the state-designated area agency on aging (AAA), Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC), and 1-800 Elder Helpline (1-800-963-5337) who administers state and federal grant-funded programs in addition to providing direct services that benefit elders, people with disabilities, and their informal caregivers. Elder Options mission is to ensure that communities have a trusted and unbiased place to turn for information, resources and assistance. We advocate for and cooperatively work with communities to strengthen support systems and create new and innovative service options that focus on personal choice and independence.

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