National Occupational Therapy Month


Arden Courts of Sarasota

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Dec 28, 2022


Florida - Sarasota, Bradenton & Charlotte Counties , Florida - Southwest

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And finally, April is National Occupational Therapy Month. When you talk about a better quality of life, occupational therapists are right there on the front lines. From helping people with disabilities to helping people overcome illness or injury, they help individuals live full, productive lives. Their holistic approach helps people to adjust to injury or illness and improve their ability to perform daily activities and regain skills to live a healthier life. Thank an occupational therapist this month for all they do to help people think and be healthy. 

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Delayed Grief: When Grief Shows Up Later

Whether its losing a parent, losing a spouse, or losing a child, grief is a necessary process for closure. Grief is an emotion that can take many forms and show up in a variety of ways. There are many types of grief, such as complicated grief, chronic grief, anticipatory grief, disenfranchised grief, traumatic grief, unresolved grief, and normal grief, and while some people may experience the grieving process immediately, others might have whats known as a delayed grief response. Delayed grief occurs when the feelings associated with loss dont come for weeks, months, or even years after the event.Delayed grief can be hard to understand, and its not often talked about. Learning more about delayed grief and the symptoms and triggers that may cause it can help you, a family member, or a loved one navigate the grief process and start to heal. Continue reading to learn more about delayed grief. What is Delayed Grief?Delayed grief is an emotional response to loss that doesnt manifest until long after the initial event. It can be challenging to recognize because it often appears as if theres no reason for sadness or other emotions related to grieving. This type of delayed grief trigger can occur due to shock, denial, guilt, or simply being overwhelmed by the situation. Some studies suggest that not immediately processing grief wont always lead to delayed grief in the future, but more research is still needed. What triggers delayed grief?Several things can trigger delayed grief, including traumatic events like death or divorce, significant life changes such as moving away from home, and unresolved issues from childhood like physical or emotional abuse or neglect. Other potential triggers may include physical illness, financial problems, and relationship difficulties. Regardless of what triggers grief, its important to remember that everyone grieves differently. There is no right way to do so even if your feelings dont surface immediately after your loss.Wakanda Forever, the latest Black Panther film, addressed the death of the main character/actor Chadwick Boseman. The writers focused on what happens when we hold on to guilt and shame surrounding the loss. Those feelings are often turned into anger directed outwardly. Chadwicks death opened a larger conversation about grief. Talkspace therapist Dr. Karmen Smith LCSW DDSymptoms of Delayed GriefThe symptoms associated with delayed grief response are similar to those experienced during acute bereavement (the period immediately following a death). Symptoms of delayed grief may include: Intense emotions like:AngerGuiltDepression AnxietySadnessPhysical symptoms like: FatigueDifficulty concentratingChanges in appetiteSleep disturbancesWithdrawal from social activitiesFeeling overwhelmed by everyday tasksLack of motivation Energy levels dropping significantly lower than usualAdditionally, some people may experience intrusive thoughts about their deceased loved one, which can lead to flashbacks or nightmares. As these dreams or thoughts fade away when reality sets back in, they can trigger another grief response. Causes of Delayed GriefEven though its not unusual for people to experience delayed grief, it can be hard to understand why it happens. Here are some common causes of delayed grief:Youve had enough time after the lossSometimes, you need time to process your emotions before fully grieving. For example, when someone dies suddenly, you may not have had enough time to come to terms with their death and start grieving right away. Unfortunately, this means that your feelings may catch up with you later on down the line when you finally have enough space in your life for them.The busyness is overAnother cause of delayed grief is related to the busyness that takes over following a loss. Taking care of practical matters like funeral arrangements, sorting out finances, and reaching out to friends and family might not leave much time for processing emotions. Then, once everything else has been taken care of, theres nothing left but you and your feelings. This can lead to intense bouts of delayed grief surfacing in the future.Youre faced with sudden remindersSometimes reminders from everyday life can trigger an unexpected wave of grief, according to studies. You might hear a song that reminds you of your lost loved one. You may see something they used to enjoy doing. These sudden interactions could bring up emotions without warning even if its been months since their passing.How to Deal With Delayed Grief: 6 TipsDelayed grief can begin weeks, months, or even years after the death of a loved one. Its important to acknowledge that delayed grief is just as valid and authentic as immediate grief. However, because of this (sometimes extensive) gap between loss and grief starting, it can be challenging to know how to navigate this time. Here are six tips on how best to deal with this type of complicated emotion:1. Find supportReach out for help if needed so you dont feel alone during this difficult period. Talk openly about what youre going through with people wholl listen without judgment, such as close friends and family members who knew your lost loved one.  2. Seek grief counselingIf talking doesnt seem enough, consider seeking professional help with online grief counseling. Therapists trained in bereavement counseling can offer advice tailored to help you manage intense emotions stemming from delayed grief.3. Practice mindfulnessSome quiet moments each day dedicated to activities like yoga, mindfulness meditation, or journaling can help clear your mind while allowing space for reflection. These acts can bring clarity to thoughts and emotions, potentially making healing easier.4. Be kind to yourselfRemember that theres no right way when it comes down to grieving, so allow yourself to take all the time necessary, without any pressure from anyone else. Self-care means not pushing yourself too hard, either. Get plenty of rest, eat healthy meals, and do something you enjoy daily. It can even be small things, like watching your favorite movie or walking in your favorite neighborhood.5. Let yourself feelAllow yourself to fully experience all the different emotions connected with losing someone. Dont suppress your feelings or think you need to move on quickly. Its ok to cry, shout, and scream do whatever feels right for you because, eventually, those feelings will start to fade naturally once you express them.Its important to know that the way you go through the loss of a loved one may look different from another person. There could be times when people may think you are not grieving the way they think you should. This is where self-awareness comes in. If you are aware that your view of the world has gotten more dark, scary or less loving after your loss, then you could be stuck in one of the stages of grief and may need help to move through it. Talkspace therapist Dr. Karmen Smith, LCSW, DD6. Honor the lossLastly, find ways to honor the memory of the person you lost. This could mean creating a photo album full of pictures together, writing a poem, holding a memorial, or doing something meaningful that was important to them. Sharing stories with others can keep your loved ones legacy alive forever, and that can help you move through the grieving process. Many people focus on what they have lost, and there may not be much healing. Switching their focus to what they gained from that person being in their life can bring huge healing. Talkspace therapist Dr. Karmen Smith LCSW DDAddress Your Grief with TalkspaceDelayed grief occurs when you experience the death of a loved one but dont process your emotions until much later. This can cause confusion and distress for those affected by delayed grief. Fortunately, there are ways to address this type of grief, including through online grief counseling with Talkspace. Online therapy services offer support for any grief, including when its delayed. By connecting with experienced therapists at Talkspace, youll have access to helpful resources and personalized guidance that helps you cope in these trying times. Join Talkspace today to start healing from delayed grief with effective grief therapy techniques.Sources:Bonanno GA. Examining the Delayed Grief Hypothesis Across 5 Years of Bereavement. American Behavioral Scientist. 2001;44. doi:DOI:10.1177/00027640121956502. Accessed December 21, 2022. Wilson DM, Underwood L, Errasti-Ibarrondo B. A scoping research literature review to map the evidence on grief triggers. Social Science & Medicine. 2021;282:114109. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.114109. Accessed December 21, 2022. Talkspace articles are written by experienced mental health-wellness contributors; they are grounded in scientific research and evidence-based practices. Articles are extensively reviewed by our team of clinical experts (therapists and psychiatrists of various specialties) to ensure content is accurate and on par with current industry standards.Our goal at Talkspace is to provide the most up-to-date, valuable, and objective information on mental health-related topics in order to help readers make informed decisions.Articles contain trusted third-party sources that are either directly linked to in the text or listed at the bottom to take readers directly to the source.

11 Impactful Benefits of Grief Counseling

Grief is something everyone will experience at some point in life. Its a universal reaction to loss thats unavoidable. Yet, while its a journey everyone must eventually take, the path to healing from grief is unique. No two peoples experiences with grief are the same, which makes the grief journey even more lonely, painful, and difficult to navigate. The good thing is, grief counseling can help.Grief counseling is a specific type of therapy that helps you understand and process the emotions brought on by grieving. Its a place where you can build coping strategies and increase self-awareness as you learn to accept reality after loss.There are several benefits to grief support therapy. From providing an open, safe space where you can express yourself, to learning complicated grief coping tools that specifically work for your needs, to coming to a place of acceptance if youre wondering if grief counseling is worth it, the answer is yes.  Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of grief counseling that can help you cope with your loss.1. Help with Understanding GriefOne of the best benefits of grief counseling might be that it can help you understand what youre going through. Grief counselors act as a guide while you learn to process and understand the stages of grief. Developed by Elizabeth Kbler-Ross in her groundbreaking 1969 book, On Death and Dying, there are 5 stages of grief often referenced in counseling. Stages most people experience as they grieve include:DenialAngerBargainingDepressionAcceptanceIts important to note that the stages of grief are not linear or identical for everyone. How, when, and even if you experience each stage can differ from person to person. More recently, David Kressler added 2 more stages of grief that are commonly accepted. They are shock and testing.2. A Safe Space to Express EmotionsIts crucial to understand theres no timeline for the grief journey. Most people vastly underestimate how long the grieving process takes. Research shows on average, it can take up to 2 years to heal from significant loss. Due to the length of time the grieving process takes, you might find it difficult to express your emotions in a place where you feel safe. It might feel like the world has moved on, but youre stuck without a way to express yourself. Grief counseling can offer that haven, where no emotion is out of place. 3. Coping MechanismsCounseling will offer a tool kit filled with grief therapy techniques and coping tools. Coping mechanisms for grief are crucial in helping you process any complicated grief emotions while you heal. Common coping mechanisms used in grief therapy include:Journaling: Writing down your feelings and thoughts helps you process them more deeply. Research suggests that journaling can be an effective way to manage anxiety, stress, and depression, which are often related to loss.Deep breathing: The art of deep breathing is a way to calm the mind and regain control over your emotions. There are several breathing techniques you can learn in therapy that can help you when your grief is all-encompassing, and you cant see a way out. Mindfulness: Mindful meditation is an ancient practice of being still. It focuses on calming the mind and letting go of regrets from the past or worries about the future. Positive reframing: In therapy, you learn how to reframe your thoughts about grief. While at first this may seem impossible nothing good came from your loss the concept of reframing isnt just looking at the glass half full. Its more like consciously focusing on the good memories or putting effort into a tribute for the person you lost actions that can help relieve some of the pain youre experiencing. 4. Increased Self-AwarenessOne of the most incredible benefits of any type of therapy is how it helps boost self-awareness. In grief therapy, you gain a good grasp and understanding of the feelings and emotions you experience during the grieving process.  With self-awareness comes a rise in consciousness that helps you recognize unhealthy or unhelpful thought and behavior processes that might evoke psychological pain. Therapy can help you learn effective tools to manage these moments in constructive, positive ways.5. Help with Accepting RealityAcceptance can be one of the most complicated stages of grief to move through. Grief therapy allows you to come to terms with the harsh reality of your loss. Its important to note that acceptance doesnt mean forgetting about your loved one or feeling at peace with the loss. Instead, its knowing how to live with your new reality.6. Reduces IsolationGrief can be a very isolating and lonely experience. Though its a personal and solitary time in your life, it doesnt have to remain that way. A grief counseling session can be comforting, and your grief therapist can offer you validation when you feel alone or like nobody understands your pain. Understanding that your feelings arent wrong or abnormal is vital to healing.Its common to feel a disconnect when youre grieving. Therapy with a grief counselor can help you reconnect and explain where you are emotionally if others cant see what youre going through.7. Restored Sense of ControlWith grief often comes anxiety and stress, which can make you feel out of control. Therapy and grief counseling techniques can be a lifeline that guides you through these emotional storms so you can find calm. One of the most critical aspects of therapy is that it doesnt mask symptoms. Instead, your grief therapist gives you the tools for long-term resilience so you can handle whatever else life throws at you, even when youre in a fragile state that comes with grieving. Learning to master your emotions is crucial after a loss. Its always OK to be authentic and feel your feelings, but knowing you can control them is empowering. It will bring hope back into view, even though grief has changed everything you know about your world. Grief can change a persons entire perspective on life. There can be overall changes in sleep patterns, eating patterns, overall energy decreases theres forgetfulness and trouble concentrating. Mood changes like irritability and overall sadness. Talkspace therapist Reshawna Chapple, PhD, LCSW8. Help with Life TransitionsBy seeking therapy to manage your grief, youll learn how to move towards a new reality after loss with grief counseling techniques. Going to a grief counseling session can pave the way as you work toward acceptance and growth. Maybe this means adjusting to living alone or dealing with significant shifts professionally, but therapy can offer grief support as you learn to understand your new roles and territory. 9. Effective Communication SkillsLearning to communicate effectively is a life skill youll benefit from long after you go through the grieving process. The capacity to communicate clearly and in a thoughtful, expressive manner allows the people around you to understand what youre struggling with so they can surround you with a supportive and sympathetic circle as you heal. 10. Support in Rebuilding RelationshipsGrief can make sustaining relationships challenging. Its easy to pull away from others, and feeling misunderstood, even by those closest to you, is not uncommon. Therapy can help you strengthen bonds again so you can reshape damaged relationships. By coping with and expressing your emotions in healthy ways, you can reestablish deep connections with people you may have distanced yourself from. 11. Finding Meaning After LossIt feels impossible, but you can find meaning after loss. Even when it seems like youre drowning or that your grief is swallowing you up, grief counseling can show you how to take sometimes very small steps toward finding purpose. Loss can create a void so big that your entire worldview shifts. Therapy with a grief counselor helps you embrace the transformation loss causes, as post-traumatic growth focuses on slowly letting go of the pain youre in.Through the pain, sometimes grief can put things into perspective. The grieving process can slow an individual down so much that they start to see the world differently. Through the grieving process and with the help of a grief counselor, you can find ways to put the grief into perspective. Sometimes, grief can even redefine an individuals life purpose. Talkspace therapist Reshawna Chapple, PhD, LCSWIs Grief Counseling Worth It?Its completely normal to wonder if grief counseling is worth it. The short answer is: yes, it is. According to research, while most people will be able to cope with grief without intervention or professional help from a grief therapist, experiencing loss is linked to both mental and physical outcomes. Mental health impact: According to research, grief is linked to an increase in poor mental health, causing higher rates of mood disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety.   Physical impact: Some studies indicate that grief can affect physical health and even lead to an increased risk of mortality. Getting a hold on your grief by managing and working through it in therapy can help you ease the impact it has on your life.Begin Your Healing Journey with TalkspaceIf you need help dealing with grief, Talkspace is an online therapy platform that simplifies the therapeutic process. Online grief counseling is just as effective as in-person it offers you access to professional, experienced grief counselors so you can find the strength you need to navigate your grief and come out on the other side.Sources:Tyrrell P, Harberger S, Schoo C, Siddiqui W. Kubler-Ross stages of dying and subsequent models of grief. National Library of Medicine. Accessed December 12, 2023.  Grief, bereavement, and coping with loss (PDQ). National Library of Medicine. October 18, 2022. Accessed December 12, 2023.  Smyth JM, Johnson JA, Auer BJ, Lehman E, Talamo G, Sciamanna CN. Online positive affect journaling in the improvement of mental distress and well-being in general medical patients with elevated anxiety symptoms: A preliminary randomized controlled trial. JMIR Mental Health. 2018;5(4). doi:10.2196/11290. Accessed December 12, 2023. Newsom C, Schut H, Stroebe MS, et al. Effectiveness of bereavement counselling through a communitybased organization: A naturalistic, controlled trial. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. 2017;24(6). doi:10.1002/cpp.2113. Accessed December 12, 2023Zisook S, Iglewicz A, Avanzino J, et al. Bereavement: Course, consequences, and care. Current Psychiatry Reports. 2014;16(10). doi:10.1007/s11920-014-0482-8. Accessed December 12, 2023. Talkspace articles are written by experienced mental health-wellness contributors; they are grounded in scientific research and evidence-based practices. Articles are extensively reviewed by our team of clinical experts (therapists and psychiatrists of various specialties) to ensure content is accurate and on par with current industry standards.Our goal at Talkspace is to provide the most up-to-date, valuable, and objective information on mental health-related topics in order to help readers make informed decisions.Articles contain trusted third-party sources that are either directly linked to in the text or listed at the bottom to take readers directly to the source.

How to Find a Grief Counselor for Your Healing Journey

If you need to find a grief counselor, you know its a profoundly personal and emotional step in your healing process. Losing someone you love is overwhelming, confusing, and sad, and most people, whether they realize it or not, are in dire need of support. Grief isnt something youll ever truly get over, but it is something you must learn to live with. Finding the right grief therapist and having a good support system can make all the difference in how you navigate your journey. Grief therapy can offer you the tools and guidance you need to help process your emotions to rebuild your life so you can find meaning after loss. Research shows that grief therapy is effective, too. It can make it easier to work through your pain when you have support. With so many professionals out there, it can be daunting to figure out how to find a grief counselor. Read on for practical tips to find a qualified, experienced grief counselor who can help you and offer you clarity in your time of need. Steps to Find the Right Grief CounselorTaking the time to think about your goals and needs will ensure you find the best fit, which will ultimately mean youll get the best healing journey.1. Identify your specific needs and preferencesThe first step in finding a qualified grief counselor is thinking about what your preferences are and what you want to get out of therapy.Therapy outcomesBecause grief manifests differently for everyone, you want to look for somebody who aligns with your personal preferences and understands your goals for healing. Start by asking yourself:What do you want to get out of therapy?Do I want emotional support?Am I looking for help navigating complex, difficult emotions? Do I just need guidance on how to move forward?If you have a clear understanding of your goals, it will help you narrow your search. It will also ensure that once you start working with someone, youll be able to tell them exactly what you want to get out of your time together, eliminating frustration and miscommunications. In-person or online therapyYou also want to consider the logistics of your therapy experience. Would you prefer a traditional face-to-face experience, or do you need convenience and accessibility? If the latter, online therapy might be a better route.Type of grief supportSometimes, it can be easier to open up to a therapist who has specific expertise in dealing with certain types of grief, like bereavement after a long illness or the loss of a spouse or child. Grief is a complicated emotion and ensuring you are getting the right care is really important. In the search for a right grief counselor, make sure to ask pertinent questions about the specific things you are struggling with. Ask about their experience in your specific situation. Sometimes, it helps to write down what you need in therapy so you can better communicate it. Grief makes a mess of our minds, having a way to organize it is incredibly helpful. Talkspace therapist Minkyung Chung, MS, LMHCGender, age, religious beliefs, and cultural backgrounds may also influence who you decide to work with.2. Seek recommendations and referralsOnce you have a clear idea of what youre looking for, ask for recommendations from someone you trust. Friends, family members, colleagues, or even a family doctor might be able to provide a referral. Seeking recommendations can help you feel supported in your journey. If youre already working with a mental health professional, they might be able to refer you to a grief specialist and grief support group if thats not their area of expertise.3. Use online directories and resourcesYou can use online directories and resources if you dont have anyone to get a referral from. Websites allow you to search for licensed counselors based on location, area, specialization, or other factors. Online directories generally list qualifications or areas of expertise that you can filter by, making it easier to find someone who specializes in grief. Online platforms like Talkspace offer online grief counseling and allow members to access experienced, qualified therapists with the convenience of getting therapy from home. 4. Research and verify credentials and experienceBefore you start working with a qualified grief counselor, be sure to research their credentials and ask about their expertise. A qualified grief therapist might have a psychology, counseling, or social work background. There are also specialized certifications in grief, counseling, or bereavement therapy that can be an added benefit. Finally, you can ask about continuing education theyve done in bereavement, trauma, or related mental health areas. Its important to find someone who not only understands the grieving process but also has success in treating it.5. Consider the counselors approachTo get the most out of grief therapy, it has to be a good fit, and you must be comfortable with the therapists approach. Its OK to ask about their grief therapy techniques. Understanding their theoretical approach is essential to ensure it resonates with your personal needs and philosophies.Some might use cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which helps you identify and reframe negative thought patterns and develop coping strategies. Other styles of therapy can incorporate elements of mindfulness to help you try to find meaning or purpose after your loss. They are also spiritually oriented therapists that might include faith-based aspects that align with your beliefs.6. Reach out for initial consultationsAfter you narrow down a list of possible therapists, reach out and request an initial consultation. Most counselors offer brief initial meetings of 15 to 30 minutes so you can decide if it will be a good fit before you commit to sessions. This can give you insight into their communication style, personality, and comfort level.The initial consultation is when you can ask those questions and really delve into figuring out if the therapist might be a good fit for you. Be prepared for it to be on the shorter side and a little less like a true session. These consultations are meant to be brief and concise. It allows the potential client to suss out if they feel comfortable with the therapist and it allows the therapist to understand if they can competently treat the client. Most are no longer than 15 to 20 minutes. Talkspace therapist Minkyung Chung, MS, LMHCQuestions to ask a grief counselorGrief is a personal journey, so its vital to ask questions to ensure it will be a good fit for both of you. Your relationship with your counselor will be fundamental to your healing journey, so its critical to feel comfortable and confident that they can help you.Potential questions to ask during a consultation:What is your experience working with clients who are grieving?What therapeutic approach do you use for grief counseling?Do you have any specialized training or certifications in grief counseling?How do you tailor your counseling to meet the individual needs of clients?Do you have experience working with individuals who have lost a loved one in a similar way? How do you structure your counseling sessions?What can I expect to gain from grief counseling?How long do you typically work with clients experiencing grief?How often should I go to therapy?What is your availability, and how often do you recommend sessions?Do you involve family members in the counseling process?Do you offer online counseling or in-person sessions?What are your fees, and do you accept insurance?Are you in-network with my insurance?7. Evaluate the fit after the first few sessionsOnce you decide on a therapist to work with, dont be afraid to evaluate after a few sessions. Trusting your instinct is important, and if you know right away that the fit isnt working for you, its best to end the relationship and switch therapists.Signs youve found the right grief counselor to work with:You feel safe and supported in your sessionsYoure comfortable being vulnerableYou feel like the therapist is actively listening to you and is empatheticThe therapeutic approach resonates with youYou begin to notice gradual progressYour sessions feel full of purpose and relevantYou trust your therapistYou dont ever feel rushed or pressuredYou feel emotionally light after your sessionsYou look forward to going to therapyIf you disagree with most of these statements, it might mean the therapeutic relationship isnt offering you what you need. Dont feel bad if you need to find a new therapist. The most important thing for you right now is ensuring youre on an effective healing journey; it takes the right therapist to ensure that happens.  Taking the First Step Toward HealingStarting therapy can be difficult under any circumstances, but when youre grieving, it can be excruciating. Taking the first step is powerful. It means youre open to being on a path toward healing. Grief is tricky, and its never easy. Theres no timeline for grief and no right or one way to go through it. You deserve to have support during this time, though, and a grief therapist can guide you.Talkspace offers online grief counseling that is simple, accessible, and convenient. Contact Talkspace today to get matched with a mental health professional who can help you learn to deal with grief.Sources:Newsom C, Schut H, Stroebe MS, et al. Effectiveness of bereavement counseling through a communitybased organization: A naturalistic, controlled trial. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. 2017;24(6). doi:10.1002/cpp.2113. Accessed October 17, 2024.Talkspace articles are written by experienced mental health-wellness contributors; they are grounded in scientific research and evidence-based practices. Articles are extensively reviewed by our team of clinical experts (therapists and psychiatrists of various specialties) to ensure content is accurate and on par with current industry standards.Our goal at Talkspace is to provide the most up-to-date, valuable, and objective information on mental health-related topics in order to help readers make informed decisions.Articles contain trusted third-party sources that are either directly linked to in the text or listed at the bottom to take readers directly to the source.

Local Services By This Author

Arden Courts Promedica Memory Care of Sarasota

Memory Care 5509 Swift Rd., Sarasota, Florida, 34231

Arden Courts - ProMedica Memory Care Community (Sarasota)Address:5509 Swift RdSarasota, FL 34231Contact Us:Phone: 941-925-3900Fax: 941-925-7500Overview:Arden Courts Memory Care Community, located on Swift Rd in Sarasota, caters to the special needs of individuals with memory loss. Staffed by specially trained caregivers, Arden Courts cares for individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. Our community features friendly common spaces, an inviting kitchen, family rooms, and walking paths within enclosed courtyards, all designed for the safety and comfort of our residents.Customized Care & Services:We recognize residents have their own individual routines, interests, capabilities, and needs. We set out to accommodate their individuality beginning with an assessment by one of our professional staff members. Working with you, we develop an individualized service plan which is regularly adjusted to meet any changes in your loved ones routine or condition.Design & Layout:After five years of research with the assistance of Johns Hopkins, Arden Courts was specially designed not only to be safe and secure but to instill a sense of home that simultaneously enables residents to stay as independent as possible while also experiencing the stimulation necessary for one to thrive while residing within the community.ProMedica Memory Care Fund:The ProMedica Memory Care Fund assists those who are coping with memory loss and supports center services and caregiver education for the enrichment of all.Our Family of Care Services:Memory CareAssisted LivingIndependent LivingProMedica Senior CareProMedica Hospitals & Providers