Area Agency on Aging - Escambia

8600 Hwy 31, Atmore, Alabama, 36504

Counties Served: Alabama - Escambia

Area Agencies on Aging

About Area Agency on Aging - Escambia

Welcome Seniors of Mobile, Baldwin and Escambia Counties!

The Area Agency on Aging is a non-profit governmental agency serving local communities as a hub for information and services for older adults ages 60 and older, their caregivers, and persons with disabilities.  We provide the programs on this page and also fund local services for seniors and caregivers.

While we hold events throughout South Alabama, our main office location is in the GM&O building in downtown Mobile at 110 Beauregard Street. Our volunteer program, the South Alabama RSVP, has offices at the Daphne City Hall and Escambia County Satellite Office in Atmore. Please check our calendar and like us on Facebook for upcoming events.

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Additional Services Offered

Area Agency On Aging Legal Assistance Program

Medicare & Medicaid Information 110 Beauregard St, Mobile, Mobile, Alabama, 36633

The legal assistance program is funded by the AAA and provides legal services at low to no cost in non-criminal and non-fee generating matters.  Services are provided to 60 and older.  Community outreach is provided to Senior Centers and Senior housing communities, and to those with the most social or economic need.  Our Agency provides direct services or referrals to other organizations.

Area Agency On Aging - Mobile

Senior Organizations & Services 110 Beauregard St, Mobile, Mobile, Alabama, 36633

Welcome Seniors of Mobile, Baldwin and Escambia Counties!The Area Agency on Aging is a non-profit governmental agency serving local communities as a hub for information and services for older adults ages 60 and older, their caregivers, and persons with disabilities.  We provide the programs on this page and also fund local services for seniors and caregivers.While we hold events throughout South Alabama, our main office location is in the GM&O building in downtown Mobile at 110 Beauregard Street. Our volunteer program, the South Alabama RSVP, has offices at the Daphne City Hall and Escambia County Satellite Office in Atmore. Please check our calendar and like us on Facebook for upcoming events.

Area Agency On Aging - Escambia

Medicare & Medicaid Information 8600 Hwy 31, Escambia, Atmore, Alabama, 36504

As the designated Area Agency on Aging by the Alabama Department of Senior Services, the South Alabama Regional Planning Commission serves Baldwin, Escambia and Mobile counties in Southwestern Alabama. Our Area Agency on Aging is a hub for information and services for older adults age 60 and older, their caregivers and persons with disabilities. We provide many free programs and also fund local agencies that offer services for seniors and caregivers. With our pulse on our community, we have the answers to your aging and disability questions. Our major programs include: Aging and Disability Resource Center - the door to information, services and public benefits Caregiver Support, Education and Respite Elder rights, Medicare fraud, legal counseling Health Promotion Classes (chronic diseases, fall prevention) Home and Community Based Services/ Medicaid Waiver Programs Medicare and Insurance Counseling, Medicare Savings Programs Nutrition programs - home delivered meals, food assistance Ombudsman for Long Term Care (nursing homes, assisted living) Prescription Assistance Senior Centers

Area Agency On Aging - Mobile

Food Resources 110 Beauregard St, Mobile, Mobile, Alabama, 36633

Welcome Seniors of Mobile, Baldwin and Escambia Counties!The Area Agency on Aging is a non-profit governmental agency serving local communities as a hub for information and services for older adults ages 60 and older, their caregivers, and persons with disabilities.  We provide the programs on this page and also fund local services for seniors and caregivers.While we hold events throughout South Alabama, our main office location is in the GM&O building in downtown Mobile at 110 Beauregard Street. Our volunteer program, the South Alabama RSVP, has offices at the Daphne City Hall and Escambia County Satellite Office in Atmore. Please check our calendar and like us on Facebook for upcoming events.

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