Dementia vs Credit Cards


Arden Courts

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Jul 20, 2023


Florida - Sarasota, Bradenton & Charlotte Counties , Florida - Southwest

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There is no question that people with dementia related diseases will eventually develop a problem in regard to dealing with their daily finances. In my father’s case it was the first sign to me that something was very wrong.

Throughout the years it had always amazed me how he never needed to use a calculator. He could do complex math equations in his head like a bona fide mathematician. But suddenly I began to notice that he couldn’t even balance his checkbook correctly.

Complications in money managing are a common early sign of dementia. Trouble counting change, stacks of unopened bills or excessive purchases on credit card statements can tell the tale. Unfortunately, this may not be noticed until there is a large amount of debt already accumulated. This is due to their short-term memory loss.

Sadly, there are thousands of deceitful people just waiting for the chance to take advantage of those who are memory impaired. Telemarketers, charity scams, health care scams and even door-to-door solicitors can be absolutely brutal to anyone who becomes easy prey.

Things to be on the lookout for are large numbers of packages being delivered, sudden changes in their bank account balances and overdue bill notices.

One option may be to re-route their mail to a post office box so you, the caregiver, can have a firsthand look at what’s going on. But you may also find, as I did, that there is rarely any time to go and retrieve the mail.

Try switching out their credit cards with prepaid ones and only let them carry around small amounts of cash. With my father, I always tried to make sure he had some money in his pocket. This way it kept him feeling as if he still had some kind of independence. Although, he was always trying to pay someone for their services, even if he did not owe them a penny. This included Hospice nurses that came to the house. Well actually, most of the time he would just tell me to pay them.

Now, what if you find out that they have already accumulated a $10,000.00 credit card debt? Request a copy of a free credit report with their name on it. This will show you when these accounts were actually opened. If they are newer accounts that have been acquired after the symptoms of dementia have started, these accounts may not be valid. A person must be fully competent and in sound mind when signing a contract. Also check to see if they signed up for credit card insurance. This would be quite helpful in dealing with the pay-off.

Have their doctors write a letter stating that they are permanently cognitively impaired and approximately when their symptoms began. If they are residing in an adult care center, have the administration write a letter verifying that they are now under their care.

Take some comfort in knowing that Social Security funds cannot be garnished for credit card debt. However, pensions and personal savings are vulnerable.

If this all boils down to you having to appear in court on their behalf, you’ll want the judge to review these documents. And if you haven’t already consulted with an Elder Law Attorney, I suggest you do so right away. Whatever fees you have to pay the attorney will surely make up for the outcome if you don’t have the correct legal advice.

This is why it’s so important to have someone that’s trustworthy appointed as Durable Power of Attorney early on.

As the Power of Attorney, it is vital to get in that strict habit of placing P.O.A. at the end of your signature every single time you sign something on their behalf. This will protect you. Also, realize your rights as a P.O.A. will cease to exist the very moment they take their final breathe.

We must be ever diligent when seeking to protect our loved ones afflicted with this devastating disease. There truly are vultures perched on every corner just waiting for the right moment to swoop in!


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I'll Never Financially Qualify for Medicaid - Will I?

To be very bold, the answer is yes, you will.Long Term Care Medicaid operates on 2 simple rules regarding finances.1)            You must be under $2,829 of GROSS COUNTABLE Income (in 2024).2)            You must be under $2,000 of GROSS COUNTABLE Assets (in 2024) as a single person or $154,140 for a couple.The key word is COUNTABLE. Countable INCOME There is only one way to reduce COUNTABLE income and that is to establish what is called a Qualified Income Trust which artificially reduces COUNTABLE income by the amount of income you deposit in the trust. For example, if gross countable income is $3,192 and you deposit $500 of income into the QIT account then Medicaid only counts $2,692 ($3192 - $500 = $2,692) which is $200 below the limit of $2,892. 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Suffice it to say that even multi-millionaires can qualify for Long Term Care Medicaid. What is the HCBS Waiver Program (Home Health Care or Assisted Living)? The HCBS Waiver Program, short for Home and Community Based Services Waiver Program, is designed for individuals needing financial assistance for home health care, adult day care, or an assisted living facility.When applying for Medicaid assistance for traditional skilled nursing, the patient needs only to file the application, whereas a patient seeking financial assistance for in-home care, or an assisted living must undergo a more complicated process. Process for In-Home Health Care and Assisted Living An individual seeking Medicaid assistance for in-home care or an assisted living facility must schedule a screening call with the geographically appropriate Aging and Disability Resource Center for placement on the waitlist. The waitlist utilizes a needs-based ranking, with scores from 1-5. A ranking of 1 indicates a "low" need, while a 5 indicates a "high" need. The higher the need, the more likely an individual is to be placed on the waitlist AND ALSO called off the waitlist quickly. Once the patient is called off the waitlist, he or she may then apply for Medicaid. Upon approval for Medicaid, he or she must then enroll in a managed care program and long-term care program. Medicaid benefits will only begin the first day of the month following the month in which Medicaid eligibility is approved, and the patient is enrolled in both a managed care program, as well as a long-term care program. How to Bypass the Waitlist for HCBS Waiver Services It is possible to bypass the waitlist if, a patient:1) Is in a skilled nursing facility.2) Has already been approved for long-term care Medicaid.3) Is enrolled in a managed care program and wishes to discharge home or to an assisted living facility.4) The Medicaid long-term care recipient is evaluated by the managed care company to determine their ability to transition home or to an assisted living facility. If determined that the applicant is eligible to transition, he or she may do so without undergoing the waitlist process.Medicaid eligibility will follow the recipient to any new long-term care arrangements where care is needed. Form 2515 must be filed by the managed care company.How Platinum Benefit Services Can Help It should be clear that this process is complex. While an applicant can attempt this process alone or can have the appropriate Aging and Disability Resource Center attempt to navigate it on behalf of the family, Platinum's HCBS Success Escalation Service provides a meaningful difference with a substantial increase in the likelihood of success. An applicant/legal representative in crisis can easily become overwhelmed when attempting to navigate the intricacies of the waitlist process. Further, Florida's Aging and Disability Resource Centers are notorious for mismanaging the process. Using Platinum Benefit Services is a game changer. When working with Platinum and enrolling in our HCBS Success Escalation Program, Platinum will provide you with the information, training, and services necessary to maximize the chances you or your loved one is placed on the waitlist with a high ranking AND ALSO selected off the list quickly. The fee for the program is just $500 and is worth every penny! If you choose to hire platinum to process the medicaid application in advance of contacting the ADRC the $500 fee is waived. Free Instructions For Getting On The HCBS Waitlist By accessing the site below, Platinum will provide FREE OF CHARGE to you, a video that explains the HCBS Waiver program and how you can get on the waitlist without assistance and FREE. the end of the video, if you choose to get help, the video will explain how you can enroll in Platinum's HCBS Success Escalation Program, as well as, a video that explains how to "ace the test" when answering interview/screening questions. This second video will teach you how to answer the questions honestly, in a way that maximizes the likelihood of being placed on the waitlist, with a high ranking. Platinum even provides a list of the questions that will be asked!Platinum's HCBS Success Escalation ProgramOur automated system will enroll you with the proper ADRC, which starts the benefit approval process. Platinum will confirm with the appropriate ADRC that the patient's name has been submitted and that a screening call has been scheduled. Platinum will then check in once a week with the ADRC to track the status of the patient's selection from the waitlist. Further, we will also follow up to confirm that you are aware the call is scheduled, and we will confirm the date and time. Once the potential applicant is called off the waitlist, a form 1823 will be provided to you that needs to be completed by your doctor and provided to the ADRC along with supporting documentation. The 1823 must be properly completed and signed by your doctor or a nurse practitioner. Platinum will track this form as it is passed 4 times, to 3 government agencies, and confirm proper distribution and receipt. You will then have the option to hire Platinum to complete the Medicaid application process on your behalf While you can file on your own, or have the ADRC file for you, there are potential problems beyond belief Dealing with The Department of Children and Families (Medicaid) has become the epitome of a bureaucratic nightmare. Platinum Success for Families Over more than 26 years Platinum has obtained 14,000+ Medicaid approvals in the State of Florida alone. We'll help you obtain approval as well. If you decide to go it on your own, no hard feelings, we truly wish you the very best! Qualifying financially, regardless of assets or income is the easy part! What's hard is being selected off the waitlist and then navigating DCF during the application process. Let's get you enrolled in the "HCBS Success Escalation Program" by contacting Platinum at 1-800-582-1934, pressing O and say, "I would like to sign up for the Success Escalation Program". We look forward to working with you!Call us at 1-800-582-1934 or go to FOR :Hilary Hayes, CSA Certified Senior Advisor Serving Collier, Lee, Charlotte Glades, Hendry & MonroeNothing in this document or other information, in whatever format provided by Platinum Benefit Services, Inc, is legal advice. If legal advice is needed, please contact a competent and properly licensed attorney. If you would like a referral to an attorney, please contact our office at 1-800-582-1934 

Which High Cholesterol Foods to Eat (and Which to Avoid)

Yes, some high cholesterol foods are worth indulging in and beneficial for your health. So, dont pass on the eggs or the full-fat yogurt if you want a nutrition boost. But there are others that should be passionately avoided, like processed meats. These high cholesterol foods can raise your risk for serious health conditions like heart disease.Some confusion abounds about the cholesterol contained in foods, often called dietary cholesterol. Not all dietary cholesterol is bad, and in fact, it is often good for you and packed with nutrition. So dont drop and run when you see a food containing cholesterol. Instead, pause and consider what type of food it is.Here are 7 high cholesterol foods to enjoy and 4 to avoid in the name of good health.Foods 1-7: Healthy High Cholesterol Foods to Enjoy1. EggsDespite all the bad publicity, eggs are a highly nutritious source of protein. But along with all the nutrients you also get about 207 mg of cholesterol per large egg. This is why the media began advising people to avoid them. But the bad press isnt deserved.According to researchers, despite the dietary cholesterol in eggs, they dont raise LDL (or bad) cholesterol and may increase HDL (or good) cholesterol which is great for heart health. While other research suggests its possible for eggs to raise LDL, its generally accepted that 1-2 eggs daily are safe and not problematic for cholesterol levels.2. CheeseWhile cheese is often promoted as a food to be avoided, its still an excellent source of calcium and other nutrients. The reluctance to consume this dairy produce lies in the 20 mg of cholesterol contained in one slice of Swiss cheese, for example.One study found that eating 3 ounces of full-fat cheese every day for 12 weeks didnt raise LDL cholesterol even though this is considered a high intake level for cheese.3. ShellfishShellfish like crab, clams, and shrimp provide large doses of protein, iron, B vitamins, and selenium. This type of seafood is also high in dietary cholesterol. A 3-ounce serving of canned shrimp packs 214 mg of cholesterol. Despite this, shellfish has a very positive impact on your cardiovascular health and may even improve your cognitive and visual health. Rather than clog your arteries with cholesterol, shellfish may actually have a positive impact on your arteries.4. Pasture-Raised SteakPasture-raised steak is an excellent source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Why pasture-raised? Beef cows raised in pastures produce meat that contains less cholesterol and more omega-3 fatty acids, which help lower inflammation.Red meat is high in saturated fat, making it more likely to raise LDL cholesterol levels. Choosing pasture-raised over feedlot beef is better for your heart health. A 4-ounce serving of pasture-raised steak has 62 mg of cholesterol, while the same size feedlot steak has 100 mg. Most people eat steak that is two or three times this serving size.5. Organ MeatsOrgan meats, like heart, liver, and kidney, are very nutritious but high in cholesterol. Nutrients like the antioxidant CoQ10, iron, zinc, and vitamin B12 are all contained in chicken hearts. And eating just one cup provides 351 mg of cholesterol.Youre better off eating unprocessed meats, including organ meats, in moderation than consuming them sparingly. This means eating some unprocessed red meat is actually more beneficial to your health overall. Most of our modern battles with cholesterol are grounded in our overconsumption of red meat, processed meat, and other processed foods.6. Full-Fat YogurtOne cup of full-fat yogurt contains 31.8 mg of cholesterol along with several nutrients. But dont let the notable dietary cholesterol keep you from enjoying your daily portion of yogurt. According to research, eating more full-fat fermented dairy products reduces LDL cholesterol instead of raising it. It also lowers blood pressure and your risk of stroke, heart disease, and diabetes.7. SardinesNot only are sardines a convenient source of protein, but theyre also packed with nutrients. A 3.75-ounce can of sardines has 131 mg of cholesterol. But it also contains 137% of the daily value for vitamin B12, 63% of vitamin D, and 35% of calcium. Thats a lot of nutrition and a nice load of dietary cholesterol. Despite the cholesterol, sardines have only 1.5 mg of saturated fat.Foods 8-11: High Cholesterol Foods to AvoidSome high cholesterol foods are harmful to your health instead of beneficial. Here are 4 high cholesterol foods to avoid.8. Deep-Fried FoodsIts worth avoiding foods like deep-fried meats and cheese. Theyre high in cholesterol, calories, and may contain trans fats. This combination can increase your risk of heart disease and negatively affect your health in several ways. Eating too much fried food can also increase your risk of heart disease.9. Fast FoodFast food has a bad rap for a good reason. It continues to be a major risk factor for chronic conditions like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. If you eat a lot of fast food, youre likely to have more belly fat, higher cholesterol and blood pressure, and unstable blood sugar.10. Processed MeatsHigh cholesterol, processed meats like bacon, sausage, and hot dogs should be eaten sparingly. According to one review, just eating an additional 2-ounce serving of processed meat per day produced a 42% higher risk of developing heart disease.11. DessertsThere is a reason theyre so tasty. Theyre loaded with all the bad stuff we hate to love. Desserts like cakes, cookies, ice cream, pastries, and other sweet treats are laden with calories, unhealthy fats, and added sugars. And of course, theyre high in cholesterol.These foods lack necessary nutrients like vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and protein. They also contain high levels of added sugar that cause obesity and diabetes which can lead to increased cholesterol and heart disease.What Is Cholesterol?Its a waxy substance produced in our bodies and also found in animal products like eggs, dairy, and meat. Cholesterol serves a purpose and is necessary for healthy bodily function. It aids in hormone production, bile production (needed to digest fats), and vitamin D absorption.Your liver makes cholesterol for your bodys use, but you can also take on dietary cholesterol when you eat animal products. Dietary cholesterol is the cholesterol you eat rather than producing naturally. HDL or good cholesterol helps your body process and pass excess cholesterol. LDL or bad cholesterol is what facilitates plaque buildup in your arteries.If you eat extra cholesterol, your body will produce less. The reverse is also true. If you dont eat much cholesterol, your body will increase production to ensure it has what it needs.Is Dietary Cholesterol Bad for Your Health?According to research, dietary cholesterol isnt your enemy. It doesnt significantly raise cholesterol levels in your body. In the general population, no link between dietary cholesterol and heart disease has been found. But it can slightly elevate your cholesterol levels, which isnt an issue for most people.Even in large amounts, most of the population doesnt react to dietary cholesterol. Some people, however, are more affected by cholesterol in foods and are more susceptible to elevated levels.Surprisingly, dietary cholesterol may even improve your LDL-to-HDL ratio, which is the best indicator of your heart disease risk. But its important to remember that just because dietary cholesterol may not be as harmful as you thought, those high-cholesterol foods arent always healthy. So, enjoy your full-fat yogurt in moderation but avoid deep-fried foods. Both contain dietary cholesterol, but one is far healthier than the other.Saturated Fat Linked to High CholesterolThe real enemy seems to be too much saturated fat which triggers your body to make cholesterol even if you dont need it. Even if a food contains no dietary cholesterol, the saturated fat in that food contributes to your daily unhealthy fats intake. Too much can raise your cholesterol.So if youre concerned about high cholesterol, watch labels for the amount of saturated fat youre eating. Choose foods that are lower in saturated but also contain other nutritional benefits. For example, choose a serving of whole milk yogurt over unhealthy desserts.Tips for Lowering Your CholesterolHigh LDL cholesterol can build up in your arteries and increase your heart disease risk. But you can make lifestyle changes to lower elevated cholesterol.Eat more fiberBe more activeLose weightEat more produceStop smokingAnd remember to avoid the four big cholesterol-raising foods: deep fried food, fast food, processed meats, and most desserts. These foods arent harmful because of the dietary cholesterol they contain but because of the high amounts of saturated fats with little other nutritional benefit. Its okay to eat something saturated. So you dont have to avoid dessert every evening. Just be mindful of your daily choices. The average man should consume no more than 30 grams of saturated fat daily to maintain health, and the average woman should have no more than 20 grams.

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Arden Courts of Naples

Assisted Living 6125 Rattlesnake Hammock Rd., Naples, Florida, 34113

Arden Courts provides a safe and pleasing home for individuals with memory loss, including enclosed courtyards and a backyard with walking paths. We are a residential living alternative designed for individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and other types of memory impairments. We offer the services traditionally associated with an assisted living residence, while taking into account the special needs of individuals with memory loss including safety, building layout, activities and dietary needs.