At Englewood, our skilled nursing and physical rehabilitation facility is family-owned and committed to quality care and providing an environment of privacy, independence, and personal attention. Advanced quality physical rehab care and facilities. Within Englewood, The Cedars Rehabilitation Suites offers specialized physical, occupational, speech, orthopedic and cardiac rehab services for patients who may need short-term therapy. For longer term care, our Englewood facility provides 24-hour skilled nursing care, physician services and registered dietitians who review all diets and nutritional intake.
Our facility has been rated a CMS Five-Star facility four years running.You can have your space, or your privacy. At Englewood, we have 45 private rooms. The Cedars Physical Recovery Rehab Suites have 17 suites offering rooms with your own kitchen, living room, laundry room and bathroom. But whether your preference is a private or semi-private room, you'll also delight in activities and friendships that are all part of our unique experience. Whether you prefer an in-room activity or an outing, youll find it here. Our residents can enjoy relaxing on a screened patio with ice cream sundaes, or activities such as shopping trips or fishing excursions.
Our Care Services:
Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Services
Physical Rehabilitation Services
As a family-owned, licensed nursing home, Jackson Health Care delivers an exceptional level of care in a friendly, homelike environment.Advanced nursing care right here in Jackson. The services you need are right here. Jackson Health Care provides long-term care, physical rehabilitative services and skilled nursing care. Our professional staff administers physical therapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy for residents with specific challenges. Residents have access to special services right here at the facility, such as dental, optometry and podiatry care.Creating experiences your loved one can look forward to at Jackson Health Care as we offer residents the comforts of home but also the anticipation of engaging and interesting activities. Whether its games, music, sewing and knitting or floral-arranging, our residents enjoy a variety of experiences and activities.Our Services:Care ServicesPhysical Rehabilitation ServicesWhole-Person CareNursingSpecial CareSocial ServicesPhysical Rehabilitation
Cedar Chase Independent Living is an 18 unit apartment complex for individuals looking for an affordable, safe and comfortable place to live. We are not only for senior citizens but for any mature individual. Those living alone can enjoy companionship, activities and good neighbors. Many of our Cedar Chase residents are active with their community, friends and church members. They come and go as they wish. The reasonable monthly fee includes all utilities except cable television and telephone. Cable costs are much less than they would be in a house and there are no hookup fees. Each apartment has a fully equipped kitchen, including a washer and dryer. Residents enjoy weekly bingo, Bible study,exercise and fellowship, as well as a religious service most Sundays. These activities are offered but the individual chooses participation. Cedar Chase is not part of the nursing home. Living at Cedar Chase entitles you to worry free utility bills, lawn care, security, maintenance and safety during bad weather. We are conveniently located near grocery stores, pharmacies, Monroe County Hospital, doctors offices and banks and are conveniently located behind Englewood Health Care Center.Utilities except phone and cable television included in rentGroup rate for cable televisionIndividually heated and cooled apartmentsMeals availableCompanionshipBarber/beauty shopPlanned activitiesDoors secured at nightPlenty of privacyWeekly housekeepingPark your car near your doorLocated near doctors offices, Monroe County Hospital, grocery stores and banksLocated behind Englewood Health Care Center
West Gate Village is a federal and state-licensed 129-bed facility providing skilled nursing care and rehabilitative services. Our mission is to exceed our residents and therapy patients expectations for emotional, physical, spiritual and personal needs in a caring environment.RehabilitationWe offer intense rehabilitative services including Physical Therapy,Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy,Long Term CareNursing Services. We employ qualified and professional RNs, LPNs and CNAs. West Gate Village is continuously striving to improvepatient care through continuing education opportunities for our staff. Along with each residents attending physician, our team of professionals develops a personalized plan of care to meet each residents individual needs. Our licensed Social Worker works closely with family members to ensure that we are meeting the medical, social and emotional needs of each resident.Residents are encouraged to maintain past interests and pursue new ones. Social gatherings, movies, arts and crafts, music and exercise fill our event calendar each month. Delicious, well-balanced southern menus are developed by our Registered Dietician with special diets and requests served daily. Our entire staff routinely receives in-service educational training to better meet the needs of our residents.Our Services:Care ServicesPhysical Rehabilitation ServicesWhole-Person CareNursingSpecial CareSocial ServicesPhysical Rehabilitation
At Evergreen Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, our skilled nursing and physical rehabilitation facility is family-owned and committed to quality care and providing an environment of privacy, independence, and personal attention. We are a federal and state-licensed 61 bed facility providing skilled nursing services and rehabilitative services.We aemploy qualified and professional RNs, LPNs and CNAs. We are continuously striving to improve patient care through continuing education opportunities for our staff. Along with each resident~s attending physician, our team of professionals develops a personalized plan of care tomeet each resident~s individual needs. We also offer recreational therapy with social gatherings, movies, arts and crafts, music and exercise fill out event calendar each month.Our Care Services:Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Services24-Hour CarePharmacy consulting servicesDietary services and nutrition planningAssistance with Daily LivingPhysical Rehabilitation ServicesPhysical TherapySpeech TherapyOccupational TherapyCardiac Rehabilitation
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