Wilmerding Community Center

1 Memorial Field, Wilmerding, Pennsylvania, 15148

Community Centers with Senior Activities

About Wilmerding Community Center

The WCC is a Human Services non-profit organization established for the purpose of providing recreational programs and physical outlets for youth, families, adults, and senior citizens.WCC will consist of a comprehensive exercise facility with a full gymnasium and an indoor swimming/therapeutic pool.Our Social Service and Health Programs will include but will not be limited to:*Learn to swim programs for youth and adults.*Water exercise programs*Water aerobics/therapy*Recreational/fitness swimming*Youth development sports in the gym*Team sporting and gaming events*Aerobics classes*Weight room conditioning and training*Spinning classes

Additional Services Offered

Wilmerding Community Center

Fitness & Wellness 1 Memorial Field, Wilmerding, Pennsylvania, 15148

The WCC is a Human Services non-profit organization established for the purpose of providing recreational programs and physical outlets for youth, families, adults, and senior citizens.WCC will consist of a comprehensive exercise facility with a full gymnasium and an indoor swimming/therapeutic pool.Our Social Service and Health Programs will include but will not be limited to:*Learn to swim programs for youth and adults.*Water exercise programs*Water aerobics/therapy*Recreational/fitness swimming*Youth development sports in the gym*Team sporting and gaming events*Aerobics classes*Weight room conditioning and training*Spinning classes

Wilmerding Community Center

Aquatic Classes & Therapy 1 Memorial Field, Wilmerding, Pennsylvania, 15148

The WCC is a Human Services non-profit organization established for the purpose of providing recreational programs and physical outlets for youth, families, adults, and senior citizens.WCC will consist of a comprehensive exercise facility with a full gymnasium and an indoor swimming/therapeutic pool.Our Social Service and Health Programs will include but will not be limited to:*Learn to swim programs for youth and adults.*Water exercise programs*Water aerobics/therapy*Recreational/fitness swimming*Youth development sports in the gym*Team sporting and gaming events*Aerobics classes*Weight room conditioning and training*Spinning classes

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