Retirement is something everyone dreams of. However, as you near the age of retirement there are a few things you should do to prepare. Here are some ways to ensure you have the best retirement possible! SET GOALSCreating goals can help you get a better vision of your future during retirement. Try to set at least 3-5 realistic goals. What kind of lifestyle you want and who you want to be around? Do you want to spend more time with family and friends? Get involved in the community? Take some time to travel? Then get more specific. For instance, if you want to travel, think about where you want to go and how long you want to stay there. Do you want to travel internationally? Go somewhere warm?EVALUATE YOUR FINANCESAn essential part of having a successful retirement is having enough money saved up for when you arent working. At the start of your career, you probably enrolled in your companys 401(k) program or opened a similar account to prepare for retirement. While these will probably have you covered, its smart to evaluate your current financial situation to ensure you have enough money saved.Once you know what your income will be during retirement, create a budget to live off of. If you have debt, make a plan to pay it off before you retire. Remember, itll be much harder to tackle debt payments without your normal income from work; its best to be proactive!FOCUS ON YOUR HEALTHBeing healthy will make retirement much more enjoyable and will allow you the freedom to do whatever you want! Be proactive and schedule preventative checkups with your doctor so you can make a plan to improve your health or get treatment for any serious conditions. You should also continue to stay active and exercise regularly to maintain your muscle and bone strength. Eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep, and focus on your mental health so youre ready for this lifestyle change!CONSIDER YOUR OPTIONSThink about your retirement goals and where you envision yourself later in life. Moving into an independent living community might be the right choice for you! In these communities, you can meet new people, participate in social events, and have access to luxurious amenities (like room service, fitness centers, gourmet chefs, and more!). Editors Note: This article has been submitted South Hills Square Retirement Resort. Contact them today to discover the benefits of all-inclusive retirement living at 412-253-6100.
For more information on the author Safe Harbor Law Firm, CLICK HERE.This is the question asked by many snowbirds: Why should I establish Florida residency? Well, there are many reasons people make this choice every year, but it does depend on each individuals situation. Apart from the beautiful Florida weather, Florida has many benefits.Florida has no personal state income tax and no estate tax! Each year, you could be saving thousands of dollars. In addition, Florida has a great deal of creditor protection available. Florida homestead is just one of the many tax and creditor benefits in Florida. Additionally, property such as cash value life insurance and assets held by a business entity can be protected against creditors.If you decide to take the leap and become a Florida resident, you should ensure you take significant steps to establish your new domicile. Those may include filing a declaration of domicile, getting a Florida Drivers License, registering your vehicle in Florida, registering to vote in Florida, notifying tax authorities that you have moved to Florida, applying for the Homestead Exemption in Florida, and updating your estate planning documents to reflect Florida residency.
I stood on a green yoga mat in my office, which due to the pandemic, had also been turned into a storage room. Stretching my cold arms in warrior pose, a pose designed for concentration, I felt everything in my life move out of focus. Reading one of the six library books stacked on a chair. Checking off items on my lists contained on four separate post-it notes. Even my handwriting was no longer clear. Cluttered enveloped me, as the purpose to my office had been converted to multi-use.Professional organizer Peter Walsh says, We all think of clutter as the physical stuff, but we need to think beyond that, he tells us. Clutter is anything that gets between you and the life you want to be living.In a particularly challenging year, how could any of us find the space in our home or minds that hadnt already been muddled by the pandemic?Organizing as a Way of HealingThis November, I found myself on crutches for the second time in ten months. My foot missed a rung on the ladder and my knee crashed into a wall. Confined to the couch, I cringed whenever I surveyed my disordered home. My husband would cook dinner and wash dishes, but didnt wipe the counters. Or, I smelled leftover turkey coming from my lunch plate left in the sink.When able, I started moving catalogs from the mail to the garbage. I shifted a pot lid to its owner. It would take me all day to straighten the house, but to quote Marie Kondo, author ofThe Life Saving Magic of Tidying Up, a messy environment taxes the brain...we cant focus on what we should be doing in the moment, and our decision-making ability is impaired. I needed to unburden my brain so I could heal, and also write again.The UCLA Center for Families developed a study regarding clutter and depression and discovered what most women already knew. Researchers found a link between high cortisol (the stress hormone) levels in female homeowners and a high density of household objects.More mess equaled more stress.My mother was known for obsessively cleaning the house before our family left on vacation. As kids, we joked, Are you cleaning the house for the burglars, Mom? For her, a return from vacation meant a return to chores and laundry. She didnt need the added task of cleaning bathrooms from weeks-old grime or picking toys up off the floor. Hobbling around my house, I felt the same. When I returned to mobility, I didnt want more obstacles in my way.Letting Go of the PastThe end of the year is also the perfect time to make roomin our mindsto consider future endeavors. Yet, so many of us hold on to the past in the literal sense. Old newspaper clippings from high school days. Riveting books we swore we would read again. Clothes we planned to fit intoagain. And these too become obstacles for the life we want to lead.As caregiver for my mother, I hung on to many of her final possessions, like her Christmas caroler dolls, an old cake pan in the shape of a bunny, and a shoebox of recipes she cut from magazines. In the corner of my office, three cartons of photos from unknown Italian ancestors on both sides of the family were piled high. And despite my best efforts, I had no way to uncover details about places and names.According to Marie Kondo, "When we really delve into the reasons for why we can'tletsomethinggo, there are only two: an attachment to thepastor a fear for the future."I wondered what would happen to our family tree and our beloved distant relatives when we divested ourselves from those belongings? I was still attached to my parents lives but also feared I would forget the memories, like my mother had in her dementia.My husband produced a wise answer. Keep what your grandchildren will want to know about your parents. Whatever was important to their identity and yours, will be important to theirs.Revisiting what I saved after my mothers death, I rid myself of little more of paperwork that told the story of her chaotic hospital admissions, her clip-on jewelry that wasnt precious, just practical like her, and let her go a little more. But the handwritten cookbooks, with recipes for meals she prepared with love and sometimes determination? I stored them safely under lock and key.When given the doctors release from crutches, I planned to cook my holiday dinner and desserts, straight from those recipe books. After I put the seasonal dcor in storage, I intended to scan each of those recipes, and design a cookbook for my children to keep.Annette Januzzi Wickis a writer, speaker and author ofIll Have Some of Yours: What my mother taught me about dementia, cookies, music, the outside, and her life inside a care home (Three Arch Press), available through online retailers and distributors, and is a recipient of a 2020 National Society of Newspaper Columnists award. Visit to engage her services or learn more.Submitted By: HCR- ManorCare- click here for more information*