Anchorpoint Counseling Ministry is a team of licensed and experienced professional counselors committed to serving community members and families of all faiths and backgrounds. Our approach integrates emotional, relational, and spiritual healing with a focus on building stronger families and healthier communities.We have licensed counselors who specialize in the following modalities:Acceptance and Commitment TherapyDialectical Behavior TherapyCognitive Behavioral TherapyEye Movement Desensitization and ReprocessingTrauma-Informed TherapyBrief Supportive TherapyPlay TherapySand Tray TherapyFamily TherapyPerson-Centered TherapyPastoral CounselingStrength-Based CounselingMotivational InterviewingPsychoeducation
A statewide nonprofit organization that educates the public about the dangers of secondhand smoke (including e-cigarettes and marijuana) and advocates for smoke-free policies at work, in public places, and in multi-unit housing. Provides lists of smoke-free hotels, apartments (including senior living), and condos online. Visit
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