Well Spouse Association

, Idaho, 00000

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ExactCare Pharmacy

Pharmacies , Cook, Chicago , Illinois, 00000

The Village At Mission Rehab

Skilled Nursing 7105 Mission Rd, Johnson, Prairie Village, Kansas, 66208

Idaho Talking Book Service

325 West State Street, Ada, Boise, Idaho, 83702

Idaho Talking Book Service (TBS)The Idaho Talking Book Service (TBS) is a free, convenient audiobook library service for any Idahoan who is blind, has low vision, or is unable to read standard print due to a visual impairment or physical disability. There are more than 100,000 fiction and nonfiction titles available, along with about 70 magazines. Once signed up, a TBS patron can receive the titles on cartridges that easily fit in the provided TBS player and/or through a download option. The TBS audiobook cartridges are mailed to and from the patron~s residence via the United State Postal Service at no cost. Returning the cartridges is easy -- just turn the mailing card over and put the cartridge in outgoing mail. The service can be customized to meet the patron~s needs, including the authors, genres, number of books, etc. For more, visit https://idahotalkingbooks.org/.

Task Force On Domestic Violence – York County

Elder Abuse Prevention , York, York, Pennsylvania, 17405

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