About 50Plus Today

50PlusToday is a national online resource for accurate, meaningful and inspirational information for older adults and their families. We believe the 50PlusToday person is a very active individual. They want to take advantage of all the world has to offer and adopt a lifestyle that promotes a good quality of life. That being said, 50PlusToday also strives to provide reliable information about difficult issues you might be facing now or in the near future. Life is a journey; we are here to help and inspire you every step of the way. Our writers are experts in their fields and/or members of the 50Plus population themselves.


We also promote businesses and fun events of all kinds that target active adults in our 50Plus Directory, and coordinate our own 50Plus educational and networking events as well. Our mission, in addition to becoming the go-to resource for everything 50Plus, is to create a supportive community for this vibrant and influential population. Please join us!


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  • This feature enables businesses to update their information and become part of the Seniorsbluebook.com network. It is a simple, yet effective way for businesses to connect with seniors and their families who are looking for senior related services.

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