What Is Dementia?


Home Instead

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Jul 09, 2021


Florida - Sarasota, Bradenton & Charlotte Counties

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Did you know that every three seconds, someone in the world is diagnosed with dementia? Millions of people across the world have dementia and millions more are supporting those living with dementia. But, what exactly is dementia? And, why is there a stigma associated with it?

Defining Dementia
Dementia is a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life. There are many types of dementia, the most common type is Alzheimer's disease. When an individual is living with a form of dementia, the brain is experiencing changes due to the pathology or disease in the brain. As the disease progresses, the individual will exhibit symptoms.

10 Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer's

Memory loss that disrupts daily life
Difficulty completing familiar tasks
Challenges with planning and problem solving
Confusion with time and place
Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships
New problems with words in speaking or writing
Misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace steps
Decreased or poor judgment
Withdrawal from work or social activities
Changes in mood and personality

If these symptoms become noticeable to those close to the individual, it is important to schedule a medical appointment to help identify the root cause of these symptoms. If it is in fact dementia, it is imperative to get an early diagnosis.

Overcoming the Stigma
While there is currently not a cure for Alzheimer's disease, it does not mean life is over for an individual after a diagnosis. It is important to overcome the negative stigma by acknowledging who the individual is and was before the diagnosis. So often people living with Alzheimer's disease experience strain on family relationships, a withdrawal from friendships or exclusion from conversations by medical professionals. We can do our part to reduce the stigma by talking directly to the person living with dementia, empowering them with independence and supporting them when needed.
Caring for Someone with Dementia
When there is a dementia diagnosis, a person-centered care approach may be one approach considered to support the individual. The foundations for this approach include:
Getting to know the person
Maximizing independence
Personalizing care to meet individual needs and preferences
Adjusting care approaches to reflect day-to-day needs and abilities
Providing ongoing opportunities for engagement that have meaning and purpose

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Agitation and frustration are common behaviors for those with Alzheimer's and can lead to a feeling of hopelessness by you, the caregiver or family member. There are a few strategies that may help, but first, as hard as it is, you must come to terms that mom's or dad's reality may be different now. Trying to meet them in their world will help you to truly empathize with their feelings and could help you problem-solve whatever behavior you are facing. The goal is creating for your loved one the best life they can live, full of as much independence and purpose, while trying to redirect frustration and keep them safe.While caring for your loved one, you may experience your own sadness and frustration or you may struggle to find balance. It's especially important for caregivers to make time for themselves. Creating an environment in which all of these tips can be performed all the time may not be realistic for you. Likely it will be exhausting, and at times, rewarding. A support group like the one we offer may help you meet other people in your same situation and offer a break away from your duties at home.Here are some quick tips for caregivers as you learn to communicate with your loved one:1. Arguments are useless. In fact, they often make matters worse. Confusion, memory loss and frustration are making the person behave irrationally, and you cant argue them out of it.2. Allow as much independence and freedom as possible, while keeping safety and comfort in mind.3. Actions help when verbal communication fails. Help by demonstrating what you mean, or by starting the activity in question.4. Assume that your loved one may understand and hear what you say even if they are confused. Do not say things in front of them as if they are not there.5. Appreciate good moments or good days even though the persons ability may not be what it used to be.6. Appropriate and productive activities help pass the time and reduce agitation, boredom, daytime sleeping and depression. Give your loved one safe, realistic tasks or activities that can be easily finished and would be something he or she would have enjoyed doing normally, such as an art project or planting flowers.7. Agitation is often alleviated when the caregiver remains calm, reassuring and respectful of the persons feelings. "Centering" can help you get control of emotions when things get to be too much. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly numerous times until you can gain composure.8. Adults with disabilities are still adults. It is important that they are always treated with respect and dignity.9. Adapt a task or activity to fit the ability of the resident. Break down the activity into separate steps; simplify tasks by eliminating parts that could be frustrating.10. Assessment is ongoing. What is safe and effective for now may change. Keep watching and reevaluating.

Validation | Embracing Consciousness And Compassion

As an Authorized Validation Organization, Meridian Senior Living finds value in sharing with caregivers beneficial articles from the Validation Training InstitutePublished on April 16, 2024 by The Validation Training InstituteAs a member of the Validation Training Institute (VTI) Board, a mindfulness teacher, and an individual engaged in both the physical and mental aspects of aging, I find myself standing at the intersection of profound personal and professional insights. The journey of aging is not just a physical one characterized by the inevitable changes in stamina, muscle mass, and the appearance of wrinkles. At 52, these signs of aging are tangible reminders of the bodys natural progression. However, there is another aspect of aging that often lurks in the background, unnoticed until it forcefully demands attentioncognitive decline.My connection to cognitive decline is both distant and intimate. While my own thoughts rarely wander to fears of disorientation or loss of mental acuity, the shadow of Alzheimers disease looms large in my family history. My mothers aunts extreme cognitive decline serves as a stark reminder of the potential futures many of us may face. My mothers fear of following in her aunts footsteps is a constant presence in her life, yet I find myself ponderingwhat if I do experience significant cognitive decline myself? Which parts of my consciousness will fade, becoming inaccessible to both me and those around me? How would I wish to be treated by my caregivers in such a scenario?It is here that the Validation Method, developed by Naomi Feil, becomes not just a professional tool but a beacon of hope. Validation is a way of communicating with and understanding individuals experiencing cognitive decline. It emphasizes empathy, respect, and the dignity of the person, regardless of their cognitive state. This approach aligns closely with my values as a mindfulness teacher and my understanding of the human consciousness as explored in Jack Kornfields The Wise Heart: A Guide to the Universal Teachings of Buddhist Psychology.Kornfields exploration of consciousness in Buddhist psychology offers profound insights into the nature of our minds and beings. Consciousness, as described, is clear, timeless, and untouched by the transient thoughts and attachments that flit through our minds. This understanding underscores the importance of touch and eye contact, especially when speech and hearing may no longer serve as reliable bridges of connection. In the context of cognitive decline, these forms of non-verbal communication resonate with the core of our being, reaching the part of us that remains aware and responsive.The essence of mindfulnessbeing fully present and compassionate with what isparallels the Validation Methods approach. Both practices honor the individuals experience and the fundamental integrity of their consciousness. As a mindfulness teacher, my journey into Buddhist psychology deepens my appreciation for the nuanced ways in which we can connect with and support individuals experiencing cognitive decline. It reminds me that beneath the challenges of communication and memory, there exists a profound human awareness deserving of dignity and love.In contemplating my own aging and potential future with cognitive decline, I am comforted by the knowledge and practice of Validation and mindfulness. These approaches not only provide a framework for compassionate caregiving but also remind us of the resilience and depth of the human spirit. They teach us that even as certain faculties may diminish, the essence of who we area consciousness that is clear, expansive, and fundamentally unblemishedremains.Incorporating the Validation Method with the insights of Buddhist psychology, we can create a caregiving environment that respects and honors the fullness of the individual. As we navigate the complexities of aging, both as caregivers and as individuals facing our own journeys, let us do so with the wisdom, compassion, and mindfulness that every person deserves.Through the exploration of these interconnected paths, we are invited to view aging and cognitive decline not as fearsome unknowns but as opportunities for deepening our practice of empathy and understanding. As we look forward to the years ahead, may we embrace the aging process with grace, supporting ourselves and others with the dignity and respect inherent in the Validation Method and the teachings of mindfulness and Buddhist psychology.

Self-Care Tips for Caregivers of Loved Ones with Alzheimer's or Dementia

Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's or dementia can be both rewarding and challenging. As a caregiver, it's essential to prioritize your own well-being to ensure you have the strength and resilience to provide the best possible care. Here are some practical self-care tips to help caregivers maintain their physical, emotional, and mental health while supporting their loved ones.1. Educate YourselfUnderstanding Alzheimer's or dementia can help alleviate feelings of confusion and frustration. Educate yourself about the disease, its progression, and common symptoms. Knowledge empowers you to anticipate challenges, make informed decisions, and provide better care for your loved one.2. Seek SupportYou're not alone on this journey. Reach out to family, friends, or support groups for emotional support and practical assistance. Connecting with others who are going through similar experiences can provide comfort, validation, and valuable insights.3. Take BreaksCaregiving can be physically and emotionally demanding. It's essential to take regular breaks to rest, recharge, and engage in activities you enjoy. Consider respite care services, where trained professionals can step in to provide temporary care, allowing you to take much-needed time for yourself.4. Prioritize Self-CareMake self-care a non-negotiable priority. Eat a balanced diet, prioritize regular exercise, and get enough sleep. Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to reduce stress and promote emotional well-being.5. Set Realistic ExpectationsAccept that you can't do it all, and that's okay. Set realistic expectations for yourself and your caregiving role. Be kind to yourself and recognize that it's normal to experience a range of emotions, including guilt, frustration, and grief.6. Establish BoundariesSet boundaries to protect your own physical and emotional health. Learn to say no to additional responsibilities or requests that exceed your capacity. Communicate your needs and limitations openly with family members and healthcare professionals.7. Stay ConnectedMaintain connections with friends, hobbies, and interests outside of your caregiving role. Socializing and engaging in activities that bring you joy can provide a much-needed break from caregiving responsibilities and help prevent feelings of isolation and burnout.8. Utilize ResourcesTake advantage of community resources and support services available for caregivers. This may include support groups, respite care programs, caregiver training workshops, and educational materials. Don't hesitate to ask for help when you need it.9. Practice Patience and CompassionCaring for someone with Alzheimer's or dementia requires patience, understanding, and compassion. Remember that your loved one's behaviors and abilities may change over time, and it's essential to approach caregiving with empathy and kindness.10. Monitor Your Own HealthLastly, don't neglect your own health needs. Schedule regular check-ups with your healthcare provider, and be proactive about addressing any physical or mental health concerns you may have. Remember, prioritizing your own health is essential for your ability to continue providing care for your loved one.As a caregiver of someone with Alzheimer's or dementia, self-care is not a luxuryit's a necessity. By prioritizing your own well-being, seeking support, and practicing self-care techniques, you can better navigate the challenges of caregiving while maintaining your own health and happiness. Remember, you're doing an incredible job, and taking care of yourself is an essential part of the caregiving journey.