Paralyzed Veterans of America

, Nebraska, 00000

Veteran Services

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Seniors Agenda For Independent Living - SAIL

Senior Organizations & Services , Minnesota, 00000

Conversations In Care

Caregiver Education , Griffith, Indiana, 00000

Conversations In Care was born out of the idea that through the simple act of conversation we can create awareness, establish a course of action and create a community of support.As a Certified Dementia Practitioner and caregiver to my son with Type 1 Diabetes I have had the opportunity to create a collection of care programs including senior health topics, dementia, Type 1 Diabetes and everything in between.

Temporary Assistance Program

Financial Assistance

Temporary Assistance (TA) is temporary help for needy men, women and children. If you are unable to work, cant find a job, or your job does not pay enough, TA may be able to help you pay for your expenses.

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