Change Your Habits to Prevent Falls


Medical Guardian

For more information about the author, click to view their website: Medical Guardian

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Jan 09, 2025



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The start of 2023 presents a fresh new opportunity to make changes to your habits. This is why setting a New Year’s resolution can be so powerful. Maybe you’ve been resolving to exercise more regularly or to get to the eye doctor for a new prescription. Both of these steps—and many others—can go a long way in helping you prevent falls inside and outside the home. 

At Medical Guardian, our passion is fall prevention. But we also understand that changing any habit, including those that make you vulnerable to falling, can be hard. Here’s what you need to know about how to build a new habit, how to make simple changes in your life for the better, and how to prevent falls. 

How Do You Build a New Habit? 

When you’re resolving to build a new habit, it can be challenging to follow through. However, a habit does not become a habit without dedicated focus. Behavioral scientists have pinpointed these five key steps to building a new habit:

1. Set your goal, and make it specific. For example, “I’m going to exercise on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.” 

2. Find ways to remind yourself of your goal. For example, write out your intended exercise days on the calendar. 

3. Make it fun and rewarding. For example, let yourself watch an entertaining show while riding the exercise bike. 

4. Build flexibility into your plan. For example, give yourself the option of a morning or afternoon workout. 

5. Harness the power of social support. For example, tell your friends about your plan to exercise three days a week so they can help encourage you and motivate you to stick with your goal. 

By deliberately following these above steps, you can be well on your way to establishing a new habit that will stick over the long run. 

How Simple Changes Can Improve Your Life 

Just like building new habits, making changes in your life can be difficult. However, it helps to remind yourself that even the biggest changes start with just one small first step. With fall prevention, simple changes can help you avoid falling, and they can also help improve your overall quality of life. For example, simply by exercising a little bit more every week, you can improve your balance and coordination, which can help you prevent falls. Having more balance and coordination can also increase your confidence and independence, which can improve your daily experience of navigating the world and your overall quality of life. 

How Do You Prevent Falls? 

Experiencing a fall is not an inevitable event as you age. However, you can take steps to help avoid falling. If despite your best efforts, you do fall, you can have the best possible fall detection and action plan already in place. 

Preventing falls starts with an audit of your habits: 

  • Do you wear baggy clothing or pants that are too long? Ditching this habit, and updating your wardrobe, can help prevent ill-fitting clothes from getting in your way. 
  • Do you routinely wear socks around the house? Make a habit of using slippers with grippy bottoms instead or even a dedicated pair of “inside shoes.” This is especially important if you have hardwood or laminate flooring, which can be slippery when wearing just socks.[2] 
  • When was the last time you had your eyes checked? Making sure you have an appropriate prescription for glasses or contacts can help you stay safe and avoid falls. 
  • How often do you exercise? Prioritize 30 minutes of daily exercise so that you can stay flexible and mobile and reduce your chances of losing your balance. 
  • Do you intentionally transfer from one task to another? Being mindful as you get in and out of cars, approach sidewalk curbs, and go through entryways can help keep you safe. Make sure to keep one hand free during these transitions, move slowly, and focus on the transition at hand instead of attempting to multitask.[3] 

After auditing your habits, assess your environment as well. Remove clutter from the most traversed areas of your home. Ensure that rugs are secured, lightbulbs are changed routinely, and you have sturdy handles to grip in areas where you may need them. 

Anticipating a Future Fall 

Sometimes, even with the best habits and prevention, you may fall. But there is a “golden hour” after a fall. This means that the sooner you can get help after a fall, especially within the first hour, the more likely you are to survive the fall and be able to return to your independent living. Having a Medical Alert device from Medical Guardian on hand is an important part of a fall prevention plan. These devices can serve as an added layer of security so that you can get help if and when you need it. Some of our devices, such as the lightweight Mini Guardian, even have fall detection technology, which can send a medical alert on your behalf if you cannot do it yourself. 

At Medical Guardian, we understand the importance of fall prevention. Making simple changes to your daily habits can greatly impact your overall quality of life. Our top-rated medical alert systems provide several benefits to keep you well. To learn more, contact us today. 


[1] How to build a habit in 5 steps, according to science. CNN Health. Nov 29, 2021.

[2] Guide to Fall Prevention. Medical Guardian.

[3] Change your habits to prevent falls. Ohio Department of Aging.


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The Differences Between Medical Alert Systems and Apple Watch Series 4

In September 2018, Apple announced its newest updates and features to the Apple Watch Series 4, drawing nationwide attention from every demographic, including seniors. In an attempt to cater more of its services towards the older demographic, Apple implemented fall detection capabilities.Medical Guardian breaks down Apples fall detection technology and Emergency/SOS feature, sharing the differences to Medical Guardians medical alert service and Apples emergency features.Designed for the Older AdultAll of Medical Guardians medical alert systemsin-home, mobile, and wearableare designed specifically for an older adult (aged 65+) or younger adults who have a medical condition that may require immediate medical attention. On the other hand, the Apple Watch Series 4 and other wearable fitness trackers that offer Emergency services are designed for consumers on the healthier side rather than those who already have medical issues.Simple One-Step Call to HelpIn the event of an emergency or high-stress situation, the last thing you want to feel is frustrated while trying to call for medical assistance. With Medical Guardian, Emergency/SOS is our core feature to all of our products. Through a single button press (or 3-second press on our smartwatch hi-res touchscreen) individuals can easily and immediately get the medical assistance they needwith no extra steps.With Apple Watch Series 4, the customer needs to not only press their SOS button (which easily blends into the watch) on its side but then also (1) choose from three options including Power Off, Medical ID and SOS (2) either slide the SOS option or (3) hold the SOS side button for 5 seconds. In a time-sensitive medical emergency, and for those whose eyesight may not be as good as it once was, this 3-step process may be confusing, time-consuming, and difficult to navigate for older adults.Fall Detection CapabilitiesMedical Guardian offers automatic fall detection (a technology that detects falls to make sure a customer can get help even when theyre unable to press their help button) to four out of six products on its product line. Medical Guardians smartwatch does not include fall detection because falls are most accurately detected when the technology is worn close to the body, specifically by the breastplate, as its extremely sensitive. While Apple included fall detection on their Series 4 smartwatch, they publicly warned that physically active people are more likely to trigger false alarms, as its fall detection algorithms arent infallible.24/7 Personalized DispatchWhen Medical Guardians medical alert HELP button is pressed or when a fall is detected via fall detection technologya wireless signal will immediately be sent to Medical Guardians 24/7 monitoring centerconnecting you with a highly trained operator that has the customers personal information on file. Personal information may include health information, the best way to enter into a residence (with lockbox passcode information), as well as contact information for the customers Care Circle (loved ones and caregivers). Whether a customers medical situation requires EMTs or a simple helping hand, Medical Guardian operators are trained to dispatch both emergency and non-emergency services.UL-Certified Monitoring CenterApple Watch Series 4s only connection to medical assistance is directly through 911. Their service does not offer a monitoring center to evaluate a situation or offer non-emergency assistance that does not require an ambulance or emergency personnel. With Medical Guardians highly certified, U.S.-based monitoring center, the customers medical situation is evaluated, and able to dispatch the exact type of assistance they request and need. Having a monitoring center results in a decrease of false dispatch emergenciessaving emergency resources and assisting in keeping the 911-dispatch line open for EMT emergencies.Emergency Dispatch CancellationIts never been easier to cancel an emergency call with Medical Guardians medical alert systems. For instance, if fall detection happens to detect a false fall, the customer will have 20 seconds to cancel the alarm, by simply pressing the fall detection pendant before connecting with an operator form a monitoring center. If the customer does not cancel before 20 seconds, they can simply tell the emergency operator that it was a false alarm and assistance is not needed.When fall detection goes off with the Apple Watch Series 4, the wearer only has 60 seconds to cancel the emergency call. After 60 seconds, the emergency call will be placed automatically, sending the wearers location to emergency contacts. This can be stressful and frustrating for the wearer, emergency contacts, and emergency services if the technology triggered a false alarm and medical assistance was never needed.AffordableAs Americans are living longer and the cost of long-term care continues to rise, seniors are often left outliving their financial savings. According to a 2017 Genworth Cost of Care Survey, the cost for assisted living per month is $3,750 and the average monthly cost of adult daycare (5 days/week) is $2,100, according to Medical Guardians medical alert systems play a significant role in keeping older adults safely and confidently in the comfort of their own homeslongerwhile also providing peace of mind for their loved ones.Medical Guardians medical alert smartwatch costs $99 with a $44.95/month monitoring service charge and our other devices have a free equipment charge, with a monthly monitoring service charge ranging from $29.95 to $79.95. Apple Watch Series 4 ranges from $399 to $1,499 depending on the devices service offerings. Plus, Apple Watch Series 4 (GPS and Cellular) requires an iPhone 6 or later with iOs 12 or later, while Medical Guardians Freedom Guardian smartwatch is an all-in-one standalone device that includes GPS and cellular connectivity, no phone needed.  

Protect Yourself from Senior Scams

We live in an incredible age. Technology, like the internet and mobile telephones, has created amazing opportunities for us stay informed about current events, to correspond with family members and even to view the latest pictures of our grandchildren while theyre away at summer camp. The internet is an exciting place. But would it surprise you to learn that senior citizens are among the fastest-growing groups of internet users in the United States?Research conducted by the Pew Research Center found that 67 percent of adults over the age of 65 spend time online. Thats an astonishing increase compared to the 14 percent of seniors who reported using the internet in 2000. As seniors today are adopting technology in greater numbers, many remain highly vulnerable to deceptionwhich is why online senior safety education should be a top priority.Elder Fraud Can Happen To AnyoneCon-artists prey on seniors, who arent always familiar with the latest tricks they employ to approach their victims. Some of these elder fraud scams have been identified, such as telemarketing ploys, internet fraud, investment schemes, and lottery fraud. But scammers continue to find new ways to prey on seniors and others who are vulnerable online.In fact, perhaps one of the most well-publicized scams was back in 2016 during the Presidential election. John Podesta, the campaign manager for Hillary Clinton, fell prey to a common online scam called phishing. He was sent an email that looked like it was from Gmail asking for his password, but it was really a link to a third-party site that was hoping he would click on it in order to steal his data. If he had looked closely at who was sending the email, he would have noticed that the email address used was bogus. If it had been real, the email would have come from someone at, but instead, it was sent from someone at Its a small detail to notice, which is why John Podesta fell for it.The good news is that you dont have to stop using your phone or computer to protect yourself against elder fraud. You simply need to know what to look out for.Online Safety For SeniorsEducation and awareness is the first step in maintaining safety, online, and in-person. Here are a few tips to help protect yourself from scammers:Trust Your SuspicionIf something seems fishy, it probably is. Dont let an aggressive scammer talk you out of your first instinct. With telemarketing scams, in particular, the caller may pose as a credit card company representative, a bank employee or even your own grandchild. If you dont recognize the voice of the person on the other end of the line or if you dont have an account with the company that he or she claims to represent, dont hesitate to voice your suspicion. If the person on the other end is who he or she claims to be, they should be able to prove it to you. If they cant, just hang up as it is probably an elder fraud scheme.Dont Be PressuredOne tactic that a lot of scammers will use is to pressure you with a sense of urgency. For instance, an article in Keloland tells of an 86-year old man who was harassed by a caller claiming to be his grandson. In this case, the scammer attempted to convince the would-be victim to wire him bail money for release from an international jail. The perpetrator attempted to convince the well-meaning senior that his situation was urgent and his need for money was immediate. Fortunately, the perpetrator, in this case, failed to make a convincing case. But other seniors have been less fortunate and fallen for an elder fraud plot. Dont let an aggressive email or phone call pressure you into making a costly mistake.Ask QuestionsThe last thing a scammer wants to do is answer a lot of questions. Any time you receive a phone call or an email from an unfamiliar source, you have a right and a responsibility to learn more. If the individual claims to be a customer service representative, ask for more information about the company. Ask for the callers Customer Service ID number. Ask to speak with a supervisor. Ask if theres a number that you can use to reach the caller after youve done a little research. Ask as many questions as you possibly can. Ultimately, the more questions you ask, the more uncomfortable the scammer will become. In the end, the way that the individual answers these questions will either remove your suspicions or help you to uncover the callers true intentions.Talk to Somebody You TrustIf you receive a suspicious email or phone call, seek out a trusted family member, friend or even a bank employee for advice. Tell somebody else about the contents of the suspicious correspondence and get a second opinion. Before you respond, and especially before you open up your checkbook, consult somebody close to you. Sometimes, the warning signs are easier to spot when you have help.Keep Private Information PrivateNever, ever give away critical personal information to a random caller or email correspondent. Its critical to senior safety to keep that information private. Only scammers will contact you and ask for your bank account number, your social security number or a credit or debit card number. Your bank or credit card company will never contact you and ask for this information over the phone or by email. If somebody that you dont know asks for this critical information, simply refuse and cease contact.Senior Safety Online And At HomeA medical alert device can protect you from more than just medical emergencies. Here at Medical Guardian, weve had clients call into our monitoring center for a variety of reasonsa home invasion, a fire, or even if youre experiencing harassment from a senior scammer. When it comes to senior safety, a medical alert system is an all-purpose way to remain protected offline, or online.  

Local Services By This Author

Medical Guardian | Medical Alert Devices

Assistive Devices 1818 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19103

As a trusted leader in personal safety and medical alert systems, Medical Guardian has been empowering seniors and their families for over two decades. With a mission to provide safety, security, and peace of mind, Medical Guardian offers state-of-the-art solutions that enable seniors to maintain independence while staying connected to immediate help whenever needed.Who We AreFounded on the belief that everyone deserves to feel safe at home and on the go, Medical Guardian has grown into one of the most recognized names in the personal emergency response industry. With a focus on innovation, accessibility, and reliability, we are committed to delivering products and services that enhance the quality of life for seniors nationwide.Our Solutions: Tailored for Every LifestyleMedical Guardian understands that no two lifestyles are the same, which is why we provide a wide range of medical alert systems to meet unique needs. From home-based devices to on-the-go wearable technology, our solutions are designed to fit seamlessly into daily life. Key offerings include:In-Home Medical Alert SystemsPerfect for seniors who spend most of their time at home, these systems provide 24/7 monitoring through easy-to-use base stations and wearable help buttons. With features like fall detection and two-way communication, help is always just a button press away.Mobile Medical Alert SystemsFor active seniors, our mobile systems offer GPS tracking and nationwide coverage, ensuring safety wherever life takes you. These portable devices are lightweight and discreet, providing peace of mind without compromising mobility.Wearable TechnologyCombining functionality with style, our wearable devices include medical alert watches and pendants equipped with cutting-edge technology. These devices are not only lifesaving tools but also fashionable accessories that integrate seamlessly into any wardrobe.Fall Detection TechnologyFalls are one of the leading causes of injury among seniors. Medical Guardians advanced fall detection sensors can automatically alert our monitoring center in case of a fall, even if the user is unable to press the button.Caregiver ToolsMedical Guardians products are complemented by innovative caregiver tools, such as activity tracking and location monitoring, to keep loved ones informed and reassured.PERS Solutions for Senior Living CommunitiesMedical Guardian proudly partners with senior living communities to provide Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS) tailored specifically to the unique needs of Affordable Housing, Independent Living, and Assisted Living environments.Our solutions are designed to increase resident safety, empower staff with reliable tools, and deliver added value to your community. By integrating Medical Guardians systems, senior living communities can enhance their reputation as safety-focused environments while offering peace of mind to residents and their families.With flexible plans, seamless integration, and ongoing support, Medical Guardian makes it easy for senior living operators to implement top-tier safety solutions for their residents.Commitment to ExcellenceAt Medical Guardian, safety is more than a productits a promise. Our U.S.-based monitoring centers are staffed by highly trained professionals who are ready to respond within seconds of an alert. With multiple monitoring centers, we ensure redundancy and reliability, so no call goes unanswered.Each product undergoes rigorous testing to meet the highest standards of quality and performance. Additionally, our customer care team is available to guide families and senior living communities through every step, from choosing the right device to troubleshooting and technical support.Why Choose Medical Guardian?National Reach, Local Care: While Medical Guardian serves clients nationwide, our services are personalized to meet the needs of each individual and their community.Proactive Safety Solutions: Our devices go beyond emergency response, offering proactive monitoring and tools that support overall well-being.Affordable Plans: We believe safety should be accessible to everyone, which is why we provide flexible and affordable plans without hidden fees.Trusted by Millions: With thousands of 5-star reviews and endorsements from leading senior-focused organizations, Medical Guardian is a name families and communities can rely on.Empowering IndependenceSeniors face many challenges as they age, but losing independence doesnt have to be one of them. Medical Guardians medical alert systems are designed to empower seniors to live life on their terms, with the freedom to pursue their passions and the confidence that help is always within reach.Whether youre a senior seeking greater independence, a caregiver looking for peace of mind, or a senior living community exploring safety solutions, Medical Guardian is here to support you every step of the way.For more information, visit or call 1-800-734-2092 to speak with a representative.

Medical Guardian | Medical Alert Systems

Medical Devices 1818 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19103

As a trusted leader in personal safety and medical alert systems, Medical Guardian has been empowering seniors and their families for over two decades. With a mission to provide safety, security, and peace of mind, Medical Guardian offers state-of-the-art solutions that enable seniors to maintain independence while staying connected to immediate help whenever needed.Who We AreFounded on the belief that everyone deserves to feel safe at home and on the go, Medical Guardian has grown into one of the most recognized names in the personal emergency response industry. With a focus on innovation, accessibility, and reliability, we are committed to delivering products and services that enhance the quality of life for seniors nationwide.Our Solutions: Tailored for Every LifestyleMedical Guardian understands that no two lifestyles are the same, which is why we provide a wide range of medical alert systems to meet unique needs. From home-based devices to on-the-go wearable technology, our solutions are designed to fit seamlessly into daily life. Key offerings include:In-Home Medical Alert SystemsPerfect for seniors who spend most of their time at home, these systems provide 24/7 monitoring through easy-to-use base stations and wearable help buttons. With features like fall detection and two-way communication, help is always just a button press away.Mobile Medical Alert SystemsFor active seniors, our mobile systems offer GPS tracking and nationwide coverage, ensuring safety wherever life takes you. These portable devices are lightweight and discreet, providing peace of mind without compromising mobility.Wearable TechnologyCombining functionality with style, our wearable devices include medical alert watches and pendants equipped with cutting-edge technology. These devices are not only lifesaving tools but also fashionable accessories that integrate seamlessly into any wardrobe.Fall Detection TechnologyFalls are one of the leading causes of injury among seniors. Medical Guardians advanced fall detection sensors can automatically alert our monitoring center in case of a fall, even if the user is unable to press the button.Caregiver ToolsMedical Guardians products are complemented by innovative caregiver tools, such as activity tracking and location monitoring, to keep loved ones informed and reassured.PERS Solutions for Senior Living CommunitiesMedical Guardian proudly partners with senior living communities to provide Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS) tailored specifically to the unique needs of Affordable Housing, Independent Living, and Assisted Living environments.Our solutions are designed to increase resident safety, empower staff with reliable tools, and deliver added value to your community. By integrating Medical Guardians systems, senior living communities can enhance their reputation as safety-focused environments while offering peace of mind to residents and their families.With flexible plans, seamless integration, and ongoing support, Medical Guardian makes it easy for senior living operators to implement top-tier safety solutions for their residents.Commitment to ExcellenceAt Medical Guardian, safety is more than a productits a promise. Our U.S.-based monitoring centers are staffed by highly trained professionals who are ready to respond within seconds of an alert. With multiple monitoring centers, we ensure redundancy and reliability, so no call goes unanswered.Each product undergoes rigorous testing to meet the highest standards of quality and performance. Additionally, our customer care team is available to guide families and senior living communities through every step, from choosing the right device to troubleshooting and technical support.Why Choose Medical Guardian?National Reach, Local Care: While Medical Guardian serves clients nationwide, our services are personalized to meet the needs of each individual and their community.Proactive Safety Solutions: Our devices go beyond emergency response, offering proactive monitoring and tools that support overall well-being.Affordable Plans: We believe safety should be accessible to everyone, which is why we provide flexible and affordable plans without hidden fees.Trusted by Millions: With thousands of 5-star reviews and endorsements from leading senior-focused organizations, Medical Guardian is a name families and communities can rely on.Empowering IndependenceSeniors face many challenges as they age, but losing independence doesnt have to be one of them. Medical Guardians medical alert systems are designed to empower seniors to live life on their terms, with the freedom to pursue their passions and the confidence that help is always within reach.Whether youre a senior seeking greater independence, a caregiver looking for peace of mind, or a senior living community exploring safety solutions, Medical Guardian is here to support you every step of the way.For more information, visit or call 1-800-734-2092 to speak with a representative.