Proper Diets for Diabetes in Seniors


Discovery Village At The Forum

Posted on

May 07, 2021


Florida - Southwest

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Senior Citizens no longer need to sacrifice taste for healthy eating. At Discovery Village At The Forum, our Sensations Dining meals give you all the adequate nutrition you need to live a healthy, energetic and vibrant life. Our made from scratch meals take into account your dietary restrictions while making each meal delightfully enticing and deliciously pleasing. Learn about our senior living communityand how our programs can benefit you.
Pre-diabetes is a wake-up call to get your glucose levels in check. It takes years of elevated blood glucose levels (often five or more) to lead to Pre-diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes. If your pancreas no longer makes enough insulin, you will develop Type 2 diabetes, so you need to pay special attention to what you put in your body.
Senior Citizens are at high risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. According to the National Diabetes Statistics Report in 2014, the prevalence of diabetes remains the highest for middle-aged and older adults and is the seventh leading cause of death.
Type 2 Diabetes can also lead to a greater risk of stroke, heart disease, and other problems associated with the nerves, kidneys, eyes, feet, and mouth.
The good news is that with proper exercise, weight loss, and dietary lifestyle changes, Type 2 Diabetes can be delayed and sometimes reversed. Senior Citizens who are pre-diabetic or diabetic can change their lifestyle habits! Lets take a look at a few important dietary factors in preventing Type 2 Diabetes.
Foods Are Too Sweet
These days sugar is added to almost every packaged product. In order to prevent Type 2 Diabetes, Senior Citizens must limit their amount of sugar intake. Many products contain a significant amount of hidden sugar. Make sure to always read ingredient labels and check for these hidden sugar terms to avoid.
Sugars to Avoid

Glucose solids
High fructose corn syrup
Corn syrup
Cane juice
Dehydrated cane juice
Cane juice solids
Cane juice crystals
Barley malt
Beet sugar
Corn syrup solids
Buttered syrup
Carob syrup
Brown sugar
Date sugar
Malt syrup
Diastatic malt
Fruit juice
Fruit juice concentrate
Dehydrated fruit juice
Fruit juice crystals
Golden syrup
Sorghum syrup
Refiners syrup
Ethyl maltol
Yellow sugar

Try These Natural Sugars

Raw Honey
Maple Syrup (Pure maple syrup with no added sugars)
Coconut Palm Sugar

Below are some examples of foods you can substitute to help you prevent Type 2 diabetes and lead an overall healthier life:

Instead of Trans Fats like fried foods, pie crusts, store-bought cookies/cakes, and margarine, try high-quality fats such as avocados, nuts, coconut oil, butter, and animal fats. These high-quality fats should still be eaten in small doses.
Instead of Soda, try Seltzer with added natural flavors (such as lemons, limes, cucumbers, strawberries, vanilla extract, etc.)
Instead of buying pre-made smoothies, juices, and yogurts (which contain significant added sugar), try making your own with a blender or sugar. Add your own natural sugar and fresh fruit. This way you know how much sugar is being used!
Instead of eating fried foods, try baked foods.
Instead of loading up on red meats, try fish and lean meats (such as chicken and turkey)
Instead of eating refined carbohydrates (such as donuts, cakes, pastries, etc.), try Dark Chocolate, containing 85 percent or more cocoa. The flavanols in dark chocolate have been shown to improve insulin levels. You can top off your dark chocolate with delicious natural nut butter (such as almond butter, peanut butter, or cashew butter).
Instead of French Fries with Ketchup, try Raw Vegetables with Hummus
Instead of Potato Chips, try Edamame
Instead of a caramel coffee drink with whipped cream, replace it with Green Tea (adding a little raw honey if you like). Green Tea is loaded with powerful polyphenols, which can aid in breaking down glucose.
Instead of adding more sugar, try Cinnamon. Cinnamon has been shown to reduce sugar absorption and improve insulin sensitivity

Easy Breezy Chia Seed Pudding
This easy, power-packed snack/ dessert contains loads of nutrition and is an excellent source of omega 3 fats, fiber, protein, calcium, antioxidants, and more!
These ingredients may help lower the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
2/3 cup chia seeds
2 cups milk of your choice (for diabetics it may be best to use unsweetened milk such as almond, coconut, soy, or rice) or plain yogurt
tsp pure vanilla extract
1 tsp. cinnamon
1-2 tablespoons of acceptable sweetener
Fresh fruit: try any kind of berries, which are low glycemic
Mix the milk, sweetener, vanilla extract, cinnamon, and chia seeds in a bowl or container. Leave in the refrigerator for an hour or more. When you take the mixture out, it will be a pudding as the chia seeds will be completely absorbed by the milk. Stir well. Top with fruit and enjoy.
You can also add other ingredients to the pudding, such as nuts, dark chocolate pieces, spices (such as nutmeg, ginger, etc.), cocoa powder (check for added sugar), coconut flakes, and more.
Discovery Village At The Forum is a world-class senior living community in Florida. We offer a variety of living options for your needs, including Supervised Independent Living, Assisted Living, and Memory Care. To receive more information or schedule an appointment to experience our wonderful lifestyle, contact Discovery Village At The Forum.

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Busting Four Common Carb Myths

Myth #1: Avoid carbs if you want to lose weight.Fact: Not all carbs are created equal. Carbs give us energy and can actually help us lose weight when choosing high-fiber complex carbohydrates.Our bodies thrive on carbs for energy. Without enough carbs in your diet, you could experience low energy, weakness, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, and even depression. It is recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans that we get about 45-65% of our daily calories from foods with carbohydrates. When we eat too little carbohydrates, we feel tired and do not feel our best mentally or physically. Of course, limiting certain carbohydrates such as sweet treats, potato chips, and soda pop has health benefits and can lead to weight loss. This is because you are cutting out extra calories from added sugars and fats that those foods and drinks contain.Your goal should be to eat more complex carbohydrates. These carbs have vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and they take longer to digest. Examples of these include grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables (even potatoes!) Eating these foods will leave you feeling more full thanks to their high fiber content. Plus adding these types of carbs to your diet can cut down on cravings for sweets. Eating these complex carbs with proteins and non-starchy vegetables will give you a well-balanced meal, and you will feel energized to take on your day. This could look like: Chicken breast, broccoli, and a grain like brown rice or a sweet potato for dinner, or oatmeal with a veggie egg scramble for breakfast. And dont worry you do not need to cut out bread or pasta. You can increase fiber and protein in these foods by choosing whole-grain versions or gluten-free pasta made from chickpeas.Myth #2: Carbs cause weight gain.Fact: One of the factors that causes weight gain is eating more calories than you burn in a day. Weight gain is not due to carbs themselves but from the over-consumption of any type of food. Simple carbs like cakes, cookies, ice cream, soda, chips, etc., have added sugars that are naturally higher in calories. Focus on consuming less of these simple carbs and more of the complex carbs such as whole foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. These foods contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals to keep us fuller longer and maintain a healthy weight.Myth #3: Avoid all white foods, especially as a diabetic.Fact: While some white foods such as white rice and white flour are missing healthful nutrients and fiber thats found in foods like whole grain bread or whole grain flour, many white foods are high in nutrients. Cauliflower, onions, mushrooms, and garlic are great examples of this. Potatoes and bananas, specifically, get a bad reputation; however, they both contain potassium which is vital for maintaining a healthy heart and blood pressure, and they provide other beneficial vitamins, minerals, and fiber which is important for brain health, metabolism, and immune function. It is true that these foods will raise blood sugars at a quicker rate due to their high carbohydrate content, but that does not mean you cannot enjoy them. Just remember to monitor your portion sizes and eat your carbs with healthy proteins and fats for a balanced meal that will help balance your blood sugar.Myth #4: Fruit is bad because it is high in carbs.Fact: Fruit contains sugar, which is a type of carb. But fruit is also full of healthful nutrients (vitamins, minerals, fiber). Fruit contains a natural sugar called fructose, which is recommended over processed sugars like you would find in candy. Cutting fruit out of your diet will cause you to miss out on a lot of healthy nutrients. When buying canned or frozen fruit, be sure the labels say no added sugars. When drinking fruit juice, it is best to stick to 100% fruit juice at a serving size of about 4 oz, as it lacks fiber and may contain added sugars, which we want to limit in our diet. 4 oz equals about the size of your cupped palm or about the size of a small portable hand sanitizer bottle.ArchWell Health members have the opportunity to discuss nutrition concerns or questions at every appointment. Your primary care provider can help you better understand how carbs fit into your overall nutrition plan.The article provides information designed to complement your personal health management. It does not provide medical advice and not meant to replace professional medical advice. Linking to other websites does not imply any endorsement of the material on such websites.

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Discovery Village At The Forum

Independent Living 2645 Forum Blvd., Fort Myers, Florida, 33905

Welcome to Discovery Village, where exceptional senior living meets stylish comfort in Fort Myers, FL. Our community offers a range of senior living options, including independent living, assisted living, and SHINE Memory Care, all designed to cater to your unique needs and preferences.Explore our floor plans and pricing to find the perfect fit for your lifestyle. Our independent living options provide the freedom and flexibility you desire, while our assisted living services offer personalized care and support. For those needing memory care, our SHINE Memory Care program provides specialized attention in a secure environment.At Discovery Village, we understand that senior living is about more than just a place to liveit's about living well. That's why we offer exclusive lifestyle programs that promote a stress-free way of life. From daily happy hours to live music events, church services, and even trips to the Broadway Palm Dinner Theater, there's always something exciting happening at our community.Our resort-style amenities include an outdoor dining area, poolside cabanas, a bar and bistro, two dining rooms, a fitness center, and more, ensuring that every day is filled with endless opportunities for fun and relaxation.Take a virtual tour of our community to see for yourself the exceptional senior living experience we offer at Discovery Village. Whether you're exploring options for yourself or a loved one, we invite you to schedule an in-person tour to discover why Discovery Village at The Forum is the perfect place to call home.We look forward to welcoming you to our community!

Discovery Village At The Forum

Assisted Living 2619 Forum Boulevard, Fort Myers, Florida, 33905

Welcome to Discovery Village, where exceptional senior living meets stylish comfort in Fort Myers, FL. Our community offers a range of senior living options, including independent living, assisted living, and SHINE Memory Care, all designed to cater to your unique needs and preferences.Explore our floor plans and pricing to find the perfect fit for your lifestyle. Our independent living options provide the freedom and flexibility you desire, while our assisted living services offer personalized care and support. For those needing memory care, our SHINE Memory Care program provides specialized attention in a secure environment.At Discovery Village, we understand that senior living is about more than just a place to liveit's about living well. That's why we offer exclusive lifestyle programs that promote a stress-free way of life. From daily happy hours to live music events, church services, and even trips to the Broadway Palm Dinner Theater, there's always something exciting happening at our community.Our resort-style amenities include an outdoor dining area, poolside cabanas, a bar and bistro, two dining rooms, a fitness center, and more, ensuring that every day is filled with endless opportunities for fun and relaxation.Take a virtual tour of our community to see for yourself the exceptional senior living experience we offer at Discovery Village. Whether you're exploring options for yourself or a loved one, we invite you to schedule an in-person tour to discover why Discovery Village at The Forum is the perfect place to call home.We look forward to welcoming you to our community!

Discovery Village At The Forum

Memory Care 2619 Forum Boulevard, Fort Myers, Florida, 33905

Welcome to Discovery Village, where exceptional senior living meets stylish comfort in Fort Myers, FL. Our community offers a range of senior living options, including independent living, assisted living, and SHINE Memory Care, all designed to cater to your unique needs and preferences.Explore our floor plans and pricing to find the perfect fit for your lifestyle. Our independent living options provide the freedom and flexibility you desire, while our assisted living services offer personalized care and support. For those needing memory care, our SHINE Memory Care program provides specialized attention in a secure environment.At Discovery Village, we understand that senior living is about more than just a place to liveit's about living well. That's why we offer exclusive lifestyle programs that promote a stress-free way of life. From daily happy hours to live music events, church services, and even trips to the Broadway Palm Dinner Theater, there's always something exciting happening at our community.Our resort-style amenities include an outdoor dining area, poolside cabanas, a bar and bistro, two dining rooms, a fitness center, and more, ensuring that every day is filled with endless opportunities for fun and relaxation.Take a virtual tour of our community to see for yourself the exceptional senior living experience we offer at Discovery Village. Whether you're exploring options for yourself or a loved one, we invite you to schedule an in-person tour to discover why Discovery Village at The Forum is the perfect place to call home.We look forward to welcoming you to our community!