Community LIFE is dedicated to helping older adults stay healthy and at home. With seven Health and Wellness Centers in four counties we continue to fulfil our mission of helping older adults live independently at home. Community LIFE is an all-inclusive program tailored to meet the healthcare needs of seniors. Participants in the program have access to individualized, coordinated medical care, therapies, and in-home services. They may enjoy a variety of activities at one of our Health and Wellness Centers and take advantage of our convenient transportation options.
Comprehensive care with a specialty in you.Community LIFE is dedicated to helping older adults stay healthy and at home. With seven Health and Wellness Centers in four counties we continue to fulfill our mission of helping older adults live independently at home. Community LIFE is an all-inclusive program tailored to meet the healthcare needs of seniors. Participants in the program have access to individualized, coordinated medical care, therapies, and in-home services. They may enjoy a variety of activities at one of our Health and Wellness Centers and take advantage of our convenient transportation options.To be eligible, participants must be at least 55 years of age, clinically eligible, and able to live safely at home with the support of the LIFE program.Participants must also live in a Community LIFE service area. If you are eligible for Medicaid, there are no monthly premiums, deductibles, or copayments for any drug, service or care provided by your LIFE team.If you are eligible for Medicare but not eligible for Medicaid, a monthly premium is charged. If you are not eligible for Medicaid or Medicare, you can privately pay for LIFE services.Community LIFE is a provider of the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) and a Medicare and Medicaid approved long-term care program.
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