HealthLight is a leading health technology company that specializes in developing and manufacturing innovative therapy pads based on low-level light therapy. Our mission is to provide safe, effective, and affordable solutions to help individuals find relief from pain and improve circulation. HealthLight offers drug-free, non-invasive, medical-grade relief. Our light therapy pads are typically found in doctor~s offices, but are now available to the public.FDA-cleared and backed by 3,000 research studies, HealthLight offers powerful, tested pain relief. Join the thousands of people who got their lives back from often endless pain by using HealthLight light therapy pads at home and wherever they may be. Many of our customers reduce or even eliminate powerful pain meds from their daily regimen. Our team of experts includes doctors, engineers, and scientists who are dedicated to designing and developing cutting-edge technology that delivers real results. Our products are safe and easy to use.At HealthLight, we believe that everyone deserves access to the latest healthcare technology, which is why we offer our products at affordable prices. Our devices are easy to use, portable, and can be used in the comfort of your own home, making them ideal for busy individuals seeking effective pain management and injury recovery.Since our inception, HealthLight has earned a reputation as a trusted provider of health technology solutions. Independent testing has shown that HealthLight therapy pads stand apart from the competition, delivering more light energy to the skin than light therapy pads from other companies. This is due to our exclusive LED technology. If you are looking for a safe, effective, and affordable way to manage pain and improve circulation, look no further than HealthLight.
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Browse NowMedically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNWhether its the cartilage, tricep tendon, humerus or ulna, your elbows can encounter various issues that cause pain, which is when red light therapy for elbow pain becomes vital for your wellbeing. Elbow injuries can include sprains, fractures, or even chronic diseases like arthritis and tennis elbow. But regardless of the cause, is there anything available today that can help relieve both pain and poor sensation in the elbows?Elbow injuries often occur while doing physical activities, although you can even become injured from sleeping incorrectly. Inflammation in the elbow, regardless of the origin, can be helped by red light therapy which will relieve pain in the elbow area.If youre experiencing elbow pain, whether its chronic or acute, you need to try infrared light therapy for elbows!Infrared Light Therapy Is the Perfect Solution for Elbow PainRed light therapy is an emerging science and a fast-growing technology used to treat a multitude of conditions that require stimulation of healing, relief of pain and inflammation, and restoration of function.[1] Those suffering with elbow pain know that the restoration of arm mobility is vital to maintain positive mental wellbeing. Luckily, red light therapy for elbows has been proven to be effective time and time again.HealthLights Red light therapy pads are Class II Medical Devices and have been granted FDA clearance for their ability to relive pain throughout the body, increase blood circulation, relax muscles, relieve muscle spasms and relieve the aches and stiffness caused by arthritis. Elbow pain reduces your ability to perform daily tasks and live your life, so red light therapy for elbow pain has been developed to help you live without invasive treatment.The causes of elbow pain can be grouped as follows:Inflammation elbow bursitis, arthritis, infection, & goutWear and tear osteoarthritisInjury fractures, dislocations, tears and sprainsYou can facilitate your bodys healing ability by using red light therapy. If youre experiencing any of the above, try red light therapy.Improve Circulation to Relieve Elbow PainScientific studies confirm that increasing circulation in your elbow is beneficial for relieving pain and can accelerate the bodys ability to heal itself. Red light therapy elbow pads help support your body while it is healing, help the body to repair itself and also help restore feeling and sensation in your elbow. Regular usage leads to better arm mobility.The Benefits of Red Light Therapy for ElbowsLED Light Therapy elbow pads use light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to produce light waves in the visible and infrared spectrum that painlessly penetrate the skin and are absorbed by the body. Infrared (IR) light waves have a beneficial effect on nerves. Science has discovered that, Nerve cells respond particularly well to IR. and that IR can induce neural stimulation effects as well as promoting a wide range of therapeutic benefits in cells or tissues. This is the perfect solution for those suffering with elbow pain.Infrared light therapy is a safe and effective non-invasive solution for elbow painInfrared light therapy also has a pain-relieving effect. It works by blocking pain signals from reaching the brain, which can help to reduce pain and improve mobility. The most effective way to combat painful elbow conditions is to partake in frequent light therapy sessions in the comfort of your own home. We recommend twice a day for at least 20 minutes for best results. HealthLight are a leading American manufacturer of light therapy pads for elbows that are FDA-cleared.HealthLights Long 180 Diode Pad:This pad features 180 LEDs: 80 red (630 nm) and 100 infrared (850 nm). At 16x 5, this highly flexible long and narrow pad can be used by wrapping around the elbow.The Long 180 infrared light pad is also available with blue, red, and infrared LEDs for the same price.HealthLights Small 90 Diode Pad:The size and rectangular shape of the small 90 infrared light pad make it perfect for treating just the elbow. Simply wrap the pad around your elbow using the Velcro straps, and it will cover the full area. At 9.8 x 4.5, this pad features 90 LEDs: 50 infrared (950 nm) and 40 red (630 nm).Elbow Pain Doesnt Have to Impede on your Day-to-day LifeUsing red light therapy for elbows is an easy way to improve your physical and mental wellbeing. Infrared light therapy is a non-invasive treatment that doesnt require any injections, surgery, or medication. This makes it a safe and convenient option for people who dont want to undergo more invasive treatments. Elbow is easily relieved by LED light therapy and is the perfect soothing solution for acute elbow pain and chronic elbow pain. Purchasing an LED Light Therapy device from HealthLight will help you and/or your patients experience fast-acting, dependable pain relief. HealthLight makes the most durable and most powerful clinical strength LED Light Therapy systems available today! For more information on how red light therapy works, get in touch with out experts.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNThe medical establishment today seems to basically have three ways to treat both acute and chronic pain: drugs, injections, and/or surgery. Currently accepted therapies consist of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, steroid injections, opiate pain medications and surgery, each of which carries their own specific risk profiles. But this does not have to continue to be the norm for pain treatment. There is a better way to achieve pain relief using an alternative option available to everyone that is non-invasive, painless, non-addictive, fast-acting, highly effective, dependable, totally safe, and risk free and that is Red Light Therapy!Red Light Therapy is a BreakthroughAccording to author Ari Whitten, Red and near-infrared light therapy are one of the biggest breakthrough discoveries in health in the last half century. And Dr. Michael R. Hamblin, a pioneer in the study of light therapy, states, To a very great extent I believe that almost all types and variety of human diseases can be treated with light (of one kind or another).What is Red Light Therapy?Red Light Therapy is non-invasive, painless, and does not add any amount of stress or negative side effects to the body. It is a drug-free way to relieve existing pain. A good basic definition of Red Light Therapy is, a fast-growing technology used to treat a multitude of conditions that require stimulation of healing, relief of pain and inflammation, and restoration of function.[4] Red/Infrared Light utilizes non-coherent light sources consisting of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in specific wavelengths that produce a wide range of beneficial effects on the body, and can even support the bodys repair and regeneration of nerves and tissues. Many patients feel pain relief after just their first session of Red Light Therapy.How Red Light Therapy WorksRed Light Therapy not only effectively relieves pain, but it also stimulates and accelerates the bodys own innate healing processes a very important benefit which drugs and injections simply cannot accomplish. Wherever a Red Light Therapy Pad is placed on the body, photons of light are released which induce cascades of beneficial biochemical processes within the cells, similar to photosynthesis in plants. Radiation of tissue with light causes an increase in mitochondrial products such as ATP, NADH, protein, and RNA Nitric oxide, the bodys vasodilator, is also released, which increases circulation, so that blood rich with oxygen and nutrients can now flow more freely into nerves, muscles, joints, and other tissues within that local area and accelerate the bodys natural healing processes.Safe and Risk FreeRed Light Therapy has been found to be risk free and can be administered without concern for harmful side effects. According to Dr. Michael R. Hamblin, Red Light Therapy has been proven to have an almost complete lack of reported adverse effectsA Typical Therapy SessionSo what is a typical Red Light Therapy session like? A typical session usually lasts twenty minutes. Depending upon where the light therapy pads are needed for pain relief and healing support, you will either sit or recline. All you need do is relax and stay comfortable. You can watch television, read, talk on the phone, listen to music, or meditate during your therapy. When the pads are in place and the controller is turned on, a gentle heat can be felt. Photons of light will be emitted that penetrate beneath your skin and are absorbed within your cells. Patients have described their Red Light Therapy sessions as comfortable, relaxing, and soothing. There is no downtime after a treatment session, and this boost of pain relief and beneficial cellular processes continues for several hours or even days after the session.Getting StartedPatients with chronic pain management needs will benefit from purchasing a Red Light Therapy system for home use, which may also benefit the entire family. And, since Red Light Therapy pads are made of flexible neoprene, this makes each pad very versatile. The same therapy pad can be used to treat issues that affect different areas of the body.HealthLight, a leading American manufacturer of professional, medical-grade FDA-cleared Red Light Therapy devices, makes two lines of Red Light Therapy systems: their Express-At-Home Line of devices for home users which feature convenient small and lightweight attached controllers, and their Clinical Line of Red Light Therapy products for health practitioners that utilize a separate 3 or 6-port controller to power the light therapy pads.HealthLights Small 90 Diode Pad can make the perfect therapy system for the whole family. The small size of this pad makes it easy to place anywhere on the body. For health practitioners, a 3-port controller and one to three light therapy pads (for example, HealthLights Large 264 Diode Body Pad along with their Long 180 Diode Pad) will make a world of difference in your clinic for better patient outcomes and for your revenue stream.Try Red Light TherapyNow that you know what Red Light Therapy is, you can depend upon Red Light Therapy to provide fast-acting and effective pain relief. And HealthLight makes the most durable and most powerful clinical-strength Red Light Therapy devices available today. HealthLight offers a variety of systems to meet the needs of any individual, family, or health clinic. Purchasing a Red Light Therapy system from HealthLight will provide you and/or your patients with effective pain relief, plus stimulate, accelerate, and support the bodys own innate healing processes the best way to maintain health and wellness, and, hopefully, avoid drugs, injections, and surgery.
Expect Amazing Results from Medical-Grade TechnologyDrug-free pain relief - use fewer medsClinical-strength devices typically used by doctorsCirculation improvement & muscle relaxationTemporary relief for stiffness caused by arthritisResults often felt after just a few sessionsThe most effective Light Therapy device availableHEALTHLIGHT DEVICES BRING RELIEF OF MUSCLE, JOINT ACHES, AND STIFFNESS.Red light therapy pads lead to positive temporary effects within living tissue.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNMost people would never guess that Americas leading cause of disability is actually arthritis, which is why red light therapy for arthritis is becoming more and more renowned. According to the Arthritis Foundations website, As the nations #1 cause of disability, arthritis affects nearly 60 million adults and 300,000 children. Osteo-arthritis, the most common form of arthritis, is prevalent among seniors. It is the main cause of chronic musculoskeletal pain and disability among the elderly population.What Are The Negative Effects of Arthritis?Arthritis is a general term used for joint pain or joint disease. The CDC explains that, Arthritis means inflammation or swelling of one or more joints. It describes more than 100 conditions that affect the joints, tissues around the joint and other connective tissues.Although the risk of developing arthritis increases with age, arthritis can affect people of all ages. Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) affects children, causing inflammation and joint stiffness.Because arthritis makes joints worsen over time, it can reduce range of motion in joints and in connective tissues, which in the case of knee osteoarthritis (KOA), can limit mobility. Permanent limb deformities such as knobby finger joints can also result. In addition to affecting the joints, arthritis can also harm other body areas, such as the skin, heart, eyes, lungs, and kidneys. Rheumatoid arthritis can also damage the immune system. Red light therapy for arthritis has been developed to help manage pain caused by arthritis.Arthritis Cannot Be CuredUnfortunately for arthritis sufferers, the prevailing medical opinion is that arthritis can only be managed. It cannot be permanently cured. The Johns Hopkins Medicine website clearly states, There is no cure for arthritis. The goal of treatment is often to limit pain and inflammation, and help ensure joint function. And the CDC website explains: The focus of arthritis treatment is to: control pain, minimize joint damage, improve or maintain physical function and quality of life. In inflammatory types of arthritis, it is also important to control inflammation. Red light therapy for arthritis can help you manage pain and inflammation.Common Arthritis TreatmentJust as with other diseases, modern medicine takes a pharmacological approach to treating arthritis. For osteoarthritis (OA), Treatment is with analgesics (acetaminophen), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (ibuprofen and diclofenac), and COX2 inhibitors (Celebrex by Pfizer) Anti-depressants such as Cymbalta may also be prescribed, or corticosteroids in pills or injections. For rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the primary treatment is disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs). However, over time, if drugs are not successful, then doctors may recommend surgery for joint repair, joint replacement, or joint fusion. Joint surgery is most often on the hip and knee. These are invasive treatments, which can be avoided by using red light therapy for arthritis as an alternative way to manage pain.NSAID and DMARD DangersAlthough commonly prescribed, both NSAIDs and DMARDs present significant risks for adverse side effects. According to the Arthritis Foundation, All non-aspirin NSAIDs may cause an increased risk of serious blood clots, heart attack and stroke, which can be fatal. This risk can occur as early as the first weeks using an NSAID and increases with dose and duration of use. And in addition, non-fatal but uncomfortable and distressing side effects of NSAIDs may include: abdominal cramps, pain or discomfort; diarrhea; gastrointestinal bleeding; dizziness; drowsiness; heartburn; headache; high blood pressure; nausea or vomiting; peptic ulcer; rash; swelling of the feet; and ringing in the ears. And with DMARDs, most DMARDs increase your risk of infections. And each DMARD has its own list of adverse side effects. The adverse side effects of corticosteroids may include bone thinning, weight gain, and diabetes. So, is there a way to manage arthritis without adverse side effects and the potential risk of fatality?Red Light Therapy for ArthritisIf you find the adverse side effects of NSAIDs, DMARDs, and corticosteroids concerning, especially since arthritis requires long-term treatment, there is a safer and more natural way to effectively manage arthritis without the risks presented by pharmaceuticals Red Light Therapy. Basically, red light therapy is perfect for arthritis as it uses red and near-infrared light, which is used to treat a multitude of conditions that require stimulation of healing, relief of pain and inflammation, and restoration of function including arthritis. Red Light Therapy is also known as photobiomodulation (PBM); photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT); and low-level light therapy (LLLT).Red light therapy for arthritis has been proven to have no known risks or harmful side effects, offering a non-invasive, safe, drug-free, and side-effect-free method for pain relief of both acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions as well as fibromyalgia. Furthermore, The combination of good evidence and virtually no side effects make PBMT ideally suited to become an alternative for all future pain treatments. A simple and easy twenty-minute red light therapy session each morning can reduce pain, stiffness, and swelling, which in turn should increase joint mobility and range of motion helping those with arthritis to function better throughout their day.How Can Red Light Therapy Help With Arthritis?Scientific studies confirm that Red Light Therapy is highly effective for relieving the symptoms associated with arthritis, including OA and RA, making Red Light Therapy ideally suited for treating this disease. Red light therapy for arthritis can:Reduce pain quickly and effectively:With Red Light Therapy (a/k/a LLLT), Fast acting pain relief occurs within minutes of application And, According to the more than 4000 studies on, it can be concluded that the majority of laboratory and clinical studies have demonstrated that LLLT has a positive effect on acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain. And compared to pharmaceuticals, The positive effect from LLLT seems to last longer than those of widely recommended painkiller drugs.Reduce joint inflammation:One of the most reproducible effects of PBM is an overall reduction in inflammation, which is particularly important for disorders of the joints Also, LLLT is a promising treatment for RA given its non-invasive nature and anti-inflammatory effects. Current research in pre-clinical studies shows that it could play a major role in attenuating the immune response that leads to joint destruction and debilitation.Regenerate tissues:Unlike drugs, red light therapy for arthritis can help repair, restore, and regenerate the connective tissues surrounding joints, which is crucial for combating the degenerative effects of arthritis. Red Light Therapy (PBMT) has been found to have profound biological effects on tissue including increased cell proliferation, accelerating the healing process, promoting tissue regeneration, preventing cell death, anti-inflammatory activity and relief of pain.Improve bones and cartilage:Red Light Therapy can truly benefit those suffering from arthritis because, These low doses of light have demonstrated the ability to heal skin, nerves, tendons, cartilage and bones.Relieve swelling:Research studies prove that Red Light Therapy pads successfully reduce swelling. The action of LLLT in reducing swelling and inflammation has been well established in animal models, as well as in clinical trials.Relieve stiffness and improve joint mobility:As infra-red light penetrates deeply into tissues and joints, Red Light Therapy can be depended upon to relieve joint stiffness, which in turn improves joint mobility. Red Light Therapy devices have received FDA clearance for relieving the aches and stiffness caused by arthritis.Red Light Therapy for Arthritis Management, Not DrugsIf Red Light Therapy provided only one of the six benefits listed above, that would be enough to make it a helpful tool for managing arthritis. But the fact that Red Light Therapy provides all six benefits to help relieve every major symptom of arthritis makes Red Light Therapy indispensable to arthritis sufferers, and exactly what they need daily in order to reduce joint pain and stiffness, increase joint mobility, restore function, and improve their quality of life!Choose HealthLightArthritis does not have to be a painful burden and a restriction upon your daily activities! A Red Light Therapy device can help you effectively manage your arthritis symptoms and improve your quality of life! But all Red Light Therapy devices are not created equal. Get the best support for your joints by purchasing your Red Light Therapy pad from HealthLight. All Red Light Therapy devices by HealthLight are FDA-cleared for relieving the aches and stiffness caused by arthritis. Try red light therapy for arthritis today!For osteoarthritis of the knee or shoulder, HealthLights Knee & Shoulder Red Light Therapy Pad provides substantial benefits to those areas. HealthLight makes the most powerful clinical-strength Red Light Therapy devices available in todays marketplace to provide you the therapeutic benefits of Red Light Therapy in the convenience of your home. HealthLight offers a wide choice of Red Light Therapy pads and controllers to meet the needs and budget of any individual, family, or health practitioner.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNRed light therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy or photobiomodulation, is a therapeutic technique that uses red or near-infrared light to reduce pain and improve blood circulation. This type of treatment has been used for humans for many years, but now its becoming popular in the veterinary world and many people are wondering whether red light therapy is safe for dogs. Many pet owners are turning to red light therapy pads to help alleviate pain and promote healing in their furry friends. In this blog, well be discussing red light therapy for dogs at home and how it works.What is Red Light Therapy?Red light therapy involves exposing a dogs skin or affected area to red or near-infrared light, which penetrates the skin and stimulates the cells to produce more energy. This energy helps to improve circulation in a concentrated area. Red light therapy has been shown to be effective in treating a variety of conditions in dogs including arthritis, joint pain, muscle soreness, and skin conditions.How To Use Red Light Therapy On DogsIf you are researching how to use red light therapy on dogs, there are a few different health problems it can help. Red light therapy works for dogs in the same way it works for humans. When the red or near-infrared light is applied to the affected area, it penetrates the skin and stimulates the cells to produce more energy. This energy helps to promote circulation in the area. This therapy can be used to treat a variety of conditions in dogs, including:Arthritis: Red light therapy has been shown to be effective in reducing pain and inflammation associated with arthritis in dogs.Joint pain: Red light therapy can be used to reduce joint pain in dogs.Muscle soreness: Red light therapy can help to reduce muscle soreness and reduce pain and improve circulation in dogs.What Are The Benefits of Red Light Therapy for Dogs At Home?There are several benefits of using red light therapy for dogs, including:Non-invasive: Red light therapy is a non-invasive therapy that does not require any incisions or injections.Pain-free: Red light therapy is a pain-free therapy that does not cause any discomfort to your dog.Safe: Red light therapy is a safe therapy that does not have any known side effects.Effective: Red light therapy has been shown to be effective in treating a variety of conditions in dogs.How to Use Red Light Therapy for Dogs?Red light therapy can be administered at home or at a veterinary clinic. If youre using red light therapy at home, its important to follow the manufacturers instructions carefully. Here are some tips for using red light therapy for dogs:Make sure the affected area is clean and dry before applying red light therapy.Position the red light therapy device over the affected area and turn it on.Leave the device in place for the recommended amount of time, usually between 5 and 20 minutes.Repeat the treatment as often as recommended by your veterinarian or the device manufacturer.Is Red Light Therapy Safe For Dogs?Red light therapy for dogs is considered safe for frequent use. However, it is important to consult with a veterinarian before using any new treatment on your dog, especially if they have an underlying medical condition or are taking medication.Overall, red light therapy can be a safe and effective treatment for dogs when used properly and under the guidance of a veterinarian.Red Light Therapy For Dogs In ConclusionRed light therapy is a safe and effective therapy that can be used to treat a variety of conditions in dogs. This therapy is non-invasive, pain-free, and has no known side effects. If youre considering using red light therapy for your dog, its important to talk to your veterinarian first to ensure that its a safe and appropriate treatment option for your furry friend. With the right treatment plan, red light therapy can help to reduce pain in your dog.
What Is Infrared Light Therapy?Infrared light therapy is a procedure that uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to relieve pain caused by acute or chronic injury. By low intensity light in the red or near infrared (NIR) spectrum (600nm 1000nm) to stimulate healing. Infrared light therapy is non-invasive, painless, and does not use heat.Light has a photochemical effect comparable to photosynthesis in plants. For light therapy to work, enough light has to penetrate below the surface of the skin and be absorbed by cells to exert a sufficient chemical change.The Science Behind Infrared Light TherapyInfrared light therapy is backed by years of science. In 1993, Duke University researchers discovered the benefits of infrared light therapy. In 1998, three American physiologists won the Nobel Prize for discovering that nitric oxide causes the blood vessels to dilate. This effect can be seen when a patient with angina takes nitroglycerin. The blood vessels dilate and reduce the angina. However, nitric oxide must be taken by mouth and reach the heart systemically via the blood flow.Therapeutic infrared light often come in the form of LEDs, as they are a safe and cost-efficient method to deliver light therapy to specific areas of the body. Unlike medical lasers, HealthLight red light therapy pads do not require use of protective eyewear during treatment.Infrared light therapy involves illuminating concentrated wavelengths of light between 810nm and 850nm on bare skin. The treatment is based on light photons interacting with light-sensitive molecules in each cell.When infrared light photons reach these molecules, they can stimulate mitochondrial cells (commonly called cell energy generators) to produce more adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which stimulates cellular energy production.This in turn supplies energy to all the cells that are illuminated by the light. Self-protective factors such as antioxidants are released to prevent inflammatory cell damage. And cells can perform their functions more efficiently, including repairs and remodeling. This enhanced feature has anti-aging benefits as well as the ability to treat the causes of many diseases and ailments.Mitochondria actually produce more than just cellular energy. It also controls cell life, including natural cell death. When cells are diseased or damaged, mitochondria send signals that instruct the cell to self-destruct. However, when mitochondrial dysfunction causes unintentional cell death, it triggers the production of free radicals, which damage neighboring cells. Infrared light therapy helps improve mitochondrial function and also activates antioxidant molecules that fight free radicals. This means that infrared light therapy reduces chronic inflammation caused by oxidative stress.This means that infrared light therapy stimulates the body to reduce chronic inflammation caused by oxidative stress. Chronic inflammation is a major cause or cause of almost all diseases, such as rapid aging.The Benefit of Infrared Light Therapy For Your PatientsWhen selecting a light therapy program for your patients, it's important that you take the specifications of the LED pads into consideration. The medical benefits from light therapy is dependent on: wavelength and power.Wavelength (measured in nm) needs to be sufficient in order to achieve an adequate dosage. The bulk of clinical literature suggests that light in the mid-600nm range to high-800nm range is most effective. That is because these wavelengths have the greatest effect on the cellular respiration process.Power Density is the amount of light power delivered to an area of the body. HealthLight infrared light therapy pads are powerful enough to stimulate healing of the body.Why people can benefit from infrared light therapyWe see sunlight as much brighter white light. This effect is most noticeable in the afternoon, when the color of the sun is not distorted by the atmosphere. But inside the white light is a rainbow of colors that seem to be white together, as well as colors that are incomprehensible to the human eye.Humans do not see the full spectrum of electromagnetic energy, which we call light, but we can see the wavelengths that are most beneficial to our bodies. The human eye can see light from purple to red light, but higher wavelengths can usually provide more therapeutic benefits.The shortest wavelength detected by the human eye in the visible light spectrum is about 380 nanometers (nm), which our brain perceives as purple. Wavelengths shorter than 380nm fall into the ultraviolet(UV) spectrum, which is invisible to humans but has a strong effect on bare skin as anyone who has been badly burned is well aware. Due to its potential to burn and cause skin damage such as skin cancer, UV light is often considered dangerous. However, it has therapeutic benefits. At the upper end of the spectrum, the eye can observe red wavelengths that range between 600nm and 650nm.The human eye loses sight of light at about 740nm, which is in the long range of the red spectrum. Furthermore, the infrared range of light, which is invisible except under certain conditions. We understand these higher electromagnetic waves as heat as light.Why is it important? Every wavelength of visible and invisible light affects the human body. However, we now know that relatively high wavelengths (red and NIR) have the most advantages and the least side effects.What are the uses for near infrared light therapy?As the following studies have shown, NIR light therapy does not only cure symptoms; cured inflammation, which is the root cause of many conditions.NIR light therapy can help reverse the signs of skin aging, including fine lines, wrinkles, sunspots, and sagging, paper skin. In the deeper layers of the skin, NIR increases the production of collagen and elastin.Restores the thickness, firmness and elasticity of youthful skin. Most studies have shown 6 to 12 weeks of consistent therapy for the best skin rejuvenation results.NIR light therapy balances thyroid function. The thyroid gland is important for overall health because its functions include regulating metabolism through the release of hormones. Thyroid failure can lead to severe fatigue, mental fog, weight gain, hair loss and muscle weakness. NIR light therapy promotes a healthy circadian rhythm (natural sleep / wake cycle). The hypothalamus, which is responsible for the circadian rhythm, is highly photosensitive. NIR light stimulates the production of melatonin, which helps quality sleep.Due to its high wavelength, NIR light can penetrate the skull as it passes through the forehead. In the brain, NIR light has neuroprotective effects on brain cells. It reduces oxidative stress (which is associated with neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimers disease) and stimulates normal neurogenesis (the birth of new brain cells), which helps to recover from traumatic brain injury.NIR light therapy improves the sexual and reproductive health of men. It has been shown to safely increase sperm motility (increase the chance of conception) and stimulate energy production in testosterone-producing Leydig cells.NIR light therapy promotes wound healing through increased transient inflammation (healthy temporary immune response to injury), increased blood flow, and regulated collagen production, which stimulates the growth of normal tissue instead of scar tissue.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNFrom the meniscus to the articular cartilage, collateral ligaments and the cruciate ligaments, your knees are the largest joints in your body so its important that you care for them with help from red light therapy for knees. Knee injuries can include sprains, strains, or even chronic diseases like arthritis and diabetes. But regardless of the cause, is there anything available today that can help relieve both pain and poor sensation in the knees?Knee injuries can include a torn meniscus sprains, strains, or even chronic diseases like arthritis which can be caused by anything from standing to climbing. All kinds of movements can cause inflammation in the knee. Regardless of the origin, many people are looking to red light therapy to help relieve pain in the knee.If youre reading this now, chances are you have a knee pain. Whether youre experiencing chronic or acute knee pain, check out infrared light therapy for knees!Acute knee pain occurs when you have an injury or inflammation. This type of knee pain needs care and treatment for it to heal. Chronic knee pain as a result of a serious injury, an untreated inflammation, or arthritis, can become crippling in severe cases.Infrared Light Therapy Is Perfect for KneesThe science behind infrared light therapy is a fast-growing technology used to treat a multitude of conditions that require stimulation of healing, relief of pain and inflammation, and restoration of function.[1] Those suffering with knee pain know that the restoration of mobility is vital to maintain positive mental wellbeing. Luckily, red light therapy for knees has been proven to be effective time and time again.Red light therapy pads are Class II Medical Devices and have been granted FDA clearance for increasing circulation, relieving pain, relaxing muscles, relieving muscle spasms, and relieving the aches and stiffness caused by arthritis. Knee pain can slow you down, and red light therapy for knee pain can help you live your life without invasive treatment.The causes of knee pain can be grouped as follows:Inflammation knee bursitis, arthritis, infection, & goutWear and tear osteoarthritisInjury fractures, dislocations, tears and sprainsIf youre experiencing any of the above, its important that you facilitate the healing process using red light therapy.Circulation is Key to Relieve Knee PainScientific studies confirm that red light therapy knee pads are beneficial for relieving pain and can accelerate the bodys ability to heal itself.[2] Increasing circulation is key to speeding up healing and reducing the severity of pain in your knee. Red light therapy for knees relieves pain by supporting the natural healing process, which helps the body to repair itself and also to restore sensation in the knee, leading to better balance and mobility.The Benefits of Red Light Therapy For KneesLED Light Therapy knee pads use light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to produce light waves in the visible and infrared spectrum that painlessly penetrate the skin and are absorbed by the body. Infrared (IR) light waves have a beneficial effect on nerves. Science has discovered that, Nerve cells respond particularly well to IR.[3] and that IR can induce neural stimulation effects as well as promoting a wide range of therapeutic benefits in cells or tissues.[4] This is the perfect solution for those suffering with knee pain.Try Infrared Light Therapy for KneesThe best way to help painful knee conditions is to partake in frequent light therapy sessions. We recommend twice a day for at lease 20 minutes for best results. HealthLight are a leading American manufacturer of light therapy pads for knees that are FDA-cleared.HealthLights Knee & Shoulder 204 Diode Pad:Velcro straps wrap around the knee to securely hold the pad in place, with 204 LEDs: 72 red and 132 infrared. This pad measures 14 x 12 and operates at 152 joules/minute. The top section measures 7x 9 while the middle to bottom section is 4.5x 15.5. This pad can be used for both the knee and the shoulder.The two individual flaps uniquely allow for accommodation from a small person to large person, maximizing the contact of the LEDs with the skin.The HealthLight Knee & Shoulder Infrared Light Pad can be purchased in a double pad package, allowing you to save time by treating both knees simultaneously.HealthLights Long 180 Diode Pad:This pad features 180 LEDs: 80 red (630 nm) and 100 infrared (850 nm). At 16x 5, this highly flexible long and narrow pad can be used over the knee.The Long 180 infrared light pad is also available with blue, red, and infrared LEDs for the same price.HealthLights Small 90 Diode Pad:The size and rectangular shape of the small 90 infrared light pad make it perfect for treating the knee. Just wrap the pad around the knee using Velcro, and it will cover the full area. At 9.8 x 4.5, this pad features 90 LEDs: 50 infrared (950 nm) and 40 red (630 nm).You Dont Have to Live with Knee PainKnee pain often reduces your movement and your quality of life. You dont have to live with the pain as LED Light Therapy for knees is the perfect soothing solution for acute knee pain and chronic knee pain. Purchasing an LED Light Therapy device from HealthLight will help you and/or your patients experience fast-acting, dependable pain relief. HealthLight makes the most durable and most powerful clinical strength LED Light Therapy systems available today! For more information on how red light therapy works, get in touch with out experts.
Red light therapy is a form of low-level laser therapy that uses red and near-infrared light to stimulate healing and reduce pain. The wavelength that works best for red light therapy is between 630 and 700 nanometers (nm).The most commonly used wavelength for red light therapy is 660nm, which is within this range. This wavelength has been shown to penetrate deep into the skin and tissues, promoting blood flow and pain relief. Other effective wavelengths for red light therapy include 630nm and 850nm.Its important to note that the effectiveness of red light therapy depends on various factors, including the intensity and duration of the treatment, the distance between the light source and the skin, and the individuals skin type and condition. Therefore, its best to consult a qualified healthcare practitioner before using red light therapy for any medical conditions.What is Red Light Therapy?Red light therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy, uses red and near-infrared light to stimulate the bodys natural healing process. It has been used to treat a range of medical conditions, including chronic pain and arthritis.What Wavelength Works Best for Red Light Therapy?The most effective wavelength for red light therapy is between 630 and 700 nanometers (nm). Within this range, 660nm is the most commonly used wavelength for red light therapy. This wavelength has been shown to penetrate deep into the skin and tissues, increasing blood flow. Other effective wavelengths for red light therapy include 630nm and 850nm.Does Any Red Light Work For Red Light Therapy?When it comes to asking the question does any red light work for red light therapy? you will need to know the details to ensure you pick the right device. Not all red lights are suitable for red light therapy. The therapeutic benefits of red light therapy depend on the specific wavelength of light used, which is typically in the range of 620 to 700 nanometers (nm).While any red light can emit wavelengths within this range, the quality and consistency of the light produced by different types of bulbs and devices can vary significantly. For example, some red lights emit light in a broader range of wavelengths that may not be as effective for therapeutic purposes.To ensure that you are using a red light that is appropriate for red light therapy, its important to use a device that has been specifically designed for this purpose and that emits light at the appropriate wavelength range. These devices are called red light therapy pads or photobiomodulation devices.What Are The Benefits of Red Light Therapy?Red light therapy has been shown to have many benefits for physical health. Some of these benefits include:Gentle and Pain-Free: Near-infrared LED light therapy is a treatment option that is gentle and painless. It does not involve any cuts or injections, ensuring a comfortable and well-tolerated choice for individuals seeking alternative therapies.Versatility in Application: An important benefit of red light therapy is its versatility in treating various body areas (excluding the eyes). Whether targeting joint pain, muscle soreness, skin conditions, or other specific areas, near-infrared light therapy can be directly applied to the desired location.Natural Alternative: Red light therapy offers a natural alternative to expensive and potentially addictive medications. Instead of relying solely on drugs to manage pain or other conditions, individuals can explore the benefits of near-infrared light therapy as a drug-free option.Non-Surgical Option: For those considering costly and painful surgical procedures, red light therapy provides a non-surgical alternative. It can deliver relief and promote healing without the need for invasive interventions, reducing associated risks and recovery time.Simplicity and Effectiveness: Red light therapy is a straightforward yet highly effective treatment approach. It involves the use of LED light devices that emit near-infrared wavelengths, which penetrate the skin and stimulate cellular processes. The treatment can be easily incorporated into daily routines and is known for its effectiveness across various applications.Simultaneous Treatment of Multiple Areas: Red light therapy enables the simultaneous treatment of different body areas using multiple pads. This feature enhances convenience and efficiency, as multiple regions can be addressed at once during a single session.Self-Administered at Home: Near-infrared LED light therapy is user-friendly and can be self-administered in the comfort of ones own home. This accessibility makes it a convenient option for individuals seeking regular treatments without frequent visits to a healthcare professional.Integration with Multiple Modalities: Red light therapy can be combined with other therapies like chiropractic care, massage, physical therapy, PEMF therapy, or electrical stimulation. By integrating near-infrared light therapy with other modalities, therapeutic results can potentially be amplified, offering a comprehensive approach to wellness.Comfortable Multitasking: During near-infrared LED light therapy sessions, individuals can comfortably sit or lie down while receiving treatment. This allows for multitasking activities such as watching television, listening to music, reading, or talking on the phone, making it a convenient and enjoyable experience.Enhanced Circulation and Pain Relief: Red light therapy has demonstrated the ability to improve circulation and reduce pain. The near-infrared light wavelengths deeply penetrate tissues, promoting vasodilation and enhancing blood flow. Improved circulation can aid in tissue repair, reduce inflammation, and alleviate pain.Factors To Consider When Choosing a Red Light Therapy DeviceWhen selecting a red light therapy device, there are several important factors to consider to ensure you are getting a device that meets your needs and provides effective treatment. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:Wavelength: As we discussed earlier in this blog post, the wavelength of the red light used in RLT is a critical factor in its effectiveness. Ensure that the device you are considering uses a wavelength that is appropriate for the condition you want to treat.Power output: The power output of the RLT device can affect the treatments effectiveness. A higher power output device may be more effective but can also be more expensive.Size of the device: Consider the size of the device you need, depending on the area of the body you want to treat. A small device may be ideal for targeting a specific area, such as the face, while a larger device may be necessary for treating a larger area, such as the back.Type of device: There are different types of RLT devices available, including handheld devices, panels, and beds. Consider the type of device that will work best for you based on the area of the body you want to treat, how frequently you plan to use it, and your budget.Brand reputation: Research the brand and manufacturer of the device before purchasing. Look for reviews and ratings from other users to get an idea of the devices effectiveness and reliability.Cost: red light therapy devices can range in price from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. Determine your budget and look for devices that meet your needs and are within your price range.Safety features: Look for devices with safety features such as auto shut-off timers or overheating protection. These features can help prevent injury or damage to the device.By considering these factors, you can select a red light therapy device that meets your needs and provides effective treatment. It is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using a red light therapy device, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions or concerns.Red Light Therapy Wave Lengths in ConclusionRed light therapy is an effective and safe form of alternative medicine that uses red and near-infrared light to promote healing and reduce pain. The most effective wavelength for red light therapy is between 630 and 700 nanometers (nm). Within this range, 660nm is the most commonly used wavelength for red light therapy. Other effective wavelengths for red light therapy include 630nm and 850nm. If you are considering red light therapy, consult a qualified healthcare practitioner to determine if it is right for you.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNIf you are like most active individuals, you probably enjoy engaging in sports, but hate the sore muscles you experience after a good game. So have you ever wondered if there exists an easy way to reduce the time needed for post-game muscle recovery? And is there a safe and effective way to decrease muscle fatigue for better athletic performance? The simple answer to these questions is yes, there is non-invasive, fast-acting, and risk-free Red Light Therapy!The good news for all athletes is that a simple and easy twenty-minute Red Light Therapy session before and/or after any type of sports activity or exercise can make a big difference in muscle performance, muscle fatigue, and recovery time! And not only can Red Light Therapy accelerate the repair of muscle damage, it can even help prevent it!Red Light Therapy Benefits AthletesIn a nutshell, Red Light Therapy is the use of light at different wavelengths and intensities to induce biochemical changes in tissue in a stimulatory or inhibitory manner.1 Red Light Therapy is also known as light emitting diode (LED) therapy; photobiomodulation (PBM), and phototherapy.With each passing decade, science continues to discover more and more therapeutic benefits that Red Light Therapy affords skin, muscles, nerves, cartilage, tendons, and even bones. Red Light Therapys benefits for muscles are especially exciting for athletes:Red Light Therapy can enhance muscle performanceRed Light Therapy can delay and reduce muscle fatigueRed Light Therapy can repair muscle damageRed Light Therapy can prevent muscle damageRed Light Therapy can improve postexercise muscle recoveryAs a 2013 study published in the Journal of Athletic Training confirms, Investigators could conclude that exposing skeletal muscle to single-diode and multidiode laser or multidiode LED therapy positively affects physical performance by delaying the onset of fatigue, reducing the fatigue response, improving postexercise recovery, and protecting cells from exercise-induced damage. This makes Red Light Therapy a very valuable therapeutic tool for all athletes, whatever their performance level. So why does Red Light Therapy affect such beneficial results in skeletal muscle?How Red Light Therapy Supports MusclesRed Light Therapy produces wide-ranging effects at the molecular, cellular, and tissue levels when Red Light Therapy pads are placed on the body. Photons of light emitted from the pads are easily absorbed through the skin, penetrating deeply into several inches of tissue. This light is then converted into signals that induce cascades of therapeutic chemicals to be released in cells that trigger, support, and speed up the bodys innate healing processes.One of the therapeutic chemicals that Red Light Therapy boosts is adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is vital for muscles. Muscles rely heavily on adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the biological source of energy needed for muscle work, and therefore robust increased ATP levels are the most popular hypothesis to explain the extraordinary effects that PBM appears to exert on muscle tissue. So, by using Red Light Therapy pre-game, athletes can increase their skeletal muscle ATP levels, resulting in better working muscles for better game performance.Red Light Therapy Reduces Recovery TimeScience has discovered that the level of ATP in muscle cells can make a big difference in not only performance but also recovery time. Skeletal muscle adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels are severely depleted during and following prolonged high intensity exercise. Recovery from these lower ATP levels can take days, which can affect performance on subsequent days of exercise. But by using Red Light Therapy post-game, athletes can replenish the ATP levels in their muscles for faster recovery time!When to Use Red Light TherapyIs it better to use Red Light Therapy pre- or post-game? Although most researchers have chosen to study the effects of Red Light Therapy before physical activity, there are studies that have found that Red Light Therapy provides benefits both before and after physical activity. However, evidence has shown positive effects in the application before and after exercise in the ability to prevent injuries related to muscle fatigue and also in the improvement of the recovery process. Another study stated, Both preconditioning (light delivered to muscles before exercise) and PBM applied after exercise can increase sports performance in athletes.It is interesting to note that Red Light Therapy administered before activity can also help improve muscle recovery after exercise or sports. One study found that even though Red Light Therapy was administered as a stand-alone therapy to high-level soccer players before exercise, performance and recovery were also improved, with Red Light Therapy, enhancing athletic performance and improving postexercise recovery. And a 2016 study of twelve male athletes also concluded that Red Light Therapy administered pre-exercise can enhance performance and accelerate recovery of high-level rugby players in field test.Add Red Light Therapy to Your Exercise EquipmentWhether Red Light Therapy is administered pre- or post-game, or both, its therapeutic benefits for muscle endurance and performance during sports and exercise, and muscle recovery after physical activity are undeniable. To summarize, Red Light Therapy, can improve muscle performance, reduce muscle fatigue during exercises, and benefit the muscle repair. So, keep a Red Light Therapy device wherever you train or exercise because, Phototherapy appears to be a viable treatment modality for skeletal muscle. It is safe, easy to administer, and noninvasive and has no known side effects and few reported contraindications.Choose HealthLight for Red Light Therapy PadsJust as all exercise equipment is not created equal, so it is with Red Light Therapy devices. To get the best support for your muscles, purchase your Red Light Therapy device from HealthLight. All HealthLight systems are durable, high quality medical-grade devices for both clinics and consumers that deliver the optimum amount of joules into the body for fast-acting and dependable pain relief, plus the acceleration of your bodys innate healing processes! HealthLight makes the most powerful clinical-strength Red Light Therapy devices available in todays marketplace to provide you the therapeutic benefits of Red Light Therapy in the convenience of your home. HealthLight offers a wide choice of Red Light Therapy pads and controllers to meet the needs and budget of any individual, family, or health practitioner. Your muscles will thank you!
Acupuncture light therapy is one of the best options to consider for treating both acute and chronic pain. Although it may seem on the surface that the centuries-old traditional Chinese healing art of acupuncture and the approximately 40-year-old light wave technology of red light therapy are worlds apart, the beneficial results they produce are surprisingly similar. Both modalities can be depended upon to:Improve circulation and blood flow to organs and tissuesIncrease tissue oxygenationDecrease pain and discomfortRelax the nervous systemRelease beneficial chemicals in the body such as nitric oxide and ATPImprove energy, metabolism, and cellular functioningStimulate the bodys own innate healing processesMaintain homeostasisTreat almost every part of the bodyBe cost-effective alternatives to drugs and surgerySupport the body in maintaining health and wellness.Advantages of Red Light Therapy in AcupunctureIn addition to producing many of the same benefits as acupuncture, red light therapy also offers many distinct advantages:Red Light Therapy is non-invasiveRed Light Therapy is painlessRed Light Therapy has no known negative side effectsRed Light Therapy is simple to administerOne Red Light Therapy pad can treat a larger area than acupuncture needlesAcupuncture Light Therapy: An Effective StrategyRed light therapy and acupuncture are complementary healing modalities. Used together, they can be a highly effective strategy for bringing your patients greater benefits. Because red light therapy releases a cascade of helpful chemicals into the local area where the pads are placed, red light therapy can add value to your acupuncture sessions, potentially amplifying the results of needling. And red light therapy is very easy to incorporate into your practice no matter the type of acupuncture you offer.Dr. Sarica Cernohous, L.Ac., owner of Living Wellness, LLC in Flagstaff, Arizona (and the author of The Funky Kitchen: The Missing Link in Your Nutrition and Wellness ) has been an acupuncturist for 20 years. She began using red light therapy in her practice 5-6 years ago because of its role in circulation, recovery, and nervous system support. Dr. Cernohous has found that red light therapy, is like an exclamation mark in my treatments, helping with the flow of energy and blood through the body, and helping to support deeper relaxation in treatment. She feels that red light therapy, has elevated my Japanese-style treatments.Using Red Light Therapy AcupunctureIn acupuncture, red light therapy can be utilized before, during, or after needling. Red light therapy can also be a stand-alone treatment option.Red Light Therapy Before Needling: Apply red light therapy pads directly to areas in need of greater circulation and energy flow for about 10 to 15 minutes before needling. The pads will trigger an increase in circulation that ignites the process of pain relief. Your patients body will relax and become less tense and less stiff, and needle insertion may be easier.Red Light Therapy During Needling: Introduce the red light therapy pads concurrently with needling, usually at the start of the session. The pads will increase energy flow and blood circulation at acupoints where they are strategically placed. As the red light therapy pads ease muscle tension and soothe tissue, the patient should experience a greater degree of relaxation and stress reduction. Cernohous utilizes red light therapy simultaneously with needling, finding that this, helps to increase the effectiveness of treatments because of the support for relaxation and blood flow. As the session continues, red light therapy pads can be moved around the body to do their work on different areas. Since red light therapy devices are made of neoprene, they are flexible enough to be very versatile, allowing the same pad to be used on different areas to treat a variety of patient issues.Red Light Therapy After Needling: Another option is to treat your patient to a full twenty-minute red light therapy session immediately after acupuncture treatment. One or more therapy pads can be placed on areas where the needling occurred, or on other acupoints. Red light therapy will enhance relaxation and stimulate cellular processes that accelerate healing. And this boost will persist for several hours after the red light therapy session concludes.Red Light Therapy as a Stand-Alone Treatment: Red light therapy can be administered by itself, which may appeal to patients afraid of needles. Cernohous states that she will occasionally administer red light therapy as a stand-alone treatment if the acupuncture is too strong for someone in convalescence, and also if someone has a fear of needles.However, you choose to incorporate red light therapy into your acupuncture sessions, a 6-port controller system from HealthLights Clinical Line of therapy systems can operate up to six pads simultaneously to provide an extensive therapy session to your patient that can address multiple problem areas at once.Boost Revenue with Sales to PatientsAs your patients experience the beneficial effects of red light therapy, some patients may desire to purchase their own systems for in-home use. Most manufacturers of red light therapy systems such as HealthLight allow healthcare practitioners to buy systems at wholesale and resell these systems to patients at a profit. HealthLights Express Product Line is designed for home usage with a one button controller. Dr. Cernohous has sold systems in her clinic, reporting, Some of my patients have appreciated NIR [red light] Therapy so much that they have even purchased units for their home care.Put Acupuncture Light Therapy on Your MenuConsider adding red light therapy to your acupuncture practice today. Incorporating red light therapy acupuncture is easy; it is relaxing to your patients; it supports the bodys innate healing processes; and it may augment the results of needling. Plus, adding red light therapy to your menu has the potential to boost your earnings by expanding your services, and by allowing you to sell systems to patients. As Dr. Cernohous states, Its a modality that sets my practice apart. I find it to be an incredibly functional adjunct to the treatment and a very reasonable addition to the practice.HealthLights Clinical Line of pads and controllers offer many different FDA-cleared system options to suit the needs of any clinic. And HealthLights Express At-Home Line with conveniently attached controllers and single button operation are perfect for in-home use by your patients.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNWhen it comes to choosing an infrared light therapy device, you will need to find out which one is right for you. Depending on the issues you are facing, you can order a device online to minimize pain from the comfort of your own home. Near infrared light therapy devices are an affordable, effective option and you can find out why here What is near infrared light therapy?Near infrared (NIR) light therapy, also known as near-infrared radiation (NIR) therapy, is a form of phototherapy that uses low-level light in the near-infrared spectrum to stimulate cellular energy production and promote healing in the body. NIR light has a wavelength of between 700 and 1400 nanometers, which is longer than visible light but shorter than the longer-wavelength, thermal infrared radiation.Near infrared light is known to penetrate deeply into tissues, up to several centimeters, and is absorbed by cellular structures such as mitochondria, which are responsible for producing energy in the form of ATP. When near infrared light is absorbed by these structures, it promotes the production of ATP, which can improve cellular function and promote circulation.How can near infrared light therapy be used?NIR light therapy can be administered using a variety of devices, including handheld devices, panels, and full-body systems. These devices emit low-level near infrared light that can be applied directly to the skin or delivered to the body through the use of LEDs.What are the benefits of near infrared light therapy? NIR light therapy has been shown to have a wide range of benefits, including reducing pain and improving circulation, and even improving symptoms of arthritis. It is a safe and non-invasive form of therapy that is suitable for use by people of all ages, with minimal risk of side effects. However, as with any form of therapy, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before beginning treatment to ensure that it is safe and appropriate for your specific needs.Choosing the right near infrared light therapy devices for you When selecting a light therapy program for your patients, its important that you take the specifications of the LED pads into consideration. The medical benefits of light therapy are dependent on wavelength and power.Wavelength (measured in nm) needs to be sufficient in order to achieve an adequate dosage. The bulk of clinical literature suggests that light in the mid-600 nm range to high-800 nm range is most effective. That is because these wavelengths have the greatest effect on the cellular respiration process.Power Density is the amount of light power delivered to an area of the body. HealthLight infrared light therapy pads are powerful enough to stimulate the healing of the body.Why go for near infrared light therapy devices? There are several reasons why someone may choose to use near infrared light therapy devices:Convenience: near infrared light therapy devices allow you to undergo therapy in the comfort of your own home, without having to visit a therapist or clinic.Cost-effective: Investing in a near infrared light therapy device can be a cost-effective alternative to ongoing visits to a therapist or clinic.Non-invasive: near infrared light therapy is a non-invasive treatment option that doesnt require any medication or surgery.Versatile: near infrared light therapy devices can be used to treat a range of conditions, including pain, inflammation, skin issues, and more.Customizable: Many near infrared light therapy devices allow you to customize the treatment, including the intensity and duration of the therapy.Can near infrared light therapy help arthritis? Yes, near infrared light therapy can be helpful for arthritis. Near infrared light therapy uses specific wavelengths of light that penetrate the skin and are absorbed by the cells in the body. This can help to stimulate blood circulation and reduce pain associated with arthritis.Pick the best device for you and your specific needsIn conclusion, you should select and order a device that will target your personal issues and suppress aches pains and improve circulation. Overall, near infrared light therapy devices offer a convenient, cost-effective, non-invasive, and versatile treatment option for a range of conditions. Its important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new form of therapy to determine the best course of treatment for your individual needs.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNUsing infrared light therapy for stomach pain is gaining popularity as a non-invasive treatment option for various health conditions, including stomach pain. Infrared light therapy involves the use of low-level light to stimulate cellular activity, which in turn helps to reduce inflammation, improve blood flow, and promote healing.Stomach pain and abdominal pain can be caused by various factors, such as digestive issues, inflammation, or injury. While there are several treatment options available for stomach pain, infrared light therapy has been shown to be effective in reducing pain and improving overall health.If youre suffering from stomach pain, whether its chronic or acute, you need to try infrared light therapy for stomachs!Try Infrared Light Therapy for Stomach PainRed light therapy is an emerging science that is used to treat a multitude of conditions that require stimulation of healing, relief of pain and inflammation, and restoration of function. For those who frequently suffer from stomach pain know that pain relief is vital to maintain positive mental wellbeing. Luckily, red light therapy for stomach pain has been proven to be effective time and time again.When you purchase a red light therapy pad from HealthLight, you are guaranteed a Class II Medical Devices with FDA clearance for their ability to relieve pain throughout the body, increase blood circulation, relax muscles, relieve muscle spasms and relieve aches. Stomach pain can have a negative influence on your wellbeing, and red light therapy for stomach pain has been developed to help you live without invasive treatment.In addition to its effectiveness in treating stomach pain, infrared light therapy is both safe and non-invasive. Unlike certain medication, infrared light therapy does not pose any significant risks or complications. Furthermore, infrared light therapy can be used in combination with other treatments, such to enhance its benefits.You can facilitate your bodys healing ability by using red light therapy for stomach pain.Improve Circulation to Relieve Stomach PainScientific studies confirm that increasing circulation in your stomach is beneficial for relieving pain and can accelerate the bodys ability to heal itself. Red light therapy pads for your stomach will help support your body while it is healing, help the body to repair itself and also help relieve pain in the stomach.The Benefits of Red Light Therapy For Your StomachLED Light Therapy pads for your stomach use light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to produce light waves in the visible and infrared spectrum that painlessly penetrate the skin and are absorbed by the body. Research has discovered that, nerve cells respond particularly well to IR. and that IR can induce neural stimulation effects as well as promoting a wide range of therapeutic benefits in cells or tissues. This is the perfect solution for those suffering with stomach pain.Infrared light therapy for Stomach Pain is Easy to UseInfrared light therapy also has a pain-relieving effect. It works by blocking pain signals from reaching the brain, which can help to reduce pain and improve mobility. The most effective way to reduce stomach pain is by using a red light therapy pad twice a day in 20 minute sessions. HealthLight allows you to do this from the comfort of your home. We are a leading American manufacturer FDA-cleared red light therapy pads.HealthLights Long 180 Diode Pad:This pad features 180 LEDs: 80 red (630 nm) and 100 infrared (850 nm). At 16x 5, this highly flexible long and narrow pad can be used by laying on top of your stomach.The Long 180 infrared light pad is also available with blue, red, and infrared LEDs for the same price.HealthLights Small 90 Diode Pad:The size and rectangular shape of the small 90 infrared light pad make it perfect for treating a small area of the stomach. Simply rest the pad on your stomach. At 9.8 x 4.5, this pad features 90 LEDs: 50 infrared (950 nm) and 40 red (630 nm).Stomach Pain Doesnt Have to Impede on your Day-to-day LifeIf you are suffering from stomach pain, it is important that you visit a doctor or medical professional to determine the underlying cause. If you are looking for a safe and effective alternative to traditional pain medications, or a treatment in conjunction with traditional pain medication, then infrared light therapy may be the solution you are looking for. With its natural, non-invasive approach, infrared light therapy provides a gentle, yet effective way to relieve stomach pain and improve your overall health and well-being.In conclusion, infrared light therapy is a safe, effective and non-invasive solution for those suffering from stomach pain. With its ability to reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and reduce stress and anxiety, infrared light therapy for stomach pain offers a natural alternative to traditional pain medications. Purchasing an LED Light Therapy device from HealthLight will help you and/or your patients experience fast-acting, dependable pain relief. HealthLight makes the most durable and most powerful clinical strength LED Light Therapy systems available today! For more information on how red light therapy works, get in touch with out experts.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNThe Benefits of Adding LED Light Therapy to Your Chiropractic PracticeAccording to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of chiropractors in the US is growing: Employment of chiropractors is projected to grow 7 percent from 2018 to 2028, faster than the average for all occupations." In 2018, there were 50,300 chiropractors in the United States, with 2,500 chiropractors entering the workforce each year. In light of these statistics, how does a chiropractor stand out above the ever-increasing competition?Chiropractor Light TherapyAdding an additional treatment modality complementary to chiropractic may be just what you need to enhance your clinic. NIR (Near-Infrared) LED Light Therapy can be added to your treatment menu to make pain relief faster and more effective, make adjustments easier, and give additional support to the bodys natural healing processes increasing patient satisfaction.Like chiropractic, NIR Therapy, also known as low-level light therapy (LLLT) both laser and LED (light emitting diode) is beneficial for pain relief and can accelerate the bodys ability to heal itself. LLLT has a long history and strong basic science evidence, which supports its use in pain management. Also, like chiropractic, LED Light Therapy is a non-invasive and effective alternative to the high cost and numerous side effects of pharmaceutical drugs and the pain of surgery.NIR Therapy is SafeNIR Therapy can be administered without concern about negative effects. The almost complete lack of reports of side effects or adverse events associated with LLLT gives security for issues of safety NIR Therapy can be administered on almost every external part of the body, except for the eyes. HealthLight offers a wide selection of flexible and sturdy red light therapy pads in a variety of shapes and sizes that makes it easy to choose the right pad for any area of the body.Administering LED Light Therapy as a ChiropractorAdministering LED Light Therapy is easy: pads are placed on the body, the system is turned on, and the pads proceed to do the work.Sessions are 20 minutes, during which patients can be left unattended.LED Light Therapy can be offered as an add-on pre- or post-adjustment for an additional fee, or as a stand-alone treatment.Most chiropractors administer LED Light Therapy prior to the adjustment, as infrared light penetration will increase circulation, reduce pain and stiffness, and help ease adjustments.If administered after the adjustment, the increased circulation induced may help the adjustment to hold. And any pain, stiffness, or soreness still present after the adjustment may be relieved.Patients with acute pain or chronic conditions may desire stand-alone treatment with NIR Therapy.No matter when LED Light Therapy is administered, using a controller that can operate from three to six NIR Therapy pads simultaneously will provide an extensive therapy session that can address multiple problem areas at once. HealthLights Clinical Line offers 3-port and 6-port controllers that pair with their NIR Therapy pads via easy to insert and remove USB-style connectors. But single and dual pad devices, such as HealthLights Express At-Home systems with built-in controllers, are also quite effective.In addition to expanding benefits for your patients, combining LED Light Therapy with chiropractic should also expand your revenue.Growing a Chiropractor Practice with LED Light TherapyAdding LED Light Therapy can grow your chiropractic practice by helping you stand out from your competition. You can begin, as Dr. Collins did, with a small number of therapy pads. Demands on you, your staff, and your office space can be kept minimal.LED Light Therapy is extremely easy to administer. Pads are placed on the body by you, or your assistant where needed, the system is turned on, a setting may be selected, and the pads proceed to do their work. The patient may be left unattended once the pads are in place and the controller is operating. NIR Therapy sessions often last twenty minutes. Most controllers stop automatically and signal the end of the therapy session.Space requirements are minimal. LED Light Therapy can be administered on the adjustment table, or the patient can sit in a chair. Pads and controllers can be kept on a small multi-shelf rolling cart or in a basket, which allows them to be easily moved from patient to patient. Maintenance of the pads is also minimal. Pads are placed in new disposable plastic bags at the start of each treatment session, keeping them sanitary for each patient.Expand Treatment CategoriesGeneral categories of musculoskeletal conditions for chiropractic treatment with LED Light Therapy include joint pain; peripheral neuropathy; arthritis pain; and overall pain management. LED Light Therapy has been proven to initiate a cascade of cellular enhancements that could potentially amplify the benefits of chiropractic adjustments. Medical-grade LED Light Therapy systems have received FDA-clearance for pain relief and increased circulation. So, combining LED Light Therapy and chiropractic care may bring greater benefits to your patients.As Dr. Volstad confirms, Improvement is faster. Thats the big thing. Patients want to be out of pain as quickly as possible. And we have seen that LED Light Therapy facilitates that.Enter Niche MarketsIntegrating LED Light Therapy into your practice may allow your clinic to enter niche markets, developing programs to attract new patients who are looking for help with specific problems, such as peripheral neuropathy, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis, or sports injuries. Dr. Volstad states, Especially in the athletic field, LED Light Therapy is very utilized. Almost all major sports teams use LED Light Therapy. That speaks volumes to me. Dr. Volstad also reports that his clinic regularly treats peripheral neuropathy patients with LED Light Therapy, and that it has proven to be very effective.In-Clinic Usage & ProgramsIn addition to expanding benefits for your patients, combining LED Light Therapy with chiropractic should also expand your revenue and grow your practice. LED Light Therapy can be offered as an add-on before or after chiropractic for an additional fee, or as a stand-alone treatment modality. LED Light Therapy allows treatment on two or more areas simultaneously, so multiple issues can be treated during a single session.Pre-adjustment: Infrared light penetration will increase circulation, reduce pain and stiffness, and potentially help ease adjustments. Dr. Volstad states, Most commonly, we do our LED Light Therapy prior to the adjustment.Post-adjustment: Infrared light penetration may help the adjustment to hold for a longer period, due to the benefits of increased circulation. Also, pain, stiffness, or soreness still lingering after the adjustment may be relieved.Stand-alone Treatment: Stand-alone LED Light Therapy treatments, especially for chronic pain conditions, can be offered in packages of treatments, with the number of pads utilized per treatment varying.Chronic Pain Programs: Programs can be developed to treat the pain of specific conditions with both chiropractic and LED Light Therapy, such as upper back, lower back, neck, knee, hip, shoulder, arthritis, or neuropathy pain relief programs. Compared to the skyrocketing costs and myriad side-effects of many pharmaceutical drugs, LED Light Therapy may be a cost effective and natural alternative to both drugs and surgery.In-Home Sales & RentalsTherapy sessions can be done in-home by the patients themselves, or with the assistance of family members. After experiencing the benefits of LED Light Therapy in-clinic, some patients with acute or chronic conditions may desire to have a system at home for use between office visits. Or in-home treatments may be deemed to be an integral part of an intensive treatment plan for major issues like peripheral neuropathy. In Dr.Volstads clinic, every peripheral neuropathy patient buys their own system for their legs and feet. So, in-home usage can provide a profitable revenue opportunity for your clinic through renting or reselling LED Light Therapy systems to patients.Most manufacturers allow health practitioners to purchase their systems at wholesale, and then resell them to patients at a profit. Rental fees are up to the practitioner. System sales can be expanded by establishing a rent to own program, allowing patients to eventually purchase their rental system.LED Light Therapy Device Sales and Rentals to PatientsHealthLight offers healthcare professionals the option of purchasing systems at wholesale and then reselling them to patients at a profit. Chiropractors can encourage patients to purchase their own systems for in-home use for intensive treatment of conditions such as peripheral neuropathy or chronic back pain. Also, rental programs and rent-to-own programs can be offered to patients at fees determined by the practitioner, which can bring in additional revenue on a regular basis, as well as fast ROI.Getting StartedWhen deciding where to purchase your LED Light Therapy equipment for your clinic, be sure to choose a reputable manufacturer with an FDA clearance, so that your system meets all necessary safety standards. Also make sure there is a warranty, as well as a repair center for your device. All of HealthLights NIR Therapy pads and controllers have received FDA clearance, and every system comes with a warranty. There is a one-year warranty on HealthLights Express At-Home systems, and a two-year warranty on HealthLights Clinical line of systems. Any needed repairs after the warranty period can be made at HealthLights manufacturing facility in Illinois for a reasonable flat rate fee per item.Before you make your purchase:Determine what size and shape of pads would be most beneficial to your patients. To be most effective, the pad(s) in your system should cover the entire area where pain relief and increased circulation are needed. For example, the largest pads would be the most helpful to treat back, hip, or shoulder pain; while small rectangular-sized pads would be helpful to relieve pain in the neck, TMJ area, or wrist. Long pads can be wrapped around joints, while small pads can be used to treat localized areas. To treat neuropathy, HealthLight offers one or two-boot systems that cover the foot and calf areas.Determine how many pads you want to use simultaneously, and purchase a controller with enough ports. HealthLights Clinical Line offers 3 and 6-port controller systems that pair with their Clinical Therapy Pads.Benefits of LED Light TherapyAdministering LED Light Therapy is easy; it will expand your treatment menu and fees; and it can also boost your revenue through equipment sales and rentals. And by offering LED Light Therapy, your clinic will stand out from the competition. But most importantly, NIR Therapy will bring greater benefits to your patients. So consider adding NIR Therapy to your clinics treatment menu. HealthLights Clinical Line of pads and controllers offer many system options for clinics of all sizes. And HealthLights Express At-Home Line with conveniently attached controllers are perfect for in-home use by your patients.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNMouth, jaw and tooth pain can be some of the worst to experience. By using red light therapy, you will unquestionably gain some relief. Most people experience jaw or mouth pain at some point in their lives and finding alleviation can become urgent, if not an urgent must. For those who have experienced chronic or subtle pains, you will know how key quick aid needs to be. Red light therapy isnt usually a cure for mouth pain but it is one of the most effective ways to limit pain of most types.What type of mouth and jaw issues can red light therapy target?Red light therapy, known by some as low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a non-invasive treatment that uses red and near-infrared light to stimulate the bodys natural healing processes. In the past, it has been used to treat a wide range of conditions, including mouth and tooth pain. Evidence shows inflammation and pain in the mouth and around the jaw can be reduced by red light therapy. In lots of cases, common painful side effects of dental surgery have been reduced by red light therapy.Studies show, red light therapy effectively reduces pain and improves the mouth opening. Red light therapy for mouth issues cant be promoted as a cure but it has been proven to reduce pain in patients who are suffering.Tips for those suddenly experiencing mouth painMouth and tooth pain can suddenly start unexpectedly and must be recognized immediately as if it develops, it can lead to more serious issues. In the past, using a heating pad or taking aspirin was the only choice. Not today infrared light therapy increases circulation, releases nitric oxide, stimulating the mitochondria and accelerating anti-inflammatory response. Issues within the mouth and around the jaw area can be particularly painful and red light therapy can be one of the best ways to target this pain, especially if you are experiencing regular chronic aching pains.We recommend consulting your healthcare professional if your pain persists. Red light therapy isnt a cure as such, it just helps to target the area affecting you.The benefits of red light therapy for mouth and jaw painReducing inflammation Red light therapy for mouth pain has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects, which can help to reduce pain and swelling in the jaw.Promoting healing Red light therapy can stimulate the production of collagen and other proteins that are important for tissue repair and regeneration. This can help to speed up the healing process and reduce pain.Improving circulation Red light therapy can improve blood flow to the affected area, which can help to reduce pain and promote healing.Relaxing muscles Red light therapy can help to relax the muscles in the jaw, which can be helpful for people who suffer from teeth grinding.Stimulating acupuncture points Red light therapy can be used to stimulate specific acupuncture points in the jaw area, which can help to reduce pain and improve jaw function.Overall, red light therapy may be a safe and effective treatment option for people with jaw pain. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause of the pain and to develop an appropriate treatment plan.What causes jaw and tooth pain?There are a range of different reasons jaw and tooth pain might occur and it will completely depend on the person suffering and their lifestyle. The most common reasons for either tooth or jaw pain areDental problems causing tooth pain: Tooth decay, gum disease, dental abscesses and tooth sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures.Dental problems causing jaw pain: Teeth grinding as known as bruxism, temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ is the joint connecting the jawbone and the skull), sinus infections (both jaw and upper teeth can be affected), also trauma and accidents to the jaw or face.Both jaw and tooth pain: medical conditions including trigeminal neuralgia.Jaw and tooth pain should be looked at immediately by a healthcare professional, usually a dentist to help figure out any underlying issues. The professional will be able to recommend the right treatment for you and usually set up a treatment plan if it is needed. For those who want quick relief, red light therapy devices can be an ideal investment.Just to avoid confusion, there are many terms that are used for red light therapy. Be in the know. It is INFRARED light, next to the skin or painful area, that is the clydesdales of light therapy. Also known as photobiomodulation (PBM), red light therapy, infrared light therapy, LLLT, it is all the same.The Best Red Light Therapy Pads For Jaw/Mouth PainInfrared light therapy also has a pain-relieving effect. It works by blocking pain signals from reaching the brain, which can help to reduce pain and improve mobility. The most effective way to reduce mouth pain is by using a red light therapy pad twice a day in 20-minute sessions. HealthLight allows you to do this from the comfort of your home. We are a leading American manufacturer FDA-cleared red light therapy pads.HealthLights 104 Diode Facemask:This pad features 52 red diodes and 52 blue diodes and operates at 53 joules per minute. Simply pull the facemask down over your chin to affect the chin, mouth and jaw region.HealthLights Small 90 Diode Pad:The size and rectangular shape of the small 90 infrared light pad make it perfect for treating a small area of the face. Simply rest the pad on your jaw. At 9.8 x 4.5, this pad features 90 LEDs: 50 infrared (950 nm) and 40 red (630 nm).Choose HealthLightA Red Light Therapy device can help you your sleep quality if you are suffering from pain. But all Red Light Therapy devices are not created equal. Get the best support by purchasing your red light therapy pad from HealthLight. All Red Light Therapy pads by HealthLight are FDA-cleared for relieving the aches, pains and inflammation all over the body.HealthLight makes the most powerful clinical-strength Red Light Therapy devices available in todays marketplace to provide you the therapeutic benefits of Red Light Therapy in the convenience of your home. HealthLight offers a wide choice of Red Light Therapy devices and controllers to meet the needs and budget of any individual, family, or health practitioner.
HealthLight produces products that have multiple colors: blue, red, and infrared. Why do we use different wavelengths? Two main reasons: depth of penetration and different biological effects.What is Blue Light?Blue light is a high-energy, short-wavelength light that falls within the visible light spectrum. It is naturally present in sunlight, and electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computer screens also emit significant amounts of blue light. While exposure to blue light during the day can have positive effects on our mood, attention, and cognitive performance, excessive exposure to blue light, especially in the evening or at night, can disrupt our sleep patterns and overall well-being.Research suggests that blue light exposure in the evening can suppress the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles. This suppression can lead to difficulties falling asleep, insomnia, and a disrupted circadian rhythm. To mitigate the potential negative effects of blue light, several strategies have been employed, such as reducing screen time before bed, using blue light filters or glasses, and adjusting the lighting in our living spaces to warmer tones during nighttime.Researchers have found that blue light wavelengths within the visible light spectrum (especially wavelengths between 400 and 470 nm) are intrinsically antimicrobial and do not require additional exogenous photosensitizers to exert an antimicrobial effect. These wavelengths within can photodynamically inactivate the cells of a wide spectrum of bacteria (Gram positive and negative) and fungi. Blue light shows great promise as a novel decontamination strategy for the nosocomial environment, as well as additional wider decontamination applications (e.g., wound closure during surgery). Blue light leads to energy transfer and the production of highly cytotoxic reactive oxygen species (ROS), primarily singlet oxygen (O2) (1). 470nm light was also effective on both P. aeruginosa and S. aureus., but not as effective on S. aureus (2).Red Light vs Blue LightRed light, on the other hand, is characterized by longer wavelengths and lower energy compared to blue light. It is commonly associated with warmth, relaxation, and a soothing ambiance. Red light therapy, also known as photobiomodulation, is a therapeutic technique that utilizes red or near-infrared light to stimulate various cellular processes in the body.Red light therapy has gained popularity in recent years due to its potential benefits for skin health, wound healing, pain relief, and muscle recovery. It is believed to penetrate the skin and interact with cells, promoting the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which provides energy to cells for various functions. Additionally, red light therapy may improve collagen production, reduce inflammation, and enhance blood circulation in the treated areas.Infrared Light TherapyAccording to Yadav & Gupta, there is some evidence that light can be used to promote repair in various musculoskeletal conditions. Pain and function improvements were enhanced when light was combined with conventional therapy (heat, electrical stimulation, friction massage and stretching) and applied two times weekly for four weeks. They recently published a case study demonstrating a very good clinical outcome in a patient with peripheral neuropathy. They treated this patient three times weekly for six weeks using near-IR (850nm) energy applied to the lumbosacral junction, the ankles and plantar surfaces of the feet. They saw significant improvements in sensation and function. They have also found that combining near-IR (850nm) with red light can improve the level of inhibition obtained (3).One of the most dramatic aspects of light therapy is its triggering of the release of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is the bodys natural vasodilator it widens the blood vessels and capillaries. After just 20 minutes of light therapy, blood flow is increased to nerves and other tissues, and this boost in local circulation lasts for several hours. Nitric oxide is also a messenger molecule that triggers healing processes in the body. By increasing the production of nitric oxide, infrared and red light therapy increases circulation, speeds healing and relieves pain. Antibacterial Activity of Blue Light against Nosocomial Wound Pathogens Growing Planktonically and as Mature BiofilmsUsing Visible and Near-IR Light to Facilitate Photobiomodulation: A Review of Current ResearchNoninvasive red and nearinfrared wavelengthinduced photobiomodulation: promoting impaired cutaneous wound healing
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNAs LED Light Therapy is being utilized by more and more chiropractors, physical therapists, massage therapists, podiatrists, and acupuncturists worldwide, LED Light Therapys many benefits for the human body are becoming increasingly known and appreciated. Many people are now aware of the positive effects of Red and Infrared LED Light. But what about Blue LED Light? How does Blue LED Light benefit the body?Blue LED Light BenefitsBlue LED Light can be defined as light given off from light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in the visible light spectrum between the wavelengths of 400 to 500 nanometers (nm). Blue Light sits on the spectrum between violet and green. While Blue Light is readily absorbed by the skin and is very beneficial, it does not penetrate as deeply into tissue as does Red Light and Infrared Light. Blue light (400470 nm) has a lower potential for penetration and reveals useful for skin conditions in the epidermis layer of the skin.There multiple Blue LED Light benefits. Wavelengths of Blue LED Light between that same range of 400-470 nm have been found to be intrinsically antimicrobial. Blue LED Light can photodynamically inactivate the cells of a wide spectrum of bacteria (Gram positive and negative) and fungi. Science has discovered that Blue LED Light can fight even bacteria resistant to antibiotics such as staph and MRSA, making it very effective for decontaminating the skin disinfecting cuts, scrapes, bites, burns, stings, and surgical incisions. Blue LED Light can keep open wounds, sores, and skin eruptions free of germs. This anti-microbial nature of Blue LED Light benefits both health and beauty.Safe and Risk-FreeBlue LED Light in the beneficial range of 460-470 nm is safe and risk-free, and has no reported adverse side effects. The concerns regarding potential problems from Blue Light exposure from computer screens, tablets, laptops, televisions, and smartphones is associated with Blue Light wavelengths in the potentially problematic lower range of 415-455 nm.Mixing Blue, Red, and Infrared LED LightBlue LED diodes are often paired with red diodes and/or infrared diodes in LED Therapy Pads. This is because different colors or wavelengths of LEDs have different levels of penetration within the body. This difference in depth of penetration results in different effects at the molecular, cellular, and tissue levels.Red Light is known to penetrate deeper in tissues when compared to blue light. But the deepest level of tissue penetration is achieved by Infrared Light. So combining LEDs of two or three colors/wavelengths may be the best option for creating a therapy pad with more powerful light penetration. And mixing different colored LEDs together on a single pad allows the different wavelengths to complement each other and work together synergistically to bring greater benefits to the body. One scientific study suggested that, synergistic effects of mixed light is due to synergy between the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect of blue and red light respectively.Try Blue LED Light TherapyIf you would like to experience the benefits of Blue LED Light, HealthLight, a leading American manufacturer of professional, medical-grade FDA-cleared LED Light Therapy devices, makes four Blue LED Therapy pads that contain blue diodes:104 Face Mask Blue LED Therapy Pad:This mask offers 52 blue diodes (465 nm) and 52 red diodes (630 nm). (No infrared diodes.) The pad fits over the eye area like a standard mask, but can also be used over or under the chin and lower face; around the forehead area; the front or back of the neck; and either side of the face for maximum skin benefits. (This pad can also be purchased as part of the Whole Body Deluxe Package available in HealthLights Clinical Line.)264 Large Blue LED Therapy Pad:The 264 Large Blue Pad offers 120 blue (465 nm) diodes and 144 infrared (850 nm) diodes. It measures 8 x 15, making it easy to treat large areas like the upper or lower back, joints, and limbs.132 Medium Blue LED Therapy Pad:The 132 Medium Blue Pad offers 60 blue (465 nm) diodes and 72 infrared (850 nm) diodes. It measures 8 x 9, making it convenient for treating almost every area of the body.180 Long Tri-Color Blue LED Therapy Pad:This pad is 5 x 16 for long or narrow locations, such as down the back or legs, across the chest, or wrapped around an arm, leg, or foot. As its name suggests, it contains 180 LEDs in 3 wavelengths: 40 blue (465 nm) diodes, 40 red (630 nm) diodes, and 100 infrared (850 nm) diodes.All four pads are available in both of HealthLights two product lines: their Clinical Line of systems for healthcare professionals that utilizes separate three-port or six-port controllers that can run 3 to 6 pads simultaneously, and their Express At-Home Line of systems for consumers that features attached controllers with convenient one-button operation.HealthLight makes the most durable and most powerful clinical strength LED LightTherapy devices available today. Purchasing a HealthLight LED Light Therapy system will provide you and your family, or you and your patients, years of effective pain relief plus accelerate and support the bodys own innate healing processes the best way to regain and maintain health and wellness without the need for pharmaceutical drugs and surgery.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNRed light massage therapy is non-invasive, painless, safe, effective, easy to administer, and has no known negative side effects. For example, a large 8-inch by 15-inch light therapy device can bring many benefits to your massage therapy practice. The red lights work on the body for more surface area and the infrared lights give a deeper penetration.It can loosen up the stiff back muscles of a stressed-out client before the massage, so that the strength and pressure of your hand work will not have to be so labor intensive. Or, placed on the hand or leg of a senior in discomfort from pain, that pads warm and gentle photons of LED light can do the work of increasing circulation and speeding up pain relief as you massage that clients other hand or leg. The main applications of red light therapy include, reducing pain and inflammation, augmenting tissue repair and promoting regeneration of different tissues and nerves, and preventing tissue damage in situations where it is likely to occur.And, at the end of your workday, you can place those red light therapy devices on yourself to take out tension, and ease any pain or discomfort that may have resulted from a full day of massages. Its why more massage therapists are adding red light massage therapy to their menu.Expand Your Massage MenuRed light therapy devices can give a whole new dimension to your massage practice, as you now provide an additional service with LED Light Therapy that may augment results when offered concurrently with a massage. Red light massage therapy can also be listed on your menu as an add-on before or after the massage, or as a stand-alone treatment modality. Either way, offering red light therapy sets you apart from the competition and expand your income.A Winning Partnership: Red Light Massage TherapySince massage therapy and red light therapy complement one another, red light massage therapy is very easy to incorporate into your practice no matter the service you offer your clients. Both modalities support the bodys own natural healing processes to assist in reducing pain and discomfort. And its gentle, relaxing, and soothing. It has been proven to bring cellular enhancements that could potentially amplify the benefits of your massages. Used together, these two modalities can be a highly effective strategy for bringing your clients the most benefit.Red Light Therapy Reduces Joint PainThere is one very important thing that red light therapy devices can do that massage cannot in addition to reducing pain in soft tissue and muscle, it can also reduce joint pain, getting into areas where massage may not reach. With red light massage therapy, you can wrap an LED pad around a hip, a shoulder, a knee, an elbow, or an ankle, and provide your clients with a deeper level of pain relief from stiffness, arthritis, or injury than massage alone can achieve.Using Red Light Massage Therapy In Your PracticeThere are three fundamental ways to utilize red light massage therapy in your massage practice: before, during, or after the massage. Your choice of timeframe will probably vary from massage to massage, depending upon the clients current physical issues, your therapy goals for that client, and what the client wants during a particular session.Red Light Therapy Before the Massage:Incorporating light therapy into your session before the massage commences may often be the most beneficial approach for your clients and for you. An effective strategy could be applying pads to body areas with the greatest need for the first 20 minutes before inception of the hand work. As the red light therapy devices are placed directly on the body where relief from pain and stiffness are most needed, these pads will warm up the tissues and trigger the increase in circulation that begins the process of pain relief. Your clients body will become less tense and less stiff, more relaxed, more supple, and therefore, easier for you to massage once the session starts saving you some degree of hard work by reducing the forcefulness and pressure of your hand work that, minus the RLT devices, may have been required to achieve similar results.Red Light Therapy During the Massage:A second way to incorporate red light therapy is to introduce red light therapy devices during the massage session, usually at the start. Light therapy devices can be held in place on the body by Velcro straps. The gentle warmth of the LED pads will relax muscles, soothe tissue, and help bring the client a deeper degree of relaxation and stress reduction. The LED Light can penetrate into the joints, bringing relief from chronic pain or injury. As the session continues, the red light therapy device could then be shifted around the body to do their work on different areas while you do hand work on other areas.Red Light Therapy After the Massage:The last way to incorporate red light therapy is to treat your client with a full twenty-minute red light therapy session immediately after the massage concludes. The client may remain prone on the massage table, or moved to a chair while one or more red light therapy devices are placed on problem areas. Red light therapy will stimulate many cellular processes that support the bodys innate healing ability. And this boost will persist for some time after the conclusion of the red light therapy session.If you choose to use red light therapy before or after hand work, a larger 6-port controller system from HealthLights Clinical Line can operate up to six red light therapy devices simultaneously, enabling an extensive therapy session that can address multiple problem areas at once.Put Red Light Therapy on Your Massage MenuIn conclusion, incorporating red light therapy into your massage practice is simple and easy to do; is beneficial to your clients; may augment the results of your massage sessions; may save you some intense hand work; and you may use the same equipment for clients and for self-treatment. Also, red light massage therapy has the potential to boost your earnings by expanding your services. So consider adding red light therapy to your massage menu today. HealthLight has many different sized FDA-cleared system options available to suit the needs of any massage clinic, from the smallest to the largest.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNMany are turning to red light therapy for back pain. According to a 2015 study, One out of three Americans is affected by chronic pain annually. So, for those searching for back pain relief, NIR (near-infrared) Red Light Therapy, a type of phototherapy treatment, is providing much needed help. Red light therapy is non-invasive, has no known adverse side effects, and is an effective all-natural alternative to both pharmaceutical drugs (which may be costly and addictive) and surgery (which may also be costly as well as painful, and require weeks of recuperation).Stimulating the Bodys Natural Healing with Red Light Therapy for Back PainWhether youre sitting or lying down, the red-light therapy pads work their magic, while operating at body temperature and kicking your bodys natural healing processes into high gear. When you use red light therapy for back pain, a photochemical reaction is induced in the cells, a process referred to as photobiomodulation or PBM. Cascades of therapeutic chemical processes that support the bodys own innate healing capabilities are being released. Radiation of tissue with light causes an increase in mitochondrial products such as ATP, NADH, protein, and RNA. ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) provides cellular energy and also fights oxidative stress. Nitric oxide is also released, which plays an important role in phototherapy back pain relief.Benefits of Using Red Light Therapy to Combat Back PainUsing red light therapy to promote healing of painful areas of your body will alleviate pain by assisting and enhancing the bodys natural healing mechanisms. Some of the benefits of using red light therapy for back pain include:Clinical Strength Red Light Therapy for Back PainWhen using clinical strength LEDs, the mitochondria within the cells of your body will be stimulated to perform at a higher level. Light photons from the red light LEDs enter the bodys tissues and are absorbed in the mitochondria of the cells, which keep the cell full of energy. Photonic energy is converted inside cells into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which provides energy for many cellular processes. Cells that have an abundance of energy will perform their essential functions much better, meaning that healthy cells will hasten the healing of injured tissue.Reduced InflammationAnother benefit to using red light therapy for back pain is that it reduces inflammation of your bodys tissue, which is the immune systems response to injury or infection. While the body requires inflammation to heal, red light reduces acute and chronic inflammation by stimulating cellular repair, which calms the inflammatory immune response and allows the body to heal more quickly.Acute inflammation is a short-term emergency response is characterised by redness, swelling, heat, and pain, indicating that your back is in full. Pain associated with sprains.Stem Cell ActivationWhen you have injured your back, there are certain factors that can amplify the necessary inflammatory response, to the point where the body begins to attack itself. This will result in tissue damage and even stronger inflammatory responses. This viscous cycle can be halted with the help of red-light therapy, as they activate inactive stem cells in the body, which travel to the affected area and morph into any cell that the body needs. This promotes healing at the areas that need it.Enhanced Blood FlowAcute and chronic pain conditions can be exacerbated by poor blood circulation. Red light relieves pain by stimulating capillary formation and increasing blood flow in the treated area. In turn, increased blood flow delivers nutrients and oxygen to cells while removing waste.Best Red Light Therapy for Back Pain Simple, Easy, and EffectiveThis very simple, very easy to administer phototherapy may seem too good to be true. But thousands of peer-reviewed scientific studies over more than forty years prove over and over again that red light therapy works very effectively to improve circulation and reduce the pain caused by a multitude of health conditions. After twenty minutes of red light therapy, back pain drastically decreases or disappears for up to several hours.FDA-Cleared Red Light Therapy For Back PainA doctor or physical therapist can provide red light therapy treatment for back pain, which consists of numerous weekly sessions until the discomfort subsides. You can also treat back pain at home with high-quality LED light therapy devices that provide the perfect amount of power necessary to help ease back pain. We recommend large LED pads when using red light therapy for back pain.LED Red Light Therapy - How it worksThe infographic above developed by HealthLight illustrates how red light therapy is used for back pain.How Does Light Therapy for Back Pain Work?Red light therapy for back pain works by placing a flexible neoprene pad with near-infrared light-emitting diodes (LEDs) is placed on the body wherever increased circulation and pain relief are needed. The black band at the top of the graphic containing two rows of large red dots represents the red light therapy device. The rows of red dots are the diodes which emit photons (particles of light) of very specific wavelengths and intensity. However, what appears to be empty space between each set of red diodes is not actually empty there are diodes there as well that are emitting NIR light that is invisible to the human eye.The layer immediately below the black pad represents the epidermis (the outer layer of cells that compose the skin.) A few photons will be absorbed into the epidermis, but most will pass through to tissues below. The downward-pointing red arrows indicate the penetrating action of the light. Photons of red light will be absorbed primarily in the deeper layers of the skin and soft tissues. But NIR light will reach farther into the tissues, which is perfect when trying red light therapy for back pain.Along the way, many photons of both red and NIR light will trigger the release of nitric oxide from the blood vessel lining (endothelium) and red blood cells, delivering more oxygenated blood to the nerves, increasing circulation which helps reduce inflammation which reduces pain. Nitric oxide is the bodys natural vasodilator. Vasodilation increases the availability of oxygen to treated cells, and also allows for greater traffic of immune cells into tissue. These two effects contribute to accelerated healing. This is the precise reason why more are using red light therapy for back pain. As Len Saputo, MD further explains: Whenever an infra-red light ray hits a blood vessel wall, it causes an instant release of a compound called nitric oxide. And nitric oxide causes instantaneous pop-open of a blood vessel. So, suddenly, you have a change in circulation that is dramatic It also causes a reduction in inflammation that happens very quickly. It increases lymphatic drainage; it increases the activity of white cells so they clean up debris faster; and it has an amazing effect on nerves. It causes nerve fibers that are pain fibers to calm down and not cause so much pain in your back. Theres hardly a kind of pain that doesnt respond to infrared light therapy.When Will I See Results?Depending on how bad your back injury is, red light therapy for back pain will take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to feel the effects. Consistency is key here, and its important to apply the pad regularly for best results.Its important to note that you should slowly ease back into normal physical activity, even if you back pain has totally subsided. Ask a doctor for advice to avoid being reinjured. After returning to regular activities, it may be advantageous to stretch and warm up your back muscles for three to five minutes before commencing physical activity to help reduce the risk of injury. Treat your muscles with red light therapy for 10 to 20 minutes after exercise to hasten healing.Using Infrared Light Therapy for Back Pain at HomeIf you are suffering from acute or chronic pain, consider giving red light therapy devices a chance to make a difference in your life. Having HealthLights Express At-Home LED Red Light Therapy equipment immediately available in the comfort of your home will bring you and your family years of improved circulation and pain relief. Or, if you are a healthcare practitioner who wants to try using red light therapy for back pain in your clinics, consider adding HealthLights Clinical Line of LED Red Light Therapy pads and controllers to your clinics treatment menu. Practitioners may also sell the Express system to their patients. HealthLight offers a variety of affordable, easy-to-use systems to meet all needs and help people everywhere achieve a better quality of life.
For those seeking out red light therapy, there are two options to choose from when considering the treatment, either going to a clinic/spa or purchasing red light therapy pads and performing at home light therapy. Many prefer the comfort of their own home, especially if theyre suffering from pain and would like more than one application of the therapy, and therefore choose to purchase red light therapy devices. Red light therapy at home can be practiced whenever the patient feels they want to reduce pain in a certain area of their body, there are different size pads for different areas of the body so it is effective for any area where you are experiencing pain.Red light therapy at home Performing red light therapy at home is just as effective, and you will be much more comfortable inside your house. Another benefit of red light therapy at home is you can reuse the devices you have purchased, if you are someone that is frequently in pain, it might be worth buying a device to use on a regular basis. Before investing in a device for at home light therapy, there are some steps you should take to ensure you pick the right one to effectively reduce the pain you are experiencing. Firstly, ensure you know the source of pain and from here you can pick a device specific to that area. Work out your budget and start researching! How to use red light therapy at homeWe are here to guide you on how to use red light therapy at home and give you some tips, mainly if you have never used it before. Red light therapy will help to heal and repair the pain you are experiencing, but cant be used as a complete cure for the root of the suffering. A variety of conditions can be helped with the use of red light therapy, including skin disorders, pain, inflammation and wounds. Using red therapy at home couldnt be more simple, and you can follow these steps when you have received your device: Ensure you purchase the right device for red light therapy home useThere is nothing worse than ordering the wrong device, so make sure you read all the details before paying online. You will want to receive your red light therapy at home device as quickly as possible, especially if youre in pain. There are a range of different devices on the market, including handheld red light therapy machines, light panels and full-body devices so do your research before putting in your order and you will find a product within your price range. HealthLight red light therapy pads are all great for home use.Set the device up following the instructionsEvery device will come with instructions, and these must be read properly before use. Different suppliers and products have different usage rules so if you have previously used red light therapy at home and you have now ordered from a different brand, you should still read the instructions. Cleanse your skin before using the red light therapy padand remove any makeup, dirt or oil; you can then place it at a comfortable distance from your body where you are experiencing the pain. Turn the device onThere will be an on switch you need to press or flick and you can then select an appropriate wavelength and intensity level. Start with a low-intensity level and then gradually increase the level. Position the device in the right spotHold the device close to the skin or place it on the affected area. HealthLight recommends 10-20 minutes at a time for the treatment sessions using HealthLight therapy pads. However, this can vary depending on your condition and the particular device you are using. Relax and enjoy the processThe process shouldnt be stressful, it should be relaxing and beneficial. The red light therapy can be used once or twice a day, this will all depend on the outcome youre looking for. Clean the device thoroughly after useThis must happen after every session as you dont want to let any bacteria linger on the device after use. Turn it off and clean it with products that the manufacturer recommends in the instructions. Red light therapy home use is a safe way to reduce pain and target areas that are bothering you. For those that have medical issues, you should consult your doctor before using red light therapy devices or get in contact with the supplier of red light therapy products prior to ordering.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNWhy not own your own Near Infrared Light Therapy system? That way you and your family can use it to get pain relief whenever and wherever you want in the comfort of your own home while relaxing, reading, studying, watching television, or answering emails or in your hotel room when traveling.Light Therapy is painless, non-invasive, drug-free, has no known side effects, and can be very easily administered. So whats stopping you from taking advantage of Light Therapys pain management and natural acceleration of your bodys innate healing processes? Perhaps only one thing knowing how to choose the right Light Therapy system.Choosing the Most Effective Light Therapy SystemIn order to be easy and effective, a system must:Have the correct wavelengths of lightDeliver the right amount of power densityHave adequate area coverage for your needsYour most important priority should be purchasing your system from a reputable manufacturer that is cleared by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). FDA-cleared systems meet important safety standards. Be aware that some Light Therapy systems may be of low quality or non-FDA-cleared. Also watch out for systems that have inadequate power and energy output, or whose designs will limit their therapy applications.Questions to Ask Before Buying a Red Light Therapy SystemBefore you make a purchase, here are some important questions to ask:Is this Light Therapy system FDA-cleared?Is there a warranty and, if so, how long is the warranty period?Is there a repair center?Is there a way to repair my system after the warranty expires?Is there support if I have any questions in the future?Is this system flexible enough to allow for a variety of therapy applications?All HealthLight devices are cleared by the FDA. There is a one-year warranty on all Express systems (pads with Express inline controllers) and a two-year warranty on all Clinical systems (3 and 6-port controller systems). Any needed repairs after the warranty period can be made at our manufacturing facility in Illinois for a reasonable flat rate fee per item. The turnaround time for repairs is only 3 to 5 business days (not counting the devices travel time to and from the repair facility), so you will not have to wait long for your Light Therapy system to return to you.Choosing the Right Red Light Therapy PadsA general rule is that to be most effective, the pad(s) in your system should cover the entire body area where pain relief and increased circulation are needed. For example, a large pad would be best if you need Light Therapy over your back, knee, or shoulder. A long thin pad can be wrapped around a joint, hand, or wrist. A medium-sized rectangular pad might be sufficient if you require therapy on your lower back. A small, square pad would be adequate for applying Light Therapy at the back of your neck, or over your wrist, your TMJ area, or other smaller, localized area. And if you are one of millions who suffer from foot and leg pain, pads in a boot-like shape would be your best pick to cover the calf and foot at one time.Be sure to choose pads that are not only comfortable but also flexible, for pad flexibility allows versatility being able to use one pad for therapy on many parts of the body. In the HealthLight catalog, the Large 264 Pad offers flexibility, versatility, and large area coverage. For therapy on bigger areas such as the back, spine, shoulder, or hip, the Large 264 Pad is an excellent choice. And it can also be wrapped around a knee, ankle, or wrist. HealthLights Long 180 Pad is extremely well suited for use on hands and feet, as it can be folded over for either a mitt or slipper-like effect, sending Near-Infrared light to both sides of the hand or foot at once. HealthLights Foot and Ankle 122 Pad is excellent for increasing circulation and bringing relief to those with various types of leg and foot pain.HealthLight Express Controller Systems Perfect for Home UseA Light Therapy system usually has two types of components: a pad containing near infrared/red emitting diodes, and a separate electronic controller that powers the pad(s). But HealthLights Express Controller Systems offer in-line controllers, which are controllers that are attached to the the power supply for the pads. Since the controller is attached, it will not be lost or forgotten. HealthLights very affordable Express Controller Systems are user-friendly, with one-touch operation that runs a twenty-minute program and then alerts you to the automatic shut-off by a beep. HealthLight offers their Express Controllers with both one-pad and two-pad configurations, as one controller is able to operate two pads at once. The new Express In-Line Controller Systems Long 180 & Large 264 Combo Pad Multi-Use System can handle almost any therapy need.Selecting a System with a Separate ControllerIf you do desire to have more comprehensive therapy sessions utilizing three or more pads simultaneously, you might consider investing in a system that has a separate controller that can power more pads at one time. Controllers usually have two to six ports, with each port operating a single pad. Just make sure you determine exactly how many pads you want to use simultaneously and purchase a controller with enough ports. HealthLight offers 3 and 6-port controller systems that pair with their Clinical Therapy Pads. HealthLights Clinical Therapy Pads all come with a two-year warranty.Make the Purchase for You and Your FamilyBringing a Light Therapy system into your home will be a big boost to the health and well being of your entire family. Having Light Therapy immediately available will bring years of effective relief from pain and poor circulation. HealthLight offers a wide range of in-home systems for your needs and pocketbook.
Since the 1960s, thousands of scientific studies have proven the benefits of treating the human body with light. This process is known as photobiomodulation.What is Photobiomodulation?Photobiomodu-lation (PBM) is a treatment method based on research findings showing that irradiation with certain wavelengths of red or near-infrared light has been shown to produce a range of physiological effects in cells, tissues, animals and humans.The two technologies most highly regarded for photobiomodulation are laser (an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) and LED (light-emitting diode) red light therapy devices. Both of these technologies have proven to be beneficial for the treatment of a wide variety of chronic diseases, particularly musculoskeletal issues.For over forty years, low level laser (light) therapy (LLLT) and LED (light emitting diode) therapy (also known as photobiomodulation) has been shown to reduce inflammation and edema, induce analgesia, and promote healing in a range of musculoskeletal pathologies.LED Red Light Therapy vs LaserAlthough lasers and LED Therapy pads are based on the same science, there are many differences between these two technologies. If you are trying to decide which therapy device is better for your personal use, here are six advantages of LED Red Light Therapy vs Laser:1. No Safety Concerns with LED Therapy PadsUnfortunately, lasers in the home pose certain risks, and the full burden of responsibility for safety is on the home user. If used incorrectly, lasers can potentially cause health hazards.According to OSHA, The human body is vulnerable to the output of certain lasers, and under certain circumstances, exposure can result in damage to the eye and skin. Eyes are generally more vulnerable to laser damage than skin. high-powered lasers have the potential to irreversibly damage the eye, which can result in bilateral central visual acuity loss.Laser induced retinopathy (LIR) damage in children as well as adults can occur by unsupervised handling of a laser because, There is a widespread lack of knowledge about the risks of viewing the beam emanating directly from handheld lasers, and particularly those with high-output powers. But LED Therapy Pads have no known negative side effects, allowing them to be used without safety concerns. Dr. Michael Hamblin, a pioneer in the study of light therapy, states, LED devices are considered totally harmless with no risk of eye damage or skin burns, and are ideally suited to home use.2. No Training Needed to Operate an LED DeviceBecause of the aforementioned risks that lasers pose, some degree of user training and education is necessary for safe operation. A laser is as safe or as hazardous as the user and that users knowledge and skill, defines how well laser safety is managed.But because LED Therapy pads pose little risk, no special training or education is necessary. Pads are simply placed on the body where needed, the LED therapy system is turned on, a setting may be selected, and the pads proceed to do their work. Most controllers will stop automatically and signal the conclusion of the therapy session.Because operation is so simple, easy, and without risk, children as well as adults can safely treat themselves with LED Therapy pads!3. LED Therapy Pads Have Much Larger Area CoverageLight beams emitted from a laser are typically tiny to small in size. This can be a big limitation for quick and effective treatment of large body areas such as the back, the hip, or the leg. A laser would have to be frequently moved around in order to effectively treat these larger areas. But even the smallest LED Therapy pads provide much larger coverage than the spot size of a laser beam.Medium to large LED Therapy pads can even be wrapped around joints and limbs, so both the front and back can be treated simultaneously. And with LED Therapy Pads, configurations that target problems in specific body areas are available. For example, users with foot issues can purchase boots that wrap the foot and ankle, or the foot and calf, for more focused treatment.4. Ease of Home UseWhile safely using a laser requires some degree of education/training and vigilance, self-treatment using LED Therapy pads is amazingly simple and easy so much so that many chiropractors have developed in-home LED red light pain therapy programs for their chronic pain patients, encouraging them to purchase a medical-grade red light therapy pad system for self-treatment at home in addition to clinic visits. However, clinics that offer medical-grade laser therapy usually have these treatments performed by trained professionals in-clinic.5. Users Can Engage in Other Activities While Being TreatedLasers usually require that the eyes be kept closed, or that safety goggles are worn for ocular protection during treatments. But with LED Therapy pads, the eyes do not need protection, allowing the user to read or watch television. And if the hands are not being treated, users can work on a computer or tablet, or use a cell phone during therapy.6. LED Devices Carry a Lower Price TagLED Red Light Therapy pads offer a lower and more attractive price tag than lasers. LEDs are much cheaper than laser devices on average. The cost of a professional medical-grade handheld therapeutic laser can start at several thousand dollars and more, while professional, medical-grade LED devices usually start under $1,000, depending on the controller and the LED Therapy pads in the system.Choose LED Red Light Therapy Pads and Choose HealthLight!For these reasons and more, purchasing a Red Light/Infrared Therapy system rather than a laser for personal in-home therapy is a better choice for many people, especially those with issues that cover a large area of the body or disorders affecting the foot where a boot would be the most helpful. HealthLight makes the most powerful clinical strength LED Red Light/Infrared Therapy systems available.Light Therapy systems from HealthLight are durable, high quality medical-grade devices for both clinics and consumers that deliver the optimum amount of joules for the best therapeutic outcomes. HealthLight offers a variety of Red Light Therapy pad systems to meet the needs of any individual, family, or health practitioner. When choosing a device to administer Red Light Therapy for pain choose HealthLight! To learn more please call 312-669-1053.
Why Use Red Light Therapy for Pain?Using red light therapy for pain can form part of a healthy lifestyle. Light therapy is great or supporting bodily balance as well as improving the efficiency of cellular functions. Like exercise, nutritious eating, and restful sleep, healthy light exposure can have a big impact on managing inflammation and pain all over the body. Which type of red light therapy pad you will need will largely depend upon where the pain is located on your body.Red Light Therapy for Pain: How to Select the Best Pad Sizes and Shapes for Your NeedsWhats your description of the perfect pain relief device? For most people, it would probably be non-invasive, painless, fast-acting, effective, relaxing, dependable, have no known negative side effects, and be very simple and easy to self-administer.And it would be a plus if you could watch television, listen to music, read a book, talk on the phone, or work on your computer while the device was working on you. So heres some good news: LED Red Light Therapy is all of this and much more!In addition to providing fast, effective, and dependable pain-relief, LED Red Light Therapy for pain also increases circulation and triggers, accelerates, and supports your bodys own innate healing processes!So, if you would like to experience the many benefits of LED Light Therapy for yourself, but perhaps are a little perplexed about which light therapy pads to purchase. This information will help you decide on the best red light therapy devices for your needs.Red Light Therapy Pads That Give Effective CoverageUsing red light therapy for pain is one of the best ways to combat To be most effective, the red light therapy pad(s) in your system should cover the entire area that needs pain relief and increased circulation.For example, a large red light pad would be best if you need therapy over a larger area perhaps your back, hip, or shoulder. A long thin LED pad can be wrapped around a joint, hand, or thigh, or cover the upper or lower spine.And if you are one of millions who suffer from pain in the lower extremities, pads in a boot-like shape would be your best option to relieve foot pain using red light therapy.Two Questions When Choosing The Best Light Therapy Pad for PainThe primary question to ask yourself is: Where do I need pain relief the most? And the second question is: Do I have pain anywhere else in my body? It is important to take all areas of your body that need pain relief intoconsideration when choosing pads. So, while a small, square pad would be fine for treating the back of your neck if this is your most painful area, it might not provide the best coverage for also treating your lower back. A medium or a long thin pad would be a better choice for providing enough coverage to treat both areas.When using red light therapy for pain, ensure that you select pads that are not only comfortable but also flexible, for pad flexibility allows versatility being able to use the same pad for therapy on many parts of your body, in case you ever experience a future issue or injury.Table Of Using Red Light Therapy For Various Types of PainAlthough pad sizes and shapes vary with each manufacturer, here are the best light therapy devices for treating different body areas. HealthLight, a leading American manufacturer of medical-grade FDA-cleared LED Light Therapy devices, makes pads in all of these sizes and shapes:Light Therapy for Pain ReliefExposing your skin to a lamp, device or laser with red light is how you start using red light therapy for pain. A 2015 study written by Michael R. Hamblin and James Carroll (two pioneers in Phototherapy treatment and PBM research) with co-authors Roberta T. Chow and Howard B. Cotler, concluded that Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT) is beneficial for pain relief and can accelerate the bodys ability to heal itself. LLLT has a long history and strong basic science evidence, which supports its use in pain management. More specifically, they determined that Near Infrared Therapy, which includes phototherapy treatments using certain wavelengths of LED light can effectively treat all causes of musculoskeletal pain. The overall positive short term clinical studies in addition to strong laboratory studies should give the clinical confidence that LLLT may be beneficial for many individuals suffering from musculoskeletal pain, regardless of the cause.Like any effective chronic pain treatment program, using Light Therapy for pain relief can produce benefits that are short, medium, and long-term. In the short-term, pain relief may occur within minutes of applying LED Light Therapy while in the medium-term there can be a decrease in inflammation and a reduction of pain within hours to days. And results can last far longer. The long-term effects of LLLT occur within a week or two and can last for months and sometimes years as a result of improved tissue healing. For example, A review of 16 randomized clinical trials including a total of 820 patients found that LLLT reduces acute neck pain immediately after treatment, and up to 22 weeks after completion of treatment in patients with chronic neck pain. Dr. Shelley reports that the majority of his patients realize improvement within the first two weeks after using red light therapy for pain.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNFrom the tips of the toes to the metatarsals, the Achilles tendon, and the ankle, everyone has experienced foot pain at some point in their life. Luckily infrared light therapy for feet can help ease pain.Foot injuries can include sprains, strains, or even chronic diseases like arthritis and diabetes. But regardless of the cause, is there anything available today that can help relieve both pain and poor sensation in the foot?Yes Infrared Light Therapy for Feet!Infrared Light Therapy Is Perfect for FeetInfrared Light Therapy is a fast-growing technology used to treat a multitude of conditions that require stimulation of healing, relief of pain and inflammation, and restoration of function.[1] For those suffering from foot problems, pain relief, healing, and the restoration of mobility are all critically important. Studies prove that pain in any area of the foot responds well to Red Light Therapy.Infrared Light Therapy systems are considered to be Class II Medical Devices, and have been granted FDA clearance for increasing circulation, relieving pain, relaxing muscles, relieving muscle spasms, and relieving the aches and stiffness caused by arthritis. For those suffering from foot problems Red Light Therapys ability to increase circulation is very important. Why?Circulation is KeyScientific studies confirm that Infrared Light Therapy foot pads are beneficial for relieving foot pain and can accelerate the bodys ability to heal itself.[2] And the key to reducing foot pain and accelerating healing is increasing circulation, a process where LED Light Therapy excels. By increasing circulation, red light therapy for feet relieves pain plus provides the support that the body needs to repair itself, particularly nerves and tissues allowing more flow of blood rich in nutrients and oxygen to eventually restore sensation in the foot, leading to better balance and mobility!The Benefits of Red-Light Therapy for FeetLED Light Therapy foot pads are non-invasive and uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to produce light waves in the visible and infrared spectrum that painlessly penetrate the skin and are absorbed by the body. Infrared (IR) light waves have a beneficial effect on nerves. Science has discovered that, Nerve cells respond particularly well to IR.[3] and that IR can induce neural stimulation effects as well as promoting a wide range of therapeutic benefits in cells or tissues.[4] This is exactly what those who suffer from poor sensation in the foot are searching for!Try Infrared Light Therapy for FeetRegular & frequent LED Light Therapy sessions may help painful chronic foot conditions to be manageable without surgery. Many manufacturers of LED Light Therapy systems such as HealthLight make light therapy pads that are specifically designed for treating the foot. HealthLight, a leading American manufacturer of medical-grade FDA-cleared LED Light Therapy devices, makes 4 light therapy pads that are perfect for treating feet:HealthLights Foot & Calf 131 Diode Pad:Attached Velcro straps wrap over the top of the foot and around the calf securely hold the pad in place, treating the sole and the back of the calf simultaneously. It features 131 LEDs: 83 infrared (850 nm) and 48 red (630 nm). The top section measures 7x 9 while the middle to bottom section is 4.5x 15.5. This pad can be used in two ways:Extended up the back of the calf to cover the calf and the bottom of the foot.Reversed 180 degrees and folded in half to treat both the top and bottom of the foot.The Foot & Calf 131 Infrared Light Pad can be purchased in a double pad package, allowing you to save time by treating both feet simultaneously.HealthLights Foot & Ankle 122 Diode Pad:This uniquely shaped 3-section pad features 122 LEDs: 70 infrared (850 nm) and 52 red (630 nm). The top section measures 8 wide x 5 long, the middle measures 12 long x 4 wide, and the bottom measures 7 long x 6 wide. This pad can be used in two ways extended or folded over:When extended, it covers the bottom of the foot from the toes to the back of the heel, continuing up the calf.When folded over, it covers the toes and foot like a boot, covering the top of the foot, the sole, the heel, and both ankles.The Foot & Ankle 122 Infrared Light Pad can be purchased in a double pad package, allowing you to save time by treating both feet simultaneously.HealthLights Long 180 Diode Pad:This pad features 180 LEDs: 80 red (630 nm) and 100 infrared (850 nm). At 16x 5, this highly flexible long and narrow pad can be used in three ways:Over the top of the foot and under the sole;Under the sole, up the heel, and into the calf;Place horizontally and put both feet on top to treat the toes or heels.The Long 180 infrared light pad is also available with blue, red, and infrared LEDs for the same price.HealthLights Small 90 Diode Pad:The size and rectangular shape of the small 90 infrared light pad make it perfect for foot treatment. Just place the foot on top, or put the pad over the toes, or strap across the ankle with Velcro. At 9.8 x 4.5, this pad should cover the toes, sole, heel, or ankle area. It features 90 LEDs: 50 infrared (950 nm) and 40 red (630 nm).Give Foot Pain the Boot!Foot pain and poor foot sensation do not have to limit mobility and reduce the quality of daily life. LED Light Therapy is the perfect soothing solution for all types of foot problems. Purchasing an LED Light Therapy device from HealthLight will help you and/or your patients experience fast-acting, dependable pain relief. HealthLight makes the most durable and most powerful clinical strength LED Light Therapy systems available today! For more information on how red light therapy works, get in touch with out experts.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNDid you know that the shoulder is the most moveable joint in the body?[1] But it is unstable and prone to injury Because the ball of the upper arm is larger than the socket of the shoulder. Unfortunately, this simple fact about the human body makes everyone susceptible to a shoulder injury at some point in life.Common shoulder problems like rotator cuff tendonitis and injuries, frozen shoulder, swimmers shoulder, snapping scapula syndrome, shoulder bursitis, and rheumatoid arthritis can be debilitating, for the pain associated with any type of shoulder injury can be brutal.And to make matters worse, on top of the pain, the limited range of motion, muscle weakness, and soft tissue swelling can have a dramatic impact on your quality of life. What can help?Medical Treatment vs. Red Light TherapyTraditional medical treatment for shoulder issues range from over-the-counter pain relievers and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications and muscle relaxants for non-acute conditions, to lidocaine or corticosteroid injections for acute and chronic conditions.And in instances of more serious problems, doctors may prescribe partial and even entire shoulder joint replacement (arthroplasty) surgery.But there is a much more natural approach for relieving shoulder pain.Non-invasive Red Light/Infrared Therapy can bring fast-acting and effective relief from shoulder aches, pains, and stiffness without the long list of negative side effects so common today with pharmaceutical drugs, and the risks and pain of injections and/or surgery.In addition to pain relief, Red Light/Infrared Therapy also increases circulation, reduces swelling, and stimulates, accelerates, and supports the bodys own innate healing processes to gradually regenerate nerves and tissues an important beneficial outcome which pain relievers and muscle relaxants cannot achieve.For science has discovered that low doses of light have demonstrated the ability to heal skin, nerves, tendons, cartilage and bones.Just a simple and relaxing twenty-minute therapy session can effectively reduce pain and stiffness, improving shoulder joint range of motion and putting you on the path to the return of arm function.Best Therapy Pads for ShouldersWhen choosing a Red Light/Infrared Therapy system for treating shoulder issues, it is most important that the therapy pads cover the entire shoulder area. HealthLight, a US manufacturer of professional medical-grade light therapy systems, offers 5 different LED therapy pads that are excellent for treating the shoulder. And as all HealthLight pads are flexible, this makes them also versatile meaning that the same therapy pad can be used to treat many additional areas of the body as shown on this chart:From the soles of your feet all the way up to your shoulders and neck, Red Light/Infrared Therapy can benefit your body. Light therapy brings fast, effective, and dependable relief from aches, pains, and stiffness, and accelerates your bodys own innate healing processes.HealthLight makes the most powerful clinical strength LED Red Light/Infrared Therapy systems available in todays marketplace. LED Light Therapy systems from HealthLight are durable, high quality medical-grade devices for both clinics and consumers that deliver the optimum amount of joules for the best therapeutic outcomes.HealthLight offers a variety of red light systems to meet the needs of any individual, family, or health clinic. When choosing Red Light/Infrared Therapy equipment choose HealthLight!
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNDepending on the type of surgery you are undergoing, infrared light therapy can be used as a post-surgery therapy and its important to consider how soon after surgery can you use red light therapy. Red light therapy helps to reduce pain and increase circulation after procedures and is popular among those who want to speed up the process of healing and get back to their normal selves as soon as possible. Here you can find out about the different steps you will need to take when utilizing infrared light therapy post-surgery and some of the important information you need to remember. What is red light therapy and how does it help healing post surgery? Infrared light therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy or photobiomodulation, has been shown to be beneficial in promoting healing and reducing pain after surgery. How soon after surgery can you use red light therapy should be considered to maximize healing time. Here is a guide to using infrared light therapy post-surgery:Consult with your doctor: Before starting any post-surgery treatment, its important to consult with your doctor to ensure that infrared light therapy is safe for you and wont interfere with any other treatments you may be taking.Choose the right device: There are many different infrared light therapy devices on the market, ranging from handheld devices to large panels. Choose a device that is appropriate for the area you need to treat and that has been shown to be effective in clinical studies.Follow the recommended treatment protocol: Infrared light therapy is typically administered for a certain amount of time per session and for a specific number of sessions per week. At HealthLight, we recommend three times per day, for 20 minute sessions. For more information on how often you should use red light therapy, click here.Position the device correctly: Position the device so that the infrared light is directed at the surgical site. If youre using a red light therapy pad, wrap it around the area where you are experiencing pain.Be consistent: Infrared light therapy works best when used consistently, so be sure to follow the recommended guidelines and use the device on a regular basis.Its important to follow the recommended treatment protocol and consult with your doctor before starting any new treatment, even red light therapy if you plan on using it short or long term. How soon after surgery can you use red light therapy?The time you leave between surgery and starting red light therapy will usually depend on the specific surgical procedure you underwent and your individual recovery process. It is important to consult with your healthcare provider or surgeon to determine when it is safe to start using red light therapy.In general, red light therapy is a non-invasive and low-risk treatment that wont harm when used properly. However, it is important to ensure that any incisions or wounds from surgery have had sufficient time to heal before beginning red light therapy. Your healthcare provider may recommend waiting until the incision has completely closed and any swelling or inflammation has subsided before starting red light therapy. This may take several weeks or longer, depending on the nature and extent of your surgery.Once you have received clearance from your healthcare provider, you can start using red light therapy to help promote healing and reduce inflammation. It is important to follow any instructions provided by your healthcare provider or the manufacturer of your red light therapy device to ensure that you are using it safely and effectively.Why is it worth using infrared light therapy after surgery? After surgery infrared light therapy has been shown to have a variety of benefits. Some of the main reasons why its worth considering are for pain relief, increased circulation, improved healing and due to its non-invasive nature it can be used alongside other treatments. Those who use red light therapy can heal faster than those who dont; this is down to how the light stimulates ATP production and other cellular components that are essential for tissue repair. Healing faster means there is less chance of infection or bacteria in wounds or injuries.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNAs Red Light Therapy becomes more popular worldwide, new light therapy devices keep popping up everywhere. Even mainstream internet shopping sites like and offer pages and pages of products. Countless light treatment lamps, wands, masks, slippers, gloves, and even near-infrared light bulbs are now being produced by a multitude of manufacturers.However, if you want to own a high quality, medical grade light therapy device that is durable and will emit light in the correct wavelengths and deliver the right amount of power density to actually be effective for pain relief and increased circulation, then diligent research will most likely lead you to either NIR Therapy pad systems or panel systems. So, which should you choose?Basic Similarities and DifferencesPads and panel systems are similar in that both are based on the exact same science; both systems use wavelengths of red light, infrared light, and sometimes blue light; the recommended time period for treatment sessions is often the same (twenty minutes); and both systems require the light to reach bare skin in order to be effective, because light waves cannot fully penetrate through clothing. The major difference between pads and panels is that pads treat targeted areas of the body, while panels transmit light to a much wider area.A Light Shower Versus Targeted TreatmentBasically, sitting in front of a panel system is like receiving a shower of light. And, just like shower, having exposed skin is necessary. Therefore, if you want the light waves to penetrate as much of the front or the back of your body as possible, then you have to remain unclothed during treatment. Pads, however, can be placed under clothing to directly touch the skin, allowing for deeper penetration and greater absorption of light waves.The Bottom LinePad systems offer many advantages over panel systems. The reason most people invest in a light therapy system is to help relieve the pain associated with acute or long-standing issues such as joint and back pain, muscle spasms, arthritis, and foot and leg pain. So having flexible pads that touch the skin to target the light into specific areas where relief is needed should be more efficient and effective than having light dispersed to a larger area at least 6 to 14 from the body. Some manufacturers even recommend being 16 to 24 away from certain devices.HealthLights Medical DevicesIf you wish to experience the benefits of having your own light therapy pad system, HealthLights Express At-Home Line with conveniently attached controllers and single button operation is perfect for in-home use:HealthLights Large 264 Pad is helpful for treating shoulder, upper and/or lower back, hip, and knee pain. HealthLights Long 180 Pad can wrap around joints and limbs. HealthLights Small 90 Pad is beneficial for alleviating neck pain and arthritis pain in the hand. HealthLight also makes boot systems specifically designed for treating foot pain HealthLights 122 Foot & Ankle Pad and 131 Foot & Calf Pad both come in one or two boot packages.HealthLights Red Light Therapy systems are considered to be Class II medical devices, and have received FDA clearance for relieving pain, increasing circulation, relaxing muscles, relieving muscle spasms, and alleviating the aches and stiffness caused by arthritis. Treat yourself to the dependable pain relief provided by a HealthLight NIR Therapy system today!
For those who worry about traveling because of pain in their feet, or have back, knee or hip issues, you dont have to curtail your wanderlust. Near-infrared (red LED light) Therapy can open the door to a better quality of life, allowing you the freedom from pain and discomfort to venture out and travel when you desire. So the next time you pack your bags for that long-awaited vacation, or even that spontaneous weekend getaway, dont forget to include an LED Light Therapy system in your suitcase. Here are 4 reasons why:1) Long Periods of Sitting During Plane, Train, or Car TravelSitting still in a cramped space for a long period of time during travel, whether in a car, a train, or an airplane, can increase discomfort, especially for those with poor circulation. Sitting still in a confined area for extended periods may also lead to muscle stiffness, muscle spasms, and heightened pain. Medical-grade LED Light Therapy devices from reputable manufacturers such as HealthLight have received clearances from the FDA for the temporary increase in local circulation, and for the temporary relief of pain, stiffness, and muscle spasms. So self-administering LED Light Therapy daily several weeks before traveling, and especially on the day of your trip, not to mention as soon as you arrive at your accommodations, will be a big help in making sure your circulation remains healthy.2) Walking More Than UsualVacations are a time for seeing the sights in a different area experiencing new restaurants; exploring museums, theme parks, hiking trails, or a myriad of other attractions. All of this means walking more than you normally do. With a LED Light Therapy system waiting for you wherever you are staying, you may not have to think twice about exploring the downtown area or taking that hike. Twenty minutes of treatment in the morning before you go out, and then another twenty minutes of LED Light Therapy again when you return to your room will keep your feet, balance, and gait steady and ready for another day of adventure.3) Sports InjuriesIf you are like most people, you will take the opportunity to engage in some type of sports activity at some point during your vacation. But intense activity like golfing, tennis, canoeing, hiking, and biking, especially when it is not part of your usual routine, may cause an injury like muscle aches, strains, or sprains in the lower back, knee, shoulder, or hip. This is when having a LED Light Therapy system at your disposal at any time comes in very handy to increase circulation and reduce pain in any part of your body that needs support.4) Your FamilyAnd last but not least, if any members of your family are traveling with you, especially seniors or those with chronic conditions, this is enough of a reason to take a LED Light Therapy system with you for everyones use and well being. Having a LED Light Therapy system on hand to help alleviate any pain and discomfort arising from reasons 1 through 4 not only for you personally, but also for your loved ones, will make any vacation more enjoyable and memorable, especially when everyone in your group is able to be more physically comfortable and active the whole time.Lightweight and EssentialFor all of the above reasons, a LED Light Therapy system can be considered an essential travel item, as important as your toothbrush, sunglasses, Swiss army knife, or favorite pair of sneakers. If you already own one of HealthLights Express At-Home Systems, then you know how lightweight and convenient it is, especially the small size of the controller. These controllers are in-line, meaning they are attached to the LED Light Therapy pads and will not be lost, or forgotten when packing. And all of these systems come with their own travel bag.Easy-to-operate HealthLight systems are user-friendly, with one-touch operation that runs an automatic twenty-minute program with automatic shut-off. HealthLight offers their Express At-Home Systems with both one-pad and two-pad configurations, as one controller is able to operate two pads simultaneously. HealthLights pads are strong, comfortable, and flexible. They are also extremely versatile, meaning that the same pad can be used on many different parts of your body.HealthLight offers a wide range of affordable, easy-to-use home systems to meet all needs and pocketbooks to help people everywhere achieve a better quality of life. If you dont have a HealthLight system, consider getting one today, in plenty of time before your next trip! [1] Cotler, Howard B. et al. The Use of Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) For Musculoskeletal Pain. MOJ Orthop Rheumatol. 2015 ; 2(5): . doi:10.15406/mojor.2015.02.00068, p. 3.
Increased circulation. Better nerve sensitivity. Reduced pain. These are just some of the benefits of red light therapy. Unfortunately, they are also the needs of millions of people. Those with diabetes. Those suffering from peripheral neuropathy. Those with chronic pain.Poor sensation in the toes or feet is usually caused by a lack of blood supply or nerve damage. This condition can be symptomatic of a large number of diseases, disorders, or conditions that hamper blood flow (circulation) or cause injury to the nerves. This loss of sensation can be in one foot (unilateral) or both feet (bilateral). This condition almost always progressively worsens if not handled properly, and will never completely disappear. At best, it can only be managed. So, what are the benefits of red light therapy, how can red light therapy help you?Red Light Therapy Increases CirculationAs the infographic below illustrates, the key to both decreasing pain and increasing sensation is to increase circulation. One of the easiest and non-invasive ways to improve circulation is by using red light therapy. The diodes in the red light therapy device release photons of light of specific wavelength and intensity, which penetrate deep into the body and trigger a cascade of beneficial chemical reactions, especially the instant release of nitric oxide. This is one of the biggest benefits of using red light therapy.Nitric oxide is the human bodys natural vasodilator, instantaneously widening the blood vessels and capillaries and allowing for improved circulation in the local area under the NIR Light Therapy pad. This improved blood flow brings nutrient-rich and oxygen-rich blood into the nerves and other tissues, which reduces pain. This increased flow of blood helps the body to operate in a state of homeostasis, or a stable equilibrium of physical and chemical conditions, thereby promoting optimal functioning where circulation is increased and pain is reduced.Nitric oxide is also a messenger molecule that helps kick start the bodys own natural healing ability. Nerves become healthier and begin to fire more normally. And over time, nerves are able to transmit sensation again. So, by increasing the production of nitric oxide, NIR Light Therapy increases circulation, speeds healing, and relieves pain. And, as nerves heal and sensation is increased, balance is improved and falls reduce. This boost in local circulation and pain reduction produced by a twenty-minute NIR Light Therapy session can last for several hours after the treatment concludes.Benefits of Red Light Therapy InfographicThis easy-to-understand infographic above illustrates the benefits of Light Therapy for increased circulation and pain reduction. The right half of the wheel tells how Light Therapy works, while the left half of the wheel illustrates the life-changing improvements that using Light Therapy can bring to you and those you love.Start clockwise at the top right yellow segment, Photon energy releases Nitric Oxide, and by the time you reach the last dark blue segment at the top left, Reduction in falls that are caused by lack of sensation, you should have a good basic understanding of how Light Therapy works its magic within the body. This infographic is based on the solid science of thousands of peer-reviewed studies over the last several decades that prove how effective Light Therapy is in supporting the human bodys innate healing capabilities.The Many Benefits of Red Light TherapyIn addition to all the important benefits of red light therapy listed on this infographic the reduction of pain and discomfort which leads to improved sleep, tissue healing, and healthier nerves firing more normally that eventually increase sensation Red Light Therapy offers many advantages when compared to other types of treatment.List of the benefits of red light therapy:Non-invasive and Painless: Near-infrared LED light therapy is a non-invasive and painless treatment option. It does not require any incisions or injections, making it a comfortable and well-tolerated choice for individuals seeking alternative therapies.Versatile Application: One of the notable advantages of red light therapy is its ability to be used on any area of the body (except the eyes). Whether youre targeting joint pain, muscle soreness, skin conditions, or other specific areas, near-infrared light therapy can be applied directly to the desired location.All-natural Alternative: Red light therapy provides an all-natural alternative to costly and potentially addictive drugs. Instead of relying solely on medication to manage pain or other conditions, individuals can explore the benefits of near-infrared light therapy as a drug-free option.Non-surgical Alternative: For individuals considering expensive and painful surgical procedures, Red light therapy offers a non-surgical alternative. It can provide relief and promote healing without the need for invasive interventions, reducing the associated risks and downtime.Simple and effective: Red light therapy is a simple yet highly effective treatment modality. It involves using LED light devices that emit near-infrared wavelengths, which penetrate the skin and stimulate cellular processes. The treatment can be easily incorporated into daily routines and is known for its effectiveness in various applications.Simultaneous Treatment of Multiple Areas: Red light therapy allows for the simultaneous treatment of different areas of the body using multiple pads. This feature enhances convenience and efficiency, as multiple regions can be addressed simultaneously during a single session.Self-administration at Home: Near-infrared LED light therapy is user-friendly and can be self-administered in the comfort of ones own home. This accessibility makes it a convenient option for individuals seeking regular treatments without the need for frequent visits to a healthcare professional.Multimodal Integration: Red light therapy can be used in conjunction with other therapies such as chiropractic, massage, physical therapy, PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) therapy, or electrical stimulation. Combining near-infrared light therapy with other modalities can potentially amplify therapeutic results and offer a comprehensive approach to wellness.Multi-tasking Comfort: During near-infrared LED light therapy sessions, individuals can comfortably sit or lie down while receiving treatment. This allows for multitasking activities like watching television, listening to music, reading, or talking on the phone, making it a convenient and enjoyable experience.Improved Circulation and Pain Reduction: Red light therapy has been shown to increase circulation and reduce pain. The wavelengths of near-infrared light penetrate deep into tissues, promoting vasodilation and enhancing blood flow. Improved circulation can aid in tissue repair, reduce inflammation, and alleviate pain.Red Light Therapy at HomeIf you suffer from a decrease in sensation caused by a lack of circulation in your feet (or hands), or acute or chronic pain anywhere in your body, consider purchasing your own red light therapy devices from HealthLight. One of the biggest benefits of red light therapy is that it can be performed from the comfort of your home. Owning your own HealthLight system for your convenient use at any time will bring you years of improved circulation and pain relief. Plus:The same pad(s) can be used to treat multiple issues affecting different body areasOne system can be used by the whole family, boosting their health and well-beingHealthLight Red Light Therapy systems are light-weight and can be easily packed and carried with you when traveling. HealthLight offers a wide range of affordable red light therapy devices for every need and pocketbook. HealthLights Express At-Home line of easy-to-operate systems is user-friendly, with one-touch operation that runs an automatic twenty-minute program with automatic shut-off. For those seeking to improve circulation in their feet, HealthLights 131 Foot & Calf pad covers both the top and bottom of the foot. Their 122 Foot & Ankle pad also covers the top and bottom of the foot plus the Achilles tendon, and partially wraps around the ankle. Both of these pads can be purchased singly, or as a double pad package allowing both feet to receive treatment at once. For those needing support in other areas, HealthLights Large 264 & Long 180 Pad Package can handle almost any therapy need.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNBy adding low level light therapy to their treatment menus, doctors of Podiatric medicine can reap substantial benefits from both patients and revenue. Low level light therapy for podiatry practices are an emerging treatment that is becoming more and more popular.Low Level Light Therapy for Podiatry TreatmentsLight Therapy uses NIR (Near-Infrared Light) to treat pain and are considered Class II Medical Devices. NIR Therapy is backed by decades of science and can be depended upon for effective pain relief and circulation support for a wide range of lower extremity ailments necessitating podiatry treatments, proving itself to be painless, extremely safe, simple, easy to administer, and very effective.LED Light Therapy relieves pain, increases circulation, relaxes muscles, relieves muscles spasms, and relieves aches/stiffness caused by arthritis. Low level light therapy is non-invasive, and has no known negative side effects which makes it a unique option for podiatry treatments.Pain drastically decreases or disappears for up to several hours after the conclusion of a therapy session, making NIR Therapy an effective all-natural alternative to corticosteroid injection and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for lower extremity pain relief and management. With regular treatment sessions, sub-acute and chronic painful lower extremity conditions may be able to be managed non-surgically.NIR Therapy is gentle, relaxing, and comforting, alleviating pain, stiffness and soreness just what is needed to soothe an aching foot and increase patient satisfaction.How Can LED Light Therapy Therapy Reduce Pain for your Patients?During twenty minutes of a typical NIR Therapy session, as waves of light penetrate the body, a photochemical reaction referred to as photobiomodulation or PBM is induced in the cells. Cascades of therapeutic chemical processes are released. Radiation of tissue with light causes an increase in mitochondrial products such as ATP, NADH, protein, and RNA.[1] ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) provides energy to the cells and also fights oxidative stress. Nitric oxide from hemoglobin and endothelial cells is also released, relaxing smooth muscle cells found in the arteries, veins, and lymph vessels. When these muscles relax, the vessels dilate and allow increased circulation, so that blood rich in oxygen and nutrients can flow more freely into the local area, reducing pain and supporting the bodys natural healing processes.Low Level Light Therapy is Easy to Administer from Your Podiatry PracticeAnother advantage of Low level light therapy for podiatry practices is that it is simple and easy to administer. Pads are placed on the feet or legs, the system is turned on, and the pads then do their work. Therapy sessions usually last up to twenty minutes, and systems automatically shut off afterward. During this time, the patient can be left unattended, allowing you to treat other patients. LED Light Therapy can be offered as an add-on or as a stand-alone treatment modality, which may appeal to patients with acute pain or chronic lower extremity conditions. Pads can be kept clean and sanitary by placing the pads in plastic bags and changing the bags between patients.Selling Red Light Therapy Devices to Patients in your Podiatry PracticeLow level light therapy is beneficial when it comes to generating additional revenue for your podiatry practice if you decide to sell NIR Therapy systems to your patients. Manufacturers of NIR Therapy equipment like HealthLight do offer healthcare professionals the ability to purchase systems at wholesale and then resell them to patients for a profit.Because NIR Therapy is so easy to administer, treatment sessions can be performed by the patient on their own, or with the assistance of family members. Patients may want to purchase their own systems for in-home use for an intensive low level light therapy podiatry treatment of chronic conditions that are helped most by daily therapy sessions. Patients may also desire their own in-home therapy systems to help speed up healing and ease pain after surgery.Get Started with LED Light TherapyRed light penetrates the deepest levels of the skin to stimulate healing, while near infrared light supports circulation in the skin and deeper structural tissues. HealthLights Clinical Line offers two styles of LED Light Therapy boot systems with red and near infrared diodes, which are perfect for any podiatrists office: the 122 Foot & Ankle Boot and the 131 Foot & Calf Boot. Both systems come in either a bilateral or unilateral configuration.Podiatrists should not worry about footing the bill for a Healthlight Therapy system. Compared to most other types of professional medical-grade equipment, Healthlight Therapy systems are surprisingly affordable. These same pads are available for sale to patients with a built-in controller in the Express System.Blue Light for Skin IssuesBecause podiatrists may be searching for treatments of dermatological conditions, podiatrists should consider having a low level light therapy pad that can emit blue light, which is especially beneficial for skin healing. Clinical studies have demonstrated that blue light exhibits intrinsic antimicrobial properties, which makes it especially useful to support the bodys innate healing of many of the skin issues that a podiatrist encounters in patients.HealthLights 264 Large Blue pad features 264 LEDs (120 blue LEDs and 144 infrared LEDs). This is the ideal unit for large areas, measuring 8 x 15, and should be able to accommodate any size foot. Another option is HealthLights 180 Long Tri-Color pad, which contains 180 LEDs (100 infrared LEDs, 40 red LEDs, and 40 blue LEDs), and measures 5 x 16. Both pads are available in Clinical and Express At Home VersionsFootnoteIn conclusion, since LED Light Therapy is still on the verge of gaining a strong foothold in the podiatry community, adding this simple yet highly effective treatment modality to your practice will be a unique addition to your podiatry practice that benefits your patients health and well-being as well as your practices bottom line. Shop low level light therapy for your podiatry practice. [1] Chung, Hoon, et al. The Nuts and Bolts of Low-level Laser (Light) Therapy. Ann Biomed Eng. 2012 February; 40(2): 516533. doi:10.1007/s10439-011-0454-7, p. 5 of NIH Public Access version.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNAccording to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, thanks to all the aging baby boomers, physical therapy may be the fastest growing occupation in America: Employment of physical therapists is projected to grow 18 percent from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average for all occupations. In light of this extremely favorable outlook for growth in the physical therapy field, just how does a Doctor of Physical Therapy stand out above the ever-increasing competition? What can you offer patients that will maximize their pain relief, assist them in managing chronic conditions, and accelerate their speed on the road to greater wellness and a happier, healthier, and more active lifestyle? NIR (infrared/red light) Therapy can be your answer!NIR Therapy and Physical TherapyPhysical therapists utilize different health modalities to benefit their patients. So it is no surprise that NIR Therapy is rapidly growing in acceptance and popularity in the PT community. NIR Therapy is non-invasive, and can assist therapists to achieve their goal of helping patients reduce pain and improve or restore mobility without expensive and risky surgery, or the need for long-term use of potentially addictive pain medications. Because pain relief and increased circulation come so quickly by NIR Therapys ability to release nitric oxide, ATP, and other therapeutic chemicals, it partners perfectly with physical therapy. NIR Therapy can provide support and pain relief for dysfunctions and restrictions that a physical therapist may routinely encounter in muscles, joints, ligaments, nerves, bones, and tissues.NIR Therapy Is SafeLike physical therapy, NIR Therapy can be used on any area of the body (except the eyes). It is easy to administer, is highly effective, is dependable, and, most importantly, it is painless and extremely safe. NIR Therapy can be utilized without concern about harmful side effects. NIR Therapy is also known as photobiomodulation, or PBM. A 2017 study by Dr. Michael R. Hamblin, a pioneer in light therapy, concluded that, PBM has an almost complete lack of reported adverse effectsNIR Therapy effectively relieves pain, increases circulation, relaxes muscles, relieves muscle spasms, and relieves the aches and stiffness caused by arthritis. Increasing circulation can help tissues to heal and nerves to eventually regain sensation, which aids in the recovery of functionality and mobility.NIR Therapy is very helpful to muscles. According to Dr. Hamblin, It is not therefore surprising that PBM can also help to heal muscle injuries, not to mention reducing muscle pain and soreness after excessive exercise. Also, both types of the most common forms of arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid, which PTs see regularly in their practice, have proved to be amenable to light therapy. According to Dr. Hamblin, Both types have been successfully treated with PMB. Put NIR Therapy on Your Treatment MenuNIR Therapy sessions have been described by patients as gentle, relaxing, soothing, and comforting. The pain relief and cellular benefits experienced during a NIR Therapy session can last for several hours afterwards.NIR Therapy may augment the benefits of hands-on physical therapy. NIR Therapy can be administered before manual therapy to make your patients pain relief faster and more effective. It can increase circulation in limbs and joints; relieve soreness and stiffness in the upper and lower back, neck, and shoulders; or help support hips and knees. This may allow for greater flexibility and range of motion, which will potentially make stretching and exercising easier and less painful.If NIR Therapy is administered after manual therapy, NIR light penetration may help the increase in flexibility and range of motion to be maintained for a longer period, due to the benefits of increased circulation. Also, pain, stiffness, or soreness lingering after the exercises and stretches may be relieved.Choosing the Right PadsTo be most effective, the pad(s) in your system should cover the entire area where pain relief and increased circulation are needed. The largest pads, such as the Large 264 Pad in HealthLights Clinical Line, would be the most helpful to treat upper or lower back, hip, shoulder, or knee pain; while small rectangular-sized pads such as HealthLights Small 90 Pad would be helpful to relieve pain in the neck, TMJ area, or wrist. HealthLights 132 Medium Pad is helpful for pain in the hands and elbows. Long thin pads such as HealthLights 180 Pad can be wrapped around joints, or small pads with more diodes like the Focus 64 Pad can be used to more intensely treat localized areas. For leg and foot issues, the 122 Foot & Ankle Boot and the 131 Foot & Calf Boot are available as either a single or dual boot system.Sales to PatientsBecause NIR Therapy is so easy to administer, therapy sessions can be performed by the patient on their own, or with the assistance of family members. Most manufacturers of NIR Therapy equipment, like HealthLight, offer healthcare professionals the option of purchasing systems at wholesale and then reselling them to patients. Physical therapists can encourage patients with chronic conditions that need daily treatment to purchase their own systems for in-home use. Patients recovering from surgery or accidents may wish to have their own therapy systems at their disposal, especially for pain relief.Benefits of Adding NIR TherapyNIR Therapy can be a very beneficial part of your patients treatment plan, and hold an important position in your treatment tool box. And by offering NIR Therapy, your practice will stand out from the competition. But most importantly, NIR Therapy will bring quicker and better pain relief and increased circulation to your patients to improve their quality of life. So consider adding NIR Therapy to your treatment menu. HealthLights Clinical Line of pads and controllers offer many system options. And HealthLights Express At-Home Line of systems with conveniently attached controllers is perfect for in-home use by your patients.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNYou dont have to be an athlete to injure your ankle, so red light therapy for ankles is great for everyone suffering from mild twists to chronic pain like arthritis. From the ligaments to bones, your ankles require adequate care to ensure you maintain a good quality of life.Ankle injury occurs when the ankle joint is twisted too far out of its standard position. Injury happens as a result of tripping, falling, walking, running or rolling the ankle. Most ankle injuries occur when forcing your foot or ankle into an unnatural position, whether thats during sporting activities or while walking on an uneven surface. Unstable footwear can also contribute to injured ankles.Acute ankle pain occurs when you have an injury or inflammation and requires regular treatment to promote healing. Chronic ankle pain can be devastating and is often the result of a serious or untreated injury. Both of which need to be dealt with in order to maintain your mobility.Infrared Light Therapy is the Perfect Treatment for AnklesThe science behind infrared light therapy is still being fully uncovered, but what we know so far is that it is a fast-growing technology used to treat a multitude of conditions that require stimulation of healing, relief of pain and inflammation, and restoration of function. Anyone suffering with ankle pain knows that it can have serious negative effects on your physical and mental wellbeing. Luckily, red light therapy for knees has been proven to be effective time and time again.Described as a Class II Medical Device, red light therapy pads have been granted FDA clearance for increasing circulation, relieving pain, relaxing muscles, relieving muscle spasms, and relieving the aches and stiffness caused by arthritis and other conditions.The causes of ankle pain can be grouped as follows:Inflammation arthritis, overuse, high-heeled shoes, recent footwear changes, exercise, bursitisWear and tear types of arthritisInjury fractures, dislocations, strains and sprainsThe above conditions can be treated without invasive treatment if you use red light therapy pads for ankles two times a day for 20 minutes.Improving Circulation is Key to Relieving Ankle PainIncreasing circulation is key to speeding up healing and reducing the severity of pain in your ankle. Red light therapy for ankles relieves pain by supporting the natural healing process, which helps the body to repair itself and also to restore sensation in the knee, leading to better balance and mobility. Red light therapy pads for ankles have been scientifically proven to be beneficial for relieving pain and accelerating the bodys ability to heal itself.The Benefits of Red Light Therapy For AnklesThe key to using red light therapy as non-invasive treatment for ankle pain is by using it regularly. LED Light Therapy ankle pads use light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to produce light waves in the visible and infrared spectrum that painlessly penetrate the skin and are absorbed by the body. Infrared (IR) light waves have a beneficial effect on nerves. Science has discovered that, Nerve cells respond particularly well to IR. and that IR can induce neural stimulation effects as well as promoting a wide range of therapeutic benefits in cells or tissues. This is the perfect solution for those suffering with ankle pain. In addition, this kind of treatment can be used at home, and is not limited to use in a clinic.Try Infrared Light Therapy for AnklesTreating ankle pain with regular LED Light Therapy sessions can help painful chronic ankle conditions and make them more manageable in everyday life. HealthLight make light therapy pads for ankles that you can easily use from the comfort of your home. Choose an American manufacturer of medical-grade FDA-cleared LED Light Therapy devices for best results. Here are 4 light therapy pads that are perfect for treating feet and ankles:HealthLights Foot & Calf 131 Diode Pad:Attached Velcro straps wrap over the top of the foot and around the calf securely hold the pad in place, treating the sole, ankle and the back of the calf simultaneously. It features 131 LEDs: 83 infrared (850 nm) and 48 red (630 nm). The top section measures 7x 9 while the middle to bottom section is 4.5x 15.5.The Foot & Calf 131 Infrared Light Pad can be purchased in a double pad package, allowing you to save time by treating both ankles simultaneously.HealthLights Foot & Ankle 122 Diode Pad:This uniquely-shaped 3-section pad features 122 LEDs: 70 infrared (850 nm) and 52 red (630 nm). The top section measures 8 wide x 5 long, the middle measures 12 long x 4 wide, and the bottom measures 7 long x 6 wide. This pad can be used in two ways extended or folded over:When extended, it covers the bottom of the foot from the toes, the back of the heel, the ankle and continuing up the calf.When folded over, it covers the toes and foot like a boot, covering the top of the foot, the sole, the heel, and both ankles.The Foot & Ankle 122 Infrared Light Pad can be purchased in a double pad package, allowing you to save time by treating both ankles simultaneously.HealthLights Long 180 Diode Pad:This pad features 180 LEDs: 80 red (630 nm) and 100 infrared (850 nm). At 16x 5, this highly flexible long and narrow pad can be used to effectively treat the ankles.The Long 180 infrared light pad is also available with blue, red, and infrared LEDs for the same price.HealthLights Small 90 Diode Pad:The size and rectangular shape of the small 90 infrared light pad make it perfect for foot treatment. Just strap across the ankle with Velcro. At 9.8 x 4.5, this pad should cover the toes, sole, heel, or ankle area. It features 90 LEDs: 50 infrared (950 nm) and 40 red (630 nm).You Dont Have to Live with Ankle Pain ForeverAnkle pain can severely dimish the quality of the life you lead by reducing your mobility and damaging your mental health. LED Light Therapy for ankles is the perfect soothing solution for all ankle pain as it promotes healing and inhibits swelling. Purchasing an LED Light Therapy device from HealthLight will help you and/or your patients experience fast-acting, dependable pain relief. HealthLight makes the most durable and most powerful clinical strength LED Light Therapy systems available today! For more information on how red light therapy works, get in touch with out experts.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNWhen it comes to deciding on how often you should practice red light therapy, its important to get it right so you can see maximum benefits. Reaping the benefits of red light therapy is dependent on how often you use the red light therapy pads, where exactly you are experiencing pain and how intense the pain is. Different manufacturers will recommend different times when asked how often you should do red light therapy, so its best to follow the instructions you are provided with, as machines can differ in light strength.Get Your Red Light Therapy Duration RightThe frequency of red-light therapy will depend on various factors such as the specific condition being treated, the intensity of the light, the duration of each session, and the individuals response to the therapy.In general, it is recommended to start with a few sessions per week and gradually increase the frequency as tolerated. For most conditions, three sessions per day for 20 minutes each can be sufficient to achieve significant benefits. However, some people may require longer or more frequent sessions to achieve the desired results. Performing three treatments of 20 minutes a day should work best and longer than this could be damaging. It is important to follow the manufacturers guidelines for the specific device being used and consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new therapy. Additionally, it is essential to protect the eyes and skin from exposure to the light, as prolonged or intense exposure may cause harm.Can You Do Red Light Therapy Every Day? Yes, you can do red light therapy every day, providing you follow the recommended guidelines for intensity and duration of exposure to the red and infrared light. For some people, a daily session of 10-20 minutes is sufficient to achieve the desired benefits, but this may vary depending on the condition being treated and the intensity of the light. It is also important to protect the eyes and skin from exposure to light, as prolonged or intense exposure may cause harm.It is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new therapy, especially if you have any medical conditions or are taking any medications that may affect the therapys efficacy or safety.Can You Do Too Much Red Light Therapy?Many wonder if you can do too much red-light therapy when theyre using their red-light pads and experiencing pain. The answer is no. Red light therapy cannot be overdone for most people. If you notice any extraordinary results, stop treatment, and contact your physician. Unlike many other health treatments, red light therapy is safe to use every day, is non-invasive, and has virtually zero risks and side effects. At HealthLight, we recommend utilizing the therapy pads up to three times per day to achieve the benefits of pain relief and circulation improvement. The Benefits of Red Light Therapy Now you know the answer to the question: can you do red light therapy everyday. By using your red light therapy pad three times per day, you will get maximum benefit from your treatment. If your pain starts to subside, it is recommended to keep performing the therapy a few days after to ensure the pain stays minimal or absent. Not only should you see pain reduction as one of the benefits of red light therapy, but also improved circulation and much more.
Do you have concerns regarding the long list of unpleasant and potentially dangerous side effects associated with todays pharmaceutical pain medications? Do you need to manage acute or chronic pain but do not want to risk the possibility of addiction associated with commonly prescribed opiods? Are you looking to avoid the pain, risks, recovery time, and high cost of surgery? If so, you might want to consider a highly effective healing modality known as Red Light Therapy.Red Light Therapy can be defined as the use of red and near-infrared light to stimulate healing, relieve pain, and reduce inflammation. Red Light Therapy devices have been granted FDA clearance for increasing circulation, relieving pain, relaxing muscles, relieving muscle spasms, and relieving the aches and stiffness caused by arthritis. If you are wondering what Red Light Therapy can do for you or your patients, here is a list of Red Light Therapy pros and cons:Red Light Therapy Pros:Red Light Therapy is also known as low-level light therapy (LLLT,) and as photobiomodulation (PBM.) Red Light Therapy Relieves Pain:Medical science has found that Red Light Therapy provides pain relief effective enough to help patients avoid the risks of pain medications and even surgery: In recent years, evidence for the use of light therapy as a nonpharmacologic approach for pain reduction has gained momentum, and both pre-clinical and clinical studies have demonstrated its efficacy and continue to explore its efficacy in a variety of pain syndromes. And, Cutaneous application of red light (660nm) has been shown to reduce pain in neuropathies and complex regional pain syndrome-I And today, science affirms that: light therapy can increasingly be a useful therapeutic analgesic modality, providing a safe and effective option to reduce the physical, psychological, economic, and societal burden that acute and chronic pain inflicts on so many patients. Red Light Therapy Accelerates Healing:Red Light Therapy releases beneficial chemicals within cells and tissues through photobiomodulation, a process like photosynthesis in the plant world: Radiation of tissue with light causes an increase in mitochondrial products such as ATP, NADH, protein, and RNA Light also causes the increased bioavailability of Nitric Oxide (NO), a potent vasodilator. And vasodilation increases the availability of oxygen to treated cells, and also allows for greater traffic of immune cells into tissue. These two effects contribute to accelerated healing. So not only is Red Light Therapy effective and beneficial for pain relief, but Red Light Therapy can accelerate the bodys ability to heal itself. This is a major therapeutic outcome which pain relievers and muscle relaxants cannot achieve! Red Light Therapy is Fast-Acting:Red Light Therapy begins being therapeutic very quickly, because, the duration of light exposure for red and infrared light treatments is short and only requires seconds to minutes to cause photobiomodulation. Because beneficial chemicals are rapidly released into cells and tissues within seconds to minutes, Red Light Therapy generates a quick and dependable decrease in pain to the point where, Fast acting pain relief occurs within minutes of application Red Light Therapy Regenerates Nerves:Science has found that Red Light Therapy can actually support the bodys efforts to regenerate nerves, leading to the return of sensation. This is especially important for those suffering from numbing conditions of the lower limbs or hands. Photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) effects an important role in neural regeneration and function enhancement, such as expression of nerve growth factor and nerve regeneration Red Light Therapy Increases Circulation:Maintaining good circulation and microcirculation are quite crucial to good health. And one of the easiest ways to improve circulation is by using Red Light Therapy. In fact, Red Light Therapy devices have been granted clearance from the FDA for increasing circulation. Red Light Therapy Excels at Treating Musculoskeletal Problems:For many decades now, Red Light Therapy has been regarded as an effective treatment modality to reduce pain in adult patients with musculoskeletal disorders. According to the more than 4000 studies on, it can be concluded that the majority of laboratory and clinical studies have demonstrated that LLLT has a positive effect on acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain. Because of its success with all of the types of musculoskeletal issues seen by chiropractors and physical therapists, Red Light Therapy is utilized by these practitioners worldwide, who regard Red Light Therapy as a safe and effective way to treat and prevent a wide range of these issues. Red Light Therapy is Non-Invasive:Unlike the use of corticosteroid injections and surgery, Red Light Therapy is non-invasive. It usually causes no pain, except perhaps when damaged nerves begin to regenerate. With the advantage of being non-invasive, the applications of PBM are broad, going from pain relief to promoting the recovery of tendinopathies, nerve injuries, osteoarthritis and wound healing. Red Light Therapy is Relaxing:People report that Red Light Therapy feels relaxing, comforting, and soothing. Pain, stiffness, soreness, and muscle tension quickly disappear. Many acupuncturists employ Red Light Therapy to relax their patients before needle insertion, making needling easier. Physical therapists and massage therapists use Red Light Therapy to relax patients and make hand work easier.Red Light Therapy Poses No Risks or Safety Issues:Red Light Therapy has been found to be risk free and can be administered without worry regarding harmful side effects or safety issues. PBM has an almost complete lack of reported adverse effects And a recent 2021 study concluded that, In addition to its label as a nonpharmacologic therapy, light therapy is attractive to both clinicians and patients due to its noninvasiveness and lack of side effects, ultimately increasing patient compliance. Red Light Therapy is Non-Toxic and Non-Addictive:Unlike many pharmaceuticals currently prescribed for pain relief and chronic conditions, especially opioids, Red Light Therapy offers the major benefits of delivering pain relief plus accelerated healing while being non-toxic and non-addictive. Red Light Therapy Can Treat a Large Tissue Area:Depending upon the size of the therapy pad, Red Light Therapy can treat a large area of the body, such as the upper or lower back, upper or lower leg or arm, or the entire shoulder, knee, or elbow. HealthLight makes a large 264 Diode Red Light Therapy Pad and a Long 180 Diode Pad, and either pad can easily treat large areas of tissue. Red Light Therapy Can Treat Every Body Area (Except the Eyes):Red Light therapy can benefit virtually every external part of the body, from the toes up to the head, as well as internal organs such as the liver, the heart, the stomach, etc. But placing Red Light Therapy Pads that include infrared light directly over open eyes is not recommended. However, face masks can be worn safely over closed eyes. HealthLight makes a 104 Diode Face Mask that emits only red light and blue light. This mask is safe to place over closed eyes, and can achieve medical-grade results and does not need a controller. Red Light Therapy Can Treat an Extensive Range of Issues:Since scientific studies have proven that, These low doses of light have demonstrated the ability to heal skin, nerves, tendons, cartilage and bones, Red Light Therapy can help stimulate, support, and accelerate healing for a wide range of issues throughout the body. Dr. Michael R. Hamblin of Harvard University proclaims, To a very great extent I believe that almost all types and variety of human diseases can be treated with light (of one kind or another). Red Light Therapy is Simple and Easy to Administer:Nothing could be simpler and easier than Red Light Therapy. Just place the Red Light Therapy Pads directly on the body wherever pain relief and increased circulation are needed, turn on the device, select a setting, and the light waves produced by the pads do their work. Sessions are usually programmed to run twenty minutes, after which time most devices shut off automatically. Red Light Therapy Can Be Used at Home:Because Red Light Therapy is so safe and so easy to administer, no risk is involved with using LED Red Light Therapy devices at home. Many chiropractors have developed in-home programs for chronic conditions based on patients self-administering LED Red Light Therapy between office visits. As Dr. Hamblin explains, LED devices are considered totally harmless with no risk of eye damage or skin burns, and are ideally suited to home use. And a 2019 study concluded that PBM devices used at home, have good potential for effective and safe treatments in a variety of medical conditions requiring frequent sessions. Red Light Therapy Can Be Administered While Doing Other Activities:Red Light Therapy offers the distinct advantage of allowing other activities during treatment. You can read, listen to music, watch television, use your phone or tablet, or even nap, as the Red Light Therapy device should shut off automatically. Red Light Therapy Can Treat Multiple Issues Simultaneously:From two to six areas of the body can be treated during a single therapy session by using a controller that can operate multiple Red Light Therapy Pads simultaneously providing you or your patients an extensive therapy session that benefits several problem areas at one time. HealthLight makes multi-port controllers that are able to power either 2, 3, or 6 Red Light Therapy Pads at once. Red Light Therapy Can Be a Stand Alone Treatment or Used with Other Therapies:Red Light Therapy can be used as a standalone treatment, or in conjunction with other healing modalities such as chiropractic, acupuncture, physical therapy, or massage therapy. Utilizing Red Light Therapy with other therapies will usually augment, amplify, and accelerate their therapeutic results. Red Light Therapy Devices are Portable:Red Light Therapy devices are lightweight, which allows them to be portable. Devices can be easily packed in a suitcase or backpack and used at the office or while on vacation. Red Light Therapy devices made by HealthLight are lightweight, compact, and include a handy carry bag making it extremely easy to take your Red Light Therapy device with you wherever you go. Red Light Therapy Devices are Easy to Maintain:A well made Red Light Therapy device should require no maintenance, as long as the Therapy Pads and controller are handled properly. Good quality LEDs (such as those used by HealthLight) should last for many years. Therapy Pads can be kept clean and sanitary for individual or family use, or for use by health clinics, by placing them in lightweight clear plastic bags. These bags can then be disposed of and replaced as needed, keeping your Red Light Therapy Pads clean and ready for the next treatment session.Red Light Therapy Cons:In comparison to the extensive list of Red Light Therapy pros, the cons are minimal: Red Light Therapy Pads that include Infrared LEDs Should Not be used over open eyes.But pads that emit only red light and/or blue light are safe over closed eyes. Red Light Therapy Should Not be used with pharmaceuticals that cause light sensitivity. Red Light Therapy Should Not be used over a developing fetus.But other body areas may be treated during pregnancy. Red Light Therapy Should Not be used over active cancer.While Applying PBM therapy over the site of a tumor has been considered to be a contraindication, Red Light Therapy can provide positive benefits to cancer patients. In contrast, it was realized that PBM was highly effective in the mitigation of numerous distressing side effects that occur as a result of a range of different kinds of cancer therapy. As a result, PBM is becoming a well-established approach to mitigate or prevent the development of cancer therapy associated side effects
Owning a professional-level, medical-grade red light therapy device is not just for health practitioners. Any individual with chronic or occasional pain or in need of increased circulation and healing support will benefit greatly from owning their own medical-grade Red Light/Infrared Therapy device for home use the caliber of device that might be found at the office of a medical doctor, chiropractor, physical therapist, podiatrist, physical therapist, or acupuncturist. Choosing a Red Light Therapy device at a medical-grade, professional level will be one of the best investments that you will ever make for your health and well being. But what exactly makes an LED Red Light Therapy device medical-grade? How to Choose a Red Light Therapy Device that is Medical-GradeSeveral important elements bring an LED Red Light Therapy device up to the highest standard of medical grade ensuring that your device will deliver the greatest value in regards to quality, reliability, durability, and, most importantly, beneficial therapeutic outcomes for you and your family. Here are 8 key elements that make a Red Light Therapy device medical-grade: FDA Listed or Cleared: Most important is that the Red Light Therapy device that you are considering should be FDA listed or cleared. This means that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has reviewed this product and has determined that this particular device has met its standards and is safe. Be aware that many foreign-made Red Light Therapy devices sold on online marketplaces are not FDA listed, and so their safety and quality cannot be assured. If the device you are considering is not FDA listed, then consider another device. Optimal Joules: Joules is the dosage of light delivered by the device at the skin surface into the body. Joules is actually the key element that indicates the quality of a Red Light Therapy device, and what makes one Red Light/Infrared Therapy device superior to another. A higher number of joules is more optimal. Unfortunately, joules vary substantially from one manufacturer to another. There should be information available regarding the amount of joules delivered by the Therapy Pad. HealthLight, a leading U.S. manufacturer of Red Light/Infrared Therapy devices, provides this information for each pad they make. And in a comparison study by an independent third party laboratory, HealthLight Therapy Pads delivered more joules than other well known brands. Therapeutic Wavelengths: Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that emit light in the correct therapeutic wavelengths are crucial for a therapy session to be effective and successfully support and accelerate your bodys innate healing ability. HealthLights wavelengths are chosen for maximum therapeutic benefits at the cellular level. HealthLights devices emit red light at 630 nm; infrared light at 850 nm; and blue light at 465 nm. Devices in the marketplace differ in their wavelengths, so check this key element. Red Plus Infrared LEDs: Light Therapy Pads should not only contain red LEDs, but also infrared LEDs. This combination of red light and infrared light allows for more light penetration into the body, and is more effective than either red light alone or infrared light alone. Blue LED lights can also be included for skin and antimicrobial benefits. HealthLight makes Therapy Pads that have both red and infrared LEDs, as well as pads that also include blue LEDs. Pulsing Light: A medical-grade Red Light Therapy device should emit light pulsed to beneficial cellular resonance frequencies, rather than continuous wave, always on, light. Health practitioners have determined that the body responds quicker and with better long-term response to pulsing light, rather than light that is constant. Pad Design and Size: Watch out for Light Therapy Pads whose designs limit their therapy applications. Pads should be versatile, capable of being used on many different body areas. The versatility of a Light Therapy Pad is determined by its flexibility. A flexible pad that can bend easily can be used on many areas. For example, the same pad can be placed on the back or under the foot, or wrapped around an arm, leg, or wrist with Velcro. HealthLights pads are made of soft neoprene fabric, which makes them extremely flexible and versatile. Also, pad size matters. Light Therapy Pads should offer enough body coverage to be effective. One pad should cover the entire area of the body where pain relief and increased circulation are needed. Durability: The device should be able to hold up to daily usage by one or more individuals. All seams on the Light Therapy Pad(s), as well as all borders, should be strong and not likely to fray or split. HealthLights neoprene Light Therapy Pads have no seams, so fraying and splitting are never an issue. Warranty and Repair Service: Last but not least, there should be a warranty plus a repair policy, in case your device ever needs to be serviced after the warranty expires. All of HealthLights systems come with a generous two-year warranty, and repair service is available thereafter.Choose HealthLight For The Best Red Light Therapy DevicesWhenever you are ready to purchase a medical-grade, FDA-listed Red Light Therapy device, choose HealthLight. HealthLight makes the most powerful clinical-strength Red Light Therapy available in todays marketplace, giving you all the therapeutic benefits of Red Light Therapy in the comfort and convenience of your home. When it comes to choosing a red light therapy device, you cant go wrong with HealthLight. We offer a wide variety of LED pads to meet the needs and budget of any individual, family, or health practitioner.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNIs your health-care practice breathing easier now that the Covid 19 crisis is over? Is your patient list expanding? Your monthly revenue increasing? If not, then perhaps your practice needs some resuscitation, restoration, and revitalization. If that is the case, despite these challenging times there is a simple and affordable rescue remedy available in the form of an effective, dependable, and scientifically proven healing modality that can be easily added to your treatment menu to quickly perk up your practice Red Light Therapy!Because of its relaxing, soothing, and feel good qualities, not to mention its ability to reduce pain quickly and effectively, plus stimulate and accelerate the bodys innate healing capacity, Red Light Therapy can generate interest, excitement, and positive buzz among your patients, plus open up additional revenue streams for your clinic breathing new life into your practice!Red Light Therapy Adds ValueBecause Red Light Therapy is non-invasive, safe, painless, and drug-free, chiropractors worldwide have embraced this unique modality, finding that it pairs extremely well with their philosophy and treatment methods. And acupuncturists, physical therapists, and massage therapists have also adopted and integrated Red Light Therapy into their practices with great success.264 spine placementRed Light Therapy can add considerable value to any type of health-care practice, allowing you to expand your treatment menu plus enhance the scope of your therapy for better patient outcomes. And better patient outcomes equal greater patient satisfaction. This means positive word-of-mouth publicity for your practice, increasing the possibility of more patients. Putting Red Light Therapy on your treatment menu can benefit your patients and your clinics bottom line in many ways, including:Fast and Effective Pain ReliefWhen it comes to alleviating pain, science has discovered that Red Light Therapy can reduce pain very quickly. In fact, Fast acting pain relief occurs within minutes of application And pain will decrease or disappear for up to several hours after the Red Light Therapy session ends. This makes Red Light Therapy an effective, all-natural alternative to pharmaceutical drugs and injections for pain relief and pain management.Patients Can Be Left UnattendedBecause Red Light Therapy is non-invasive, safe, and risk-free, health practitioners can feel confident in leaving patients unattended during their therapy sessions once the Red Light Therapy pads are in place and the controller is in operation. This frees you and your staff to attend to other patients. Administering Red Light Therapy is very simple and very easy: therapy pads are placed on the body where needed, the system is turned on, and the pads proceed to do their work. Most Red Light Therapy systems shut off automatically after twenty-minutes, signaling the end of the session. Plus, Red Light Therapy allows treatment of several problem areas simultaneously by using multiple therapy pads, so that a patient can have several issues treated during a single session.Fast ROIIn comparison to many other types of professional medical-grade equipment, Red Light Therapy systems are not only affordable, but they also have the potential to generate fast ROI. These days, the practitioner purchase price of a Red Light Therapy system starts well under $1,000. So, if patients were charged an additional $35 for a twenty-minute Red Light Therapy session as an add-on to their usual treatment, then a smaller Red Light Therapy system could pay for itself in as little as 20-22 treatment sessions. Making Red Light Therapy a regular part of your patients treatment programs can generate a dependable additional revenue stream, as well as better outcomes for your patients.Foot and Calf Red Light Therapy PadSell Systems to PatientsAs your patients experience the relaxing, soothing, and beneficial effects of Red Light Therapy, some patients may desire to purchase their own system for in-home use between regular office visits. This option may especially appeal to patients who suffer from acute or chronic conditions that are helped the most by daily therapy. Also, patients who have just had surgery may also desire their own in-home system to help accelerate their healing and to ease their pain. Sales of Red Light Therapy systems can generate a lucrative revenue stream, since HealthLight, as well as other manufacturers, allow health-care professionals to sell therapy systems directly to patients. Practitioners may purchase systems at wholesale, and then profit by reselling these systems to patients at a price set by the practitioner. Plus, HealthLight, a leading U.S. manufacturer of medical-grade Red Light Therapy systems, offers practitioners a free Red Light Therapy Pad system with their Buy Any 5 Systems and Get One Free program, which could then be sold to patients. Also, in-home programs for specific conditions such as chronic back pain, arthritis, or foot problems can be developed that are based upon patients buying their own Red Light Therapy system for self-administered treatments between office visits.Choose HealthLightAdding Red Light Therapy to your treatment menu can make a big difference in perking up your practice and your revenue. Red Light Therapy can also set you apart from your competition! So when you are ready to purchase your Red Light Therapy system, choose HealthLight. HealthLight makes the most powerful clinical strength Red Light Therapy pads available in todays marketplace. Red Light Pain Therapy systems from HealthLight are durable, high quality medical-grade devices for both health clinics and consumers that deliver the optimum amount of joules for the best therapeutic outcomes possible. HealthLight offers a wide variety of Red Light Therapy Pad systems to meet the needs of any health-care practitioner, individual, or family. When choosing a device to administer Red Light Therapy for pain and healing support and to help achieve and then maintain health and wellness choose HealthLight with confidence.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNWhether its the cartilage, tricep tendon, humerus or ulna, your elbows can encounter various issues that cause pain, which is when red light therapy for elbow pain becomes vital for your wellbeing. Elbow injuries can include sprains, fractures, or even chronic diseases like arthritis and tennis elbow. But regardless of the cause, is there anything available today that can help relieve both pain and poor sensation in the elbows?Elbow injuries often occur while doing physical activities, although you can even become injured from sleeping incorrectly. Inflammation in the elbow, regardless of the origin, can be helped by red light therapy which will relieve pain in the elbow area.If youre experiencing elbow pain, whether its chronic or acute, you need to try infrared light therapy for elbows!Infrared Light Therapy Is the Perfect Solution for Elbow PainRed light therapy is an emerging science and a fast-growing technology used to treat a multitude of conditions that require stimulation of healing, relief of pain and inflammation, and restoration of function.[1] Those suffering with elbow pain know that the restoration of arm mobility is vital to maintain positive mental wellbeing. Luckily, red light therapy for elbows has been proven to be effective time and time again.HealthLights Red light therapy pads are Class II Medical Devices and have been granted FDA clearance for their ability to relive pain throughout the body, increase blood circulation, relax muscles, relieve muscle spasms and relieve the aches and stiffness caused by arthritis. Elbow pain reduces your ability to perform daily tasks and live your life, so red light therapy for elbow pain has been developed to help you live without invasive treatment.The causes of elbow pain can be grouped as follows:Inflammation elbow bursitis, arthritis, infection, & goutWear and tear osteoarthritisInjury fractures, dislocations, tears and sprainsYou can facilitate your bodys healing ability by using red light therapy. If youre experiencing any of the above, try red light therapy.Improve Circulation to Relieve Elbow PainScientific studies confirm that increasing circulation in your elbow is beneficial for relieving pain and can accelerate the bodys ability to heal itself. Red light therapy elbow pads help support your body while it is healing, help the body to repair itself and also help restore feeling and sensation in your elbow. Regular usage leads to better arm mobility.The Benefits of Red Light Therapy for ElbowsLED Light Therapy elbow pads use light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to produce light waves in the visible and infrared spectrum that painlessly penetrate the skin and are absorbed by the body. Infrared (IR) light waves have a beneficial effect on nerves. Science has discovered that, Nerve cells respond particularly well to IR. and that IR can induce neural stimulation effects as well as promoting a wide range of therapeutic benefits in cells or tissues. This is the perfect solution for those suffering with elbow pain.Infrared light therapy is a safe and effective non-invasive solution for elbow painInfrared light therapy also has a pain-relieving effect. It works by blocking pain signals from reaching the brain, which can help to reduce pain and improve mobility. The most effective way to combat painful elbow conditions is to partake in frequent light therapy sessions in the comfort of your own home. We recommend twice a day for at least 20 minutes for best results. HealthLight are a leading American manufacturer of light therapy pads for elbows that are FDA-cleared.HealthLights Long 180 Diode Pad:This pad features 180 LEDs: 80 red (630 nm) and 100 infrared (850 nm). At 16x 5, this highly flexible long and narrow pad can be used by wrapping around the elbow.The Long 180 infrared light pad is also available with blue, red, and infrared LEDs for the same price.HealthLights Small 90 Diode Pad:The size and rectangular shape of the small 90 infrared light pad make it perfect for treating just the elbow. Simply wrap the pad around your elbow using the Velcro straps, and it will cover the full area. At 9.8 x 4.5, this pad features 90 LEDs: 50 infrared (950 nm) and 40 red (630 nm).Elbow Pain Doesnt Have to Impede on your Day-to-day LifeUsing red light therapy for elbows is an easy way to improve your physical and mental wellbeing. Infrared light therapy is a non-invasive treatment that doesnt require any injections, surgery, or medication. This makes it a safe and convenient option for people who dont want to undergo more invasive treatments. Elbow is easily relieved by LED light therapy and is the perfect soothing solution for acute elbow pain and chronic elbow pain. Purchasing an LED Light Therapy device from HealthLight will help you and/or your patients experience fast-acting, dependable pain relief. HealthLight makes the most durable and most powerful clinical strength LED Light Therapy systems available today! For more information on how red light therapy works, get in touch with out experts.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNThe medical establishment today seems to basically have three ways to treat both acute and chronic pain: drugs, injections, and/or surgery. Currently accepted therapies consist of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, steroid injections, opiate pain medications and surgery, each of which carries their own specific risk profiles. But this does not have to continue to be the norm for pain treatment. There is a better way to achieve pain relief using an alternative option available to everyone that is non-invasive, painless, non-addictive, fast-acting, highly effective, dependable, totally safe, and risk free and that is Red Light Therapy!Red Light Therapy is a BreakthroughAccording to author Ari Whitten, Red and near-infrared light therapy are one of the biggest breakthrough discoveries in health in the last half century. And Dr. Michael R. Hamblin, a pioneer in the study of light therapy, states, To a very great extent I believe that almost all types and variety of human diseases can be treated with light (of one kind or another).What is Red Light Therapy?Red Light Therapy is non-invasive, painless, and does not add any amount of stress or negative side effects to the body. It is a drug-free way to relieve existing pain. A good basic definition of Red Light Therapy is, a fast-growing technology used to treat a multitude of conditions that require stimulation of healing, relief of pain and inflammation, and restoration of function.[4] Red/Infrared Light utilizes non-coherent light sources consisting of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in specific wavelengths that produce a wide range of beneficial effects on the body, and can even support the bodys repair and regeneration of nerves and tissues. Many patients feel pain relief after just their first session of Red Light Therapy.How Red Light Therapy WorksRed Light Therapy not only effectively relieves pain, but it also stimulates and accelerates the bodys own innate healing processes a very important benefit which drugs and injections simply cannot accomplish. Wherever a Red Light Therapy Pad is placed on the body, photons of light are released which induce cascades of beneficial biochemical processes within the cells, similar to photosynthesis in plants. Radiation of tissue with light causes an increase in mitochondrial products such as ATP, NADH, protein, and RNA Nitric oxide, the bodys vasodilator, is also released, which increases circulation, so that blood rich with oxygen and nutrients can now flow more freely into nerves, muscles, joints, and other tissues within that local area and accelerate the bodys natural healing processes.Safe and Risk FreeRed Light Therapy has been found to be risk free and can be administered without concern for harmful side effects. According to Dr. Michael R. Hamblin, Red Light Therapy has been proven to have an almost complete lack of reported adverse effectsA Typical Therapy SessionSo what is a typical Red Light Therapy session like? A typical session usually lasts twenty minutes. Depending upon where the light therapy pads are needed for pain relief and healing support, you will either sit or recline. All you need do is relax and stay comfortable. You can watch television, read, talk on the phone, listen to music, or meditate during your therapy. When the pads are in place and the controller is turned on, a gentle heat can be felt. Photons of light will be emitted that penetrate beneath your skin and are absorbed within your cells. Patients have described their Red Light Therapy sessions as comfortable, relaxing, and soothing. There is no downtime after a treatment session, and this boost of pain relief and beneficial cellular processes continues for several hours or even days after the session.Getting StartedPatients with chronic pain management needs will benefit from purchasing a Red Light Therapy system for home use, which may also benefit the entire family. And, since Red Light Therapy pads are made of flexible neoprene, this makes each pad very versatile. The same therapy pad can be used to treat issues that affect different areas of the body.HealthLight, a leading American manufacturer of professional, medical-grade FDA-cleared Red Light Therapy devices, makes two lines of Red Light Therapy systems: their Express-At-Home Line of devices for home users which feature convenient small and lightweight attached controllers, and their Clinical Line of Red Light Therapy products for health practitioners that utilize a separate 3 or 6-port controller to power the light therapy pads.HealthLights Small 90 Diode Pad can make the perfect therapy system for the whole family. The small size of this pad makes it easy to place anywhere on the body. For health practitioners, a 3-port controller and one to three light therapy pads (for example, HealthLights Large 264 Diode Body Pad along with their Long 180 Diode Pad) will make a world of difference in your clinic for better patient outcomes and for your revenue stream.Try Red Light TherapyNow that you know what Red Light Therapy is, you can depend upon Red Light Therapy to provide fast-acting and effective pain relief. And HealthLight makes the most durable and most powerful clinical-strength Red Light Therapy devices available today. HealthLight offers a variety of systems to meet the needs of any individual, family, or health clinic. Purchasing a Red Light Therapy system from HealthLight will provide you and/or your patients with effective pain relief, plus stimulate, accelerate, and support the bodys own innate healing processes the best way to maintain health and wellness, and, hopefully, avoid drugs, injections, and surgery.
Expect Amazing Results from Medical-Grade TechnologyDrug-free pain relief - use fewer medsClinical-strength devices typically used by doctorsCirculation improvement & muscle relaxationTemporary relief for stiffness caused by arthritisResults often felt after just a few sessionsThe most effective Light Therapy device availableHEALTHLIGHT DEVICES BRING RELIEF OF MUSCLE, JOINT ACHES, AND STIFFNESS.Red light therapy pads lead to positive temporary effects within living tissue.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNMost people would never guess that Americas leading cause of disability is actually arthritis, which is why red light therapy for arthritis is becoming more and more renowned. According to the Arthritis Foundations website, As the nations #1 cause of disability, arthritis affects nearly 60 million adults and 300,000 children. Osteo-arthritis, the most common form of arthritis, is prevalent among seniors. It is the main cause of chronic musculoskeletal pain and disability among the elderly population.What Are The Negative Effects of Arthritis?Arthritis is a general term used for joint pain or joint disease. The CDC explains that, Arthritis means inflammation or swelling of one or more joints. It describes more than 100 conditions that affect the joints, tissues around the joint and other connective tissues.Although the risk of developing arthritis increases with age, arthritis can affect people of all ages. Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) affects children, causing inflammation and joint stiffness.Because arthritis makes joints worsen over time, it can reduce range of motion in joints and in connective tissues, which in the case of knee osteoarthritis (KOA), can limit mobility. Permanent limb deformities such as knobby finger joints can also result. In addition to affecting the joints, arthritis can also harm other body areas, such as the skin, heart, eyes, lungs, and kidneys. Rheumatoid arthritis can also damage the immune system. Red light therapy for arthritis has been developed to help manage pain caused by arthritis.Arthritis Cannot Be CuredUnfortunately for arthritis sufferers, the prevailing medical opinion is that arthritis can only be managed. It cannot be permanently cured. The Johns Hopkins Medicine website clearly states, There is no cure for arthritis. The goal of treatment is often to limit pain and inflammation, and help ensure joint function. And the CDC website explains: The focus of arthritis treatment is to: control pain, minimize joint damage, improve or maintain physical function and quality of life. In inflammatory types of arthritis, it is also important to control inflammation. Red light therapy for arthritis can help you manage pain and inflammation.Common Arthritis TreatmentJust as with other diseases, modern medicine takes a pharmacological approach to treating arthritis. For osteoarthritis (OA), Treatment is with analgesics (acetaminophen), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (ibuprofen and diclofenac), and COX2 inhibitors (Celebrex by Pfizer) Anti-depressants such as Cymbalta may also be prescribed, or corticosteroids in pills or injections. For rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the primary treatment is disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs). However, over time, if drugs are not successful, then doctors may recommend surgery for joint repair, joint replacement, or joint fusion. Joint surgery is most often on the hip and knee. These are invasive treatments, which can be avoided by using red light therapy for arthritis as an alternative way to manage pain.NSAID and DMARD DangersAlthough commonly prescribed, both NSAIDs and DMARDs present significant risks for adverse side effects. According to the Arthritis Foundation, All non-aspirin NSAIDs may cause an increased risk of serious blood clots, heart attack and stroke, which can be fatal. This risk can occur as early as the first weeks using an NSAID and increases with dose and duration of use. And in addition, non-fatal but uncomfortable and distressing side effects of NSAIDs may include: abdominal cramps, pain or discomfort; diarrhea; gastrointestinal bleeding; dizziness; drowsiness; heartburn; headache; high blood pressure; nausea or vomiting; peptic ulcer; rash; swelling of the feet; and ringing in the ears. And with DMARDs, most DMARDs increase your risk of infections. And each DMARD has its own list of adverse side effects. The adverse side effects of corticosteroids may include bone thinning, weight gain, and diabetes. So, is there a way to manage arthritis without adverse side effects and the potential risk of fatality?Red Light Therapy for ArthritisIf you find the adverse side effects of NSAIDs, DMARDs, and corticosteroids concerning, especially since arthritis requires long-term treatment, there is a safer and more natural way to effectively manage arthritis without the risks presented by pharmaceuticals Red Light Therapy. Basically, red light therapy is perfect for arthritis as it uses red and near-infrared light, which is used to treat a multitude of conditions that require stimulation of healing, relief of pain and inflammation, and restoration of function including arthritis. Red Light Therapy is also known as photobiomodulation (PBM); photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT); and low-level light therapy (LLLT).Red light therapy for arthritis has been proven to have no known risks or harmful side effects, offering a non-invasive, safe, drug-free, and side-effect-free method for pain relief of both acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions as well as fibromyalgia. Furthermore, The combination of good evidence and virtually no side effects make PBMT ideally suited to become an alternative for all future pain treatments. A simple and easy twenty-minute red light therapy session each morning can reduce pain, stiffness, and swelling, which in turn should increase joint mobility and range of motion helping those with arthritis to function better throughout their day.How Can Red Light Therapy Help With Arthritis?Scientific studies confirm that Red Light Therapy is highly effective for relieving the symptoms associated with arthritis, including OA and RA, making Red Light Therapy ideally suited for treating this disease. Red light therapy for arthritis can:Reduce pain quickly and effectively:With Red Light Therapy (a/k/a LLLT), Fast acting pain relief occurs within minutes of application And, According to the more than 4000 studies on, it can be concluded that the majority of laboratory and clinical studies have demonstrated that LLLT has a positive effect on acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain. And compared to pharmaceuticals, The positive effect from LLLT seems to last longer than those of widely recommended painkiller drugs.Reduce joint inflammation:One of the most reproducible effects of PBM is an overall reduction in inflammation, which is particularly important for disorders of the joints Also, LLLT is a promising treatment for RA given its non-invasive nature and anti-inflammatory effects. Current research in pre-clinical studies shows that it could play a major role in attenuating the immune response that leads to joint destruction and debilitation.Regenerate tissues:Unlike drugs, red light therapy for arthritis can help repair, restore, and regenerate the connective tissues surrounding joints, which is crucial for combating the degenerative effects of arthritis. Red Light Therapy (PBMT) has been found to have profound biological effects on tissue including increased cell proliferation, accelerating the healing process, promoting tissue regeneration, preventing cell death, anti-inflammatory activity and relief of pain.Improve bones and cartilage:Red Light Therapy can truly benefit those suffering from arthritis because, These low doses of light have demonstrated the ability to heal skin, nerves, tendons, cartilage and bones.Relieve swelling:Research studies prove that Red Light Therapy pads successfully reduce swelling. The action of LLLT in reducing swelling and inflammation has been well established in animal models, as well as in clinical trials.Relieve stiffness and improve joint mobility:As infra-red light penetrates deeply into tissues and joints, Red Light Therapy can be depended upon to relieve joint stiffness, which in turn improves joint mobility. Red Light Therapy devices have received FDA clearance for relieving the aches and stiffness caused by arthritis.Red Light Therapy for Arthritis Management, Not DrugsIf Red Light Therapy provided only one of the six benefits listed above, that would be enough to make it a helpful tool for managing arthritis. But the fact that Red Light Therapy provides all six benefits to help relieve every major symptom of arthritis makes Red Light Therapy indispensable to arthritis sufferers, and exactly what they need daily in order to reduce joint pain and stiffness, increase joint mobility, restore function, and improve their quality of life!Choose HealthLightArthritis does not have to be a painful burden and a restriction upon your daily activities! A Red Light Therapy device can help you effectively manage your arthritis symptoms and improve your quality of life! But all Red Light Therapy devices are not created equal. Get the best support for your joints by purchasing your Red Light Therapy pad from HealthLight. All Red Light Therapy devices by HealthLight are FDA-cleared for relieving the aches and stiffness caused by arthritis. Try red light therapy for arthritis today!For osteoarthritis of the knee or shoulder, HealthLights Knee & Shoulder Red Light Therapy Pad provides substantial benefits to those areas. HealthLight makes the most powerful clinical-strength Red Light Therapy devices available in todays marketplace to provide you the therapeutic benefits of Red Light Therapy in the convenience of your home. HealthLight offers a wide choice of Red Light Therapy pads and controllers to meet the needs and budget of any individual, family, or health practitioner.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNRed light therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy or photobiomodulation, is a therapeutic technique that uses red or near-infrared light to reduce pain and improve blood circulation. This type of treatment has been used for humans for many years, but now its becoming popular in the veterinary world and many people are wondering whether red light therapy is safe for dogs. Many pet owners are turning to red light therapy pads to help alleviate pain and promote healing in their furry friends. In this blog, well be discussing red light therapy for dogs at home and how it works.What is Red Light Therapy?Red light therapy involves exposing a dogs skin or affected area to red or near-infrared light, which penetrates the skin and stimulates the cells to produce more energy. This energy helps to improve circulation in a concentrated area. Red light therapy has been shown to be effective in treating a variety of conditions in dogs including arthritis, joint pain, muscle soreness, and skin conditions.How To Use Red Light Therapy On DogsIf you are researching how to use red light therapy on dogs, there are a few different health problems it can help. Red light therapy works for dogs in the same way it works for humans. When the red or near-infrared light is applied to the affected area, it penetrates the skin and stimulates the cells to produce more energy. This energy helps to promote circulation in the area. This therapy can be used to treat a variety of conditions in dogs, including:Arthritis: Red light therapy has been shown to be effective in reducing pain and inflammation associated with arthritis in dogs.Joint pain: Red light therapy can be used to reduce joint pain in dogs.Muscle soreness: Red light therapy can help to reduce muscle soreness and reduce pain and improve circulation in dogs.What Are The Benefits of Red Light Therapy for Dogs At Home?There are several benefits of using red light therapy for dogs, including:Non-invasive: Red light therapy is a non-invasive therapy that does not require any incisions or injections.Pain-free: Red light therapy is a pain-free therapy that does not cause any discomfort to your dog.Safe: Red light therapy is a safe therapy that does not have any known side effects.Effective: Red light therapy has been shown to be effective in treating a variety of conditions in dogs.How to Use Red Light Therapy for Dogs?Red light therapy can be administered at home or at a veterinary clinic. If youre using red light therapy at home, its important to follow the manufacturers instructions carefully. Here are some tips for using red light therapy for dogs:Make sure the affected area is clean and dry before applying red light therapy.Position the red light therapy device over the affected area and turn it on.Leave the device in place for the recommended amount of time, usually between 5 and 20 minutes.Repeat the treatment as often as recommended by your veterinarian or the device manufacturer.Is Red Light Therapy Safe For Dogs?Red light therapy for dogs is considered safe for frequent use. However, it is important to consult with a veterinarian before using any new treatment on your dog, especially if they have an underlying medical condition or are taking medication.Overall, red light therapy can be a safe and effective treatment for dogs when used properly and under the guidance of a veterinarian.Red Light Therapy For Dogs In ConclusionRed light therapy is a safe and effective therapy that can be used to treat a variety of conditions in dogs. This therapy is non-invasive, pain-free, and has no known side effects. If youre considering using red light therapy for your dog, its important to talk to your veterinarian first to ensure that its a safe and appropriate treatment option for your furry friend. With the right treatment plan, red light therapy can help to reduce pain in your dog.
What Is Infrared Light Therapy?Infrared light therapy is a procedure that uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to relieve pain caused by acute or chronic injury. By low intensity light in the red or near infrared (NIR) spectrum (600nm 1000nm) to stimulate healing. Infrared light therapy is non-invasive, painless, and does not use heat.Light has a photochemical effect comparable to photosynthesis in plants. For light therapy to work, enough light has to penetrate below the surface of the skin and be absorbed by cells to exert a sufficient chemical change.The Science Behind Infrared Light TherapyInfrared light therapy is backed by years of science. In 1993, Duke University researchers discovered the benefits of infrared light therapy. In 1998, three American physiologists won the Nobel Prize for discovering that nitric oxide causes the blood vessels to dilate. This effect can be seen when a patient with angina takes nitroglycerin. The blood vessels dilate and reduce the angina. However, nitric oxide must be taken by mouth and reach the heart systemically via the blood flow.Therapeutic infrared light often come in the form of LEDs, as they are a safe and cost-efficient method to deliver light therapy to specific areas of the body. Unlike medical lasers, HealthLight red light therapy pads do not require use of protective eyewear during treatment.Infrared light therapy involves illuminating concentrated wavelengths of light between 810nm and 850nm on bare skin. The treatment is based on light photons interacting with light-sensitive molecules in each cell.When infrared light photons reach these molecules, they can stimulate mitochondrial cells (commonly called cell energy generators) to produce more adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which stimulates cellular energy production.This in turn supplies energy to all the cells that are illuminated by the light. Self-protective factors such as antioxidants are released to prevent inflammatory cell damage. And cells can perform their functions more efficiently, including repairs and remodeling. This enhanced feature has anti-aging benefits as well as the ability to treat the causes of many diseases and ailments.Mitochondria actually produce more than just cellular energy. It also controls cell life, including natural cell death. When cells are diseased or damaged, mitochondria send signals that instruct the cell to self-destruct. However, when mitochondrial dysfunction causes unintentional cell death, it triggers the production of free radicals, which damage neighboring cells. Infrared light therapy helps improve mitochondrial function and also activates antioxidant molecules that fight free radicals. This means that infrared light therapy reduces chronic inflammation caused by oxidative stress.This means that infrared light therapy stimulates the body to reduce chronic inflammation caused by oxidative stress. Chronic inflammation is a major cause or cause of almost all diseases, such as rapid aging.The Benefit of Infrared Light Therapy For Your PatientsWhen selecting a light therapy program for your patients, it's important that you take the specifications of the LED pads into consideration. The medical benefits from light therapy is dependent on: wavelength and power.Wavelength (measured in nm) needs to be sufficient in order to achieve an adequate dosage. The bulk of clinical literature suggests that light in the mid-600nm range to high-800nm range is most effective. That is because these wavelengths have the greatest effect on the cellular respiration process.Power Density is the amount of light power delivered to an area of the body. HealthLight infrared light therapy pads are powerful enough to stimulate healing of the body.Why people can benefit from infrared light therapyWe see sunlight as much brighter white light. This effect is most noticeable in the afternoon, when the color of the sun is not distorted by the atmosphere. But inside the white light is a rainbow of colors that seem to be white together, as well as colors that are incomprehensible to the human eye.Humans do not see the full spectrum of electromagnetic energy, which we call light, but we can see the wavelengths that are most beneficial to our bodies. The human eye can see light from purple to red light, but higher wavelengths can usually provide more therapeutic benefits.The shortest wavelength detected by the human eye in the visible light spectrum is about 380 nanometers (nm), which our brain perceives as purple. Wavelengths shorter than 380nm fall into the ultraviolet(UV) spectrum, which is invisible to humans but has a strong effect on bare skin as anyone who has been badly burned is well aware. Due to its potential to burn and cause skin damage such as skin cancer, UV light is often considered dangerous. However, it has therapeutic benefits. At the upper end of the spectrum, the eye can observe red wavelengths that range between 600nm and 650nm.The human eye loses sight of light at about 740nm, which is in the long range of the red spectrum. Furthermore, the infrared range of light, which is invisible except under certain conditions. We understand these higher electromagnetic waves as heat as light.Why is it important? Every wavelength of visible and invisible light affects the human body. However, we now know that relatively high wavelengths (red and NIR) have the most advantages and the least side effects.What are the uses for near infrared light therapy?As the following studies have shown, NIR light therapy does not only cure symptoms; cured inflammation, which is the root cause of many conditions.NIR light therapy can help reverse the signs of skin aging, including fine lines, wrinkles, sunspots, and sagging, paper skin. In the deeper layers of the skin, NIR increases the production of collagen and elastin.Restores the thickness, firmness and elasticity of youthful skin. Most studies have shown 6 to 12 weeks of consistent therapy for the best skin rejuvenation results.NIR light therapy balances thyroid function. The thyroid gland is important for overall health because its functions include regulating metabolism through the release of hormones. Thyroid failure can lead to severe fatigue, mental fog, weight gain, hair loss and muscle weakness. NIR light therapy promotes a healthy circadian rhythm (natural sleep / wake cycle). The hypothalamus, which is responsible for the circadian rhythm, is highly photosensitive. NIR light stimulates the production of melatonin, which helps quality sleep.Due to its high wavelength, NIR light can penetrate the skull as it passes through the forehead. In the brain, NIR light has neuroprotective effects on brain cells. It reduces oxidative stress (which is associated with neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimers disease) and stimulates normal neurogenesis (the birth of new brain cells), which helps to recover from traumatic brain injury.NIR light therapy improves the sexual and reproductive health of men. It has been shown to safely increase sperm motility (increase the chance of conception) and stimulate energy production in testosterone-producing Leydig cells.NIR light therapy promotes wound healing through increased transient inflammation (healthy temporary immune response to injury), increased blood flow, and regulated collagen production, which stimulates the growth of normal tissue instead of scar tissue.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNFrom the meniscus to the articular cartilage, collateral ligaments and the cruciate ligaments, your knees are the largest joints in your body so its important that you care for them with help from red light therapy for knees. Knee injuries can include sprains, strains, or even chronic diseases like arthritis and diabetes. But regardless of the cause, is there anything available today that can help relieve both pain and poor sensation in the knees?Knee injuries can include a torn meniscus sprains, strains, or even chronic diseases like arthritis which can be caused by anything from standing to climbing. All kinds of movements can cause inflammation in the knee. Regardless of the origin, many people are looking to red light therapy to help relieve pain in the knee.If youre reading this now, chances are you have a knee pain. Whether youre experiencing chronic or acute knee pain, check out infrared light therapy for knees!Acute knee pain occurs when you have an injury or inflammation. This type of knee pain needs care and treatment for it to heal. Chronic knee pain as a result of a serious injury, an untreated inflammation, or arthritis, can become crippling in severe cases.Infrared Light Therapy Is Perfect for KneesThe science behind infrared light therapy is a fast-growing technology used to treat a multitude of conditions that require stimulation of healing, relief of pain and inflammation, and restoration of function.[1] Those suffering with knee pain know that the restoration of mobility is vital to maintain positive mental wellbeing. Luckily, red light therapy for knees has been proven to be effective time and time again.Red light therapy pads are Class II Medical Devices and have been granted FDA clearance for increasing circulation, relieving pain, relaxing muscles, relieving muscle spasms, and relieving the aches and stiffness caused by arthritis. Knee pain can slow you down, and red light therapy for knee pain can help you live your life without invasive treatment.The causes of knee pain can be grouped as follows:Inflammation knee bursitis, arthritis, infection, & goutWear and tear osteoarthritisInjury fractures, dislocations, tears and sprainsIf youre experiencing any of the above, its important that you facilitate the healing process using red light therapy.Circulation is Key to Relieve Knee PainScientific studies confirm that red light therapy knee pads are beneficial for relieving pain and can accelerate the bodys ability to heal itself.[2] Increasing circulation is key to speeding up healing and reducing the severity of pain in your knee. Red light therapy for knees relieves pain by supporting the natural healing process, which helps the body to repair itself and also to restore sensation in the knee, leading to better balance and mobility.The Benefits of Red Light Therapy For KneesLED Light Therapy knee pads use light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to produce light waves in the visible and infrared spectrum that painlessly penetrate the skin and are absorbed by the body. Infrared (IR) light waves have a beneficial effect on nerves. Science has discovered that, Nerve cells respond particularly well to IR.[3] and that IR can induce neural stimulation effects as well as promoting a wide range of therapeutic benefits in cells or tissues.[4] This is the perfect solution for those suffering with knee pain.Try Infrared Light Therapy for KneesThe best way to help painful knee conditions is to partake in frequent light therapy sessions. We recommend twice a day for at lease 20 minutes for best results. HealthLight are a leading American manufacturer of light therapy pads for knees that are FDA-cleared.HealthLights Knee & Shoulder 204 Diode Pad:Velcro straps wrap around the knee to securely hold the pad in place, with 204 LEDs: 72 red and 132 infrared. This pad measures 14 x 12 and operates at 152 joules/minute. The top section measures 7x 9 while the middle to bottom section is 4.5x 15.5. This pad can be used for both the knee and the shoulder.The two individual flaps uniquely allow for accommodation from a small person to large person, maximizing the contact of the LEDs with the skin.The HealthLight Knee & Shoulder Infrared Light Pad can be purchased in a double pad package, allowing you to save time by treating both knees simultaneously.HealthLights Long 180 Diode Pad:This pad features 180 LEDs: 80 red (630 nm) and 100 infrared (850 nm). At 16x 5, this highly flexible long and narrow pad can be used over the knee.The Long 180 infrared light pad is also available with blue, red, and infrared LEDs for the same price.HealthLights Small 90 Diode Pad:The size and rectangular shape of the small 90 infrared light pad make it perfect for treating the knee. Just wrap the pad around the knee using Velcro, and it will cover the full area. At 9.8 x 4.5, this pad features 90 LEDs: 50 infrared (950 nm) and 40 red (630 nm).You Dont Have to Live with Knee PainKnee pain often reduces your movement and your quality of life. You dont have to live with the pain as LED Light Therapy for knees is the perfect soothing solution for acute knee pain and chronic knee pain. Purchasing an LED Light Therapy device from HealthLight will help you and/or your patients experience fast-acting, dependable pain relief. HealthLight makes the most durable and most powerful clinical strength LED Light Therapy systems available today! For more information on how red light therapy works, get in touch with out experts.
Red light therapy is a form of low-level laser therapy that uses red and near-infrared light to stimulate healing and reduce pain. The wavelength that works best for red light therapy is between 630 and 700 nanometers (nm).The most commonly used wavelength for red light therapy is 660nm, which is within this range. This wavelength has been shown to penetrate deep into the skin and tissues, promoting blood flow and pain relief. Other effective wavelengths for red light therapy include 630nm and 850nm.Its important to note that the effectiveness of red light therapy depends on various factors, including the intensity and duration of the treatment, the distance between the light source and the skin, and the individuals skin type and condition. Therefore, its best to consult a qualified healthcare practitioner before using red light therapy for any medical conditions.What is Red Light Therapy?Red light therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy, uses red and near-infrared light to stimulate the bodys natural healing process. It has been used to treat a range of medical conditions, including chronic pain and arthritis.What Wavelength Works Best for Red Light Therapy?The most effective wavelength for red light therapy is between 630 and 700 nanometers (nm). Within this range, 660nm is the most commonly used wavelength for red light therapy. This wavelength has been shown to penetrate deep into the skin and tissues, increasing blood flow. Other effective wavelengths for red light therapy include 630nm and 850nm.Does Any Red Light Work For Red Light Therapy?When it comes to asking the question does any red light work for red light therapy? you will need to know the details to ensure you pick the right device. Not all red lights are suitable for red light therapy. The therapeutic benefits of red light therapy depend on the specific wavelength of light used, which is typically in the range of 620 to 700 nanometers (nm).While any red light can emit wavelengths within this range, the quality and consistency of the light produced by different types of bulbs and devices can vary significantly. For example, some red lights emit light in a broader range of wavelengths that may not be as effective for therapeutic purposes.To ensure that you are using a red light that is appropriate for red light therapy, its important to use a device that has been specifically designed for this purpose and that emits light at the appropriate wavelength range. These devices are called red light therapy pads or photobiomodulation devices.What Are The Benefits of Red Light Therapy?Red light therapy has been shown to have many benefits for physical health. Some of these benefits include:Gentle and Pain-Free: Near-infrared LED light therapy is a treatment option that is gentle and painless. It does not involve any cuts or injections, ensuring a comfortable and well-tolerated choice for individuals seeking alternative therapies.Versatility in Application: An important benefit of red light therapy is its versatility in treating various body areas (excluding the eyes). Whether targeting joint pain, muscle soreness, skin conditions, or other specific areas, near-infrared light therapy can be directly applied to the desired location.Natural Alternative: Red light therapy offers a natural alternative to expensive and potentially addictive medications. Instead of relying solely on drugs to manage pain or other conditions, individuals can explore the benefits of near-infrared light therapy as a drug-free option.Non-Surgical Option: For those considering costly and painful surgical procedures, red light therapy provides a non-surgical alternative. It can deliver relief and promote healing without the need for invasive interventions, reducing associated risks and recovery time.Simplicity and Effectiveness: Red light therapy is a straightforward yet highly effective treatment approach. It involves the use of LED light devices that emit near-infrared wavelengths, which penetrate the skin and stimulate cellular processes. The treatment can be easily incorporated into daily routines and is known for its effectiveness across various applications.Simultaneous Treatment of Multiple Areas: Red light therapy enables the simultaneous treatment of different body areas using multiple pads. This feature enhances convenience and efficiency, as multiple regions can be addressed at once during a single session.Self-Administered at Home: Near-infrared LED light therapy is user-friendly and can be self-administered in the comfort of ones own home. This accessibility makes it a convenient option for individuals seeking regular treatments without frequent visits to a healthcare professional.Integration with Multiple Modalities: Red light therapy can be combined with other therapies like chiropractic care, massage, physical therapy, PEMF therapy, or electrical stimulation. By integrating near-infrared light therapy with other modalities, therapeutic results can potentially be amplified, offering a comprehensive approach to wellness.Comfortable Multitasking: During near-infrared LED light therapy sessions, individuals can comfortably sit or lie down while receiving treatment. This allows for multitasking activities such as watching television, listening to music, reading, or talking on the phone, making it a convenient and enjoyable experience.Enhanced Circulation and Pain Relief: Red light therapy has demonstrated the ability to improve circulation and reduce pain. The near-infrared light wavelengths deeply penetrate tissues, promoting vasodilation and enhancing blood flow. Improved circulation can aid in tissue repair, reduce inflammation, and alleviate pain.Factors To Consider When Choosing a Red Light Therapy DeviceWhen selecting a red light therapy device, there are several important factors to consider to ensure you are getting a device that meets your needs and provides effective treatment. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:Wavelength: As we discussed earlier in this blog post, the wavelength of the red light used in RLT is a critical factor in its effectiveness. Ensure that the device you are considering uses a wavelength that is appropriate for the condition you want to treat.Power output: The power output of the RLT device can affect the treatments effectiveness. A higher power output device may be more effective but can also be more expensive.Size of the device: Consider the size of the device you need, depending on the area of the body you want to treat. A small device may be ideal for targeting a specific area, such as the face, while a larger device may be necessary for treating a larger area, such as the back.Type of device: There are different types of RLT devices available, including handheld devices, panels, and beds. Consider the type of device that will work best for you based on the area of the body you want to treat, how frequently you plan to use it, and your budget.Brand reputation: Research the brand and manufacturer of the device before purchasing. Look for reviews and ratings from other users to get an idea of the devices effectiveness and reliability.Cost: red light therapy devices can range in price from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. Determine your budget and look for devices that meet your needs and are within your price range.Safety features: Look for devices with safety features such as auto shut-off timers or overheating protection. These features can help prevent injury or damage to the device.By considering these factors, you can select a red light therapy device that meets your needs and provides effective treatment. It is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using a red light therapy device, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions or concerns.Red Light Therapy Wave Lengths in ConclusionRed light therapy is an effective and safe form of alternative medicine that uses red and near-infrared light to promote healing and reduce pain. The most effective wavelength for red light therapy is between 630 and 700 nanometers (nm). Within this range, 660nm is the most commonly used wavelength for red light therapy. Other effective wavelengths for red light therapy include 630nm and 850nm. If you are considering red light therapy, consult a qualified healthcare practitioner to determine if it is right for you.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNIf you are like most active individuals, you probably enjoy engaging in sports, but hate the sore muscles you experience after a good game. So have you ever wondered if there exists an easy way to reduce the time needed for post-game muscle recovery? And is there a safe and effective way to decrease muscle fatigue for better athletic performance? The simple answer to these questions is yes, there is non-invasive, fast-acting, and risk-free Red Light Therapy!The good news for all athletes is that a simple and easy twenty-minute Red Light Therapy session before and/or after any type of sports activity or exercise can make a big difference in muscle performance, muscle fatigue, and recovery time! And not only can Red Light Therapy accelerate the repair of muscle damage, it can even help prevent it!Red Light Therapy Benefits AthletesIn a nutshell, Red Light Therapy is the use of light at different wavelengths and intensities to induce biochemical changes in tissue in a stimulatory or inhibitory manner.1 Red Light Therapy is also known as light emitting diode (LED) therapy; photobiomodulation (PBM), and phototherapy.With each passing decade, science continues to discover more and more therapeutic benefits that Red Light Therapy affords skin, muscles, nerves, cartilage, tendons, and even bones. Red Light Therapys benefits for muscles are especially exciting for athletes:Red Light Therapy can enhance muscle performanceRed Light Therapy can delay and reduce muscle fatigueRed Light Therapy can repair muscle damageRed Light Therapy can prevent muscle damageRed Light Therapy can improve postexercise muscle recoveryAs a 2013 study published in the Journal of Athletic Training confirms, Investigators could conclude that exposing skeletal muscle to single-diode and multidiode laser or multidiode LED therapy positively affects physical performance by delaying the onset of fatigue, reducing the fatigue response, improving postexercise recovery, and protecting cells from exercise-induced damage. This makes Red Light Therapy a very valuable therapeutic tool for all athletes, whatever their performance level. So why does Red Light Therapy affect such beneficial results in skeletal muscle?How Red Light Therapy Supports MusclesRed Light Therapy produces wide-ranging effects at the molecular, cellular, and tissue levels when Red Light Therapy pads are placed on the body. Photons of light emitted from the pads are easily absorbed through the skin, penetrating deeply into several inches of tissue. This light is then converted into signals that induce cascades of therapeutic chemicals to be released in cells that trigger, support, and speed up the bodys innate healing processes.One of the therapeutic chemicals that Red Light Therapy boosts is adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is vital for muscles. Muscles rely heavily on adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the biological source of energy needed for muscle work, and therefore robust increased ATP levels are the most popular hypothesis to explain the extraordinary effects that PBM appears to exert on muscle tissue. So, by using Red Light Therapy pre-game, athletes can increase their skeletal muscle ATP levels, resulting in better working muscles for better game performance.Red Light Therapy Reduces Recovery TimeScience has discovered that the level of ATP in muscle cells can make a big difference in not only performance but also recovery time. Skeletal muscle adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels are severely depleted during and following prolonged high intensity exercise. Recovery from these lower ATP levels can take days, which can affect performance on subsequent days of exercise. But by using Red Light Therapy post-game, athletes can replenish the ATP levels in their muscles for faster recovery time!When to Use Red Light TherapyIs it better to use Red Light Therapy pre- or post-game? Although most researchers have chosen to study the effects of Red Light Therapy before physical activity, there are studies that have found that Red Light Therapy provides benefits both before and after physical activity. However, evidence has shown positive effects in the application before and after exercise in the ability to prevent injuries related to muscle fatigue and also in the improvement of the recovery process. Another study stated, Both preconditioning (light delivered to muscles before exercise) and PBM applied after exercise can increase sports performance in athletes.It is interesting to note that Red Light Therapy administered before activity can also help improve muscle recovery after exercise or sports. One study found that even though Red Light Therapy was administered as a stand-alone therapy to high-level soccer players before exercise, performance and recovery were also improved, with Red Light Therapy, enhancing athletic performance and improving postexercise recovery. And a 2016 study of twelve male athletes also concluded that Red Light Therapy administered pre-exercise can enhance performance and accelerate recovery of high-level rugby players in field test.Add Red Light Therapy to Your Exercise EquipmentWhether Red Light Therapy is administered pre- or post-game, or both, its therapeutic benefits for muscle endurance and performance during sports and exercise, and muscle recovery after physical activity are undeniable. To summarize, Red Light Therapy, can improve muscle performance, reduce muscle fatigue during exercises, and benefit the muscle repair. So, keep a Red Light Therapy device wherever you train or exercise because, Phototherapy appears to be a viable treatment modality for skeletal muscle. It is safe, easy to administer, and noninvasive and has no known side effects and few reported contraindications.Choose HealthLight for Red Light Therapy PadsJust as all exercise equipment is not created equal, so it is with Red Light Therapy devices. To get the best support for your muscles, purchase your Red Light Therapy device from HealthLight. All HealthLight systems are durable, high quality medical-grade devices for both clinics and consumers that deliver the optimum amount of joules into the body for fast-acting and dependable pain relief, plus the acceleration of your bodys innate healing processes! HealthLight makes the most powerful clinical-strength Red Light Therapy devices available in todays marketplace to provide you the therapeutic benefits of Red Light Therapy in the convenience of your home. HealthLight offers a wide choice of Red Light Therapy pads and controllers to meet the needs and budget of any individual, family, or health practitioner. Your muscles will thank you!
Acupuncture light therapy is one of the best options to consider for treating both acute and chronic pain. Although it may seem on the surface that the centuries-old traditional Chinese healing art of acupuncture and the approximately 40-year-old light wave technology of red light therapy are worlds apart, the beneficial results they produce are surprisingly similar. Both modalities can be depended upon to:Improve circulation and blood flow to organs and tissuesIncrease tissue oxygenationDecrease pain and discomfortRelax the nervous systemRelease beneficial chemicals in the body such as nitric oxide and ATPImprove energy, metabolism, and cellular functioningStimulate the bodys own innate healing processesMaintain homeostasisTreat almost every part of the bodyBe cost-effective alternatives to drugs and surgerySupport the body in maintaining health and wellness.Advantages of Red Light Therapy in AcupunctureIn addition to producing many of the same benefits as acupuncture, red light therapy also offers many distinct advantages:Red Light Therapy is non-invasiveRed Light Therapy is painlessRed Light Therapy has no known negative side effectsRed Light Therapy is simple to administerOne Red Light Therapy pad can treat a larger area than acupuncture needlesAcupuncture Light Therapy: An Effective StrategyRed light therapy and acupuncture are complementary healing modalities. Used together, they can be a highly effective strategy for bringing your patients greater benefits. Because red light therapy releases a cascade of helpful chemicals into the local area where the pads are placed, red light therapy can add value to your acupuncture sessions, potentially amplifying the results of needling. And red light therapy is very easy to incorporate into your practice no matter the type of acupuncture you offer.Dr. Sarica Cernohous, L.Ac., owner of Living Wellness, LLC in Flagstaff, Arizona (and the author of The Funky Kitchen: The Missing Link in Your Nutrition and Wellness ) has been an acupuncturist for 20 years. She began using red light therapy in her practice 5-6 years ago because of its role in circulation, recovery, and nervous system support. Dr. Cernohous has found that red light therapy, is like an exclamation mark in my treatments, helping with the flow of energy and blood through the body, and helping to support deeper relaxation in treatment. She feels that red light therapy, has elevated my Japanese-style treatments.Using Red Light Therapy AcupunctureIn acupuncture, red light therapy can be utilized before, during, or after needling. Red light therapy can also be a stand-alone treatment option.Red Light Therapy Before Needling: Apply red light therapy pads directly to areas in need of greater circulation and energy flow for about 10 to 15 minutes before needling. The pads will trigger an increase in circulation that ignites the process of pain relief. Your patients body will relax and become less tense and less stiff, and needle insertion may be easier.Red Light Therapy During Needling: Introduce the red light therapy pads concurrently with needling, usually at the start of the session. The pads will increase energy flow and blood circulation at acupoints where they are strategically placed. As the red light therapy pads ease muscle tension and soothe tissue, the patient should experience a greater degree of relaxation and stress reduction. Cernohous utilizes red light therapy simultaneously with needling, finding that this, helps to increase the effectiveness of treatments because of the support for relaxation and blood flow. As the session continues, red light therapy pads can be moved around the body to do their work on different areas. Since red light therapy devices are made of neoprene, they are flexible enough to be very versatile, allowing the same pad to be used on different areas to treat a variety of patient issues.Red Light Therapy After Needling: Another option is to treat your patient to a full twenty-minute red light therapy session immediately after acupuncture treatment. One or more therapy pads can be placed on areas where the needling occurred, or on other acupoints. Red light therapy will enhance relaxation and stimulate cellular processes that accelerate healing. And this boost will persist for several hours after the red light therapy session concludes.Red Light Therapy as a Stand-Alone Treatment: Red light therapy can be administered by itself, which may appeal to patients afraid of needles. Cernohous states that she will occasionally administer red light therapy as a stand-alone treatment if the acupuncture is too strong for someone in convalescence, and also if someone has a fear of needles.However, you choose to incorporate red light therapy into your acupuncture sessions, a 6-port controller system from HealthLights Clinical Line of therapy systems can operate up to six pads simultaneously to provide an extensive therapy session to your patient that can address multiple problem areas at once.Boost Revenue with Sales to PatientsAs your patients experience the beneficial effects of red light therapy, some patients may desire to purchase their own systems for in-home use. Most manufacturers of red light therapy systems such as HealthLight allow healthcare practitioners to buy systems at wholesale and resell these systems to patients at a profit. HealthLights Express Product Line is designed for home usage with a one button controller. Dr. Cernohous has sold systems in her clinic, reporting, Some of my patients have appreciated NIR [red light] Therapy so much that they have even purchased units for their home care.Put Acupuncture Light Therapy on Your MenuConsider adding red light therapy to your acupuncture practice today. Incorporating red light therapy acupuncture is easy; it is relaxing to your patients; it supports the bodys innate healing processes; and it may augment the results of needling. Plus, adding red light therapy to your menu has the potential to boost your earnings by expanding your services, and by allowing you to sell systems to patients. As Dr. Cernohous states, Its a modality that sets my practice apart. I find it to be an incredibly functional adjunct to the treatment and a very reasonable addition to the practice.HealthLights Clinical Line of pads and controllers offer many different FDA-cleared system options to suit the needs of any clinic. And HealthLights Express At-Home Line with conveniently attached controllers and single button operation are perfect for in-home use by your patients.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNWhen it comes to choosing an infrared light therapy device, you will need to find out which one is right for you. Depending on the issues you are facing, you can order a device online to minimize pain from the comfort of your own home. Near infrared light therapy devices are an affordable, effective option and you can find out why here What is near infrared light therapy?Near infrared (NIR) light therapy, also known as near-infrared radiation (NIR) therapy, is a form of phototherapy that uses low-level light in the near-infrared spectrum to stimulate cellular energy production and promote healing in the body. NIR light has a wavelength of between 700 and 1400 nanometers, which is longer than visible light but shorter than the longer-wavelength, thermal infrared radiation.Near infrared light is known to penetrate deeply into tissues, up to several centimeters, and is absorbed by cellular structures such as mitochondria, which are responsible for producing energy in the form of ATP. When near infrared light is absorbed by these structures, it promotes the production of ATP, which can improve cellular function and promote circulation.How can near infrared light therapy be used?NIR light therapy can be administered using a variety of devices, including handheld devices, panels, and full-body systems. These devices emit low-level near infrared light that can be applied directly to the skin or delivered to the body through the use of LEDs.What are the benefits of near infrared light therapy? NIR light therapy has been shown to have a wide range of benefits, including reducing pain and improving circulation, and even improving symptoms of arthritis. It is a safe and non-invasive form of therapy that is suitable for use by people of all ages, with minimal risk of side effects. However, as with any form of therapy, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before beginning treatment to ensure that it is safe and appropriate for your specific needs.Choosing the right near infrared light therapy devices for you When selecting a light therapy program for your patients, its important that you take the specifications of the LED pads into consideration. The medical benefits of light therapy are dependent on wavelength and power.Wavelength (measured in nm) needs to be sufficient in order to achieve an adequate dosage. The bulk of clinical literature suggests that light in the mid-600 nm range to high-800 nm range is most effective. That is because these wavelengths have the greatest effect on the cellular respiration process.Power Density is the amount of light power delivered to an area of the body. HealthLight infrared light therapy pads are powerful enough to stimulate the healing of the body.Why go for near infrared light therapy devices? There are several reasons why someone may choose to use near infrared light therapy devices:Convenience: near infrared light therapy devices allow you to undergo therapy in the comfort of your own home, without having to visit a therapist or clinic.Cost-effective: Investing in a near infrared light therapy device can be a cost-effective alternative to ongoing visits to a therapist or clinic.Non-invasive: near infrared light therapy is a non-invasive treatment option that doesnt require any medication or surgery.Versatile: near infrared light therapy devices can be used to treat a range of conditions, including pain, inflammation, skin issues, and more.Customizable: Many near infrared light therapy devices allow you to customize the treatment, including the intensity and duration of the therapy.Can near infrared light therapy help arthritis? Yes, near infrared light therapy can be helpful for arthritis. Near infrared light therapy uses specific wavelengths of light that penetrate the skin and are absorbed by the cells in the body. This can help to stimulate blood circulation and reduce pain associated with arthritis.Pick the best device for you and your specific needsIn conclusion, you should select and order a device that will target your personal issues and suppress aches pains and improve circulation. Overall, near infrared light therapy devices offer a convenient, cost-effective, non-invasive, and versatile treatment option for a range of conditions. Its important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new form of therapy to determine the best course of treatment for your individual needs.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNUsing infrared light therapy for stomach pain is gaining popularity as a non-invasive treatment option for various health conditions, including stomach pain. Infrared light therapy involves the use of low-level light to stimulate cellular activity, which in turn helps to reduce inflammation, improve blood flow, and promote healing.Stomach pain and abdominal pain can be caused by various factors, such as digestive issues, inflammation, or injury. While there are several treatment options available for stomach pain, infrared light therapy has been shown to be effective in reducing pain and improving overall health.If youre suffering from stomach pain, whether its chronic or acute, you need to try infrared light therapy for stomachs!Try Infrared Light Therapy for Stomach PainRed light therapy is an emerging science that is used to treat a multitude of conditions that require stimulation of healing, relief of pain and inflammation, and restoration of function. For those who frequently suffer from stomach pain know that pain relief is vital to maintain positive mental wellbeing. Luckily, red light therapy for stomach pain has been proven to be effective time and time again.When you purchase a red light therapy pad from HealthLight, you are guaranteed a Class II Medical Devices with FDA clearance for their ability to relieve pain throughout the body, increase blood circulation, relax muscles, relieve muscle spasms and relieve aches. Stomach pain can have a negative influence on your wellbeing, and red light therapy for stomach pain has been developed to help you live without invasive treatment.In addition to its effectiveness in treating stomach pain, infrared light therapy is both safe and non-invasive. Unlike certain medication, infrared light therapy does not pose any significant risks or complications. Furthermore, infrared light therapy can be used in combination with other treatments, such to enhance its benefits.You can facilitate your bodys healing ability by using red light therapy for stomach pain.Improve Circulation to Relieve Stomach PainScientific studies confirm that increasing circulation in your stomach is beneficial for relieving pain and can accelerate the bodys ability to heal itself. Red light therapy pads for your stomach will help support your body while it is healing, help the body to repair itself and also help relieve pain in the stomach.The Benefits of Red Light Therapy For Your StomachLED Light Therapy pads for your stomach use light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to produce light waves in the visible and infrared spectrum that painlessly penetrate the skin and are absorbed by the body. Research has discovered that, nerve cells respond particularly well to IR. and that IR can induce neural stimulation effects as well as promoting a wide range of therapeutic benefits in cells or tissues. This is the perfect solution for those suffering with stomach pain.Infrared light therapy for Stomach Pain is Easy to UseInfrared light therapy also has a pain-relieving effect. It works by blocking pain signals from reaching the brain, which can help to reduce pain and improve mobility. The most effective way to reduce stomach pain is by using a red light therapy pad twice a day in 20 minute sessions. HealthLight allows you to do this from the comfort of your home. We are a leading American manufacturer FDA-cleared red light therapy pads.HealthLights Long 180 Diode Pad:This pad features 180 LEDs: 80 red (630 nm) and 100 infrared (850 nm). At 16x 5, this highly flexible long and narrow pad can be used by laying on top of your stomach.The Long 180 infrared light pad is also available with blue, red, and infrared LEDs for the same price.HealthLights Small 90 Diode Pad:The size and rectangular shape of the small 90 infrared light pad make it perfect for treating a small area of the stomach. Simply rest the pad on your stomach. At 9.8 x 4.5, this pad features 90 LEDs: 50 infrared (950 nm) and 40 red (630 nm).Stomach Pain Doesnt Have to Impede on your Day-to-day LifeIf you are suffering from stomach pain, it is important that you visit a doctor or medical professional to determine the underlying cause. If you are looking for a safe and effective alternative to traditional pain medications, or a treatment in conjunction with traditional pain medication, then infrared light therapy may be the solution you are looking for. With its natural, non-invasive approach, infrared light therapy provides a gentle, yet effective way to relieve stomach pain and improve your overall health and well-being.In conclusion, infrared light therapy is a safe, effective and non-invasive solution for those suffering from stomach pain. With its ability to reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and reduce stress and anxiety, infrared light therapy for stomach pain offers a natural alternative to traditional pain medications. Purchasing an LED Light Therapy device from HealthLight will help you and/or your patients experience fast-acting, dependable pain relief. HealthLight makes the most durable and most powerful clinical strength LED Light Therapy systems available today! For more information on how red light therapy works, get in touch with out experts.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNThe Benefits of Adding LED Light Therapy to Your Chiropractic PracticeAccording to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of chiropractors in the US is growing: Employment of chiropractors is projected to grow 7 percent from 2018 to 2028, faster than the average for all occupations." In 2018, there were 50,300 chiropractors in the United States, with 2,500 chiropractors entering the workforce each year. In light of these statistics, how does a chiropractor stand out above the ever-increasing competition?Chiropractor Light TherapyAdding an additional treatment modality complementary to chiropractic may be just what you need to enhance your clinic. NIR (Near-Infrared) LED Light Therapy can be added to your treatment menu to make pain relief faster and more effective, make adjustments easier, and give additional support to the bodys natural healing processes increasing patient satisfaction.Like chiropractic, NIR Therapy, also known as low-level light therapy (LLLT) both laser and LED (light emitting diode) is beneficial for pain relief and can accelerate the bodys ability to heal itself. LLLT has a long history and strong basic science evidence, which supports its use in pain management. Also, like chiropractic, LED Light Therapy is a non-invasive and effective alternative to the high cost and numerous side effects of pharmaceutical drugs and the pain of surgery.NIR Therapy is SafeNIR Therapy can be administered without concern about negative effects. The almost complete lack of reports of side effects or adverse events associated with LLLT gives security for issues of safety NIR Therapy can be administered on almost every external part of the body, except for the eyes. HealthLight offers a wide selection of flexible and sturdy red light therapy pads in a variety of shapes and sizes that makes it easy to choose the right pad for any area of the body.Administering LED Light Therapy as a ChiropractorAdministering LED Light Therapy is easy: pads are placed on the body, the system is turned on, and the pads proceed to do the work.Sessions are 20 minutes, during which patients can be left unattended.LED Light Therapy can be offered as an add-on pre- or post-adjustment for an additional fee, or as a stand-alone treatment.Most chiropractors administer LED Light Therapy prior to the adjustment, as infrared light penetration will increase circulation, reduce pain and stiffness, and help ease adjustments.If administered after the adjustment, the increased circulation induced may help the adjustment to hold. And any pain, stiffness, or soreness still present after the adjustment may be relieved.Patients with acute pain or chronic conditions may desire stand-alone treatment with NIR Therapy.No matter when LED Light Therapy is administered, using a controller that can operate from three to six NIR Therapy pads simultaneously will provide an extensive therapy session that can address multiple problem areas at once. HealthLights Clinical Line offers 3-port and 6-port controllers that pair with their NIR Therapy pads via easy to insert and remove USB-style connectors. But single and dual pad devices, such as HealthLights Express At-Home systems with built-in controllers, are also quite effective.In addition to expanding benefits for your patients, combining LED Light Therapy with chiropractic should also expand your revenue.Growing a Chiropractor Practice with LED Light TherapyAdding LED Light Therapy can grow your chiropractic practice by helping you stand out from your competition. You can begin, as Dr. Collins did, with a small number of therapy pads. Demands on you, your staff, and your office space can be kept minimal.LED Light Therapy is extremely easy to administer. Pads are placed on the body by you, or your assistant where needed, the system is turned on, a setting may be selected, and the pads proceed to do their work. The patient may be left unattended once the pads are in place and the controller is operating. NIR Therapy sessions often last twenty minutes. Most controllers stop automatically and signal the end of the therapy session.Space requirements are minimal. LED Light Therapy can be administered on the adjustment table, or the patient can sit in a chair. Pads and controllers can be kept on a small multi-shelf rolling cart or in a basket, which allows them to be easily moved from patient to patient. Maintenance of the pads is also minimal. Pads are placed in new disposable plastic bags at the start of each treatment session, keeping them sanitary for each patient.Expand Treatment CategoriesGeneral categories of musculoskeletal conditions for chiropractic treatment with LED Light Therapy include joint pain; peripheral neuropathy; arthritis pain; and overall pain management. LED Light Therapy has been proven to initiate a cascade of cellular enhancements that could potentially amplify the benefits of chiropractic adjustments. Medical-grade LED Light Therapy systems have received FDA-clearance for pain relief and increased circulation. So, combining LED Light Therapy and chiropractic care may bring greater benefits to your patients.As Dr. Volstad confirms, Improvement is faster. Thats the big thing. Patients want to be out of pain as quickly as possible. And we have seen that LED Light Therapy facilitates that.Enter Niche MarketsIntegrating LED Light Therapy into your practice may allow your clinic to enter niche markets, developing programs to attract new patients who are looking for help with specific problems, such as peripheral neuropathy, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis, or sports injuries. Dr. Volstad states, Especially in the athletic field, LED Light Therapy is very utilized. Almost all major sports teams use LED Light Therapy. That speaks volumes to me. Dr. Volstad also reports that his clinic regularly treats peripheral neuropathy patients with LED Light Therapy, and that it has proven to be very effective.In-Clinic Usage & ProgramsIn addition to expanding benefits for your patients, combining LED Light Therapy with chiropractic should also expand your revenue and grow your practice. LED Light Therapy can be offered as an add-on before or after chiropractic for an additional fee, or as a stand-alone treatment modality. LED Light Therapy allows treatment on two or more areas simultaneously, so multiple issues can be treated during a single session.Pre-adjustment: Infrared light penetration will increase circulation, reduce pain and stiffness, and potentially help ease adjustments. Dr. Volstad states, Most commonly, we do our LED Light Therapy prior to the adjustment.Post-adjustment: Infrared light penetration may help the adjustment to hold for a longer period, due to the benefits of increased circulation. Also, pain, stiffness, or soreness still lingering after the adjustment may be relieved.Stand-alone Treatment: Stand-alone LED Light Therapy treatments, especially for chronic pain conditions, can be offered in packages of treatments, with the number of pads utilized per treatment varying.Chronic Pain Programs: Programs can be developed to treat the pain of specific conditions with both chiropractic and LED Light Therapy, such as upper back, lower back, neck, knee, hip, shoulder, arthritis, or neuropathy pain relief programs. Compared to the skyrocketing costs and myriad side-effects of many pharmaceutical drugs, LED Light Therapy may be a cost effective and natural alternative to both drugs and surgery.In-Home Sales & RentalsTherapy sessions can be done in-home by the patients themselves, or with the assistance of family members. After experiencing the benefits of LED Light Therapy in-clinic, some patients with acute or chronic conditions may desire to have a system at home for use between office visits. Or in-home treatments may be deemed to be an integral part of an intensive treatment plan for major issues like peripheral neuropathy. In Dr.Volstads clinic, every peripheral neuropathy patient buys their own system for their legs and feet. So, in-home usage can provide a profitable revenue opportunity for your clinic through renting or reselling LED Light Therapy systems to patients.Most manufacturers allow health practitioners to purchase their systems at wholesale, and then resell them to patients at a profit. Rental fees are up to the practitioner. System sales can be expanded by establishing a rent to own program, allowing patients to eventually purchase their rental system.LED Light Therapy Device Sales and Rentals to PatientsHealthLight offers healthcare professionals the option of purchasing systems at wholesale and then reselling them to patients at a profit. Chiropractors can encourage patients to purchase their own systems for in-home use for intensive treatment of conditions such as peripheral neuropathy or chronic back pain. Also, rental programs and rent-to-own programs can be offered to patients at fees determined by the practitioner, which can bring in additional revenue on a regular basis, as well as fast ROI.Getting StartedWhen deciding where to purchase your LED Light Therapy equipment for your clinic, be sure to choose a reputable manufacturer with an FDA clearance, so that your system meets all necessary safety standards. Also make sure there is a warranty, as well as a repair center for your device. All of HealthLights NIR Therapy pads and controllers have received FDA clearance, and every system comes with a warranty. There is a one-year warranty on HealthLights Express At-Home systems, and a two-year warranty on HealthLights Clinical line of systems. Any needed repairs after the warranty period can be made at HealthLights manufacturing facility in Illinois for a reasonable flat rate fee per item.Before you make your purchase:Determine what size and shape of pads would be most beneficial to your patients. To be most effective, the pad(s) in your system should cover the entire area where pain relief and increased circulation are needed. For example, the largest pads would be the most helpful to treat back, hip, or shoulder pain; while small rectangular-sized pads would be helpful to relieve pain in the neck, TMJ area, or wrist. Long pads can be wrapped around joints, while small pads can be used to treat localized areas. To treat neuropathy, HealthLight offers one or two-boot systems that cover the foot and calf areas.Determine how many pads you want to use simultaneously, and purchase a controller with enough ports. HealthLights Clinical Line offers 3 and 6-port controller systems that pair with their Clinical Therapy Pads.Benefits of LED Light TherapyAdministering LED Light Therapy is easy; it will expand your treatment menu and fees; and it can also boost your revenue through equipment sales and rentals. And by offering LED Light Therapy, your clinic will stand out from the competition. But most importantly, NIR Therapy will bring greater benefits to your patients. So consider adding NIR Therapy to your clinics treatment menu. HealthLights Clinical Line of pads and controllers offer many system options for clinics of all sizes. And HealthLights Express At-Home Line with conveniently attached controllers are perfect for in-home use by your patients.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNMouth, jaw and tooth pain can be some of the worst to experience. By using red light therapy, you will unquestionably gain some relief. Most people experience jaw or mouth pain at some point in their lives and finding alleviation can become urgent, if not an urgent must. For those who have experienced chronic or subtle pains, you will know how key quick aid needs to be. Red light therapy isnt usually a cure for mouth pain but it is one of the most effective ways to limit pain of most types.What type of mouth and jaw issues can red light therapy target?Red light therapy, known by some as low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a non-invasive treatment that uses red and near-infrared light to stimulate the bodys natural healing processes. In the past, it has been used to treat a wide range of conditions, including mouth and tooth pain. Evidence shows inflammation and pain in the mouth and around the jaw can be reduced by red light therapy. In lots of cases, common painful side effects of dental surgery have been reduced by red light therapy.Studies show, red light therapy effectively reduces pain and improves the mouth opening. Red light therapy for mouth issues cant be promoted as a cure but it has been proven to reduce pain in patients who are suffering.Tips for those suddenly experiencing mouth painMouth and tooth pain can suddenly start unexpectedly and must be recognized immediately as if it develops, it can lead to more serious issues. In the past, using a heating pad or taking aspirin was the only choice. Not today infrared light therapy increases circulation, releases nitric oxide, stimulating the mitochondria and accelerating anti-inflammatory response. Issues within the mouth and around the jaw area can be particularly painful and red light therapy can be one of the best ways to target this pain, especially if you are experiencing regular chronic aching pains.We recommend consulting your healthcare professional if your pain persists. Red light therapy isnt a cure as such, it just helps to target the area affecting you.The benefits of red light therapy for mouth and jaw painReducing inflammation Red light therapy for mouth pain has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects, which can help to reduce pain and swelling in the jaw.Promoting healing Red light therapy can stimulate the production of collagen and other proteins that are important for tissue repair and regeneration. This can help to speed up the healing process and reduce pain.Improving circulation Red light therapy can improve blood flow to the affected area, which can help to reduce pain and promote healing.Relaxing muscles Red light therapy can help to relax the muscles in the jaw, which can be helpful for people who suffer from teeth grinding.Stimulating acupuncture points Red light therapy can be used to stimulate specific acupuncture points in the jaw area, which can help to reduce pain and improve jaw function.Overall, red light therapy may be a safe and effective treatment option for people with jaw pain. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause of the pain and to develop an appropriate treatment plan.What causes jaw and tooth pain?There are a range of different reasons jaw and tooth pain might occur and it will completely depend on the person suffering and their lifestyle. The most common reasons for either tooth or jaw pain areDental problems causing tooth pain: Tooth decay, gum disease, dental abscesses and tooth sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures.Dental problems causing jaw pain: Teeth grinding as known as bruxism, temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ is the joint connecting the jawbone and the skull), sinus infections (both jaw and upper teeth can be affected), also trauma and accidents to the jaw or face.Both jaw and tooth pain: medical conditions including trigeminal neuralgia.Jaw and tooth pain should be looked at immediately by a healthcare professional, usually a dentist to help figure out any underlying issues. The professional will be able to recommend the right treatment for you and usually set up a treatment plan if it is needed. For those who want quick relief, red light therapy devices can be an ideal investment.Just to avoid confusion, there are many terms that are used for red light therapy. Be in the know. It is INFRARED light, next to the skin or painful area, that is the clydesdales of light therapy. Also known as photobiomodulation (PBM), red light therapy, infrared light therapy, LLLT, it is all the same.The Best Red Light Therapy Pads For Jaw/Mouth PainInfrared light therapy also has a pain-relieving effect. It works by blocking pain signals from reaching the brain, which can help to reduce pain and improve mobility. The most effective way to reduce mouth pain is by using a red light therapy pad twice a day in 20-minute sessions. HealthLight allows you to do this from the comfort of your home. We are a leading American manufacturer FDA-cleared red light therapy pads.HealthLights 104 Diode Facemask:This pad features 52 red diodes and 52 blue diodes and operates at 53 joules per minute. Simply pull the facemask down over your chin to affect the chin, mouth and jaw region.HealthLights Small 90 Diode Pad:The size and rectangular shape of the small 90 infrared light pad make it perfect for treating a small area of the face. Simply rest the pad on your jaw. At 9.8 x 4.5, this pad features 90 LEDs: 50 infrared (950 nm) and 40 red (630 nm).Choose HealthLightA Red Light Therapy device can help you your sleep quality if you are suffering from pain. But all Red Light Therapy devices are not created equal. Get the best support by purchasing your red light therapy pad from HealthLight. All Red Light Therapy pads by HealthLight are FDA-cleared for relieving the aches, pains and inflammation all over the body.HealthLight makes the most powerful clinical-strength Red Light Therapy devices available in todays marketplace to provide you the therapeutic benefits of Red Light Therapy in the convenience of your home. HealthLight offers a wide choice of Red Light Therapy devices and controllers to meet the needs and budget of any individual, family, or health practitioner.
HealthLight produces products that have multiple colors: blue, red, and infrared. Why do we use different wavelengths? Two main reasons: depth of penetration and different biological effects.What is Blue Light?Blue light is a high-energy, short-wavelength light that falls within the visible light spectrum. It is naturally present in sunlight, and electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computer screens also emit significant amounts of blue light. While exposure to blue light during the day can have positive effects on our mood, attention, and cognitive performance, excessive exposure to blue light, especially in the evening or at night, can disrupt our sleep patterns and overall well-being.Research suggests that blue light exposure in the evening can suppress the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles. This suppression can lead to difficulties falling asleep, insomnia, and a disrupted circadian rhythm. To mitigate the potential negative effects of blue light, several strategies have been employed, such as reducing screen time before bed, using blue light filters or glasses, and adjusting the lighting in our living spaces to warmer tones during nighttime.Researchers have found that blue light wavelengths within the visible light spectrum (especially wavelengths between 400 and 470 nm) are intrinsically antimicrobial and do not require additional exogenous photosensitizers to exert an antimicrobial effect. These wavelengths within can photodynamically inactivate the cells of a wide spectrum of bacteria (Gram positive and negative) and fungi. Blue light shows great promise as a novel decontamination strategy for the nosocomial environment, as well as additional wider decontamination applications (e.g., wound closure during surgery). Blue light leads to energy transfer and the production of highly cytotoxic reactive oxygen species (ROS), primarily singlet oxygen (O2) (1). 470nm light was also effective on both P. aeruginosa and S. aureus., but not as effective on S. aureus (2).Red Light vs Blue LightRed light, on the other hand, is characterized by longer wavelengths and lower energy compared to blue light. It is commonly associated with warmth, relaxation, and a soothing ambiance. Red light therapy, also known as photobiomodulation, is a therapeutic technique that utilizes red or near-infrared light to stimulate various cellular processes in the body.Red light therapy has gained popularity in recent years due to its potential benefits for skin health, wound healing, pain relief, and muscle recovery. It is believed to penetrate the skin and interact with cells, promoting the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which provides energy to cells for various functions. Additionally, red light therapy may improve collagen production, reduce inflammation, and enhance blood circulation in the treated areas.Infrared Light TherapyAccording to Yadav & Gupta, there is some evidence that light can be used to promote repair in various musculoskeletal conditions. Pain and function improvements were enhanced when light was combined with conventional therapy (heat, electrical stimulation, friction massage and stretching) and applied two times weekly for four weeks. They recently published a case study demonstrating a very good clinical outcome in a patient with peripheral neuropathy. They treated this patient three times weekly for six weeks using near-IR (850nm) energy applied to the lumbosacral junction, the ankles and plantar surfaces of the feet. They saw significant improvements in sensation and function. They have also found that combining near-IR (850nm) with red light can improve the level of inhibition obtained (3).One of the most dramatic aspects of light therapy is its triggering of the release of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is the bodys natural vasodilator it widens the blood vessels and capillaries. After just 20 minutes of light therapy, blood flow is increased to nerves and other tissues, and this boost in local circulation lasts for several hours. Nitric oxide is also a messenger molecule that triggers healing processes in the body. By increasing the production of nitric oxide, infrared and red light therapy increases circulation, speeds healing and relieves pain. Antibacterial Activity of Blue Light against Nosocomial Wound Pathogens Growing Planktonically and as Mature BiofilmsUsing Visible and Near-IR Light to Facilitate Photobiomodulation: A Review of Current ResearchNoninvasive red and nearinfrared wavelengthinduced photobiomodulation: promoting impaired cutaneous wound healing
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNAs LED Light Therapy is being utilized by more and more chiropractors, physical therapists, massage therapists, podiatrists, and acupuncturists worldwide, LED Light Therapys many benefits for the human body are becoming increasingly known and appreciated. Many people are now aware of the positive effects of Red and Infrared LED Light. But what about Blue LED Light? How does Blue LED Light benefit the body?Blue LED Light BenefitsBlue LED Light can be defined as light given off from light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in the visible light spectrum between the wavelengths of 400 to 500 nanometers (nm). Blue Light sits on the spectrum between violet and green. While Blue Light is readily absorbed by the skin and is very beneficial, it does not penetrate as deeply into tissue as does Red Light and Infrared Light. Blue light (400470 nm) has a lower potential for penetration and reveals useful for skin conditions in the epidermis layer of the skin.There multiple Blue LED Light benefits. Wavelengths of Blue LED Light between that same range of 400-470 nm have been found to be intrinsically antimicrobial. Blue LED Light can photodynamically inactivate the cells of a wide spectrum of bacteria (Gram positive and negative) and fungi. Science has discovered that Blue LED Light can fight even bacteria resistant to antibiotics such as staph and MRSA, making it very effective for decontaminating the skin disinfecting cuts, scrapes, bites, burns, stings, and surgical incisions. Blue LED Light can keep open wounds, sores, and skin eruptions free of germs. This anti-microbial nature of Blue LED Light benefits both health and beauty.Safe and Risk-FreeBlue LED Light in the beneficial range of 460-470 nm is safe and risk-free, and has no reported adverse side effects. The concerns regarding potential problems from Blue Light exposure from computer screens, tablets, laptops, televisions, and smartphones is associated with Blue Light wavelengths in the potentially problematic lower range of 415-455 nm.Mixing Blue, Red, and Infrared LED LightBlue LED diodes are often paired with red diodes and/or infrared diodes in LED Therapy Pads. This is because different colors or wavelengths of LEDs have different levels of penetration within the body. This difference in depth of penetration results in different effects at the molecular, cellular, and tissue levels.Red Light is known to penetrate deeper in tissues when compared to blue light. But the deepest level of tissue penetration is achieved by Infrared Light. So combining LEDs of two or three colors/wavelengths may be the best option for creating a therapy pad with more powerful light penetration. And mixing different colored LEDs together on a single pad allows the different wavelengths to complement each other and work together synergistically to bring greater benefits to the body. One scientific study suggested that, synergistic effects of mixed light is due to synergy between the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect of blue and red light respectively.Try Blue LED Light TherapyIf you would like to experience the benefits of Blue LED Light, HealthLight, a leading American manufacturer of professional, medical-grade FDA-cleared LED Light Therapy devices, makes four Blue LED Therapy pads that contain blue diodes:104 Face Mask Blue LED Therapy Pad:This mask offers 52 blue diodes (465 nm) and 52 red diodes (630 nm). (No infrared diodes.) The pad fits over the eye area like a standard mask, but can also be used over or under the chin and lower face; around the forehead area; the front or back of the neck; and either side of the face for maximum skin benefits. (This pad can also be purchased as part of the Whole Body Deluxe Package available in HealthLights Clinical Line.)264 Large Blue LED Therapy Pad:The 264 Large Blue Pad offers 120 blue (465 nm) diodes and 144 infrared (850 nm) diodes. It measures 8 x 15, making it easy to treat large areas like the upper or lower back, joints, and limbs.132 Medium Blue LED Therapy Pad:The 132 Medium Blue Pad offers 60 blue (465 nm) diodes and 72 infrared (850 nm) diodes. It measures 8 x 9, making it convenient for treating almost every area of the body.180 Long Tri-Color Blue LED Therapy Pad:This pad is 5 x 16 for long or narrow locations, such as down the back or legs, across the chest, or wrapped around an arm, leg, or foot. As its name suggests, it contains 180 LEDs in 3 wavelengths: 40 blue (465 nm) diodes, 40 red (630 nm) diodes, and 100 infrared (850 nm) diodes.All four pads are available in both of HealthLights two product lines: their Clinical Line of systems for healthcare professionals that utilizes separate three-port or six-port controllers that can run 3 to 6 pads simultaneously, and their Express At-Home Line of systems for consumers that features attached controllers with convenient one-button operation.HealthLight makes the most durable and most powerful clinical strength LED LightTherapy devices available today. Purchasing a HealthLight LED Light Therapy system will provide you and your family, or you and your patients, years of effective pain relief plus accelerate and support the bodys own innate healing processes the best way to regain and maintain health and wellness without the need for pharmaceutical drugs and surgery.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNRed light massage therapy is non-invasive, painless, safe, effective, easy to administer, and has no known negative side effects. For example, a large 8-inch by 15-inch light therapy device can bring many benefits to your massage therapy practice. The red lights work on the body for more surface area and the infrared lights give a deeper penetration.It can loosen up the stiff back muscles of a stressed-out client before the massage, so that the strength and pressure of your hand work will not have to be so labor intensive. Or, placed on the hand or leg of a senior in discomfort from pain, that pads warm and gentle photons of LED light can do the work of increasing circulation and speeding up pain relief as you massage that clients other hand or leg. The main applications of red light therapy include, reducing pain and inflammation, augmenting tissue repair and promoting regeneration of different tissues and nerves, and preventing tissue damage in situations where it is likely to occur.And, at the end of your workday, you can place those red light therapy devices on yourself to take out tension, and ease any pain or discomfort that may have resulted from a full day of massages. Its why more massage therapists are adding red light massage therapy to their menu.Expand Your Massage MenuRed light therapy devices can give a whole new dimension to your massage practice, as you now provide an additional service with LED Light Therapy that may augment results when offered concurrently with a massage. Red light massage therapy can also be listed on your menu as an add-on before or after the massage, or as a stand-alone treatment modality. Either way, offering red light therapy sets you apart from the competition and expand your income.A Winning Partnership: Red Light Massage TherapySince massage therapy and red light therapy complement one another, red light massage therapy is very easy to incorporate into your practice no matter the service you offer your clients. Both modalities support the bodys own natural healing processes to assist in reducing pain and discomfort. And its gentle, relaxing, and soothing. It has been proven to bring cellular enhancements that could potentially amplify the benefits of your massages. Used together, these two modalities can be a highly effective strategy for bringing your clients the most benefit.Red Light Therapy Reduces Joint PainThere is one very important thing that red light therapy devices can do that massage cannot in addition to reducing pain in soft tissue and muscle, it can also reduce joint pain, getting into areas where massage may not reach. With red light massage therapy, you can wrap an LED pad around a hip, a shoulder, a knee, an elbow, or an ankle, and provide your clients with a deeper level of pain relief from stiffness, arthritis, or injury than massage alone can achieve.Using Red Light Massage Therapy In Your PracticeThere are three fundamental ways to utilize red light massage therapy in your massage practice: before, during, or after the massage. Your choice of timeframe will probably vary from massage to massage, depending upon the clients current physical issues, your therapy goals for that client, and what the client wants during a particular session.Red Light Therapy Before the Massage:Incorporating light therapy into your session before the massage commences may often be the most beneficial approach for your clients and for you. An effective strategy could be applying pads to body areas with the greatest need for the first 20 minutes before inception of the hand work. As the red light therapy devices are placed directly on the body where relief from pain and stiffness are most needed, these pads will warm up the tissues and trigger the increase in circulation that begins the process of pain relief. Your clients body will become less tense and less stiff, more relaxed, more supple, and therefore, easier for you to massage once the session starts saving you some degree of hard work by reducing the forcefulness and pressure of your hand work that, minus the RLT devices, may have been required to achieve similar results.Red Light Therapy During the Massage:A second way to incorporate red light therapy is to introduce red light therapy devices during the massage session, usually at the start. Light therapy devices can be held in place on the body by Velcro straps. The gentle warmth of the LED pads will relax muscles, soothe tissue, and help bring the client a deeper degree of relaxation and stress reduction. The LED Light can penetrate into the joints, bringing relief from chronic pain or injury. As the session continues, the red light therapy device could then be shifted around the body to do their work on different areas while you do hand work on other areas.Red Light Therapy After the Massage:The last way to incorporate red light therapy is to treat your client with a full twenty-minute red light therapy session immediately after the massage concludes. The client may remain prone on the massage table, or moved to a chair while one or more red light therapy devices are placed on problem areas. Red light therapy will stimulate many cellular processes that support the bodys innate healing ability. And this boost will persist for some time after the conclusion of the red light therapy session.If you choose to use red light therapy before or after hand work, a larger 6-port controller system from HealthLights Clinical Line can operate up to six red light therapy devices simultaneously, enabling an extensive therapy session that can address multiple problem areas at once.Put Red Light Therapy on Your Massage MenuIn conclusion, incorporating red light therapy into your massage practice is simple and easy to do; is beneficial to your clients; may augment the results of your massage sessions; may save you some intense hand work; and you may use the same equipment for clients and for self-treatment. Also, red light massage therapy has the potential to boost your earnings by expanding your services. So consider adding red light therapy to your massage menu today. HealthLight has many different sized FDA-cleared system options available to suit the needs of any massage clinic, from the smallest to the largest.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNMany are turning to red light therapy for back pain. According to a 2015 study, One out of three Americans is affected by chronic pain annually. So, for those searching for back pain relief, NIR (near-infrared) Red Light Therapy, a type of phototherapy treatment, is providing much needed help. Red light therapy is non-invasive, has no known adverse side effects, and is an effective all-natural alternative to both pharmaceutical drugs (which may be costly and addictive) and surgery (which may also be costly as well as painful, and require weeks of recuperation).Stimulating the Bodys Natural Healing with Red Light Therapy for Back PainWhether youre sitting or lying down, the red-light therapy pads work their magic, while operating at body temperature and kicking your bodys natural healing processes into high gear. When you use red light therapy for back pain, a photochemical reaction is induced in the cells, a process referred to as photobiomodulation or PBM. Cascades of therapeutic chemical processes that support the bodys own innate healing capabilities are being released. Radiation of tissue with light causes an increase in mitochondrial products such as ATP, NADH, protein, and RNA. ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) provides cellular energy and also fights oxidative stress. Nitric oxide is also released, which plays an important role in phototherapy back pain relief.Benefits of Using Red Light Therapy to Combat Back PainUsing red light therapy to promote healing of painful areas of your body will alleviate pain by assisting and enhancing the bodys natural healing mechanisms. Some of the benefits of using red light therapy for back pain include:Clinical Strength Red Light Therapy for Back PainWhen using clinical strength LEDs, the mitochondria within the cells of your body will be stimulated to perform at a higher level. Light photons from the red light LEDs enter the bodys tissues and are absorbed in the mitochondria of the cells, which keep the cell full of energy. Photonic energy is converted inside cells into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which provides energy for many cellular processes. Cells that have an abundance of energy will perform their essential functions much better, meaning that healthy cells will hasten the healing of injured tissue.Reduced InflammationAnother benefit to using red light therapy for back pain is that it reduces inflammation of your bodys tissue, which is the immune systems response to injury or infection. While the body requires inflammation to heal, red light reduces acute and chronic inflammation by stimulating cellular repair, which calms the inflammatory immune response and allows the body to heal more quickly.Acute inflammation is a short-term emergency response is characterised by redness, swelling, heat, and pain, indicating that your back is in full. Pain associated with sprains.Stem Cell ActivationWhen you have injured your back, there are certain factors that can amplify the necessary inflammatory response, to the point where the body begins to attack itself. This will result in tissue damage and even stronger inflammatory responses. This viscous cycle can be halted with the help of red-light therapy, as they activate inactive stem cells in the body, which travel to the affected area and morph into any cell that the body needs. This promotes healing at the areas that need it.Enhanced Blood FlowAcute and chronic pain conditions can be exacerbated by poor blood circulation. Red light relieves pain by stimulating capillary formation and increasing blood flow in the treated area. In turn, increased blood flow delivers nutrients and oxygen to cells while removing waste.Best Red Light Therapy for Back Pain Simple, Easy, and EffectiveThis very simple, very easy to administer phototherapy may seem too good to be true. But thousands of peer-reviewed scientific studies over more than forty years prove over and over again that red light therapy works very effectively to improve circulation and reduce the pain caused by a multitude of health conditions. After twenty minutes of red light therapy, back pain drastically decreases or disappears for up to several hours.FDA-Cleared Red Light Therapy For Back PainA doctor or physical therapist can provide red light therapy treatment for back pain, which consists of numerous weekly sessions until the discomfort subsides. You can also treat back pain at home with high-quality LED light therapy devices that provide the perfect amount of power necessary to help ease back pain. We recommend large LED pads when using red light therapy for back pain.LED Red Light Therapy - How it worksThe infographic above developed by HealthLight illustrates how red light therapy is used for back pain.How Does Light Therapy for Back Pain Work?Red light therapy for back pain works by placing a flexible neoprene pad with near-infrared light-emitting diodes (LEDs) is placed on the body wherever increased circulation and pain relief are needed. The black band at the top of the graphic containing two rows of large red dots represents the red light therapy device. The rows of red dots are the diodes which emit photons (particles of light) of very specific wavelengths and intensity. However, what appears to be empty space between each set of red diodes is not actually empty there are diodes there as well that are emitting NIR light that is invisible to the human eye.The layer immediately below the black pad represents the epidermis (the outer layer of cells that compose the skin.) A few photons will be absorbed into the epidermis, but most will pass through to tissues below. The downward-pointing red arrows indicate the penetrating action of the light. Photons of red light will be absorbed primarily in the deeper layers of the skin and soft tissues. But NIR light will reach farther into the tissues, which is perfect when trying red light therapy for back pain.Along the way, many photons of both red and NIR light will trigger the release of nitric oxide from the blood vessel lining (endothelium) and red blood cells, delivering more oxygenated blood to the nerves, increasing circulation which helps reduce inflammation which reduces pain. Nitric oxide is the bodys natural vasodilator. Vasodilation increases the availability of oxygen to treated cells, and also allows for greater traffic of immune cells into tissue. These two effects contribute to accelerated healing. This is the precise reason why more are using red light therapy for back pain. As Len Saputo, MD further explains: Whenever an infra-red light ray hits a blood vessel wall, it causes an instant release of a compound called nitric oxide. And nitric oxide causes instantaneous pop-open of a blood vessel. So, suddenly, you have a change in circulation that is dramatic It also causes a reduction in inflammation that happens very quickly. It increases lymphatic drainage; it increases the activity of white cells so they clean up debris faster; and it has an amazing effect on nerves. It causes nerve fibers that are pain fibers to calm down and not cause so much pain in your back. Theres hardly a kind of pain that doesnt respond to infrared light therapy.When Will I See Results?Depending on how bad your back injury is, red light therapy for back pain will take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to feel the effects. Consistency is key here, and its important to apply the pad regularly for best results.Its important to note that you should slowly ease back into normal physical activity, even if you back pain has totally subsided. Ask a doctor for advice to avoid being reinjured. After returning to regular activities, it may be advantageous to stretch and warm up your back muscles for three to five minutes before commencing physical activity to help reduce the risk of injury. Treat your muscles with red light therapy for 10 to 20 minutes after exercise to hasten healing.Using Infrared Light Therapy for Back Pain at HomeIf you are suffering from acute or chronic pain, consider giving red light therapy devices a chance to make a difference in your life. Having HealthLights Express At-Home LED Red Light Therapy equipment immediately available in the comfort of your home will bring you and your family years of improved circulation and pain relief. Or, if you are a healthcare practitioner who wants to try using red light therapy for back pain in your clinics, consider adding HealthLights Clinical Line of LED Red Light Therapy pads and controllers to your clinics treatment menu. Practitioners may also sell the Express system to their patients. HealthLight offers a variety of affordable, easy-to-use systems to meet all needs and help people everywhere achieve a better quality of life.
For those seeking out red light therapy, there are two options to choose from when considering the treatment, either going to a clinic/spa or purchasing red light therapy pads and performing at home light therapy. Many prefer the comfort of their own home, especially if theyre suffering from pain and would like more than one application of the therapy, and therefore choose to purchase red light therapy devices. Red light therapy at home can be practiced whenever the patient feels they want to reduce pain in a certain area of their body, there are different size pads for different areas of the body so it is effective for any area where you are experiencing pain.Red light therapy at home Performing red light therapy at home is just as effective, and you will be much more comfortable inside your house. Another benefit of red light therapy at home is you can reuse the devices you have purchased, if you are someone that is frequently in pain, it might be worth buying a device to use on a regular basis. Before investing in a device for at home light therapy, there are some steps you should take to ensure you pick the right one to effectively reduce the pain you are experiencing. Firstly, ensure you know the source of pain and from here you can pick a device specific to that area. Work out your budget and start researching! How to use red light therapy at homeWe are here to guide you on how to use red light therapy at home and give you some tips, mainly if you have never used it before. Red light therapy will help to heal and repair the pain you are experiencing, but cant be used as a complete cure for the root of the suffering. A variety of conditions can be helped with the use of red light therapy, including skin disorders, pain, inflammation and wounds. Using red therapy at home couldnt be more simple, and you can follow these steps when you have received your device: Ensure you purchase the right device for red light therapy home useThere is nothing worse than ordering the wrong device, so make sure you read all the details before paying online. You will want to receive your red light therapy at home device as quickly as possible, especially if youre in pain. There are a range of different devices on the market, including handheld red light therapy machines, light panels and full-body devices so do your research before putting in your order and you will find a product within your price range. HealthLight red light therapy pads are all great for home use.Set the device up following the instructionsEvery device will come with instructions, and these must be read properly before use. Different suppliers and products have different usage rules so if you have previously used red light therapy at home and you have now ordered from a different brand, you should still read the instructions. Cleanse your skin before using the red light therapy padand remove any makeup, dirt or oil; you can then place it at a comfortable distance from your body where you are experiencing the pain. Turn the device onThere will be an on switch you need to press or flick and you can then select an appropriate wavelength and intensity level. Start with a low-intensity level and then gradually increase the level. Position the device in the right spotHold the device close to the skin or place it on the affected area. HealthLight recommends 10-20 minutes at a time for the treatment sessions using HealthLight therapy pads. However, this can vary depending on your condition and the particular device you are using. Relax and enjoy the processThe process shouldnt be stressful, it should be relaxing and beneficial. The red light therapy can be used once or twice a day, this will all depend on the outcome youre looking for. Clean the device thoroughly after useThis must happen after every session as you dont want to let any bacteria linger on the device after use. Turn it off and clean it with products that the manufacturer recommends in the instructions. Red light therapy home use is a safe way to reduce pain and target areas that are bothering you. For those that have medical issues, you should consult your doctor before using red light therapy devices or get in contact with the supplier of red light therapy products prior to ordering.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNWhy not own your own Near Infrared Light Therapy system? That way you and your family can use it to get pain relief whenever and wherever you want in the comfort of your own home while relaxing, reading, studying, watching television, or answering emails or in your hotel room when traveling.Light Therapy is painless, non-invasive, drug-free, has no known side effects, and can be very easily administered. So whats stopping you from taking advantage of Light Therapys pain management and natural acceleration of your bodys innate healing processes? Perhaps only one thing knowing how to choose the right Light Therapy system.Choosing the Most Effective Light Therapy SystemIn order to be easy and effective, a system must:Have the correct wavelengths of lightDeliver the right amount of power densityHave adequate area coverage for your needsYour most important priority should be purchasing your system from a reputable manufacturer that is cleared by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). FDA-cleared systems meet important safety standards. Be aware that some Light Therapy systems may be of low quality or non-FDA-cleared. Also watch out for systems that have inadequate power and energy output, or whose designs will limit their therapy applications.Questions to Ask Before Buying a Red Light Therapy SystemBefore you make a purchase, here are some important questions to ask:Is this Light Therapy system FDA-cleared?Is there a warranty and, if so, how long is the warranty period?Is there a repair center?Is there a way to repair my system after the warranty expires?Is there support if I have any questions in the future?Is this system flexible enough to allow for a variety of therapy applications?All HealthLight devices are cleared by the FDA. There is a one-year warranty on all Express systems (pads with Express inline controllers) and a two-year warranty on all Clinical systems (3 and 6-port controller systems). Any needed repairs after the warranty period can be made at our manufacturing facility in Illinois for a reasonable flat rate fee per item. The turnaround time for repairs is only 3 to 5 business days (not counting the devices travel time to and from the repair facility), so you will not have to wait long for your Light Therapy system to return to you.Choosing the Right Red Light Therapy PadsA general rule is that to be most effective, the pad(s) in your system should cover the entire body area where pain relief and increased circulation are needed. For example, a large pad would be best if you need Light Therapy over your back, knee, or shoulder. A long thin pad can be wrapped around a joint, hand, or wrist. A medium-sized rectangular pad might be sufficient if you require therapy on your lower back. A small, square pad would be adequate for applying Light Therapy at the back of your neck, or over your wrist, your TMJ area, or other smaller, localized area. And if you are one of millions who suffer from foot and leg pain, pads in a boot-like shape would be your best pick to cover the calf and foot at one time.Be sure to choose pads that are not only comfortable but also flexible, for pad flexibility allows versatility being able to use one pad for therapy on many parts of the body. In the HealthLight catalog, the Large 264 Pad offers flexibility, versatility, and large area coverage. For therapy on bigger areas such as the back, spine, shoulder, or hip, the Large 264 Pad is an excellent choice. And it can also be wrapped around a knee, ankle, or wrist. HealthLights Long 180 Pad is extremely well suited for use on hands and feet, as it can be folded over for either a mitt or slipper-like effect, sending Near-Infrared light to both sides of the hand or foot at once. HealthLights Foot and Ankle 122 Pad is excellent for increasing circulation and bringing relief to those with various types of leg and foot pain.HealthLight Express Controller Systems Perfect for Home UseA Light Therapy system usually has two types of components: a pad containing near infrared/red emitting diodes, and a separate electronic controller that powers the pad(s). But HealthLights Express Controller Systems offer in-line controllers, which are controllers that are attached to the the power supply for the pads. Since the controller is attached, it will not be lost or forgotten. HealthLights very affordable Express Controller Systems are user-friendly, with one-touch operation that runs a twenty-minute program and then alerts you to the automatic shut-off by a beep. HealthLight offers their Express Controllers with both one-pad and two-pad configurations, as one controller is able to operate two pads at once. The new Express In-Line Controller Systems Long 180 & Large 264 Combo Pad Multi-Use System can handle almost any therapy need.Selecting a System with a Separate ControllerIf you do desire to have more comprehensive therapy sessions utilizing three or more pads simultaneously, you might consider investing in a system that has a separate controller that can power more pads at one time. Controllers usually have two to six ports, with each port operating a single pad. Just make sure you determine exactly how many pads you want to use simultaneously and purchase a controller with enough ports. HealthLight offers 3 and 6-port controller systems that pair with their Clinical Therapy Pads. HealthLights Clinical Therapy Pads all come with a two-year warranty.Make the Purchase for You and Your FamilyBringing a Light Therapy system into your home will be a big boost to the health and well being of your entire family. Having Light Therapy immediately available will bring years of effective relief from pain and poor circulation. HealthLight offers a wide range of in-home systems for your needs and pocketbook.
Since the 1960s, thousands of scientific studies have proven the benefits of treating the human body with light. This process is known as photobiomodulation.What is Photobiomodulation?Photobiomodu-lation (PBM) is a treatment method based on research findings showing that irradiation with certain wavelengths of red or near-infrared light has been shown to produce a range of physiological effects in cells, tissues, animals and humans.The two technologies most highly regarded for photobiomodulation are laser (an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) and LED (light-emitting diode) red light therapy devices. Both of these technologies have proven to be beneficial for the treatment of a wide variety of chronic diseases, particularly musculoskeletal issues.For over forty years, low level laser (light) therapy (LLLT) and LED (light emitting diode) therapy (also known as photobiomodulation) has been shown to reduce inflammation and edema, induce analgesia, and promote healing in a range of musculoskeletal pathologies.LED Red Light Therapy vs LaserAlthough lasers and LED Therapy pads are based on the same science, there are many differences between these two technologies. If you are trying to decide which therapy device is better for your personal use, here are six advantages of LED Red Light Therapy vs Laser:1. No Safety Concerns with LED Therapy PadsUnfortunately, lasers in the home pose certain risks, and the full burden of responsibility for safety is on the home user. If used incorrectly, lasers can potentially cause health hazards.According to OSHA, The human body is vulnerable to the output of certain lasers, and under certain circumstances, exposure can result in damage to the eye and skin. Eyes are generally more vulnerable to laser damage than skin. high-powered lasers have the potential to irreversibly damage the eye, which can result in bilateral central visual acuity loss.Laser induced retinopathy (LIR) damage in children as well as adults can occur by unsupervised handling of a laser because, There is a widespread lack of knowledge about the risks of viewing the beam emanating directly from handheld lasers, and particularly those with high-output powers. But LED Therapy Pads have no known negative side effects, allowing them to be used without safety concerns. Dr. Michael Hamblin, a pioneer in the study of light therapy, states, LED devices are considered totally harmless with no risk of eye damage or skin burns, and are ideally suited to home use.2. No Training Needed to Operate an LED DeviceBecause of the aforementioned risks that lasers pose, some degree of user training and education is necessary for safe operation. A laser is as safe or as hazardous as the user and that users knowledge and skill, defines how well laser safety is managed.But because LED Therapy pads pose little risk, no special training or education is necessary. Pads are simply placed on the body where needed, the LED therapy system is turned on, a setting may be selected, and the pads proceed to do their work. Most controllers will stop automatically and signal the conclusion of the therapy session.Because operation is so simple, easy, and without risk, children as well as adults can safely treat themselves with LED Therapy pads!3. LED Therapy Pads Have Much Larger Area CoverageLight beams emitted from a laser are typically tiny to small in size. This can be a big limitation for quick and effective treatment of large body areas such as the back, the hip, or the leg. A laser would have to be frequently moved around in order to effectively treat these larger areas. But even the smallest LED Therapy pads provide much larger coverage than the spot size of a laser beam.Medium to large LED Therapy pads can even be wrapped around joints and limbs, so both the front and back can be treated simultaneously. And with LED Therapy Pads, configurations that target problems in specific body areas are available. For example, users with foot issues can purchase boots that wrap the foot and ankle, or the foot and calf, for more focused treatment.4. Ease of Home UseWhile safely using a laser requires some degree of education/training and vigilance, self-treatment using LED Therapy pads is amazingly simple and easy so much so that many chiropractors have developed in-home LED red light pain therapy programs for their chronic pain patients, encouraging them to purchase a medical-grade red light therapy pad system for self-treatment at home in addition to clinic visits. However, clinics that offer medical-grade laser therapy usually have these treatments performed by trained professionals in-clinic.5. Users Can Engage in Other Activities While Being TreatedLasers usually require that the eyes be kept closed, or that safety goggles are worn for ocular protection during treatments. But with LED Therapy pads, the eyes do not need protection, allowing the user to read or watch television. And if the hands are not being treated, users can work on a computer or tablet, or use a cell phone during therapy.6. LED Devices Carry a Lower Price TagLED Red Light Therapy pads offer a lower and more attractive price tag than lasers. LEDs are much cheaper than laser devices on average. The cost of a professional medical-grade handheld therapeutic laser can start at several thousand dollars and more, while professional, medical-grade LED devices usually start under $1,000, depending on the controller and the LED Therapy pads in the system.Choose LED Red Light Therapy Pads and Choose HealthLight!For these reasons and more, purchasing a Red Light/Infrared Therapy system rather than a laser for personal in-home therapy is a better choice for many people, especially those with issues that cover a large area of the body or disorders affecting the foot where a boot would be the most helpful. HealthLight makes the most powerful clinical strength LED Red Light/Infrared Therapy systems available.Light Therapy systems from HealthLight are durable, high quality medical-grade devices for both clinics and consumers that deliver the optimum amount of joules for the best therapeutic outcomes. HealthLight offers a variety of Red Light Therapy pad systems to meet the needs of any individual, family, or health practitioner. When choosing a device to administer Red Light Therapy for pain choose HealthLight! To learn more please call 312-669-1053.
Why Use Red Light Therapy for Pain?Using red light therapy for pain can form part of a healthy lifestyle. Light therapy is great or supporting bodily balance as well as improving the efficiency of cellular functions. Like exercise, nutritious eating, and restful sleep, healthy light exposure can have a big impact on managing inflammation and pain all over the body. Which type of red light therapy pad you will need will largely depend upon where the pain is located on your body.Red Light Therapy for Pain: How to Select the Best Pad Sizes and Shapes for Your NeedsWhats your description of the perfect pain relief device? For most people, it would probably be non-invasive, painless, fast-acting, effective, relaxing, dependable, have no known negative side effects, and be very simple and easy to self-administer.And it would be a plus if you could watch television, listen to music, read a book, talk on the phone, or work on your computer while the device was working on you. So heres some good news: LED Red Light Therapy is all of this and much more!In addition to providing fast, effective, and dependable pain-relief, LED Red Light Therapy for pain also increases circulation and triggers, accelerates, and supports your bodys own innate healing processes!So, if you would like to experience the many benefits of LED Light Therapy for yourself, but perhaps are a little perplexed about which light therapy pads to purchase. This information will help you decide on the best red light therapy devices for your needs.Red Light Therapy Pads That Give Effective CoverageUsing red light therapy for pain is one of the best ways to combat To be most effective, the red light therapy pad(s) in your system should cover the entire area that needs pain relief and increased circulation.For example, a large red light pad would be best if you need therapy over a larger area perhaps your back, hip, or shoulder. A long thin LED pad can be wrapped around a joint, hand, or thigh, or cover the upper or lower spine.And if you are one of millions who suffer from pain in the lower extremities, pads in a boot-like shape would be your best option to relieve foot pain using red light therapy.Two Questions When Choosing The Best Light Therapy Pad for PainThe primary question to ask yourself is: Where do I need pain relief the most? And the second question is: Do I have pain anywhere else in my body? It is important to take all areas of your body that need pain relief intoconsideration when choosing pads. So, while a small, square pad would be fine for treating the back of your neck if this is your most painful area, it might not provide the best coverage for also treating your lower back. A medium or a long thin pad would be a better choice for providing enough coverage to treat both areas.When using red light therapy for pain, ensure that you select pads that are not only comfortable but also flexible, for pad flexibility allows versatility being able to use the same pad for therapy on many parts of your body, in case you ever experience a future issue or injury.Table Of Using Red Light Therapy For Various Types of PainAlthough pad sizes and shapes vary with each manufacturer, here are the best light therapy devices for treating different body areas. HealthLight, a leading American manufacturer of medical-grade FDA-cleared LED Light Therapy devices, makes pads in all of these sizes and shapes:Light Therapy for Pain ReliefExposing your skin to a lamp, device or laser with red light is how you start using red light therapy for pain. A 2015 study written by Michael R. Hamblin and James Carroll (two pioneers in Phototherapy treatment and PBM research) with co-authors Roberta T. Chow and Howard B. Cotler, concluded that Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT) is beneficial for pain relief and can accelerate the bodys ability to heal itself. LLLT has a long history and strong basic science evidence, which supports its use in pain management. More specifically, they determined that Near Infrared Therapy, which includes phototherapy treatments using certain wavelengths of LED light can effectively treat all causes of musculoskeletal pain. The overall positive short term clinical studies in addition to strong laboratory studies should give the clinical confidence that LLLT may be beneficial for many individuals suffering from musculoskeletal pain, regardless of the cause.Like any effective chronic pain treatment program, using Light Therapy for pain relief can produce benefits that are short, medium, and long-term. In the short-term, pain relief may occur within minutes of applying LED Light Therapy while in the medium-term there can be a decrease in inflammation and a reduction of pain within hours to days. And results can last far longer. The long-term effects of LLLT occur within a week or two and can last for months and sometimes years as a result of improved tissue healing. For example, A review of 16 randomized clinical trials including a total of 820 patients found that LLLT reduces acute neck pain immediately after treatment, and up to 22 weeks after completion of treatment in patients with chronic neck pain. Dr. Shelley reports that the majority of his patients realize improvement within the first two weeks after using red light therapy for pain.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNFrom the tips of the toes to the metatarsals, the Achilles tendon, and the ankle, everyone has experienced foot pain at some point in their life. Luckily infrared light therapy for feet can help ease pain.Foot injuries can include sprains, strains, or even chronic diseases like arthritis and diabetes. But regardless of the cause, is there anything available today that can help relieve both pain and poor sensation in the foot?Yes Infrared Light Therapy for Feet!Infrared Light Therapy Is Perfect for FeetInfrared Light Therapy is a fast-growing technology used to treat a multitude of conditions that require stimulation of healing, relief of pain and inflammation, and restoration of function.[1] For those suffering from foot problems, pain relief, healing, and the restoration of mobility are all critically important. Studies prove that pain in any area of the foot responds well to Red Light Therapy.Infrared Light Therapy systems are considered to be Class II Medical Devices, and have been granted FDA clearance for increasing circulation, relieving pain, relaxing muscles, relieving muscle spasms, and relieving the aches and stiffness caused by arthritis. For those suffering from foot problems Red Light Therapys ability to increase circulation is very important. Why?Circulation is KeyScientific studies confirm that Infrared Light Therapy foot pads are beneficial for relieving foot pain and can accelerate the bodys ability to heal itself.[2] And the key to reducing foot pain and accelerating healing is increasing circulation, a process where LED Light Therapy excels. By increasing circulation, red light therapy for feet relieves pain plus provides the support that the body needs to repair itself, particularly nerves and tissues allowing more flow of blood rich in nutrients and oxygen to eventually restore sensation in the foot, leading to better balance and mobility!The Benefits of Red-Light Therapy for FeetLED Light Therapy foot pads are non-invasive and uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to produce light waves in the visible and infrared spectrum that painlessly penetrate the skin and are absorbed by the body. Infrared (IR) light waves have a beneficial effect on nerves. Science has discovered that, Nerve cells respond particularly well to IR.[3] and that IR can induce neural stimulation effects as well as promoting a wide range of therapeutic benefits in cells or tissues.[4] This is exactly what those who suffer from poor sensation in the foot are searching for!Try Infrared Light Therapy for FeetRegular & frequent LED Light Therapy sessions may help painful chronic foot conditions to be manageable without surgery. Many manufacturers of LED Light Therapy systems such as HealthLight make light therapy pads that are specifically designed for treating the foot. HealthLight, a leading American manufacturer of medical-grade FDA-cleared LED Light Therapy devices, makes 4 light therapy pads that are perfect for treating feet:HealthLights Foot & Calf 131 Diode Pad:Attached Velcro straps wrap over the top of the foot and around the calf securely hold the pad in place, treating the sole and the back of the calf simultaneously. It features 131 LEDs: 83 infrared (850 nm) and 48 red (630 nm). The top section measures 7x 9 while the middle to bottom section is 4.5x 15.5. This pad can be used in two ways:Extended up the back of the calf to cover the calf and the bottom of the foot.Reversed 180 degrees and folded in half to treat both the top and bottom of the foot.The Foot & Calf 131 Infrared Light Pad can be purchased in a double pad package, allowing you to save time by treating both feet simultaneously.HealthLights Foot & Ankle 122 Diode Pad:This uniquely shaped 3-section pad features 122 LEDs: 70 infrared (850 nm) and 52 red (630 nm). The top section measures 8 wide x 5 long, the middle measures 12 long x 4 wide, and the bottom measures 7 long x 6 wide. This pad can be used in two ways extended or folded over:When extended, it covers the bottom of the foot from the toes to the back of the heel, continuing up the calf.When folded over, it covers the toes and foot like a boot, covering the top of the foot, the sole, the heel, and both ankles.The Foot & Ankle 122 Infrared Light Pad can be purchased in a double pad package, allowing you to save time by treating both feet simultaneously.HealthLights Long 180 Diode Pad:This pad features 180 LEDs: 80 red (630 nm) and 100 infrared (850 nm). At 16x 5, this highly flexible long and narrow pad can be used in three ways:Over the top of the foot and under the sole;Under the sole, up the heel, and into the calf;Place horizontally and put both feet on top to treat the toes or heels.The Long 180 infrared light pad is also available with blue, red, and infrared LEDs for the same price.HealthLights Small 90 Diode Pad:The size and rectangular shape of the small 90 infrared light pad make it perfect for foot treatment. Just place the foot on top, or put the pad over the toes, or strap across the ankle with Velcro. At 9.8 x 4.5, this pad should cover the toes, sole, heel, or ankle area. It features 90 LEDs: 50 infrared (950 nm) and 40 red (630 nm).Give Foot Pain the Boot!Foot pain and poor foot sensation do not have to limit mobility and reduce the quality of daily life. LED Light Therapy is the perfect soothing solution for all types of foot problems. Purchasing an LED Light Therapy device from HealthLight will help you and/or your patients experience fast-acting, dependable pain relief. HealthLight makes the most durable and most powerful clinical strength LED Light Therapy systems available today! For more information on how red light therapy works, get in touch with out experts.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNDid you know that the shoulder is the most moveable joint in the body?[1] But it is unstable and prone to injury Because the ball of the upper arm is larger than the socket of the shoulder. Unfortunately, this simple fact about the human body makes everyone susceptible to a shoulder injury at some point in life.Common shoulder problems like rotator cuff tendonitis and injuries, frozen shoulder, swimmers shoulder, snapping scapula syndrome, shoulder bursitis, and rheumatoid arthritis can be debilitating, for the pain associated with any type of shoulder injury can be brutal.And to make matters worse, on top of the pain, the limited range of motion, muscle weakness, and soft tissue swelling can have a dramatic impact on your quality of life. What can help?Medical Treatment vs. Red Light TherapyTraditional medical treatment for shoulder issues range from over-the-counter pain relievers and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications and muscle relaxants for non-acute conditions, to lidocaine or corticosteroid injections for acute and chronic conditions.And in instances of more serious problems, doctors may prescribe partial and even entire shoulder joint replacement (arthroplasty) surgery.But there is a much more natural approach for relieving shoulder pain.Non-invasive Red Light/Infrared Therapy can bring fast-acting and effective relief from shoulder aches, pains, and stiffness without the long list of negative side effects so common today with pharmaceutical drugs, and the risks and pain of injections and/or surgery.In addition to pain relief, Red Light/Infrared Therapy also increases circulation, reduces swelling, and stimulates, accelerates, and supports the bodys own innate healing processes to gradually regenerate nerves and tissues an important beneficial outcome which pain relievers and muscle relaxants cannot achieve.For science has discovered that low doses of light have demonstrated the ability to heal skin, nerves, tendons, cartilage and bones.Just a simple and relaxing twenty-minute therapy session can effectively reduce pain and stiffness, improving shoulder joint range of motion and putting you on the path to the return of arm function.Best Therapy Pads for ShouldersWhen choosing a Red Light/Infrared Therapy system for treating shoulder issues, it is most important that the therapy pads cover the entire shoulder area. HealthLight, a US manufacturer of professional medical-grade light therapy systems, offers 5 different LED therapy pads that are excellent for treating the shoulder. And as all HealthLight pads are flexible, this makes them also versatile meaning that the same therapy pad can be used to treat many additional areas of the body as shown on this chart:From the soles of your feet all the way up to your shoulders and neck, Red Light/Infrared Therapy can benefit your body. Light therapy brings fast, effective, and dependable relief from aches, pains, and stiffness, and accelerates your bodys own innate healing processes.HealthLight makes the most powerful clinical strength LED Red Light/Infrared Therapy systems available in todays marketplace. LED Light Therapy systems from HealthLight are durable, high quality medical-grade devices for both clinics and consumers that deliver the optimum amount of joules for the best therapeutic outcomes.HealthLight offers a variety of red light systems to meet the needs of any individual, family, or health clinic. When choosing Red Light/Infrared Therapy equipment choose HealthLight!
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNDepending on the type of surgery you are undergoing, infrared light therapy can be used as a post-surgery therapy and its important to consider how soon after surgery can you use red light therapy. Red light therapy helps to reduce pain and increase circulation after procedures and is popular among those who want to speed up the process of healing and get back to their normal selves as soon as possible. Here you can find out about the different steps you will need to take when utilizing infrared light therapy post-surgery and some of the important information you need to remember. What is red light therapy and how does it help healing post surgery? Infrared light therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy or photobiomodulation, has been shown to be beneficial in promoting healing and reducing pain after surgery. How soon after surgery can you use red light therapy should be considered to maximize healing time. Here is a guide to using infrared light therapy post-surgery:Consult with your doctor: Before starting any post-surgery treatment, its important to consult with your doctor to ensure that infrared light therapy is safe for you and wont interfere with any other treatments you may be taking.Choose the right device: There are many different infrared light therapy devices on the market, ranging from handheld devices to large panels. Choose a device that is appropriate for the area you need to treat and that has been shown to be effective in clinical studies.Follow the recommended treatment protocol: Infrared light therapy is typically administered for a certain amount of time per session and for a specific number of sessions per week. At HealthLight, we recommend three times per day, for 20 minute sessions. For more information on how often you should use red light therapy, click here.Position the device correctly: Position the device so that the infrared light is directed at the surgical site. If youre using a red light therapy pad, wrap it around the area where you are experiencing pain.Be consistent: Infrared light therapy works best when used consistently, so be sure to follow the recommended guidelines and use the device on a regular basis.Its important to follow the recommended treatment protocol and consult with your doctor before starting any new treatment, even red light therapy if you plan on using it short or long term. How soon after surgery can you use red light therapy?The time you leave between surgery and starting red light therapy will usually depend on the specific surgical procedure you underwent and your individual recovery process. It is important to consult with your healthcare provider or surgeon to determine when it is safe to start using red light therapy.In general, red light therapy is a non-invasive and low-risk treatment that wont harm when used properly. However, it is important to ensure that any incisions or wounds from surgery have had sufficient time to heal before beginning red light therapy. Your healthcare provider may recommend waiting until the incision has completely closed and any swelling or inflammation has subsided before starting red light therapy. This may take several weeks or longer, depending on the nature and extent of your surgery.Once you have received clearance from your healthcare provider, you can start using red light therapy to help promote healing and reduce inflammation. It is important to follow any instructions provided by your healthcare provider or the manufacturer of your red light therapy device to ensure that you are using it safely and effectively.Why is it worth using infrared light therapy after surgery? After surgery infrared light therapy has been shown to have a variety of benefits. Some of the main reasons why its worth considering are for pain relief, increased circulation, improved healing and due to its non-invasive nature it can be used alongside other treatments. Those who use red light therapy can heal faster than those who dont; this is down to how the light stimulates ATP production and other cellular components that are essential for tissue repair. Healing faster means there is less chance of infection or bacteria in wounds or injuries.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNAs Red Light Therapy becomes more popular worldwide, new light therapy devices keep popping up everywhere. Even mainstream internet shopping sites like and offer pages and pages of products. Countless light treatment lamps, wands, masks, slippers, gloves, and even near-infrared light bulbs are now being produced by a multitude of manufacturers.However, if you want to own a high quality, medical grade light therapy device that is durable and will emit light in the correct wavelengths and deliver the right amount of power density to actually be effective for pain relief and increased circulation, then diligent research will most likely lead you to either NIR Therapy pad systems or panel systems. So, which should you choose?Basic Similarities and DifferencesPads and panel systems are similar in that both are based on the exact same science; both systems use wavelengths of red light, infrared light, and sometimes blue light; the recommended time period for treatment sessions is often the same (twenty minutes); and both systems require the light to reach bare skin in order to be effective, because light waves cannot fully penetrate through clothing. The major difference between pads and panels is that pads treat targeted areas of the body, while panels transmit light to a much wider area.A Light Shower Versus Targeted TreatmentBasically, sitting in front of a panel system is like receiving a shower of light. And, just like shower, having exposed skin is necessary. Therefore, if you want the light waves to penetrate as much of the front or the back of your body as possible, then you have to remain unclothed during treatment. Pads, however, can be placed under clothing to directly touch the skin, allowing for deeper penetration and greater absorption of light waves.The Bottom LinePad systems offer many advantages over panel systems. The reason most people invest in a light therapy system is to help relieve the pain associated with acute or long-standing issues such as joint and back pain, muscle spasms, arthritis, and foot and leg pain. So having flexible pads that touch the skin to target the light into specific areas where relief is needed should be more efficient and effective than having light dispersed to a larger area at least 6 to 14 from the body. Some manufacturers even recommend being 16 to 24 away from certain devices.HealthLights Medical DevicesIf you wish to experience the benefits of having your own light therapy pad system, HealthLights Express At-Home Line with conveniently attached controllers and single button operation is perfect for in-home use:HealthLights Large 264 Pad is helpful for treating shoulder, upper and/or lower back, hip, and knee pain. HealthLights Long 180 Pad can wrap around joints and limbs. HealthLights Small 90 Pad is beneficial for alleviating neck pain and arthritis pain in the hand. HealthLight also makes boot systems specifically designed for treating foot pain HealthLights 122 Foot & Ankle Pad and 131 Foot & Calf Pad both come in one or two boot packages.HealthLights Red Light Therapy systems are considered to be Class II medical devices, and have received FDA clearance for relieving pain, increasing circulation, relaxing muscles, relieving muscle spasms, and alleviating the aches and stiffness caused by arthritis. Treat yourself to the dependable pain relief provided by a HealthLight NIR Therapy system today!
For those who worry about traveling because of pain in their feet, or have back, knee or hip issues, you dont have to curtail your wanderlust. Near-infrared (red LED light) Therapy can open the door to a better quality of life, allowing you the freedom from pain and discomfort to venture out and travel when you desire. So the next time you pack your bags for that long-awaited vacation, or even that spontaneous weekend getaway, dont forget to include an LED Light Therapy system in your suitcase. Here are 4 reasons why:1) Long Periods of Sitting During Plane, Train, or Car TravelSitting still in a cramped space for a long period of time during travel, whether in a car, a train, or an airplane, can increase discomfort, especially for those with poor circulation. Sitting still in a confined area for extended periods may also lead to muscle stiffness, muscle spasms, and heightened pain. Medical-grade LED Light Therapy devices from reputable manufacturers such as HealthLight have received clearances from the FDA for the temporary increase in local circulation, and for the temporary relief of pain, stiffness, and muscle spasms. So self-administering LED Light Therapy daily several weeks before traveling, and especially on the day of your trip, not to mention as soon as you arrive at your accommodations, will be a big help in making sure your circulation remains healthy.2) Walking More Than UsualVacations are a time for seeing the sights in a different area experiencing new restaurants; exploring museums, theme parks, hiking trails, or a myriad of other attractions. All of this means walking more than you normally do. With a LED Light Therapy system waiting for you wherever you are staying, you may not have to think twice about exploring the downtown area or taking that hike. Twenty minutes of treatment in the morning before you go out, and then another twenty minutes of LED Light Therapy again when you return to your room will keep your feet, balance, and gait steady and ready for another day of adventure.3) Sports InjuriesIf you are like most people, you will take the opportunity to engage in some type of sports activity at some point during your vacation. But intense activity like golfing, tennis, canoeing, hiking, and biking, especially when it is not part of your usual routine, may cause an injury like muscle aches, strains, or sprains in the lower back, knee, shoulder, or hip. This is when having a LED Light Therapy system at your disposal at any time comes in very handy to increase circulation and reduce pain in any part of your body that needs support.4) Your FamilyAnd last but not least, if any members of your family are traveling with you, especially seniors or those with chronic conditions, this is enough of a reason to take a LED Light Therapy system with you for everyones use and well being. Having a LED Light Therapy system on hand to help alleviate any pain and discomfort arising from reasons 1 through 4 not only for you personally, but also for your loved ones, will make any vacation more enjoyable and memorable, especially when everyone in your group is able to be more physically comfortable and active the whole time.Lightweight and EssentialFor all of the above reasons, a LED Light Therapy system can be considered an essential travel item, as important as your toothbrush, sunglasses, Swiss army knife, or favorite pair of sneakers. If you already own one of HealthLights Express At-Home Systems, then you know how lightweight and convenient it is, especially the small size of the controller. These controllers are in-line, meaning they are attached to the LED Light Therapy pads and will not be lost, or forgotten when packing. And all of these systems come with their own travel bag.Easy-to-operate HealthLight systems are user-friendly, with one-touch operation that runs an automatic twenty-minute program with automatic shut-off. HealthLight offers their Express At-Home Systems with both one-pad and two-pad configurations, as one controller is able to operate two pads simultaneously. HealthLights pads are strong, comfortable, and flexible. They are also extremely versatile, meaning that the same pad can be used on many different parts of your body.HealthLight offers a wide range of affordable, easy-to-use home systems to meet all needs and pocketbooks to help people everywhere achieve a better quality of life. If you dont have a HealthLight system, consider getting one today, in plenty of time before your next trip! [1] Cotler, Howard B. et al. The Use of Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) For Musculoskeletal Pain. MOJ Orthop Rheumatol. 2015 ; 2(5): . doi:10.15406/mojor.2015.02.00068, p. 3.
Increased circulation. Better nerve sensitivity. Reduced pain. These are just some of the benefits of red light therapy. Unfortunately, they are also the needs of millions of people. Those with diabetes. Those suffering from peripheral neuropathy. Those with chronic pain.Poor sensation in the toes or feet is usually caused by a lack of blood supply or nerve damage. This condition can be symptomatic of a large number of diseases, disorders, or conditions that hamper blood flow (circulation) or cause injury to the nerves. This loss of sensation can be in one foot (unilateral) or both feet (bilateral). This condition almost always progressively worsens if not handled properly, and will never completely disappear. At best, it can only be managed. So, what are the benefits of red light therapy, how can red light therapy help you?Red Light Therapy Increases CirculationAs the infographic below illustrates, the key to both decreasing pain and increasing sensation is to increase circulation. One of the easiest and non-invasive ways to improve circulation is by using red light therapy. The diodes in the red light therapy device release photons of light of specific wavelength and intensity, which penetrate deep into the body and trigger a cascade of beneficial chemical reactions, especially the instant release of nitric oxide. This is one of the biggest benefits of using red light therapy.Nitric oxide is the human bodys natural vasodilator, instantaneously widening the blood vessels and capillaries and allowing for improved circulation in the local area under the NIR Light Therapy pad. This improved blood flow brings nutrient-rich and oxygen-rich blood into the nerves and other tissues, which reduces pain. This increased flow of blood helps the body to operate in a state of homeostasis, or a stable equilibrium of physical and chemical conditions, thereby promoting optimal functioning where circulation is increased and pain is reduced.Nitric oxide is also a messenger molecule that helps kick start the bodys own natural healing ability. Nerves become healthier and begin to fire more normally. And over time, nerves are able to transmit sensation again. So, by increasing the production of nitric oxide, NIR Light Therapy increases circulation, speeds healing, and relieves pain. And, as nerves heal and sensation is increased, balance is improved and falls reduce. This boost in local circulation and pain reduction produced by a twenty-minute NIR Light Therapy session can last for several hours after the treatment concludes.Benefits of Red Light Therapy InfographicThis easy-to-understand infographic above illustrates the benefits of Light Therapy for increased circulation and pain reduction. The right half of the wheel tells how Light Therapy works, while the left half of the wheel illustrates the life-changing improvements that using Light Therapy can bring to you and those you love.Start clockwise at the top right yellow segment, Photon energy releases Nitric Oxide, and by the time you reach the last dark blue segment at the top left, Reduction in falls that are caused by lack of sensation, you should have a good basic understanding of how Light Therapy works its magic within the body. This infographic is based on the solid science of thousands of peer-reviewed studies over the last several decades that prove how effective Light Therapy is in supporting the human bodys innate healing capabilities.The Many Benefits of Red Light TherapyIn addition to all the important benefits of red light therapy listed on this infographic the reduction of pain and discomfort which leads to improved sleep, tissue healing, and healthier nerves firing more normally that eventually increase sensation Red Light Therapy offers many advantages when compared to other types of treatment.List of the benefits of red light therapy:Non-invasive and Painless: Near-infrared LED light therapy is a non-invasive and painless treatment option. It does not require any incisions or injections, making it a comfortable and well-tolerated choice for individuals seeking alternative therapies.Versatile Application: One of the notable advantages of red light therapy is its ability to be used on any area of the body (except the eyes). Whether youre targeting joint pain, muscle soreness, skin conditions, or other specific areas, near-infrared light therapy can be applied directly to the desired location.All-natural Alternative: Red light therapy provides an all-natural alternative to costly and potentially addictive drugs. Instead of relying solely on medication to manage pain or other conditions, individuals can explore the benefits of near-infrared light therapy as a drug-free option.Non-surgical Alternative: For individuals considering expensive and painful surgical procedures, Red light therapy offers a non-surgical alternative. It can provide relief and promote healing without the need for invasive interventions, reducing the associated risks and downtime.Simple and effective: Red light therapy is a simple yet highly effective treatment modality. It involves using LED light devices that emit near-infrared wavelengths, which penetrate the skin and stimulate cellular processes. The treatment can be easily incorporated into daily routines and is known for its effectiveness in various applications.Simultaneous Treatment of Multiple Areas: Red light therapy allows for the simultaneous treatment of different areas of the body using multiple pads. This feature enhances convenience and efficiency, as multiple regions can be addressed simultaneously during a single session.Self-administration at Home: Near-infrared LED light therapy is user-friendly and can be self-administered in the comfort of ones own home. This accessibility makes it a convenient option for individuals seeking regular treatments without the need for frequent visits to a healthcare professional.Multimodal Integration: Red light therapy can be used in conjunction with other therapies such as chiropractic, massage, physical therapy, PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) therapy, or electrical stimulation. Combining near-infrared light therapy with other modalities can potentially amplify therapeutic results and offer a comprehensive approach to wellness.Multi-tasking Comfort: During near-infrared LED light therapy sessions, individuals can comfortably sit or lie down while receiving treatment. This allows for multitasking activities like watching television, listening to music, reading, or talking on the phone, making it a convenient and enjoyable experience.Improved Circulation and Pain Reduction: Red light therapy has been shown to increase circulation and reduce pain. The wavelengths of near-infrared light penetrate deep into tissues, promoting vasodilation and enhancing blood flow. Improved circulation can aid in tissue repair, reduce inflammation, and alleviate pain.Red Light Therapy at HomeIf you suffer from a decrease in sensation caused by a lack of circulation in your feet (or hands), or acute or chronic pain anywhere in your body, consider purchasing your own red light therapy devices from HealthLight. One of the biggest benefits of red light therapy is that it can be performed from the comfort of your home. Owning your own HealthLight system for your convenient use at any time will bring you years of improved circulation and pain relief. Plus:The same pad(s) can be used to treat multiple issues affecting different body areasOne system can be used by the whole family, boosting their health and well-beingHealthLight Red Light Therapy systems are light-weight and can be easily packed and carried with you when traveling. HealthLight offers a wide range of affordable red light therapy devices for every need and pocketbook. HealthLights Express At-Home line of easy-to-operate systems is user-friendly, with one-touch operation that runs an automatic twenty-minute program with automatic shut-off. For those seeking to improve circulation in their feet, HealthLights 131 Foot & Calf pad covers both the top and bottom of the foot. Their 122 Foot & Ankle pad also covers the top and bottom of the foot plus the Achilles tendon, and partially wraps around the ankle. Both of these pads can be purchased singly, or as a double pad package allowing both feet to receive treatment at once. For those needing support in other areas, HealthLights Large 264 & Long 180 Pad Package can handle almost any therapy need.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNBy adding low level light therapy to their treatment menus, doctors of Podiatric medicine can reap substantial benefits from both patients and revenue. Low level light therapy for podiatry practices are an emerging treatment that is becoming more and more popular.Low Level Light Therapy for Podiatry TreatmentsLight Therapy uses NIR (Near-Infrared Light) to treat pain and are considered Class II Medical Devices. NIR Therapy is backed by decades of science and can be depended upon for effective pain relief and circulation support for a wide range of lower extremity ailments necessitating podiatry treatments, proving itself to be painless, extremely safe, simple, easy to administer, and very effective.LED Light Therapy relieves pain, increases circulation, relaxes muscles, relieves muscles spasms, and relieves aches/stiffness caused by arthritis. Low level light therapy is non-invasive, and has no known negative side effects which makes it a unique option for podiatry treatments.Pain drastically decreases or disappears for up to several hours after the conclusion of a therapy session, making NIR Therapy an effective all-natural alternative to corticosteroid injection and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for lower extremity pain relief and management. With regular treatment sessions, sub-acute and chronic painful lower extremity conditions may be able to be managed non-surgically.NIR Therapy is gentle, relaxing, and comforting, alleviating pain, stiffness and soreness just what is needed to soothe an aching foot and increase patient satisfaction.How Can LED Light Therapy Therapy Reduce Pain for your Patients?During twenty minutes of a typical NIR Therapy session, as waves of light penetrate the body, a photochemical reaction referred to as photobiomodulation or PBM is induced in the cells. Cascades of therapeutic chemical processes are released. Radiation of tissue with light causes an increase in mitochondrial products such as ATP, NADH, protein, and RNA.[1] ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) provides energy to the cells and also fights oxidative stress. Nitric oxide from hemoglobin and endothelial cells is also released, relaxing smooth muscle cells found in the arteries, veins, and lymph vessels. When these muscles relax, the vessels dilate and allow increased circulation, so that blood rich in oxygen and nutrients can flow more freely into the local area, reducing pain and supporting the bodys natural healing processes.Low Level Light Therapy is Easy to Administer from Your Podiatry PracticeAnother advantage of Low level light therapy for podiatry practices is that it is simple and easy to administer. Pads are placed on the feet or legs, the system is turned on, and the pads then do their work. Therapy sessions usually last up to twenty minutes, and systems automatically shut off afterward. During this time, the patient can be left unattended, allowing you to treat other patients. LED Light Therapy can be offered as an add-on or as a stand-alone treatment modality, which may appeal to patients with acute pain or chronic lower extremity conditions. Pads can be kept clean and sanitary by placing the pads in plastic bags and changing the bags between patients.Selling Red Light Therapy Devices to Patients in your Podiatry PracticeLow level light therapy is beneficial when it comes to generating additional revenue for your podiatry practice if you decide to sell NIR Therapy systems to your patients. Manufacturers of NIR Therapy equipment like HealthLight do offer healthcare professionals the ability to purchase systems at wholesale and then resell them to patients for a profit.Because NIR Therapy is so easy to administer, treatment sessions can be performed by the patient on their own, or with the assistance of family members. Patients may want to purchase their own systems for in-home use for an intensive low level light therapy podiatry treatment of chronic conditions that are helped most by daily therapy sessions. Patients may also desire their own in-home therapy systems to help speed up healing and ease pain after surgery.Get Started with LED Light TherapyRed light penetrates the deepest levels of the skin to stimulate healing, while near infrared light supports circulation in the skin and deeper structural tissues. HealthLights Clinical Line offers two styles of LED Light Therapy boot systems with red and near infrared diodes, which are perfect for any podiatrists office: the 122 Foot & Ankle Boot and the 131 Foot & Calf Boot. Both systems come in either a bilateral or unilateral configuration.Podiatrists should not worry about footing the bill for a Healthlight Therapy system. Compared to most other types of professional medical-grade equipment, Healthlight Therapy systems are surprisingly affordable. These same pads are available for sale to patients with a built-in controller in the Express System.Blue Light for Skin IssuesBecause podiatrists may be searching for treatments of dermatological conditions, podiatrists should consider having a low level light therapy pad that can emit blue light, which is especially beneficial for skin healing. Clinical studies have demonstrated that blue light exhibits intrinsic antimicrobial properties, which makes it especially useful to support the bodys innate healing of many of the skin issues that a podiatrist encounters in patients.HealthLights 264 Large Blue pad features 264 LEDs (120 blue LEDs and 144 infrared LEDs). This is the ideal unit for large areas, measuring 8 x 15, and should be able to accommodate any size foot. Another option is HealthLights 180 Long Tri-Color pad, which contains 180 LEDs (100 infrared LEDs, 40 red LEDs, and 40 blue LEDs), and measures 5 x 16. Both pads are available in Clinical and Express At Home VersionsFootnoteIn conclusion, since LED Light Therapy is still on the verge of gaining a strong foothold in the podiatry community, adding this simple yet highly effective treatment modality to your practice will be a unique addition to your podiatry practice that benefits your patients health and well-being as well as your practices bottom line. Shop low level light therapy for your podiatry practice. [1] Chung, Hoon, et al. The Nuts and Bolts of Low-level Laser (Light) Therapy. Ann Biomed Eng. 2012 February; 40(2): 516533. doi:10.1007/s10439-011-0454-7, p. 5 of NIH Public Access version.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNAccording to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, thanks to all the aging baby boomers, physical therapy may be the fastest growing occupation in America: Employment of physical therapists is projected to grow 18 percent from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average for all occupations. In light of this extremely favorable outlook for growth in the physical therapy field, just how does a Doctor of Physical Therapy stand out above the ever-increasing competition? What can you offer patients that will maximize their pain relief, assist them in managing chronic conditions, and accelerate their speed on the road to greater wellness and a happier, healthier, and more active lifestyle? NIR (infrared/red light) Therapy can be your answer!NIR Therapy and Physical TherapyPhysical therapists utilize different health modalities to benefit their patients. So it is no surprise that NIR Therapy is rapidly growing in acceptance and popularity in the PT community. NIR Therapy is non-invasive, and can assist therapists to achieve their goal of helping patients reduce pain and improve or restore mobility without expensive and risky surgery, or the need for long-term use of potentially addictive pain medications. Because pain relief and increased circulation come so quickly by NIR Therapys ability to release nitric oxide, ATP, and other therapeutic chemicals, it partners perfectly with physical therapy. NIR Therapy can provide support and pain relief for dysfunctions and restrictions that a physical therapist may routinely encounter in muscles, joints, ligaments, nerves, bones, and tissues.NIR Therapy Is SafeLike physical therapy, NIR Therapy can be used on any area of the body (except the eyes). It is easy to administer, is highly effective, is dependable, and, most importantly, it is painless and extremely safe. NIR Therapy can be utilized without concern about harmful side effects. NIR Therapy is also known as photobiomodulation, or PBM. A 2017 study by Dr. Michael R. Hamblin, a pioneer in light therapy, concluded that, PBM has an almost complete lack of reported adverse effectsNIR Therapy effectively relieves pain, increases circulation, relaxes muscles, relieves muscle spasms, and relieves the aches and stiffness caused by arthritis. Increasing circulation can help tissues to heal and nerves to eventually regain sensation, which aids in the recovery of functionality and mobility.NIR Therapy is very helpful to muscles. According to Dr. Hamblin, It is not therefore surprising that PBM can also help to heal muscle injuries, not to mention reducing muscle pain and soreness after excessive exercise. Also, both types of the most common forms of arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid, which PTs see regularly in their practice, have proved to be amenable to light therapy. According to Dr. Hamblin, Both types have been successfully treated with PMB. Put NIR Therapy on Your Treatment MenuNIR Therapy sessions have been described by patients as gentle, relaxing, soothing, and comforting. The pain relief and cellular benefits experienced during a NIR Therapy session can last for several hours afterwards.NIR Therapy may augment the benefits of hands-on physical therapy. NIR Therapy can be administered before manual therapy to make your patients pain relief faster and more effective. It can increase circulation in limbs and joints; relieve soreness and stiffness in the upper and lower back, neck, and shoulders; or help support hips and knees. This may allow for greater flexibility and range of motion, which will potentially make stretching and exercising easier and less painful.If NIR Therapy is administered after manual therapy, NIR light penetration may help the increase in flexibility and range of motion to be maintained for a longer period, due to the benefits of increased circulation. Also, pain, stiffness, or soreness lingering after the exercises and stretches may be relieved.Choosing the Right PadsTo be most effective, the pad(s) in your system should cover the entire area where pain relief and increased circulation are needed. The largest pads, such as the Large 264 Pad in HealthLights Clinical Line, would be the most helpful to treat upper or lower back, hip, shoulder, or knee pain; while small rectangular-sized pads such as HealthLights Small 90 Pad would be helpful to relieve pain in the neck, TMJ area, or wrist. HealthLights 132 Medium Pad is helpful for pain in the hands and elbows. Long thin pads such as HealthLights 180 Pad can be wrapped around joints, or small pads with more diodes like the Focus 64 Pad can be used to more intensely treat localized areas. For leg and foot issues, the 122 Foot & Ankle Boot and the 131 Foot & Calf Boot are available as either a single or dual boot system.Sales to PatientsBecause NIR Therapy is so easy to administer, therapy sessions can be performed by the patient on their own, or with the assistance of family members. Most manufacturers of NIR Therapy equipment, like HealthLight, offer healthcare professionals the option of purchasing systems at wholesale and then reselling them to patients. Physical therapists can encourage patients with chronic conditions that need daily treatment to purchase their own systems for in-home use. Patients recovering from surgery or accidents may wish to have their own therapy systems at their disposal, especially for pain relief.Benefits of Adding NIR TherapyNIR Therapy can be a very beneficial part of your patients treatment plan, and hold an important position in your treatment tool box. And by offering NIR Therapy, your practice will stand out from the competition. But most importantly, NIR Therapy will bring quicker and better pain relief and increased circulation to your patients to improve their quality of life. So consider adding NIR Therapy to your treatment menu. HealthLights Clinical Line of pads and controllers offer many system options. And HealthLights Express At-Home Line of systems with conveniently attached controllers is perfect for in-home use by your patients.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNYou dont have to be an athlete to injure your ankle, so red light therapy for ankles is great for everyone suffering from mild twists to chronic pain like arthritis. From the ligaments to bones, your ankles require adequate care to ensure you maintain a good quality of life.Ankle injury occurs when the ankle joint is twisted too far out of its standard position. Injury happens as a result of tripping, falling, walking, running or rolling the ankle. Most ankle injuries occur when forcing your foot or ankle into an unnatural position, whether thats during sporting activities or while walking on an uneven surface. Unstable footwear can also contribute to injured ankles.Acute ankle pain occurs when you have an injury or inflammation and requires regular treatment to promote healing. Chronic ankle pain can be devastating and is often the result of a serious or untreated injury. Both of which need to be dealt with in order to maintain your mobility.Infrared Light Therapy is the Perfect Treatment for AnklesThe science behind infrared light therapy is still being fully uncovered, but what we know so far is that it is a fast-growing technology used to treat a multitude of conditions that require stimulation of healing, relief of pain and inflammation, and restoration of function. Anyone suffering with ankle pain knows that it can have serious negative effects on your physical and mental wellbeing. Luckily, red light therapy for knees has been proven to be effective time and time again.Described as a Class II Medical Device, red light therapy pads have been granted FDA clearance for increasing circulation, relieving pain, relaxing muscles, relieving muscle spasms, and relieving the aches and stiffness caused by arthritis and other conditions.The causes of ankle pain can be grouped as follows:Inflammation arthritis, overuse, high-heeled shoes, recent footwear changes, exercise, bursitisWear and tear types of arthritisInjury fractures, dislocations, strains and sprainsThe above conditions can be treated without invasive treatment if you use red light therapy pads for ankles two times a day for 20 minutes.Improving Circulation is Key to Relieving Ankle PainIncreasing circulation is key to speeding up healing and reducing the severity of pain in your ankle. Red light therapy for ankles relieves pain by supporting the natural healing process, which helps the body to repair itself and also to restore sensation in the knee, leading to better balance and mobility. Red light therapy pads for ankles have been scientifically proven to be beneficial for relieving pain and accelerating the bodys ability to heal itself.The Benefits of Red Light Therapy For AnklesThe key to using red light therapy as non-invasive treatment for ankle pain is by using it regularly. LED Light Therapy ankle pads use light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to produce light waves in the visible and infrared spectrum that painlessly penetrate the skin and are absorbed by the body. Infrared (IR) light waves have a beneficial effect on nerves. Science has discovered that, Nerve cells respond particularly well to IR. and that IR can induce neural stimulation effects as well as promoting a wide range of therapeutic benefits in cells or tissues. This is the perfect solution for those suffering with ankle pain. In addition, this kind of treatment can be used at home, and is not limited to use in a clinic.Try Infrared Light Therapy for AnklesTreating ankle pain with regular LED Light Therapy sessions can help painful chronic ankle conditions and make them more manageable in everyday life. HealthLight make light therapy pads for ankles that you can easily use from the comfort of your home. Choose an American manufacturer of medical-grade FDA-cleared LED Light Therapy devices for best results. Here are 4 light therapy pads that are perfect for treating feet and ankles:HealthLights Foot & Calf 131 Diode Pad:Attached Velcro straps wrap over the top of the foot and around the calf securely hold the pad in place, treating the sole, ankle and the back of the calf simultaneously. It features 131 LEDs: 83 infrared (850 nm) and 48 red (630 nm). The top section measures 7x 9 while the middle to bottom section is 4.5x 15.5.The Foot & Calf 131 Infrared Light Pad can be purchased in a double pad package, allowing you to save time by treating both ankles simultaneously.HealthLights Foot & Ankle 122 Diode Pad:This uniquely-shaped 3-section pad features 122 LEDs: 70 infrared (850 nm) and 52 red (630 nm). The top section measures 8 wide x 5 long, the middle measures 12 long x 4 wide, and the bottom measures 7 long x 6 wide. This pad can be used in two ways extended or folded over:When extended, it covers the bottom of the foot from the toes, the back of the heel, the ankle and continuing up the calf.When folded over, it covers the toes and foot like a boot, covering the top of the foot, the sole, the heel, and both ankles.The Foot & Ankle 122 Infrared Light Pad can be purchased in a double pad package, allowing you to save time by treating both ankles simultaneously.HealthLights Long 180 Diode Pad:This pad features 180 LEDs: 80 red (630 nm) and 100 infrared (850 nm). At 16x 5, this highly flexible long and narrow pad can be used to effectively treat the ankles.The Long 180 infrared light pad is also available with blue, red, and infrared LEDs for the same price.HealthLights Small 90 Diode Pad:The size and rectangular shape of the small 90 infrared light pad make it perfect for foot treatment. Just strap across the ankle with Velcro. At 9.8 x 4.5, this pad should cover the toes, sole, heel, or ankle area. It features 90 LEDs: 50 infrared (950 nm) and 40 red (630 nm).You Dont Have to Live with Ankle Pain ForeverAnkle pain can severely dimish the quality of the life you lead by reducing your mobility and damaging your mental health. LED Light Therapy for ankles is the perfect soothing solution for all ankle pain as it promotes healing and inhibits swelling. Purchasing an LED Light Therapy device from HealthLight will help you and/or your patients experience fast-acting, dependable pain relief. HealthLight makes the most durable and most powerful clinical strength LED Light Therapy systems available today! For more information on how red light therapy works, get in touch with out experts.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNWhen it comes to deciding on how often you should practice red light therapy, its important to get it right so you can see maximum benefits. Reaping the benefits of red light therapy is dependent on how often you use the red light therapy pads, where exactly you are experiencing pain and how intense the pain is. Different manufacturers will recommend different times when asked how often you should do red light therapy, so its best to follow the instructions you are provided with, as machines can differ in light strength.Get Your Red Light Therapy Duration RightThe frequency of red-light therapy will depend on various factors such as the specific condition being treated, the intensity of the light, the duration of each session, and the individuals response to the therapy.In general, it is recommended to start with a few sessions per week and gradually increase the frequency as tolerated. For most conditions, three sessions per day for 20 minutes each can be sufficient to achieve significant benefits. However, some people may require longer or more frequent sessions to achieve the desired results. Performing three treatments of 20 minutes a day should work best and longer than this could be damaging. It is important to follow the manufacturers guidelines for the specific device being used and consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new therapy. Additionally, it is essential to protect the eyes and skin from exposure to the light, as prolonged or intense exposure may cause harm.Can You Do Red Light Therapy Every Day? Yes, you can do red light therapy every day, providing you follow the recommended guidelines for intensity and duration of exposure to the red and infrared light. For some people, a daily session of 10-20 minutes is sufficient to achieve the desired benefits, but this may vary depending on the condition being treated and the intensity of the light. It is also important to protect the eyes and skin from exposure to light, as prolonged or intense exposure may cause harm.It is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new therapy, especially if you have any medical conditions or are taking any medications that may affect the therapys efficacy or safety.Can You Do Too Much Red Light Therapy?Many wonder if you can do too much red-light therapy when theyre using their red-light pads and experiencing pain. The answer is no. Red light therapy cannot be overdone for most people. If you notice any extraordinary results, stop treatment, and contact your physician. Unlike many other health treatments, red light therapy is safe to use every day, is non-invasive, and has virtually zero risks and side effects. At HealthLight, we recommend utilizing the therapy pads up to three times per day to achieve the benefits of pain relief and circulation improvement. The Benefits of Red Light Therapy Now you know the answer to the question: can you do red light therapy everyday. By using your red light therapy pad three times per day, you will get maximum benefit from your treatment. If your pain starts to subside, it is recommended to keep performing the therapy a few days after to ensure the pain stays minimal or absent. Not only should you see pain reduction as one of the benefits of red light therapy, but also improved circulation and much more.
Do you have concerns regarding the long list of unpleasant and potentially dangerous side effects associated with todays pharmaceutical pain medications? Do you need to manage acute or chronic pain but do not want to risk the possibility of addiction associated with commonly prescribed opiods? Are you looking to avoid the pain, risks, recovery time, and high cost of surgery? If so, you might want to consider a highly effective healing modality known as Red Light Therapy.Red Light Therapy can be defined as the use of red and near-infrared light to stimulate healing, relieve pain, and reduce inflammation. Red Light Therapy devices have been granted FDA clearance for increasing circulation, relieving pain, relaxing muscles, relieving muscle spasms, and relieving the aches and stiffness caused by arthritis. If you are wondering what Red Light Therapy can do for you or your patients, here is a list of Red Light Therapy pros and cons:Red Light Therapy Pros:Red Light Therapy is also known as low-level light therapy (LLLT,) and as photobiomodulation (PBM.) Red Light Therapy Relieves Pain:Medical science has found that Red Light Therapy provides pain relief effective enough to help patients avoid the risks of pain medications and even surgery: In recent years, evidence for the use of light therapy as a nonpharmacologic approach for pain reduction has gained momentum, and both pre-clinical and clinical studies have demonstrated its efficacy and continue to explore its efficacy in a variety of pain syndromes. And, Cutaneous application of red light (660nm) has been shown to reduce pain in neuropathies and complex regional pain syndrome-I And today, science affirms that: light therapy can increasingly be a useful therapeutic analgesic modality, providing a safe and effective option to reduce the physical, psychological, economic, and societal burden that acute and chronic pain inflicts on so many patients. Red Light Therapy Accelerates Healing:Red Light Therapy releases beneficial chemicals within cells and tissues through photobiomodulation, a process like photosynthesis in the plant world: Radiation of tissue with light causes an increase in mitochondrial products such as ATP, NADH, protein, and RNA Light also causes the increased bioavailability of Nitric Oxide (NO), a potent vasodilator. And vasodilation increases the availability of oxygen to treated cells, and also allows for greater traffic of immune cells into tissue. These two effects contribute to accelerated healing. So not only is Red Light Therapy effective and beneficial for pain relief, but Red Light Therapy can accelerate the bodys ability to heal itself. This is a major therapeutic outcome which pain relievers and muscle relaxants cannot achieve! Red Light Therapy is Fast-Acting:Red Light Therapy begins being therapeutic very quickly, because, the duration of light exposure for red and infrared light treatments is short and only requires seconds to minutes to cause photobiomodulation. Because beneficial chemicals are rapidly released into cells and tissues within seconds to minutes, Red Light Therapy generates a quick and dependable decrease in pain to the point where, Fast acting pain relief occurs within minutes of application Red Light Therapy Regenerates Nerves:Science has found that Red Light Therapy can actually support the bodys efforts to regenerate nerves, leading to the return of sensation. This is especially important for those suffering from numbing conditions of the lower limbs or hands. Photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) effects an important role in neural regeneration and function enhancement, such as expression of nerve growth factor and nerve regeneration Red Light Therapy Increases Circulation:Maintaining good circulation and microcirculation are quite crucial to good health. And one of the easiest ways to improve circulation is by using Red Light Therapy. In fact, Red Light Therapy devices have been granted clearance from the FDA for increasing circulation. Red Light Therapy Excels at Treating Musculoskeletal Problems:For many decades now, Red Light Therapy has been regarded as an effective treatment modality to reduce pain in adult patients with musculoskeletal disorders. According to the more than 4000 studies on, it can be concluded that the majority of laboratory and clinical studies have demonstrated that LLLT has a positive effect on acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain. Because of its success with all of the types of musculoskeletal issues seen by chiropractors and physical therapists, Red Light Therapy is utilized by these practitioners worldwide, who regard Red Light Therapy as a safe and effective way to treat and prevent a wide range of these issues. Red Light Therapy is Non-Invasive:Unlike the use of corticosteroid injections and surgery, Red Light Therapy is non-invasive. It usually causes no pain, except perhaps when damaged nerves begin to regenerate. With the advantage of being non-invasive, the applications of PBM are broad, going from pain relief to promoting the recovery of tendinopathies, nerve injuries, osteoarthritis and wound healing. Red Light Therapy is Relaxing:People report that Red Light Therapy feels relaxing, comforting, and soothing. Pain, stiffness, soreness, and muscle tension quickly disappear. Many acupuncturists employ Red Light Therapy to relax their patients before needle insertion, making needling easier. Physical therapists and massage therapists use Red Light Therapy to relax patients and make hand work easier.Red Light Therapy Poses No Risks or Safety Issues:Red Light Therapy has been found to be risk free and can be administered without worry regarding harmful side effects or safety issues. PBM has an almost complete lack of reported adverse effects And a recent 2021 study concluded that, In addition to its label as a nonpharmacologic therapy, light therapy is attractive to both clinicians and patients due to its noninvasiveness and lack of side effects, ultimately increasing patient compliance. Red Light Therapy is Non-Toxic and Non-Addictive:Unlike many pharmaceuticals currently prescribed for pain relief and chronic conditions, especially opioids, Red Light Therapy offers the major benefits of delivering pain relief plus accelerated healing while being non-toxic and non-addictive. Red Light Therapy Can Treat a Large Tissue Area:Depending upon the size of the therapy pad, Red Light Therapy can treat a large area of the body, such as the upper or lower back, upper or lower leg or arm, or the entire shoulder, knee, or elbow. HealthLight makes a large 264 Diode Red Light Therapy Pad and a Long 180 Diode Pad, and either pad can easily treat large areas of tissue. Red Light Therapy Can Treat Every Body Area (Except the Eyes):Red Light therapy can benefit virtually every external part of the body, from the toes up to the head, as well as internal organs such as the liver, the heart, the stomach, etc. But placing Red Light Therapy Pads that include infrared light directly over open eyes is not recommended. However, face masks can be worn safely over closed eyes. HealthLight makes a 104 Diode Face Mask that emits only red light and blue light. This mask is safe to place over closed eyes, and can achieve medical-grade results and does not need a controller. Red Light Therapy Can Treat an Extensive Range of Issues:Since scientific studies have proven that, These low doses of light have demonstrated the ability to heal skin, nerves, tendons, cartilage and bones, Red Light Therapy can help stimulate, support, and accelerate healing for a wide range of issues throughout the body. Dr. Michael R. Hamblin of Harvard University proclaims, To a very great extent I believe that almost all types and variety of human diseases can be treated with light (of one kind or another). Red Light Therapy is Simple and Easy to Administer:Nothing could be simpler and easier than Red Light Therapy. Just place the Red Light Therapy Pads directly on the body wherever pain relief and increased circulation are needed, turn on the device, select a setting, and the light waves produced by the pads do their work. Sessions are usually programmed to run twenty minutes, after which time most devices shut off automatically. Red Light Therapy Can Be Used at Home:Because Red Light Therapy is so safe and so easy to administer, no risk is involved with using LED Red Light Therapy devices at home. Many chiropractors have developed in-home programs for chronic conditions based on patients self-administering LED Red Light Therapy between office visits. As Dr. Hamblin explains, LED devices are considered totally harmless with no risk of eye damage or skin burns, and are ideally suited to home use. And a 2019 study concluded that PBM devices used at home, have good potential for effective and safe treatments in a variety of medical conditions requiring frequent sessions. Red Light Therapy Can Be Administered While Doing Other Activities:Red Light Therapy offers the distinct advantage of allowing other activities during treatment. You can read, listen to music, watch television, use your phone or tablet, or even nap, as the Red Light Therapy device should shut off automatically. Red Light Therapy Can Treat Multiple Issues Simultaneously:From two to six areas of the body can be treated during a single therapy session by using a controller that can operate multiple Red Light Therapy Pads simultaneously providing you or your patients an extensive therapy session that benefits several problem areas at one time. HealthLight makes multi-port controllers that are able to power either 2, 3, or 6 Red Light Therapy Pads at once. Red Light Therapy Can Be a Stand Alone Treatment or Used with Other Therapies:Red Light Therapy can be used as a standalone treatment, or in conjunction with other healing modalities such as chiropractic, acupuncture, physical therapy, or massage therapy. Utilizing Red Light Therapy with other therapies will usually augment, amplify, and accelerate their therapeutic results. Red Light Therapy Devices are Portable:Red Light Therapy devices are lightweight, which allows them to be portable. Devices can be easily packed in a suitcase or backpack and used at the office or while on vacation. Red Light Therapy devices made by HealthLight are lightweight, compact, and include a handy carry bag making it extremely easy to take your Red Light Therapy device with you wherever you go. Red Light Therapy Devices are Easy to Maintain:A well made Red Light Therapy device should require no maintenance, as long as the Therapy Pads and controller are handled properly. Good quality LEDs (such as those used by HealthLight) should last for many years. Therapy Pads can be kept clean and sanitary for individual or family use, or for use by health clinics, by placing them in lightweight clear plastic bags. These bags can then be disposed of and replaced as needed, keeping your Red Light Therapy Pads clean and ready for the next treatment session.Red Light Therapy Cons:In comparison to the extensive list of Red Light Therapy pros, the cons are minimal: Red Light Therapy Pads that include Infrared LEDs Should Not be used over open eyes.But pads that emit only red light and/or blue light are safe over closed eyes. Red Light Therapy Should Not be used with pharmaceuticals that cause light sensitivity. Red Light Therapy Should Not be used over a developing fetus.But other body areas may be treated during pregnancy. Red Light Therapy Should Not be used over active cancer.While Applying PBM therapy over the site of a tumor has been considered to be a contraindication, Red Light Therapy can provide positive benefits to cancer patients. In contrast, it was realized that PBM was highly effective in the mitigation of numerous distressing side effects that occur as a result of a range of different kinds of cancer therapy. As a result, PBM is becoming a well-established approach to mitigate or prevent the development of cancer therapy associated side effects
Owning a professional-level, medical-grade red light therapy device is not just for health practitioners. Any individual with chronic or occasional pain or in need of increased circulation and healing support will benefit greatly from owning their own medical-grade Red Light/Infrared Therapy device for home use the caliber of device that might be found at the office of a medical doctor, chiropractor, physical therapist, podiatrist, physical therapist, or acupuncturist. Choosing a Red Light Therapy device at a medical-grade, professional level will be one of the best investments that you will ever make for your health and well being. But what exactly makes an LED Red Light Therapy device medical-grade? How to Choose a Red Light Therapy Device that is Medical-GradeSeveral important elements bring an LED Red Light Therapy device up to the highest standard of medical grade ensuring that your device will deliver the greatest value in regards to quality, reliability, durability, and, most importantly, beneficial therapeutic outcomes for you and your family. Here are 8 key elements that make a Red Light Therapy device medical-grade: FDA Listed or Cleared: Most important is that the Red Light Therapy device that you are considering should be FDA listed or cleared. This means that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has reviewed this product and has determined that this particular device has met its standards and is safe. Be aware that many foreign-made Red Light Therapy devices sold on online marketplaces are not FDA listed, and so their safety and quality cannot be assured. If the device you are considering is not FDA listed, then consider another device. Optimal Joules: Joules is the dosage of light delivered by the device at the skin surface into the body. Joules is actually the key element that indicates the quality of a Red Light Therapy device, and what makes one Red Light/Infrared Therapy device superior to another. A higher number of joules is more optimal. Unfortunately, joules vary substantially from one manufacturer to another. There should be information available regarding the amount of joules delivered by the Therapy Pad. HealthLight, a leading U.S. manufacturer of Red Light/Infrared Therapy devices, provides this information for each pad they make. And in a comparison study by an independent third party laboratory, HealthLight Therapy Pads delivered more joules than other well known brands. Therapeutic Wavelengths: Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that emit light in the correct therapeutic wavelengths are crucial for a therapy session to be effective and successfully support and accelerate your bodys innate healing ability. HealthLights wavelengths are chosen for maximum therapeutic benefits at the cellular level. HealthLights devices emit red light at 630 nm; infrared light at 850 nm; and blue light at 465 nm. Devices in the marketplace differ in their wavelengths, so check this key element. Red Plus Infrared LEDs: Light Therapy Pads should not only contain red LEDs, but also infrared LEDs. This combination of red light and infrared light allows for more light penetration into the body, and is more effective than either red light alone or infrared light alone. Blue LED lights can also be included for skin and antimicrobial benefits. HealthLight makes Therapy Pads that have both red and infrared LEDs, as well as pads that also include blue LEDs. Pulsing Light: A medical-grade Red Light Therapy device should emit light pulsed to beneficial cellular resonance frequencies, rather than continuous wave, always on, light. Health practitioners have determined that the body responds quicker and with better long-term response to pulsing light, rather than light that is constant. Pad Design and Size: Watch out for Light Therapy Pads whose designs limit their therapy applications. Pads should be versatile, capable of being used on many different body areas. The versatility of a Light Therapy Pad is determined by its flexibility. A flexible pad that can bend easily can be used on many areas. For example, the same pad can be placed on the back or under the foot, or wrapped around an arm, leg, or wrist with Velcro. HealthLights pads are made of soft neoprene fabric, which makes them extremely flexible and versatile. Also, pad size matters. Light Therapy Pads should offer enough body coverage to be effective. One pad should cover the entire area of the body where pain relief and increased circulation are needed. Durability: The device should be able to hold up to daily usage by one or more individuals. All seams on the Light Therapy Pad(s), as well as all borders, should be strong and not likely to fray or split. HealthLights neoprene Light Therapy Pads have no seams, so fraying and splitting are never an issue. Warranty and Repair Service: Last but not least, there should be a warranty plus a repair policy, in case your device ever needs to be serviced after the warranty expires. All of HealthLights systems come with a generous two-year warranty, and repair service is available thereafter.Choose HealthLight For The Best Red Light Therapy DevicesWhenever you are ready to purchase a medical-grade, FDA-listed Red Light Therapy device, choose HealthLight. HealthLight makes the most powerful clinical-strength Red Light Therapy available in todays marketplace, giving you all the therapeutic benefits of Red Light Therapy in the comfort and convenience of your home. When it comes to choosing a red light therapy device, you cant go wrong with HealthLight. We offer a wide variety of LED pads to meet the needs and budget of any individual, family, or health practitioner.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNIs your health-care practice breathing easier now that the Covid 19 crisis is over? Is your patient list expanding? Your monthly revenue increasing? If not, then perhaps your practice needs some resuscitation, restoration, and revitalization. If that is the case, despite these challenging times there is a simple and affordable rescue remedy available in the form of an effective, dependable, and scientifically proven healing modality that can be easily added to your treatment menu to quickly perk up your practice Red Light Therapy!Because of its relaxing, soothing, and feel good qualities, not to mention its ability to reduce pain quickly and effectively, plus stimulate and accelerate the bodys innate healing capacity, Red Light Therapy can generate interest, excitement, and positive buzz among your patients, plus open up additional revenue streams for your clinic breathing new life into your practice!Red Light Therapy Adds ValueBecause Red Light Therapy is non-invasive, safe, painless, and drug-free, chiropractors worldwide have embraced this unique modality, finding that it pairs extremely well with their philosophy and treatment methods. And acupuncturists, physical therapists, and massage therapists have also adopted and integrated Red Light Therapy into their practices with great success.264 spine placementRed Light Therapy can add considerable value to any type of health-care practice, allowing you to expand your treatment menu plus enhance the scope of your therapy for better patient outcomes. And better patient outcomes equal greater patient satisfaction. This means positive word-of-mouth publicity for your practice, increasing the possibility of more patients. Putting Red Light Therapy on your treatment menu can benefit your patients and your clinics bottom line in many ways, including:Fast and Effective Pain ReliefWhen it comes to alleviating pain, science has discovered that Red Light Therapy can reduce pain very quickly. In fact, Fast acting pain relief occurs within minutes of application And pain will decrease or disappear for up to several hours after the Red Light Therapy session ends. This makes Red Light Therapy an effective, all-natural alternative to pharmaceutical drugs and injections for pain relief and pain management.Patients Can Be Left UnattendedBecause Red Light Therapy is non-invasive, safe, and risk-free, health practitioners can feel confident in leaving patients unattended during their therapy sessions once the Red Light Therapy pads are in place and the controller is in operation. This frees you and your staff to attend to other patients. Administering Red Light Therapy is very simple and very easy: therapy pads are placed on the body where needed, the system is turned on, and the pads proceed to do their work. Most Red Light Therapy systems shut off automatically after twenty-minutes, signaling the end of the session. Plus, Red Light Therapy allows treatment of several problem areas simultaneously by using multiple therapy pads, so that a patient can have several issues treated during a single session.Fast ROIIn comparison to many other types of professional medical-grade equipment, Red Light Therapy systems are not only affordable, but they also have the potential to generate fast ROI. These days, the practitioner purchase price of a Red Light Therapy system starts well under $1,000. So, if patients were charged an additional $35 for a twenty-minute Red Light Therapy session as an add-on to their usual treatment, then a smaller Red Light Therapy system could pay for itself in as little as 20-22 treatment sessions. Making Red Light Therapy a regular part of your patients treatment programs can generate a dependable additional revenue stream, as well as better outcomes for your patients.Foot and Calf Red Light Therapy PadSell Systems to PatientsAs your patients experience the relaxing, soothing, and beneficial effects of Red Light Therapy, some patients may desire to purchase their own system for in-home use between regular office visits. This option may especially appeal to patients who suffer from acute or chronic conditions that are helped the most by daily therapy. Also, patients who have just had surgery may also desire their own in-home system to help accelerate their healing and to ease their pain. Sales of Red Light Therapy systems can generate a lucrative revenue stream, since HealthLight, as well as other manufacturers, allow health-care professionals to sell therapy systems directly to patients. Practitioners may purchase systems at wholesale, and then profit by reselling these systems to patients at a price set by the practitioner. Plus, HealthLight, a leading U.S. manufacturer of medical-grade Red Light Therapy systems, offers practitioners a free Red Light Therapy Pad system with their Buy Any 5 Systems and Get One Free program, which could then be sold to patients. Also, in-home programs for specific conditions such as chronic back pain, arthritis, or foot problems can be developed that are based upon patients buying their own Red Light Therapy system for self-administered treatments between office visits.Choose HealthLightAdding Red Light Therapy to your treatment menu can make a big difference in perking up your practice and your revenue. Red Light Therapy can also set you apart from your competition! So when you are ready to purchase your Red Light Therapy system, choose HealthLight. HealthLight makes the most powerful clinical strength Red Light Therapy pads available in todays marketplace. Red Light Pain Therapy systems from HealthLight are durable, high quality medical-grade devices for both health clinics and consumers that deliver the optimum amount of joules for the best therapeutic outcomes possible. HealthLight offers a wide variety of Red Light Therapy Pad systems to meet the needs of any health-care practitioner, individual, or family. When choosing a device to administer Red Light Therapy for pain and healing support and to help achieve and then maintain health and wellness choose HealthLight with confidence.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNWhether its the cartilage, tricep tendon, humerus or ulna, your elbows can encounter various issues that cause pain, which is when red light therapy for elbow pain becomes vital for your wellbeing. Elbow injuries can include sprains, fractures, or even chronic diseases like arthritis and tennis elbow. But regardless of the cause, is there anything available today that can help relieve both pain and poor sensation in the elbows?Elbow injuries often occur while doing physical activities, although you can even become injured from sleeping incorrectly. Inflammation in the elbow, regardless of the origin, can be helped by red light therapy which will relieve pain in the elbow area.If youre experiencing elbow pain, whether its chronic or acute, you need to try infrared light therapy for elbows!Infrared Light Therapy Is the Perfect Solution for Elbow PainRed light therapy is an emerging science and a fast-growing technology used to treat a multitude of conditions that require stimulation of healing, relief of pain and inflammation, and restoration of function.[1] Those suffering with elbow pain know that the restoration of arm mobility is vital to maintain positive mental wellbeing. Luckily, red light therapy for elbows has been proven to be effective time and time again.HealthLights Red light therapy pads are Class II Medical Devices and have been granted FDA clearance for their ability to relive pain throughout the body, increase blood circulation, relax muscles, relieve muscle spasms and relieve the aches and stiffness caused by arthritis. Elbow pain reduces your ability to perform daily tasks and live your life, so red light therapy for elbow pain has been developed to help you live without invasive treatment.The causes of elbow pain can be grouped as follows:Inflammation elbow bursitis, arthritis, infection, & goutWear and tear osteoarthritisInjury fractures, dislocations, tears and sprainsYou can facilitate your bodys healing ability by using red light therapy. If youre experiencing any of the above, try red light therapy.Improve Circulation to Relieve Elbow PainScientific studies confirm that increasing circulation in your elbow is beneficial for relieving pain and can accelerate the bodys ability to heal itself. Red light therapy elbow pads help support your body while it is healing, help the body to repair itself and also help restore feeling and sensation in your elbow. Regular usage leads to better arm mobility.The Benefits of Red Light Therapy for ElbowsLED Light Therapy elbow pads use light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to produce light waves in the visible and infrared spectrum that painlessly penetrate the skin and are absorbed by the body. Infrared (IR) light waves have a beneficial effect on nerves. Science has discovered that, Nerve cells respond particularly well to IR. and that IR can induce neural stimulation effects as well as promoting a wide range of therapeutic benefits in cells or tissues. This is the perfect solution for those suffering with elbow pain.Infrared light therapy is a safe and effective non-invasive solution for elbow painInfrared light therapy also has a pain-relieving effect. It works by blocking pain signals from reaching the brain, which can help to reduce pain and improve mobility. The most effective way to combat painful elbow conditions is to partake in frequent light therapy sessions in the comfort of your own home. We recommend twice a day for at least 20 minutes for best results. HealthLight are a leading American manufacturer of light therapy pads for elbows that are FDA-cleared.HealthLights Long 180 Diode Pad:This pad features 180 LEDs: 80 red (630 nm) and 100 infrared (850 nm). At 16x 5, this highly flexible long and narrow pad can be used by wrapping around the elbow.The Long 180 infrared light pad is also available with blue, red, and infrared LEDs for the same price.HealthLights Small 90 Diode Pad:The size and rectangular shape of the small 90 infrared light pad make it perfect for treating just the elbow. Simply wrap the pad around your elbow using the Velcro straps, and it will cover the full area. At 9.8 x 4.5, this pad features 90 LEDs: 50 infrared (950 nm) and 40 red (630 nm).Elbow Pain Doesnt Have to Impede on your Day-to-day LifeUsing red light therapy for elbows is an easy way to improve your physical and mental wellbeing. Infrared light therapy is a non-invasive treatment that doesnt require any injections, surgery, or medication. This makes it a safe and convenient option for people who dont want to undergo more invasive treatments. Elbow is easily relieved by LED light therapy and is the perfect soothing solution for acute elbow pain and chronic elbow pain. Purchasing an LED Light Therapy device from HealthLight will help you and/or your patients experience fast-acting, dependable pain relief. HealthLight makes the most durable and most powerful clinical strength LED Light Therapy systems available today! For more information on how red light therapy works, get in touch with out experts.
Medically reviewed by Karen Wolters, RN and Joanna Fearnley, LPNThe medical establishment today seems to basically have three ways to treat both acute and chronic pain: drugs, injections, and/or surgery. Currently accepted therapies consist of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, steroid injections, opiate pain medications and surgery, each of which carries their own specific risk profiles. But this does not have to continue to be the norm for pain treatment. There is a better way to achieve pain relief using an alternative option available to everyone that is non-invasive, painless, non-addictive, fast-acting, highly effective, dependable, totally safe, and risk free and that is Red Light Therapy!Red Light Therapy is a BreakthroughAccording to author Ari Whitten, Red and near-infrared light therapy are one of the biggest breakthrough discoveries in health in the last half century. And Dr. Michael R. Hamblin, a pioneer in the study of light therapy, states, To a very great extent I believe that almost all types and variety of human diseases can be treated with light (of one kind or another).What is Red Light Therapy?Red Light Therapy is non-invasive, painless, and does not add any amount of stress or negative side effects to the body. It is a drug-free way to relieve existing pain. A good basic definition of Red Light Therapy is, a fast-growing technology used to treat a multitude of conditions that require stimulation of healing, relief of pain and inflammation, and restoration of function.[4] Red/Infrared Light utilizes non-coherent light sources consisting of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in specific wavelengths that produce a wide range of beneficial effects on the body, and can even support the bodys repair and regeneration of nerves and tissues. Many patients feel pain relief after just their first session of Red Light Therapy.How Red Light Therapy WorksRed Light Therapy not only effectively relieves pain, but it also stimulates and accelerates the bodys own innate healing processes a very important benefit which drugs and injections simply cannot accomplish. Wherever a Red Light Therapy Pad is placed on the body, photons of light are released which induce cascades of beneficial biochemical processes within the cells, similar to photosynthesis in plants. Radiation of tissue with light causes an increase in mitochondrial products such as ATP, NADH, protein, and RNA Nitric oxide, the bodys vasodilator, is also released, which increases circulation, so that blood rich with oxygen and nutrients can now flow more freely into nerves, muscles, joints, and other tissues within that local area and accelerate the bodys natural healing processes.Safe and Risk FreeRed Light Therapy has been found to be risk free and can be administered without concern for harmful side effects. According to Dr. Michael R. Hamblin, Red Light Therapy has been proven to have an almost complete lack of reported adverse effectsA Typical Therapy SessionSo what is a typical Red Light Therapy session like? A typical session usually lasts twenty minutes. Depending upon where the light therapy pads are needed for pain relief and healing support, you will either sit or recline. All you need do is relax and stay comfortable. You can watch television, read, talk on the phone, listen to music, or meditate during your therapy. When the pads are in place and the controller is turned on, a gentle heat can be felt. Photons of light will be emitted that penetrate beneath your skin and are absorbed within your cells. Patients have described their Red Light Therapy sessions as comfortable, relaxing, and soothing. There is no downtime after a treatment session, and this boost of pain relief and beneficial cellular processes continues for several hours or even days after the session.Getting StartedPatients with chronic pain management needs will benefit from purchasing a Red Light Therapy system for home use, which may also benefit the entire family. And, since Red Light Therapy pads are made of flexible neoprene, this makes each pad very versatile. The same therapy pad can be used to treat issues that affect different areas of the body.HealthLight, a leading American manufacturer of professional, medical-grade FDA-cleared Red Light Therapy devices, makes two lines of Red Light Therapy systems: their Express-At-Home Line of devices for home users which feature convenient small and lightweight attached controllers, and their Clinical Line of Red Light Therapy products for health practitioners that utilize a separate 3 or 6-port controller to power the light therapy pads.HealthLights Small 90 Diode Pad can make the perfect therapy system for the whole family. The small size of this pad makes it easy to place anywhere on the body. For health practitioners, a 3-port controller and one to three light therapy pads (for example, HealthLights Large 264 Diode Body Pad along with their Long 180 Diode Pad) will make a world of difference in your clinic for better patient outcomes and for your revenue stream.Try Red Light TherapyNow that you know what Red Light Therapy is, you can depend upon Red Light Therapy to provide fast-acting and effective pain relief. And HealthLight makes the most durable and most powerful clinical-strength Red Light Therapy devices available today. HealthLight offers a variety of systems to meet the needs of any individual, family, or health clinic. Purchasing a Red Light Therapy system from HealthLight will provide you and/or your patients with effective pain relief, plus stimulate, accelerate, and support the bodys own innate healing processes the best way to maintain health and wellness, and, hopefully, avoid drugs, injections, and surgery.
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