Winter Guide to Being Sick


DR BYARD - Direct Care Physicians of Pittsburgh

For more information about the author, click to view their website: Direct Care Physicians of Pittsburgh

Posted on

Aug 06, 2024


Pennsylvania - Greater Pittsburgh Area

Note: this is not medical advice and should not replace a discussion with your own treating physician. This document was created after compiling helpful over the counter and home remedies from patients and colleagues.

Winter is a beautiful time of the year, but it also brings along various illnesses. With the constant change in temperature and dry air, it's easy to catch a cold or flu. However, being sick doesn't have to be miserable. Here are some tips to help you through your winter sickness.

First off, make sure you are getting enough rest. Your body needs time to fight off the illness, so getting plenty of sleep is essential. Drinking lots of fluids is also crucial to staying hydrated. Warm liquids such as tea or soup can help soothe your throat and loosen congestion.

Second, take over-the-counter medication to relieve your symptoms. Decongestants can help relieve nasal congestion, and pain relievers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help reduce fever and body aches. However, be sure to read the instructions carefully and consult with a doctor if you have any doubts.

Lastly, try to avoid spreading your illness to others. Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, and wash your hands frequently with soap and water. Stay home if you're feeling unwell to prevent spreading the illness to others, and mask up if you need to leave the house. Reminder that we are fortunate enough to have vaccinations against flu, COVID and RSV which cause significant respiratory illness.

In conclusion, being sick during the winter can be tough, but with plenty of rest, hydration, and medication, you can make it through. I’ve gathered up some of the most common remedies used by myself, my patients, and my followers on social media and shared them below. Remember to take care of yourself and stay warm during the chilly winter weather.


Note: if you take other medications, it’s important to talk with your physician or pharmacist about how these over the counter meds may interact with your prescribed meds


Vicks Vapo Rub on the chest and bottoms of feet

Coricidin (good for those with cough and high blood pressure)

Delsym Cough Medicine: dextromethorphan containing cough meds help with cough suppression, for dry coughs

Zarbees for kids: these come in a daytime and nighttime forms to help with sleep (chamomile)

Mucinex: guaifenesin containing meds help to loosen up mucus in your though to help you cough it up, for wet coughs

Sudafed: pseudoephedrine is a decongestant and can make you pretty wired/awake. caution if you have high blood pressure

Dimetapp for kiddos 6 and older Congestion/sore throat Afrin nasal spray: temporary congestion relief

Flonase nasal spray: great for post nasal drip that causes sore throat Saline nasal rinses

General cold/flu symptoms Dayquil/Nyquil: remember, these contain acetaminophen aka Tylenol. so don’t mix with additional tylenol unless instructed by your physician

Know your meds! acetaminophen is also known as Tylenol; ibuprofen is also known as Motrin and is the same class of medications as naproxen aka Aleve


Note: if you take other medications, it’s important to talk with your physician or pharmacist about how these remedies may interact with your prescribed meds 

Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa-Chinese herbal throat and cough syrup

Green tea

Ginger tea

Boom boom inhaler stick

Lemon, honey, and chamomile tea

Sleep Epsom salts baths


Black elderberry syrup

Raw garlic with honey

Mullein tincture Electrolyte rich drinks like liquid IV, LMNT, pedialyte-- monitor sugar content

Fermented foods



Foods high in vitamin C (citrus!)


In a saucepan, bring the following to a boil, then remove from heat and enjoy:

8 ox water

1 T apple cider vinegar

1 T honey

1 cinnamon stick

1 clove of peeled and smashed garlic

small  piece of peeled ginger


after a viral infection, cough can last 4-6 weeks in some cases. if you have fever with the cough or it’s getting worse, talk with your doctor as it could indicate a bacterial infection

never underestimate the power of sleep and resting your body

a fever is technically a temperature over 100.4 degrees F

the symptoms of COVID, flu, and RSV overlap significantly. getting tested for these infections may be helpful in determining if you need further intervention

your gut health is key to your immune system. you may not be able to fully prevent getting sick, but a healthy mind and body will help you with resilience and recovery. focusing on fiber, mindfulness, sleep and regular exercise can help your gut stay strong!

most viral infections last about 5-7 days. but if you are experiencing shortness of breath, chest pain, high fevers, difficulty swallowing, dizziness, or wheezing, contact your physician immediately

ask your doctor for their recommendation on checking your child’s temperature. they may want you to use a rectal thermometer depending on age

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Local Services By This Author

Dr. Rebecca L. Byard, MD - Direct Care Physicians of Pittsburgh

Physicians 750 Washington Rd Unit 15, Mount Lebanon, Pennsylvania, 15228

Healthcare, Without The HassleFor many patients, traditional healthcare solutions leave gaps in the way their health is addressed. Instead of preventing injury and illness before they become a source of struggle, patients are treated reactively, only after theyre sick and their lives have been affected for the worse.At Direct Care Physicians of Pittsburgh, were proud to do things differently. Our Member Practices follow the Direct Primary Care (DPC) approach, allowing us to spend all the time and energy necessary to educate patients on their bodies, be there when they need us, and help them to make decisions about the health in which they feel comfortable and confident. Most importantly, we practice preventative care, focusing on testing and lifestyle guidance to help patients be as healthy as possible before they get sick.Direct Care Physicians of Pittsburgh is committed to challenging the status quo of healthcare and providing a better experience for all patients. If youre ready to take charge of your health and receive the hands-on, one-on-one care you deserve, schedule your first consultation with the DCPP team today.Dr. Rebecca Byard is a family medicine doctor at Direct Care Physicians of Pittsburgh's Mount Lebanon location.  She provides personalized healthcare that puts patients first.  Her office hours are flexible and she provides supprt by phone, texting, email access, and home visits.  From physicals to wellness visits to chronic illness management, our services can address a wide range of standard preventive and primary care needs.Dr. Byard was born and raised in Pittsburgh, she graduated from Upper St. Clair High school in 1995, afterwards attending college and graduating from Chatham University with her biochemistry degree. She did not take the traditional path into medicine; she worked for 8 years at a biotech company before deciding to change careers. She headed off to medical school as a single parent of a 4 year old son, and graduated with her M.D. in 2011. She attended the family medicine residency at The Washington hospital until 2014 at which time she stayed on as faculty.  What is Direct Primary Care?Direct Primary Care, or DPC, is a model of healthcare that puts patients first by getting rid of the red tape that constrains traditional practices. How? It's simple: we don't accept insurance, and believe it or not this actually saves you money in the long run.You won't have to pay a co-pay for office visits or routine physicals. Also, you'll be able to avoid many visits by sending your questions directly to your doctor via email and text something you won't get from a traditional practice. Youll also benefit from negotiated deals for prescription medications, blood tests, X-rays, and MRI/CT scans.   More importantly, since you are getting all this amazing care, you can cut way back on your insurance premiums. Most DPC patients couple a DPC Membership with a high-deductible, low-premium insurance plan so they're covered in the case of a major health issue. But you can leave the rest of your healthcare to Direct Care Physicians of Pittsburgh.Benefits of Membership:COMPREHENSIVE CAREOur team offers high-quality care to kids, adults, and geriatric patients. This includes, but is not limited to, chronic disease management (diabetes, high blood pressure, etc), women's health, mental health, urgent care, sports medicine, weight management, lifestyle counseling, sports physicals, and annual physicals.OFFICE VISITS WHEN YOU WANT THEM, WITH NO COPAYNeed a visit? The physicians at DCPP can usually get you a same-day or next-day appointment, all included in your membership. EXTENDED TIME, CONTINUITY OF CARE, AND COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATIONS WITH YOUR DOCTORAppointments are typically 30 minutes, but can go as long as 90 -- whatever it takes to get you taken care of. And you aren't charged a copay for each time you need a return visit. Good healthcare takes time and continuity.MINOR LABS AND PROCEDURESFor example, minor suturing, cryotherapy, and skin biopsy are all included in your membership fee. If there is an extra charge for a service, you will know exactly what it is before proceeding. There are special labs and procedures that may require an additional fee. COORDINATION WITH SPECIALISTSIf you require a consultant for specialty medical care, our team will work closely with that specialist.GREATLY DISCOUNTED MEDICATIONSMany medications can be dispensed in-house, so DCPP offers medications to you at wholesale prices. For nearly all medications, the price offered wholesale is cheaper than your copay at a pharmacy. If you take medications for chronic conditions, the savings on medication might be greater than your entire membership fee.GREATLY DISCOUNTED LAB WORK AND RADIOLOGYDCPP has negotiated with national labs and local imaging centers, allowing us to get your tests done at affordable rates.INTENSIVE LIFESTYLE COUNSELINGIt's no secret that our health habits play a huge role in the development of chronic disease.  Did you ever wish your doctor had time to give you more lifestyle advice than "eat healthier and exercise? The members at DCPP do have the time, and above that, they have the expertise. You will be able to have as many appointments for as long as you need to address how your lifestyle plays into your health, and how you can get it back on track with specific lifestyle prescriptions. If you aren't a member, DCPP offers these services for a low consultation fee.Reach out to Dr. Byard to learn more at 724-288-6964.