Rosemark at Mayfair Park

833 Jersey St, Denver, Colorado, 80220

Assisted Living

General Property Features

  • Private Rooms
  • Laundry Service - Provided, Scheduled Transportation, Activities, Housekeeping, Meals/Meal Options
  • Secured Memory Care Unit
  • All Pets Considered

Assisted Living

  • 54
  • $4,430.00
  • Price Dependent Levels of Care
  • Kitchenette

Additional Levels of Care Offered

Rosemark At Mayfair Park

Memory Care 833 Jersey St, Denver, Denver, Colorado, 80220

Thrive in a community that respects your dignity, expands your happiness and fosters your sense of belonging. At Rosemark, youll find comfort in being where people know you, understand you and celebrate everything about you. Our approach to caring for people living with memory degradation is rooted in scientific research. Our skilled team supports residents in negotiating cognitive difficulties as well as related problems with vision and mobility. At the same time, we focus on what our residents can do, rather than their shortcomings. Rosemarks personal response system preserves residents dignity, while providing unobtrusive security, maximum mobility and peace of mind.

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