A Senior Advisor specializes in a variety of senior living options from 55+ active communities, to Independent, Assisted, Memory Care, and Skilled Nursing. In addition, they can be a helpful resource in guiding their clients through Medicaid/Medicare, VA Benefits, Wills/Documents, and other legal matters. A consumer can benefit from enlisting the assistance of a Senior Advisor to bring knowledge and expertise in areas of concern to a consumer and assist in making the best decisions based on the unique circumstances.A Senior Advisor working with a consumer around senior living options will be able to assist the consumer in several ways:1. In-depth assessment of needs: We want to get to know you so we can serve you better, to ensure we understand and work around any constraints.2. Thoughtful analysis and recommendations: Well provide our best unbiased recommendations for care that meets your unique needs.3. Supportive selection process: Well be there for you every step of the way accompanying you on tours, providing feedback, and helping to process and evaluate your options.4. Facilitated transitions: When it comes time for your loved one to make the transition to a new home, well be there to support you and advocate for you at every turn.5. Comprehensive resource: We address all matters assuring a proper plan of care is in place and work directly with case managers in Hospitals, Rehabs, and Doctors offices. In addition, we can help coordinate with moving services, home care/home health and hospice.All This at No CostOur community-oriented service allows you the freedom to access the best information and resources available without cost or obligation, with no contract to sign. You can count on us to make finding an ideal private or community setting as simple and fast as possible. Yes, its true! Our services are No Cost, and no hidden fees, its personal, caring services that we will navigate for you. Editors Note: This article was submitted by Maureen Walker, Owner, and Senior Advisor with Assisted Living Locators of Northern Colorado. She may be reached at 970-310-4307 or by email at mwalker@assistedlivinglocators.com